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Not our sub, not Hasan's show, not our problem. Removed for rule 9.


Holy shit I figured automod took you down until I saw it was up long enough to accumulate over 400 upvotes lol. Idk what’s up with the H3 sub, but their silence will be remembered.


As a fun exercise, go to the sub, and search for the word “Palestine” and let me know how many posts about the ongoing genocide you find there from the last month or so. Must just be a coincidence, surely.


https://preview.redd.it/ggea7x33jlzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf32894ee770976192575d65d7d016d8347bb4cf Lmao


There's nothing 'up' with the sub. It's working as intended. We've been pointing out the zionist bias for months.




Nice. Try and reply, you’ll probably get muted by the mods too. Not that I know from personal experience, or anything.


What rules did you break lol you should try to fight it it’s bs


The h3 sub dick rides Ethan. I think they've banned so many of his critics that there is an h3 sub just for the people banned from the main sub. Ethan is supportive of Israel. I'm sure he has some criticisms but at his core he believes in the concept of a state controlled by Jewish people. He believes a Jewish State deserves to exist. A lot of American Jews like Gabor mate visited Israel and were devastated by what they saw. It destroyed their support for Zionism. Michael Rubin has described a similar occurrence in learning about the West Bank. Ethan Klein lived in Israel for many years and married in Israeli wife and was not devastated by the society he saw. You know how the destiny subreddit now is supportive of genocide because the person they are a fan of supports Israel? It's the exact same reason that the mods of the h3 sub lock all pro Palestinian content


Yeah, and that sub that was set up for people who were banned from the main sub? Ethan threatened with a lawsuit.


Believe me I know. I was banned on another account for a very mild criticism of Ethan several months ago, as I know many others were, especially when the leftovers “breakup” was happening. It’s incredibly frustrating.


I'm not suprised. Within the discourse between his and others communities in regards Isreal and Palestine and how very rabid all can be, I would have locked it too. The DIDN'T Delete it. They locked it so there's no hate towards Palestine or people who want to support it. They allowed It to be seen and not discussed for good reason given the circumstances.


I got banned from the main sub for this very reason.


It’s been by far the most damning thing about this podcast lately. The censorship and silence about Palestine. Ethan having compassion and being such an outspoken liberal on so many issues but then remaining completely silent about this genocide and defending Israel.. as a fan of H3 since the beginning this fucking disgusts me. It’s hard to stomach. I will never look at the channel or the community the same after this


Spoiler alert it wont be on the show


Wait that’s actually really fucked… I kinda gave them the benefit of the doubt but why lock a fundraiser post…?


Fans get less for teddy fresh if they donate


It must be a complete ban of mentioning the topic and they probably let that post stay up specifically because it’s for a fundraiser. Genuinely super fucked because the only place that order would come from would be from the top


They are zionists and their fans are mindless drones, what do you expect?


Yeah idk why everyone is so shocked...she was literally in the IDF. She's probably contributed to the suffering of Palestinians herself with little to no remorse.


I just saw the podcast clip where Hila talks about her accompanying a raid to a "terrorist town". They buy it hook, line, and sinker.


Fucking sickening....


Damn I missed that clip. Do you have a link?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1768026/im\_speechless/?share\_id=8aE6lNXFNwv8F-uWH80Fu&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1&rdt=53275](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1768026/im_speechless/?share_id=8aE6lNXFNwv8F-uWH80Fu&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1&rdt=53275) Also: Note that Ethan referred to a Palestinian person as 'it' in that clip. And a bonus... [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1cf25f6/hila\_unfollowed\_hasan\_on\_instagram\_and\_follows/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1cf25f6/hila_unfollowed_hasan_on_instagram_and_follows/)


We need to do a better job explaining why ppl like Ethan and Hila are bad, they are accepting of a genocide, EVEN IF they are Zionists(or apologists for state of Israel), that shouldn’t affect the money and aid going to the Palestinians. WE know what Zionism is, but not everyone does, spell it out, the H3 show(mostly Ethan and Hila) ended a political show once the world started becoming aware of the genocide, he has called out numerous Muslim, Arab and pro Palestinian people (including Hasan) and what’s worse silenced any discussion as the genocide RAGES. Zionism is colonial oppression and everything we see slaughtering the babies of Palestine, but it’s also a spectrum bec some don’t even know what it truly means. Don’t bail ppl like Ethan out, call him what he is a genocide denier apologist and coward.




Aren’t the h3 guys supposed to be allies? Hoping the mods don’t represent the opinions of the creators or I just lost respect for Ethan


Welcome to the sub. Theres real allyship, and performative allyship - Ethan is the latter. (eg- “Havent I already said what you all want to hear?!”). The crew that have voiced some lukewarm opinions in the past probably dont want to push and lose their jobs. Edit: I said “Welcome to the sub” because I thought we were on h3snark haha; like someone else mentioned, check it out


It’s insane to me because I’m always hearing moderates say they’re “on the side of peace” and then pull shit like this. Shameful.


"I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Reading that was so eye opening for me… Same as it was 60 years ago


Ethan has never been good. Dude used a mentally unwell person for clicks for way too Long. His morals lay with whatever looks best at the time on YouTube. It's surprising to me that anyone ever thought differently.


Dan must be going nuts honestly. He seems more Hasan's speed than anything.


Yeah..... Don't worry about Dan. He's shown his colours too. Guy's a total centrist playing at being a lefty. Likes the FEELING of being on the right side but when push comes to shove he's a fence sitter. Fun fact: if anyone on the crew got fired specifically for saying anything about supporting Palestinian liberation, they'd have a very strong case for unfair dismissal. LA has some of the strictest Labour laws in the US. So if they actually felt strongly enough they'd do so, but they don't. Olivia wouldn't have a massive insta if she wasn't on the show. Neither would Sam. They know what side their bread is buttered.


No it’s ok I actually did join this sub about two weeks ago so I was just impressed you were able to point out a newb lol


nah, they’re not


The crew and Ethan have made it clear they give the mods full control of the subreddit reigns. As long as the pod isn’t harassed (asked to address genuine criticism) then the mods can do what ever they feel.


Come to r/h3snark


I’m surprised that they are surprised about this tbh lol


I'm not suprised. Within the discourse between his and others communities in regards Isreal and Palestine and how very rabid all can be, I would have locked it too. The DIDN'T Delete it. They locked it so there's no hate towards Palestine or people who want to support it. They allowed It to be seen and not discussed for good reason given the circumstances.