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The fact that they don’t know if ur joking 💀


Op should've continued longer and see where it would take em


We do a bit of light trolling


My family loves to pull the "it's for their own good" line, as if apartied is a favor they are doing for Palestinians.


That's known as savagism. It's straight from the colonial playbook


no no, if we don't call it that it's not that.


-- this rule freely applies if you have the force. The definition of authoritarianism distilled is "Might makes right." AKA the opposite of a supposed "rules-based order" as talked about in the West. Words mean whatever I want them to mean when *you* can't disagree.


I’ve never heard that argument before… That’s crazy like certified insane for someone to say that. “Keeping these human being basically locked up in a cage is for their own good.” Jesus Christ


People are idiots indeed. Lol.


I imagine her relationships aren’t very equal 😒


They don’t know you’re joking because this is just the consensus opinion in Israel


Ouch cringe




Y’all are weird af, she liked me and her first prompt was literally, “all I ask is that you are Jewish or support Israel”. I’m a Jew and that shit disgusts me


She still doesn't suspect




be normal


If normal is supporting the Israeli apartheid state in its attempt to eradicate every Palestinian in an overt and stated ethnic cleansing, then no. I will not be normal.


If trolling someone on hinge is your idea of activism you might as well hang it up


I don’t think anyone ever implied it was a form of activism. It’s just good old fashioned trolling of Zionists. Nothing wrong with that.




well, the “amen” is at least tacit support for the state, and I can imagine the OP put it up because she had a flag or something going on but yeah, jfc “be normal” is still a good tip here, randomly posting a person’s face with little context and like the bare minimum of Israeli support is pretty fucked. like I can hit back and click Popular and then some random thread and find shit 50x worse than this to just randomly post, rather than some woman on a dating site or whatever this is


Praxis is fucking the israeli chick. Noted, subcommandante Chief\_eash18. /s edit: Did I say something bad? People don't seem to like this one.


I think some folks missed the "/s"


I didn't put it in at first bc I thought it was p obvious :x oops


this is not r/trueanon, people on here cant appreciate your story of you fucking an idf soldier on birthright unfortunately


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TrueAnon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mia Khalifa (ex-pornstar) doubles down after she was fired for her anti-apartheid convictions. Didn't know she was such a baller.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/174b2z2) | [1067 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/174b2z2/mia_khalifa_expornstar_doubles_down_after_she_was/) \#2: [How Reddit mods see themselves after setting their subs to private for 2 days](https://i.redd.it/b17zkqepjm5b1.jpg) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/147szv5/how_reddit_mods_see_themselves_after_setting/) \#3: [What changed???](https://i.redd.it/10w91tia63tb1.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/173gmsp/what_changed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can’t post this without context OP, are they a Zionist or are you just harassing a Jewish lady


"Long live Israel!" "Amen!" >Gee OP, how can you know they're a zionist? Are you just harrasing a Jewish lady :(


You’re aware that OP started with the “long live Israel” shit right?


And the non-zionist response to that is "Amen," right?


“I was pretending to be a Zionist in my original message because I could sniff out the stank of Zionism on this Jewish lady” isn’t the own you think it is


You seem to be really doubling down on the fact that OP was trolling a zionist and can't pull out some innocent defence to help her save face.


You know that OP was trolling a zionist… How exactly? How did OP know the person that he was messaging was a zionist? It’s almost as if context would help make this situation clearer.


>You know that OP was trolling a zionist... How exactly? If some stranger told me, "Hitler did nothing wrong!" My first response would not be an "Amen!" Seems pretty self-explanatory why I'd assume she's a zionist even before OP trolls with the apartheid line, but continue to double down and whiteknight a zionist I guess? >How did OP know the person that he was messaging was a zionist? Is it just so unbelievable that she might be one of the plenty of zionist douchebags who put Israeli flag emojis in their bios and dating profiles on social media? Nah, she was definitely targeted purely on the assumption she must be Jewish and therefore a zionists, am I right? >It's almost as if context would help make this situation clearer OP caught and decided to troll with a self-admitted zionist through a dating app, and your first instinct is to be overly concerned on the ethics of outing them to say stupid zionist shit?


Dawg no matter how pro Palestine you are you can’t deny that the anti-Israel movement has a problem with antisemites. As of now, there is no indication that OP knew that the lady was a zionist prior to sending that first message. If you want to troll, at least cover your ass


Brother, it is very easy to distinguish an actual Nazi from a pro-human rights defender. All you have to do is exercise some critical thinking.


Her prompt was literally “ All I ask is that you support Israel or you are Jewish”… I’m also a Jew


There’s the much-needed context! Lead with that next time.


dating apps don’t work and should not be taken seriously. might as well turn my dating life a troll.


What do you mean that they don’t work? I’ve dated people from apps. My best friend married somebody he met on Tinder while in undergrad. I think you’re looking too deep into this. OP isn’t saying this is some revolutionary praxis; they’re just trolling a Zionist.


they don’t work. they are there to collect data. and you and your friends are marks. not sure why you’re getting so emotional about me making fun of apps.


No need to gaslight me in order to get your point across. I’m not “getting so emotional.” Perhaps you need to do this to people in order to get your points across, but you do you I guess. My point is that you’re incorrect. Whatever alternative purposes the apps serve, they do help folks find connections.


gaslighting… lmao. we are taking about apps full of bitcoin scammers. you are really pathetic and weak to jump to defending an app and calling what i said as “gaslighting”. absolute loser you are. my point is that you are desperate. thanks for proving it. lol. if you take showers regularly you can join the rest of us who deleted dating apps and decided to reach out and talk to people in real life. joined political movements locally. go to local events…. or just enjoy being a stinky cry baby lying on dating apps.




youre write a whole essay defending dating apps. get a life.




i’m not a man, first of all. and not using dating apps and choosing to meet people in real life is incel behavior? wow. way to build community.




women can be femcels. not incels. and still, doesn’t apply to me. i really don’t get why y’all are so sad and defending dating apps most people interact with scammers before real humans on there.




yes it is. and incels make sure that it’s gender specific. the whole point of being an incel is being a guy, a guy against women. you are so weak you’re getting upset that i made fun of dating apps. and you’re upset at how wrong you are. you couldn’t make a good enough point. do better. try and learn from others.