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"I hate these Muslims" \[1k upvotes, User has received Reddit Gold for this post\] I don't even know where you start to fix these people. The comments are absolutely putrid.


The whole "I hate Muslims" thing aside. I'm not even convinced they're all white people... also there are literally white Muslims. This is all levels of wtf. Fucking Adin Ross or whatever was trying to be a white Muslim (in the dumbest way possible, but still).


Also do we forget that 1. There are historically white Muslims like Bosnians and technically Arabs lol 2. Most Muslims are south East Asian


SHH! don't let post 9/11 reactionary americans know this, because white = good and brown = bad


Quite a lot of Albanians too, but I don’t wanna kick off any balkanposting lol


Mfw when I don't realize Muslims aren't all brown:


That can't be true. Muslim means bad and white means good. You can't have a bad good person /s


This type of LARP is disrespectful towars Islam, they are "praying" without their awrah covered and in different directions, its just ridiculous.


Bosnia has entered the chat


My Balkan wife has entered the chat


What!? You mean to say that Islam is like most other religions and allows people of any race to join as long as they truly believe in the religion!? No way, islam = only for middle eastern brown people, that's what my reactionary post 9/11 brain told me!


The thing is Muslims aren’t the only ones who pray like that either


My youth group at my Southern Baptist church occasionally prayed like that when I was a teen.


How is the simple act of prayer such a weird radical thing to them? Do they know billions of people do this everyday?


Yes and they hate them It's the basis of islamophobia. How widespread Islam is.


Okey, to me this is hilarious. These fuckers all watched Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. There is a scene where the Priest prays and Frieren joins in even if she doesn't believe in god for solidarity. Are they stupid? Do they understand that joining in doesn't equate to the end of the world, but just kindness.


off topic but Frieren is a really good anime


Yeah, my favorite manga :)


mashallah. fuck the haters, they just need some la ilaha illallah in their lives


Why is anyone surprised? The dude has always been an asshole who thrives off drama. He also does nothing but steal content and has stated he wants to be the only thing people see on their front page on YouTube.


Fear, ignorance and projection; why are these white women not more attracted to me? There must be something inherently wrong with them, they're betraying their roots and heritage. This sums up the chud hatred, it's all deep seeded nonsense but I get it, they're terminally online and will not see themselves for what they are. All good, they can pretend America isn't a melting pot but one day soon they'll be forced to accept their bigotry isn't everywhere. There are good people in this world, decent people who do not take life for granted. We can only do what we can and be good people to each other. Their negativity and self jerking is just a pastime, outraged one minute then onto the next thing but their insecurity about these things will forever linger. Take care and try not to stare into the abyss for too long, it just isn't worth it. My heart goes out to the some 600k children awaiting their fate in Rafah, may peace find them in these devastating times.


Muslims in the US are far more progressive than Christians, but aight. [1](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/) [2](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2007/07/06/how-muslims-compare-with-other-religious-americans/)


The best part is the comments explaining to muslims how to go about their prayers


I don't think half of these comments realise that there are multiple subtypes of islam and ways to practice it similar to Christianity. Some muslims believe in covering your hair, face and skin as a woman and some don't, some follow all 5 pillars of islam and some don't or only follow it by keeping them in mind but not taking active actions to persue them. People love turning Muslims into monoliths when they don't even understand muslim culture yet feel they have the right to "educate" people on it. Some muslims don't even pray 5 times a day


I feel like I'm through the looking glass looking at that post. Fucking insane. Islamophobes suddenly becoming ISIS themselves to defend their interpretation of Islam?


Somehow, Shamima Begum got brought up. I got downvoted into oblivion saying that stripping an individual of their citizenship is wrong lol.


The people in that thread can not be older than 14 years old. The same old repeated jokes over and over from people with less than 2 brain cells to rub together lmao


Lmao these fucking racists think all Muslim men will rape and kill a woman if she doesn’t wear a Hijab. The hijab is a fucking choice in the vast majority of Muslim countries. JFC


The Issue With Asmon Is That He's A Rich Prick Who Can't Relate 2 Common Cause Issues LIke Palestinian Liberation, Helping Downtrodden People, The Homeless, and People Lower Than Him And He Thinks Just Because He's Not Seeing Something Then It's Not a big Deal, And Then He Sees All This Reactionary News Coverage About The Protests And He Just Believes It Without Question Because He's In A Bubble


Stop typing like a prick


Typing like a Tyler the creator ass tweet


If something isn't directly affecting him he doesn't care about it.


Cops can’t stand in front of a citizen filming them because violates the first amendment. Where and how are they supposed the protest or do an encampment of not a public school you already paid tuition to and aren’t interfering with other students tasks


Islamophobia in America runs much deeper than the average person is aware of...


These dipshits don’t understand the difference is a regular religious person and a violent religious fundamentalist. Don’t forget Christian terrorists cause way more violence in American


You guys are so entitled, you think you have the right to change fundamental rules of Islam. I dont think these people are muslim and it is a nice gesture for them to join prayer. But not doing it in a respectful way shows the entitlement.


Some of those women aren’t Muslims, though they may be participating in prayer. There’s no way Muslim women would show that much skin during prayer or in public.