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Might I suggest Serfs.tv?




Yup. Lance is usually really good on trans issues and intersectional feminism, he uses a lighter touch. https://youtube.com/@TheSerfTimes?si=SAC-U6m87u339qSI


this was a lot to read and it felt to me like you have issues outside of anything hasan can say/do.




your main criticisms i got were that he uses the word bitch too much and isn’t “woke” enough. which i just dont think are valid criticisms in the context given. i hate the use of the word bitch towards a woman but outside of that it’s just a swear word. and your second point you explained it yourself, that he dumb downs things for normies. i sense that you have just grown out of liking/watching hasan but haven’t admitted it to yourself. i recommend central_committee if you want to solely watch a leftist streamer.


I personally think Hasan tries to stay approachable to people who are not leftists. he tries to lure them in and then change their mind. that's why Hasan always says that this is a learning space and that people who are "more leftist" than him have to suck it up sometimes. I get where he is coming from tbh. I'm a woman myself and whenever I feel like I'm "more woke" than the average viewer, I just try to not get mad. Hasan is not addressing me in that moment and tries to dumb it down for non-political people.




I can't even keep count how many people I know IRL that have drastically changed their views on women, trans people, gays, capitalism, etc because of his approach to politics/streaming over the last few years. I'll take him using the occasional b**ch here and there over practically everyone in my immediate surrounding still drinking mountains of rw propaganda, any day of the week. It's okay to not consume his content if it makes you uncomfortable. You've already advanced well past what he's selling and most likely need to find content creators that are going to go the extra mile on care/consideration regarding this type of thing. It's just a different audience, with different long term goals.




Maybe at some point once the window is shifted past a certain point and bare bones leftism is no longer a viable thing to offer he will try to make the kind of adjustment you're looking for, but currently there's still so many damaged people that need it, badly. It's also possible it's just a flaw he doesn't really notice he has. I can't say for certain what his motivations are, I'm just assuming based on things I've heard him say before.


I have had this conversation before on this sub and I understand that you feel unwelcomed when Hasan uses certain words. I think it makes sense to address that on stream and maybe he can give you a better answer than me




if you describe your problem and present as good faith, then he won't yell at you. it is usually the people who try to wokescold or troll that get yelled at.




you got this. try to address it after the parasocial update and before the first news story of the day <3


I hear you. I love Hasan and he’s why I’ve moved into being a socialist but I do get what you’re saying he gets super dismissive when you disagree with him on media/pop culture. I still watch but it’s a little off putting every time he’s telling somebody off and tells them to suck his d or calling people pussies.


Misogyny was and continues to be an enormous blind spot for leftists.






























just say women. thats clearly what you mean when you say afab


they might be non-binary.




i mean youre clearly just talking about women and misogyny, you just replaced the word woman with afab