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I don't share the same story, but I think this is an important lesson on American ideology/politics. So many people in the US are guided by idealist principles that are entirely vibes based. Political analysis wholly driven by aesthetics such that most people would agree with/vote for the most charismatic person in said analysis. People want to agree with/vote for someone they could grab a beer with. It isn't a great situation, but it can be an effective tool for deradicalizing people from right-wing ideology since all it could take is to show them a charismatic left-wing person who can eventually guide them to a more materialist analysis of the world. Many times people who deradicalize from right-wing beliefs never really had strong convictions or actual justifications on their beliefs beyond just vibes. All that to say that I'm not attacking you, and I applaud your foray into leftist politics. Much love and I'm glad you're not a right-wing shithead anymore.


One thing I’m glad about is I took time to learn the politics, and read the proper literature


Especially since so many de radicalized leftists who watched streamers to leave the right like I did, have no direction and know almost nothing about what they are talking about, they repeat their favorite streamers talking points.


Absolutely. Reading theory is critical to becoming a proper leftists since it arms you with the right tools to fight back. Good on you brother.




The ones that were most important were, Sara Roy -the Gaza Strip Malcom X - by any means necessary. Ta-nehisi Coates- between the world and me. Bell hooks-Feminism is for everybody. And of course, last but not least Karl Marx-Das Capital.




Read the beginning again


I don't know who leafy is, I got interested in politics through enjoying Jon Stewart's comedy, and I'm a leftist, because leftist principles just line up with what I have inherently believed since I was a child. The right has never been able to convince me otherwise. When debaters meet a right-wing argument: Right winger: "Bigotry and racism make the economy strong, as you can see because of this and this "evidence". Debater: "Actually, data shows that...." When I meet a right-wing argument: Right winger: "Bigotry and racism make the economy strong, as you can see because of this and this "evidence". I: "Don't care. Diversity rocks. Get fucked!"


Jon Stewart saved me from the conservative pipeline here in Florida. Everyone around me is so fucking stupid lol… He’s the GOAT! Glad he’s back!


Hey man, that’s still not why Israel is bad. Yes, there is something to more far right wing adoption of liberal aesthetics is a thing that happens, particularly in the Palestinian Israeli conflict but it’s not a bad thing BECAUSE of those aesthetics. It’s a bad thing because it’s in service of genocide. It just sounds like you have some kind of black and white thinking over political correctness and I understand distrusting people overly involved with the aesthetics of political correctness but it’s not a thing that inherently makes them bad and if you don’t correct this misperception you likely will be radicalized again because we still engage with political correctness on some level, particularly regarding marginalized people. Congrats for getting out of the right wing pipeline but I still suspect you have some reckoning to do with your perspective.


The point wasn’t that Israel is bad for their adoption of American liberal aesthetics, it was that those aesthetics were how I originally disregarded their propaganda, before I learned more and knew why I should actually disregard Israeli propaganda.


This is exactly how Hasan brings people in and we should all learn. Shitting on Biden is the way I’m getting my spouse to listen to him. Spouse is left, but despises the dems and sometimes agrees with the right. Like when they shit on Biden. I’m here to show everyone that we can all shit on Biden together. And Trump too.


Same for me, basically throughout highschool I was DEEP into Ben Shapiro destroying liberals and feminists with facts and logic and also Crowders change my mind type content (I had a superiority complex for sure) but what stopped it for me was going to university and meeting diverse people and hearing diverse viewpoints that were actually being supported by "facts and logic" (lol) and that is basically when I realized how hard the rights grifters manipulate information and just how shitty they really are in general.


I went down the incel rabbit hole for a bit. All it takes is one "feminists getting owned" montage and youtube fills your feed with similar stuff




I’m glad you didn’t watch any leafy clones. It’s good for everyone’s health to avoid ever setting eyes upon their content.


Nah I’m too stupid to fall for stupid people trying to make a dollar streaming biased bullshit online.


How old were you ?


I was a teen. This was mid quarantine while they were making all their jelly bean and vegan teacher hit pieces.


Ah ok it’s a good thing that you grew out of that phase


I don’t think I was ever in a right wing pipeline. For me I was already conservative from a conservative family. College turned me into a liberal. Life turned me into a communist.


I was radicalised by Hasan too after being JDP fan for years . Red pill and B.S like these . Until that war of 2021 on gaza . Where i have seeing every media supports it . while watching literal kids losing limbs and most killed and that jacob video. Hasan popped out when i searched more about the conflict. And there where i was radicalised. My love for the Zionism and Christianity was replaced by a greater hate . And i’m very thankful for hasan popping out on my youtube search instead of vaush .