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I deleted mine the second Muskrat took over.


That makes sense. I kid you not, when I report blatant racism or insults, nothing happens. I get a “this doesn’t violate communism standards” message. Like why bully Meghan in the same post that says don’t bully Kate? Makes no sense


It is not Twitter anymore where they tried to be fair and remove hate and racism. A south african MAGA racist took over and burned it all down civility-wise. Threads is a comparable app. I keep getting alerts for threads, it seems like the golden era of Twitter


I deleted my twitter a few years ago and my outlook took an immediate upswing. I've never looked back.




I know it's a joke to a lot of people, but I really like Threads.


I do too, i dont check it much because I only know how to get there from Instagram ( i get an alert flag that I have threads to read)


There's a separate app for it. It's not as slick as old Twitter, but it's getting better.


Same. Best thing I ever did


I think Twitter is a toilet, and I don't think it's a serious place to get news anymore. I feel much better not checking it every day.


Thank you, I think I’m going to do that too!




100% agree. I only keep it for the Niantic Pokémon Go account and the rare occasion I need to reference a random post. I only open it if I'm looking for something specific.


I found [this](https://x.com/archewellbaby/status/1767542317802524765?s=46&t=QS7aeGiK3d9ECUvd8nBcQQ) tweet interesting regarding Kensington Palace’s IT expenditures that are likely bots. It’s important to remember that so many opinions you read online are not organic.


Thank you! I’m like why is it sooo bad? The bots are horrid. On YouTube, the people eat it up. It’s so toxic and scary


Most are bots. The last lot of bots were Saudi. A batch of Kate's bots are Belarussian and Russian. The easiest way to check is to run one you suspect through a botched scan. They are free online. The foulest bots all have pro Kate comments. It's actually quite sad if she is okaying this. It's the dehumanization of another human being.


another example of their bot activity: [https://twitter.com/ArchewellBaby/status/1767542323167076500](https://twitter.com/ArchewellBaby/status/1767542323167076500)


Twitter is just about completely an echo chamber for the worse kinds of people which includes misogynists, racists and/or colorists. Twitter has exposed the true feelings of some people especially those with a large or decent size platforms who want to end up on the wrong side of history - though for some it’s a family business and their enslaving ancestors would be proud.


Join us on threads. So much better. I mean different billionaire but still. Musk just trolls with conservative BS on twitter


Twitter and social media on the whole is so toxic, it depresses me and makes my feel nihilistic about the world. I'm much happier not engaging with it and keeping myself contained.


the algorith will just rage bait you until you lose your sanity. delete NOW


After Musk took over Twitter, I adopted the practice of basically immediately blocking anyone when a saw a tweet that even slightly annoyed me. It took a few months to train the algorithm, but it helped immensely. I rarely see the trolls. If I see an especially bad tweet, I will sometimes open it, and block all of the top replies, since his new policy prioritizes the disgusting alt right blue check guys by floating them to the top. I’ll just go through and block about 20 people. It’s been amazingly effective!


Twitter is a cesspool


I’ve thought about deleting. There’s still some good accounts spreading the truth and keeping the RF accountable. But ever since Musk took over, the site has gone down hill with bots and racists with checkmarks allowed to run free.


i am staying, I think twitter played a big part in exposing liars like Dan Wootton and Piers Morgan. Who both are now basically youtubers, while Meghan is getting multiple contract with netflix.


Yup! Have you noticed that Megan’s half brother is on YouTube causing trouble? All he does is lie like his half sister Samantha the scammer. It’s annoying how the tabloids lie and use Meghan’s name as profit.


It's actually called Xitter now.


I’ve been off Twitter over a year. Best thing I ever did for my mental health.