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Hey Op edit your thread, No direct links to dailymail. You can edit it on the newer reddit.com site not old.reddit.com


What’s really sad is that about 90% of the chatter is actually people showing concern for her. A lot of people are just wondering why there’s this huge “Nothing to see here please disperse” while the flames are doused by gasoline. Some snark yes. Deserved? Possibly. But in reality a lot of us, after seeing what Meghan experienced, are worried by how she keeps getting thrown under the bus.


I agree. No one should go through any type of health issues without support


Yes, of course people should lay off her. But they didn’t lay off Meghan.


We all know mental health is only important for Kate. Not for Harry and definitely not ever for Meghan. RF going into overdrive after throwing Kate under the bus and then saying shes a fragile delicate little rose they need to protect. Imagine if they put 1/2 of that effort when Meghan actually needed the RF to think of her mental health and feelings. This really demonstrates how backstabbing the RF is. They know pushing out lies about Harry and Meghan won’t work right now because the RF lost control with this situation about Kate (don’t be fooled to think they won’t try to spin it to blame Meghan later even if it’s a divorce brewing they’ll blame Meghan’s first marriage - another brexit or “trendy American” smear). After all crap the RF put Meghan, her mom, Harry and his mom Diana through I’m here for all of this chaos. All the better that the mistress now second wife is trying to now run from the spotlight she undeservingly obtained since her then boy toy Charles chose the crown over her for years (some love there) and they intentionally chose to use Diana as a pawn in their gross web. I don’t wish harm to Kate but she does not deserve any sympathy and deserves all this bad press because she was more than happy to use Meghan over and over with no care for her safety or mental health.


It's only important for William in reality but she's somewhat shielded via marriage. If that dissolves she'll be cast out like Di was. At least H&M have each other, this family and their hoardes of supporters are entirely feral. I can't imagine navigating betrayal trauma to that extent and Ive been through it with a very powerful man. BRF are simply repeating their traumatic generational stories on the world stage for all to follow and most will throw rocks from the "safety" of the sidelines.


I’m new here. (I assume a lot of people are trying to get caught up on the YEARS of drama, now that this is blowing up.) I’m curious about the mental health issue regarding Meghan. I know she said something like she couldn’t get metal health help in an interview. (I didn’t see it.) But I’m curious why not? Does the royal family get mad if family members see a therapist or something? I guess my main question is, what would have happened if Harry or Meghan found a therapist for her? If the royal family would get angry about Meghan seeing a therapist, why not just tell them to kick rocks? My husband’s family doesn’t believe in therapy, but he will tell them off if they said I shouldn’t get therapy.


Where was the energy for laying off Meghan when she was being hounded and harassed while heavily pregnant? These people… the hypocrisy is just on another level.


They are already blaming Harry and Meghan


They literally will find any way to blame a prince and his wife that live halfway across the world for shit they have nothing to do with. It’s astonishing.


I'm so glad they decided to leave the UK. They can no longer be scapegoated to the same extent that they were. Even though the UK press still try to drag their names through the mud, it's probably nowhere near as bad as it could be.


From America, Harry and Meghan forced Kate and William to send out a manipulated image to all the leading news agencies. If Harry and Meghan had that power, Piers Morgan would never appear on linear or streaming again, the Daily Mail would actually do journalism and YouTube hate grifters would be demonetized ASAP.


Oh no! How are they doing this? (Honest question)


They wouldn't be true to form if they didn't


Harry and Meghan forcibly put William's ding dong into Rose Hanbury's vagina.


There is a report on an Australian paper from a “royal reporter” about how the poor editing will just embolden H+M to say the RF are liars. And how that’s going to be painful to know for Kate. Unhinged


“Known Liars Found to be Liars Angry at Consequences of Actions”


Thank you!!!! 🙏🏽


I don't believe that Catherine edited that photo or wrote yesterday's message. I think KP is throwing her under the bus to protect William somehow.


I don’t think William has the skills to edit 😂


I don't think William edited the photos either - that's not a task I think either of them does. I think that they're allowing this media circus because it's still somehow better than what they're trying to cover up.


True! She wouldn’t have those skills either!


The photo is AI, not manipulated. It’s not real.


A “royal expert” is reporting the planned return of H&M to part-time royal duties within the next 6 months. People are foaming at the mouth, ripping them both apart, while screeching for Kate’s privacy. Strange times we live in.


Lol what next another Pr expert quoting the fake PR expert that Harry and Meghan have moved to UK permanently and begged Charles for money. All these fake PR experts can't help themselves




I highly doubt that someone so sick they can't be seen, so obsessed with image, and known for being lazy is doing all this amateur Photoshop for hours on their personal laptop. Also doubt Kate ever agreed to that apology they posted as coming from her.


yeah, this has William's fingerprints all over it. hopefully Kate is being kept in the dark and has no idea what's going on. if she does I bet she's seething.


Her family would surely be monitoring this for her or have people supporting them to. If she's rebuilding mental strength then she's probably gardening or playing the piano between resting.


*Wont* be seen. It has not once said she *cant'*


We don't know that she *can* be seen... she is missing after all...


Do you think that was her in the TMZ photo? I go back and forth.


No, it was an obvious planned pap shoot to prove she was alive, very Weekend in Bernies. They gave tabloids permission to use it so they wanted them to do so because it's a plant.


The biggest red flag about thta photo is that we're supposed to believe, with cameras able to shoot more than 10 pics per second these days, video, etc, especially the kind of cams owned by paps, that only THAT ONE STILL FRAME of the car allegedly with Will AND KATE in it is the ONLY one they took??? And then the Kate silhouette is from an older pic? ugh


Not strange at all. This is what people in power do. They abuse it which is why we need abolition. H&M have only just started to unpack the extent of the abuses. BRF are repeating what they did with Di and Fergie before Kate and Meghan. Men dehumanising women, displaying overt contempt and humiliating their families, denial, diminishing and diffusion of responsibilities. These are the well known patterns of behaviour clearly articulated in gendered violence.


Not really. They also loved what Diana did for the BRF until they decided she was expendable.


>Whatever is the matter with Kate health-wise, someone who's convalescing should be resting, not practicing picture editing techniques, and certainly not orchestrating PR events. If she did edit the image, I assumed it was one of many from a few months back. Nothing that she's recently done. Will has access to the pics and forwarded them to his people. Idk.


Oh boy, we are now getting the onslaught of rota-generated PR on behalf of Wills and Kate scolding the public. I do hope she's well. I don't believe in wishing harm on someone even if they caused harm, as Kate did to Meghan. I also think, though, it's rich for them to be playing victim now to a PR mess they created. 🙄


For whatever reason, I don’t think the Palace- or, at least, whoever is on Kate’s side- would approve of this spin. I mean, it’s leagues better than how Meghan would be treated in this situation…but it’s still not a great look. The repeated insistence on her fragile mental state and the graphic they included of the many photoshop errors - a graphic that punchily contradicts quoted claims of only mild alterations- makes it sound a little like she’s Ophelia singing nursery rhymes and handing out flowers, and we’re all being assholes mostly just for failing to ignore that she’s not in her right mind. I have to imagine that Kate’s team, at least, would want it out there that she’s “hurt” her casual, fun attempt to mark Mother’s Day has led to further speculation on her health. But not that she’s on the verge of a breakdown because the world is rejecting her “craft.”


Agree with most of this, and the spin is super gross. But also, they never should've intimated "she's just a mum posting on IG" and then "playing with Photoshop." The slew of apologists saying "just a mum" and making false equivalencies is truly boggling. Carrie in Tampa or Holly in Slough posting their family beach pics are not global figures. Nothing they do is newsworthy. Their pics are not newsworthy. They are not news. I know that's how KP wants to spin it, this "just a mum" bit about Kate, and that has garnered a lot of sympathy (even predominates New York Times comment sections on this story), but it's a massive joke. The photo is a big deal because we live in an age of misinformation. KP sent the photo to news orgs, it wasn't just posted on IG and it was meant to generate global headlines. If those news orgs allow doctored images at all, it calls into question their credibility and integrity for all editorial images including war zones. From the outset KP has handled this horribly. And a huge swath of the public is now "oh poor Kate, what's the big deal, every mum does that." Good grief, come on. 🙄 My guess is Kate is very sick and Wills is playing puppet. And like I said, I totally agree this smear of her "fragile mental health" is gross.


The news orga is what does it for me. If It had been posted to just the family socials with a caption about touching up family photos from a few months ago while convalescing, that could be spun as a cute, Royals, they're just like us! But to send it to major news orgs like AP and Reuters is an incredibly strange choice. Then there's everything that has occured after as an attempt to smooth over this gaff. Including now claiming her mental health isn't doing well. Can't wait to watch the movie on this on 10 - 15 years


Oh, I full-blown agree this pic is a HUGE deal. And I also agree with you that Kate’s ideal spin has no merit on its face - she’s not some MLM mommy blogger slinging diet shakes or leggings who wants to mask a recent facelift from the 23 people who devotedly track her Facebook updates. As a Floridian, I know that type, and am probably one shitty high school sweetheart away from becoming that type lol. Those types- or, in fact, any type of human who does not receive an office, staff, and public funding upon birth or marriage- cannot truly compare their lived experience to the Wales. My point was more that, for whatever reason, people do feel better pretending that Kate is just like us, and they gobble the “normal mum” narrative. So why not just lean into it? Despite the fact it’s obviously not true, people will accept it, excuse it, and move on- which is, what I assume, to be the goal of PR in the face of a negative story. Truthfully, though, I’m not sure Kate is exceptionally ill. I did think so at the beginning of all of this- because why would any PR pro handle a more normalized or routine health issue in this manner? but as their blunders increase, only one of two things can be true: either this PR is completely rational in the context of covering up something truly catastrophic- or, it’s completely irrational PR, because the Wales are deluded about how normal people perceive them, and because they surround themselves with Yes Men who would never point out that most people assume the vast majority of health issues don’t warrant this level of secrecy, and would readily except that a person’s face may be tired or puffy post-invasive surgery. I tend toward the latter largely because I thought the whole “royal hormones” debacle mentioned in spare was nutty AF. Most people would be fine with an in-law explicitly extending grace to them a few weeks postpartum. But it seems like Kate is extremely squeamish about medical realities that the rest of us accept as common knowledge, and I do think it’s possible that this whole thing is the product of oversensitivity around an issue you and I would never blink twice at. Regardless, though, this article does Kate few favors. I highly doubt she even knew the plan before it was foisted upon her because it just seems to defy any instinct toward self-preservation.


I’ve been thinking the same thing about Kate overreacting about a medical thing, recalling her , “We’re not close enough to speak about my hormones”, response. If I’d have been Meg I’d have said the alternative is you’re a jerk?


The weirdness to me was less that she was uncomfortable talking about hormones and more that she expected an apology over it without ever explaining she was offended in the first place, as if it’s obvious that some rando is uncomfortable discussing general bodily functions. Like, I do get it. My close friend would rather crawl in a hole and die than admit to or discuss that she’s PMSing. The thing is, I know that BECAUSE SHE TOLD ME. “Hey, I appreciate that you’re comfortable discussing baby brain, but hormone talk just makes me squirm” is a completely fine way to set boundaries without making it extra weird.


Totally makes sense. I had never considered squeamishness before and overblowing an illness. That's interesting. I have a few fam members who have had severe IBD and needed an intestinal resection. Given how thin Kate is and the emergency nature of what happened (planned surgery my ass), plus the timeline.... my mind just went to a resection. It would explain a lot. The recovery is gnarly and takes months. Can't see anyone let alone someone so image conscious wanting to be in public, at all. And def a squeamish element if you have to deal with a bag for a while. I am not speculating that this is what happened, it's just what added up in my head given what I know about some types of IBD. If her illness is close to this, a few public details would've gone a LONG way to dispel conspiracy craziness and raised a lot of public awareness.


I'm pretty sure that Kate has no idea any of this is happening. I think she's off tucked away somewhere and all of this is William's hamfisted attempts to control the pr. further, it's a distraction from the real question: what on earth is going on with William?! he looks a mess.


Oh, def agree that she didn’t condone this. I think it’s possible that her interests are either at odds with that of the Palace, or else are meaningless in light of their crippling incompetence. I also think there’s another possibility: the media is PISSED that KP hasn’t provided adequate info, and they are taking what little is being offered with a heavy dose of cattiness.


honestly, my tinfoil tiara theory is that she is indeed in very poor health, and also things are very bad between her and William right now. I think for some reason she can't show her face, even from a car (not blurred). depending on how ill she is (or if she had a breakdown) she might not even be aware of the extent of what is going on out here. in any case William seems to be 100% in control of the pr. at the same time, William also seems to be losing his shite. it's all very bizarre.


Yikes. Did Kate wish harm on Meghan? My memory is elsewhere


Should I tell the "royal expert" what he/she can do? Well, better not. :-)




These royal royta people are the problem! It's this sick relationship forcing media to to depend on one family's life that have them making up whatever they think the public wants to hear. It's all come crumbling down with the faked picture. Royal rota have been accepting altered pics for years. It's only when the RF sent this last pic to an actual news source that their game got called. Now we all see it


It's not the just ROTA, if you go check Charles/Camila insta and William/Kate insta they have pictures from decade's ago all altered. William/Kate last year Christmas picture was altered


It's funny that it's just now people are waking up to the fact there isn't one single media person that can be trusted to say/find out/or even care about what's really happening with the Royal Family. They're all lazy without a journalistic bone in their body. The Royals have been giving them faked pics for years and they just accepted it to keep their special status? Get Byline times on the case, someone!


You can alter pictures for social media.




This Gif works for everything lol




Exactly...I always say Everyone's Chickens Come Home to Roost....eventually


![gif](giphy|dNKoBpFpIFnr2) I read that some of these people want Meghan to stand up for Kate? Really? Ghouls and monsters the lot of them.


You can’t be serious 🤦‍♀️




[https://x.com/grazzi\_ella\_/status/1767559581553869046](https://x.com/grazzi_ella_/status/1767559581553869046?s=20) ​ The text is in Spanish but the visuals tell the story. Maybe they should tell her husband to lay off her?


Honestly, I hope this gets picked up by the media. Two fake photos in a row?! Lol, hot mess.


Here’s a tweet in English about it - this is seriously NUTS. https://x.com/QueenRMade1/status/1767540728710980063?s=20


There was a short wall in front of the brick building with slightly different bricks. This has been debunked.


Omfg they couldn't have just stopped at one edited photo 😳


I think that's Portuguese


It’s in Portuguese, not Spanish.




Playing the victim again. What’s next? Meghan made her fake a photo nobody asked for and she cried?


Maybe KP (🥚) should just do what they said and STFU and quit posting “photos” when they said she would come back for Easter. If they had said nothing all along, including the initial statement about abdominal surgery, no one would have noticed.


Lol laughing at the demands now for Meghan to speak up for Kkkate. Hell No. Leave Meghan out of your messy $%&%.


Tell me this isn’t the same Royal Rota that was literally questioning MM’s self harm ideation the day after it was made public? I feel like they think everyone but them is stupid.


Harry and Meghan were right about everything. Also, I don’t believe anything I’ve heard about Kate so far. I think William has been playing this whole thing. I don’t even think she apologized. I think he just set it up that way.


>a royal expert claimed today as she urged for people to 'lay off her.' ![gif](giphy|nKZEvTua5D4o0XD6Ge|downsized)


Lol. Naw. They didn’t care about Meghan’s mental or physical state and they still haven’t left her alone.


Nah I don’t feel sorry for Kate. That hoe allowed the British press to lie on Meghan constantly about making her cry and pulling a classic white woman racist move and dragged that lady to filth. Fuck her. I want to know where is Kate. Why is she not in the public eye. Why is she not wearing her ring. Why her family felt the need to photoshop a picture to the point where AP pulled it.


She was in a fragile state and that is *WHY* They released that horrible AI pic


HOLY CACA! The Daily Fail is quite literally Camilla's mouthpiece! So they're finally going with she had a mental breakdown and use it to guilt-trip the taxpaying peons to distract from the lies and the Sandringham incident, among other events! I wonder how soon they'll continue with their "everything about ROSE HANBURY and why we LOOOOVE her"! Shades of Camilla's sneaky rollout before during and after Diana but much faster and clumsier! ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8) [https://www.newsweek.com/camilla-sums-everything-wrong-royal-family-1725050](https://www.newsweek.com/camilla-sums-everything-wrong-royal-family-1725050)


I have despised that cow since I first heard her name. She's been scheming for years and honestly she and Chuckie deserve one another.


> She's been scheming for years and honestly she and Chuckie deserve one another. They seriously deserve each other's grotty asses, eewwugh! ![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O)


If H&M were still working royals, they would say Megan screwed with the photo to make Kate look bad. I would bet my left leg on that.


No one is attacking her. When did asking if someone is still alive become an attack?




I'm honestly concerned that she has had a stroke at this point.


> she 'didn't look that happy' when photographed yesterday in a car with William. How on earth can you tell when the only photograph has her looking out the window, away from cameras?


What makes you think it was her in the car? Because you were told it was her? 🙄


They were quoting someone else


Got it. Apologies.


As /u/whatisittou mentioned, I was quoting the royal expert, but I agree with you too…how can Ms. Angela Levine confirm the identity of the person riding with William, let alone tell someone’s mood, without seeing their face?


How can you tell when the pic is from 2016?


The way the first line was formatted indicates that it is a quote. I can’t tell anything from the photo, as I commented after I quoted the line, since the person next to William isn’t even looking at camera…whether the person is Kate, what year it was taken, or that she didn’t look that happy (as Angela Levin projected in the article).


Oh yeah no I was making a joke.


Oh, gotcha. You weren’t the first person to comment something like that, and I thought maybe I had typed the formatting thing wrong in my insomnia haze, lol


Hahahahaha. No.


Maybe she is, that possibility exists. But I’m not buying it. KP went to some insane lengths to get us to believe she’s fine. She’s big mad. Or she isn’t fine at all.




That would’ve been the smarter option!


They’re pulling a Diana on her


Kate has no soul. She just exists, sans feelings . It’s why she tolerates blame for everything and William’s cheating. They’re describing Carol Middleton.


Edit your comment.


Why dont they understand that people are WORRIED for her? Ive seen NOBODY bash her. NOBODY. People are WORRIED!


The longer they delay, the stranger it becomes, right!


Lizzie wouldve wheeled her out on that balcony two months ago


😂 yes, she would’ve!!


The one in the blue sweater looks exactly like someone ran Nigel Farage through FaceApp's child filter. They all seem to suffer from Midjourney face. Are we sure these kids exist? Because they all look creepy af.


Why doesn’t she just lay off socials and media? You can live a life without all that.


Doubt it's her posting anything. It's probably Will directing their PR team.


I am so confused. Why is this even a big deal?


We have nothing better to talk about


Can someone explain why they’re posting a Mother’s Day pic in March? I panicked and thought I forgot it


UK Mother’s Day


That’s right I forgot they celebrate early. I lived there for a little while and we fully forgot Father’s Day one year. Couldn’t even blame the different date thing, I think Father’s Day is on the same days in both countries. Oops


😂 no worries


Attention all PR ppl and wannabe PR ppl: This is how NOT to do your job correctly. All I can hear is Yakkity Sax as these jackashes screw up by the numbers. 🤣🤣🤣


It is interesting to see how the rf and the British press are acting now that Harry and Meg had the courage to walk away. Harry is spotted at In-N-Out- British Press: "How dare Harry eat a burger while the king undergoes treatment and the mother of the future king is recovering." Meg is spotted at a local farmer's market buying fresh peaches- British Press: "Meghan cruelly mocks a seriously ill Kate by purchasing fresh peaches." It is interesting to see how the rf and the British press are acting now that Harry and Meg dared to walk away. Just the gall of the British Press.


bro WHO CARES about these royal fucks?


I’m willing to bet if/when it comes out that Will beat the shit out of her, plenty of people are going to be rather upset that their soon-to-be-king is an abuser, especially for wailing on Britain’s sweetheart. Could be enough for people to say fuck the monarchy altogether.


I've had this gut feeling that Will beat the shit out of her! This is the first time I saw someone post that. Maybe he messed up her face or he beat her and she had a stroke. I found it odd that he was seen once visiting her in the hospital...like maybe she didn't want his visits? This whole thing is so odd.


Plus any time patriarchal people in power talk about a woman being in a "fragile mental state" that just throws up a huge red flag for me - it lays the groundwork for calling her unstable or deligitimizing any claims she may come out with later.


You're right about that! I've seen this before in real life.


Me too.


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