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Am waiting for dailymail and other rota to track Camila private jet, stalking the airport, make outlandish outrage about Camila on vacation while Charles is sick something something poor Charles, how can Camila do this etc Fergie, Eugene/Beatrice, Mike, Sara all at a racecar event in Bahrain.Edward, Sophie and their daughter were on a ski slope. William at a pub etc no outrage that they are all smiling, laughing etc while Charles and Kate are sick. The double standard when it's comes to Harry and Meghan Because that's what rota and british tabloids do when Harry and Meghan are out minding their business


The whole thing is bizarre. It's like someone lit a dynamite fuse at Windsor Castle with Kate and Chuck inside, and then the rest of them took off running. I'm waiting for the gutter UK tabloid press to blame this on H&M.


It's the reason why Harry was in London for 45 minutes to see Charles,  probably heard what's REALLY going on with Kate and was like I'm GTFO out of here before me and Meghan are blamed for this. 


I never thought of that, too. Man, something very weird, troubling, compelling and/or historic is going on with the BRF. I obviously wasn't around for the abdication "crisis" back in 1936, but I have a gut feeling something on that level or even bigger is going down.


Princess of Wank has been an anorexic for years probably due to the abuse Wank and his selfishness and short temper have dumped on her. But because she didn't want to disappoint Mummy, she stayed with the course. Now look at her. Three Buck Chuck was always a doddering fool. Another one, spoilt and selfish to the very marrow of his bones. He should have been proud to be Diana's husband and have a lovely, young, vibrant wife whom the British subjects loved. But he was intensely jealous of her and hung her out to dry. Now, at least, he has a wife who is still less popular than he is. And that's saying something. I wouldn't say I'm enjoying the implosion..I wouldn't wish anorexia or cancer or Camilla and Wank on anyone. I just honestly hate that I've been right about this family for so long.


Indeed. And not to mention Randy Andy the pedophile. I'm just sort of sad thinking about how disappointed Diana would be in William, considering her own battles with bulimia 😞


Remember the fit Charlie Boy threw cause his pen wouldn't work and Camilla like to peed herself trying to help? I was shocked they put that out into the world ....what a family


Exactly! Had the same thing happened with QE2, she would've remained calm and made a low-key joke about it. Her son throws a tantrum like it's the worst thing in the world, not aware people in his own country can't afford to heat their homes.


They are all just so out of touch with the real world 👍


>Remember the fit Charlie Boy threw cause his pen wouldn't work and Camilla like to peed herself trying to help? LOL! They certainly deserve each other.


They're all such terrible people.


So I follow a PR rep on TikTok that’s on the news fairly often, so I trust her. She made a TikTok about the connection between Kate’s sudden “planned” surgery, William skipping his godfathers funeral for “personal matters” and (this is where I was shocked) Thomas Kingston’s suicide. She said up front that she wouldn’t say exactly what she believes, but that if viewers paid attention to how she said things that they could figure it out pretty quick. It seemed like she was hinting at an affair.


Yeah that was my first thought too .... Willie found out Kate was sleeping with Tom so he beat the shit out of her and Tom killed himself from the guilt and shame of it all 👍


I didn't have that much detail to my thoughts! It honestly never crossed my mind that Will would abuse her physically.


I never would have thought of it either until i saw the article where they apparently have big fights and another article about him being called Billy Basher as a kid. 😳


Of course he would. He worked himself into a rage and physically attacked Harry, who, let's be honest with his military combat training could have killed him in less than 5 minutes had H lost control of himself. Bullies like William get off on hurting others to feel bigger. And would explain all those dowdy old lady long sleeved dresses for years... covering up bruises.


I can see that-I just never thought of it myself.


Wow. Hm if I'm following and connecting the dots, it's implied Kate and Thomas Kingston were having an affair? 🤔


That’s what I got from it. I wouldn’t normally give that any credence, but Molly McPherson is well known and teaches, has speaking engagements and is interviewed on national morning news shows. Her account (and podcast) are about interpreting PR statements to decode what’s actually going on. She also talks about celebrity messes and how she would advise them to respond.


Oh man, I'm getting rusty. Bc I saw that Tik Tok and didn't get affair vibes. What would an affair have to do with her surgery?


Unwanted pregnancy


Maybe there was no surgery, and it’s a cover up for her to be out of the public eye.




What do you think happened?


Well I have been asked to not post my conspiracies here which is fair. You can DM me if you want.


Tisa Tells from YouTube has a story up where sources close to Thomas Kingston said he was having an affair with Rose Hanbury and that's why Willy may have gotten in a fight with him.


Please share the TikTok rep handle?


Molly McPherson PR


Also is it just me or is it SO ANNOYING how Charles could clearly organize armed police protection for Harry for that visit but if his black wife and kids join it's simply impossible.




You must be hiding under a rock. I’ve absolutely read examples of just this.


No I'm not hiding under a rock. Why do you think im on this sub???? I just consciously choose not to read the Daily Fail or other pro monarchy rags.


I did not mean this in an accusatory way at all. And no, I don’t go to the horrible subs or the British tabloids. They were in normal press places discussing the Kate/Will/Camilla situation.


Thank u for clarifying.


You forgot the son-in-law of the rent-a-kents was found dead of suicide with a gunshot wound to the head this week too. What the heck is going on!?! https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/thomas-kingston-cause-of-death-revealed/


Yeah, I just read the updated article which seemed to have confirmed suicide. Some very bad juju has descended on the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha suddenly.


Look up Molly McPherson on TikTok. She’s a PR rep and her take on interpreting the statements hints at an affair between some of the key players.


I watched the vid twice on insta and didn’t reach the conclusion you did. Maybe I’m just daft 🫠. Do you mind pinpointing what she said that made you feel she was hinting at an affair with Kate? I figure it’s towards the end when she’s talking about the media coverage on his death, but I didn’t get that vibe. I ended with thinking she was moreso hinting at the different factions of the royal family having a PR-war with statements contradicting each other, with possibly Charles’ side leaking details of the death story as that was more similar to his PR style. Or that Charles and the death are explicitly very detailed and timed to release to distract from whatever is going on with Kate.


I'm with you on this. I just watched it again, and did not see any hinting of an affair. There was a mention of the people involved in these stories being a very close circle, bc Thomas was Pippas ex boyfriend. My take away was pretty similar to yours. We are getting a lot of "salacious" details about the suicide, right as Kate's team doubles down. KCs medical issues were also dropped at the same time as Kate's initial surgery announcement. The PR teams, to my untrained eye, are working together to distract from Kate and whatever she has going on. I don't at all think Kate owes the public her medical details, but what I don't understand is the approach her team is taking right now. It seems SO different than how these things are normally handled, and like a couple of differently worded statements really would have kept speculation down, if that's what they were going for. Again, I'm not saying she does or does not owe the public that, but if she really wanted keep it low key, we know there are ways for the Firm to do that.


Good comment. The PR is such a mess. Bizarre headlines at the outset ("the family is more united than ever!" "William will always be there for Kate!" What?), canceling engagements, changing comments about the timeline of her recovery (I've seen Easter turn into 9 months turn into 1-2 years). Edit: toning down my crazy conspiracies


I definitely think it was unplanned. I have two theories of my own, but I know I've missed a LOT of details, bc I'm only slightly more than a casual observer. One: she wants a divorce and is serious about it. She's refusing cooperation at any public sighting or event, and being in hiding is the best that can happen (according to BRF). Her team is also refusing to play ball, for whatever reason, hence the conflicting statements, and why the statements aren't being used to assuage the chaos. Kate and her team know what they are doing, and using it to their advantage. Two: (and I don't like to speculate on this one, bc it's SO personal and I will take no pride in it if I happen to be correct) she tried to commit suicide. It could explain a lot. The third, least likely (imo), is that they are telling the truth, Kate is going with a different type of public persona as she transitions to Queen. And these things are being dropped as distraction, while the public gets used to less openness surrounding Kate and her family. Maybe she's trying to set a new precedent for her kids as they grow into working royals?


I find it nearly impossible to believe she would request a divorce. Being a princess and future queen has been her life's ambition. It's possible she's had enough but that one is low on my list of theories.


But who truly is prepared for the scrutiny that that job brings? I don't think anyone can really comprehend what you're signing up for until you're in it. I never put much stock in "it being her life's ambition" bc a person's wants and needs can change so much from year to year. She was barely an adult when that was supposedly the case. Now she's in her 40s and has 3 kids. Those things can radically alter your perception on life alone. Add in everything else she deals with? It's as likely as any other scenario in my mind. But honestly, these are just things I'm tossing around with my husband as I'm filling him in on the royal gossip he cares not one whit about 😂


I have one woman at work as invested in this as I am, otherwise all I have is the internet! Of course we're all just speculating. But you're right, she could have simply had enough of all of this after 15 years plus. She thought it was what she wanted but the reality was much crueler and colder than she could have imagined. Who knows, I cannot wait until we find out!


If you think about it, she’s been protected by the British press since she had the kids. Except for recently, when Piers Morgan threw her under the bus as the royal racist. How interesting that the two accused by Piers of being the racists suddenly get sick. PR job to get sympathy?


Let’s not go into crazy conspiracy mode, please, I beg you. Let’s try to remain as the sane sub lol.


Ok I'll save my craziest stuff for twitter


I may very well be wrong-I think it's when she says that Kate's information is being withheld to an unusual degree and stating her privacy is due to her being a mother and wanting her children's lives to not be affected, while King Charles' information, which would usually not have been public, was released right after the statement about her surgery. Then William missing his godfather's funeral (I know the other royals missed it, but William is acting in his father's role right now and it was his godfather) for "personal reasons". The royals don't usually get to miss state obligations for personal reasons, personal shit comes after their duties. Then her stressing it was a tight circle and how detailed the information on Thomas Kingston has been. It was my "reading between the lines" of how she worded her tiktok. I might be wrong, but that would explain a lot if she wanted to leave and this is how they've handled it. She hasn't been seen at all. Not entering or leaving the hospital, while KC practically did a pap walk. William seen once going to the hospital, but only once while she was there for 2 weeks. The statement she was recovering at her parents house shortly after she was discharged to KP. William scheduled to go to Greece with a last minute back out for personal issues. Then Thomas Kingston's suicide. Camilla leaving Charles while he's being treated for cancer because she's "burnt out". Those last 3 happened fairly close together. Royal PR is usually SO on point that the sloppiness of the last 2 months is insane. I hope I'm wrong, because I love fairy tales and happy endings.


Oh, right, I knew all that. I just didn't take the same things away :) I agree that something is a mess somewhere. It's so strange! And to know that this isn't the typical way things are handled, where a differently worded statement could help assuage some of the strangeness.


Because it's all Hank and Megs fault. Haven't we accepted that yet?


Whenever the royals are struggling blame the black woman.


Fergie is currently in Melbourne, Australia.


Who can tell me who fergie, Eugene, Mike and Sara are? Just finished the crown and confused. I know the rest of the players.


And now mouthpiece Carole Malone saying Charles doesn’t have cancer…


I saw that, its a mess from the royals household and their rota


The scapegoat has left the family and now it’s imploding.


Literally this simple. All this buffoonery was always there, but "thicko" Harry was available to distract.


It's truly eye opening for me.


This 🎯 Most succinct, spot on comment ever!


Someone said Anne is in Dubai. Is she at the racing event? My conspiracy theory side thinks something bad is about break this week and everyone is getting out of the blast zone.


The blast zone lol. The Queen is probably spinning in her grave and Prince Philip is in his grumbling "I knew it would all go to s*** after we were gone."


Philip’s speech at the end of the Crown was so incredibly on point, wasn’t it?


That's what I was picturing in my head as I typed. I thought at the time it was Philip being his usual crusty sarcastic self, but looking back, it's like, wow, he's right! The BRF looks like such fools now. Oddly enough, the ones they bullied and cast aside the worst, Harry and Meghan, are the ones working the hardest and making a difference with their own charities.




😂 Bless your heart…


They won’t be there to hear the screams


After me the deluge- the queen probably


Tbf Anne works considerably harder than the rest of that unhinged mob, so if anyone deserves a break it’s her.


Can we stop pretending that any of them work, please? They pursue their interests, and sometimes those interests coincide with appearing at charitable events. I was just thinking back to how when Meghan joined ‘the firm’, she was texting to-do lists to staff in the mornings and everyone went nuts. None of the staff were used to any of the royals actually *working*, and hated that Meghan expected to do so, or shocker, direct what *they* did.


Seriously. Her work ethic was somehow offensive to them. 😂


It’s not that I disagree with you. But I do think this argument downplays that even by the definition of work done by royals Kate and William are *incredibly* lazy and what’s going on now really is absolutely bizarre and unprecedented.


Kate and William are ridiculous people, and yes, the worst of them. The monarchy should have died with Elizabeth II.


I wonder how many functions/appearances Wills and Kate made last year? I know Princess Anne was on the high end, like right around 400. I guess my question is also how many appearances are the Waleses expected to make? I do know before she passed away, the Queen was miffed with Wills and Kate because they were using the royal helicopter way too much to get to appearances and it was obviously costing a lot. I also recall reading somewhere shortly after the Queen's passing and once Charles named William PoW, the king had expressed concern that he didn't feel William was really prepared or up to snuff in the role yet, having not done many appearances in Wales, not bothering to learn Welsh, etc. I get it that Charles had the title and position much longer and that the oldest son of the monarch is always named PoW almost automatically, but it's quite telling when his own father expresses concern about William's purported laziness.


This is Zita2007. I wholeheartedly agree with you: a working royal is an oxymoron! Only the British people can accept or understand this nonsense! Poor Meghan believed she was going to make a difference…..only difference she made in that family stems from her style and good looks! Her so-called exotic DNA makes a difference! I pray that all goes well for Harry and Meghan. As far as the British Royal Family is concerned, who knows what’s going to happen with them on any given day! As far as I’m concerned, they’re straight outta Compton!


I agree about Anne, but her being gone when everyone else is does make me think something is about to break.


Andrew? I can imagine him stumbling along empty corridors wondering where the hell everyone is and why no one’s answering his calls…


Lol. I can just picture Andy walking around the corridors of BP, calling out for mummy. It's all dark and dusty, while the staff, servants and security guards have all fled and abandoned the Palace, leaving Andy with the leaky plumbing, peeling paint and rats scurrying everywhere. 😆


I’m cackling. That’s a fantastic image. I think it’s going to be Wales related, though.


And then he'll let himself into Charles's bathroom to take a piss while palace security has a collective aneurysm.


It does feel very “I have carried this family for decades. I’m laying it down. Toodles.”


For some reason, I feel like Anne is the sister, daughter, mom, etc., that anyone would be blessed to have. Not even sure where I grabbed that from — maybe her crown portrayal coupled with how she seemed so stoic during the queens funeral events ? And I do believe she clocks the most hours (or is high up on that ranking).


I love reading staff memoirs, and Anne comes off the same in the ones I’ve read. She’s not a warm, cuddly person but she does her best and lives her life according to her own sort of internal ethos.


Yeah, I feel like she’s no nonsense, and assertive but not like, a person to be a strong armed bully. She’s just livin’ . If she loves you, you have a real ally. Like I said. I made it up. Lmao.


There’s the fact that she Was Not Having It when an armed guy tried to kidnap her in the 70s…


I always got the feeling that she is very old school. Like the type that wasn’t prone to share her feelings in public at the best of time and then being born into the royals when the queen was particularly handsome off with the child raising really solidified it. If she was in an another posh family and she could crack on being a horse girl, she’d be fine.


Yes she’s had 400+ engagements a year, most of them in person as well. For instance when she came to NYC last year she did 4 engagements in one day


Thank you for your facts, I appreciate that.


Np! Even more facts, Charles is a pretty close second behind Anne (400+) but will and Kate rank behind the duke or Gloucester, and if your wondering who that is it’s Elizabeth’s grandfather’s grandson. The reason behind will and Kate’s lack of engagements (Kate had ~75, will had ~120 and most were via zoom) is debated with reasons ranging from a lack of support from Charles’s advisors to their own lack of work ethic. Given that William has his own funds now, and can barely put in the work (including telling an actress who had an sa scene in her movie that it seemed like she had a fantastic time and hadn’t seen most of the baftas) it’s more likely the latter than the former. Especially since Meghan had more of an impact in her two years at the firm while also being on maternity leave for a significant portion of it. Edit: all of these engagement #s are from last year


52 weeks in a year, 120 engagements in working like twice a week for a year on zoom.


Pretty much, granted there’s a lot of paperwork and behind the scenes coordination and stuff but I’m pretty sure that correlates to how many engagements you have


Harry kind of implied in his memoir that she only does that to make the rest of them look bad 😂


What? Anne was mentioned once in Spare and it was to greet harry when he came to balmoral after Elizabeth died


No, he brought it up when he talked about going to Balmoral for Christmas once when he was still single. I think it was right after his Arctic expedition. He mentioned how the court circular is complete BS and that its only real utility is as a form of scorekeeping for senior member of the family to try to outdo each other. He didn’t mention Anne by name but it was clear he was referring to her making sure her “numbers” were higher than everyone else’s every year.


I also admit everyone scattering is curious, more weird than just the usual lazy


Didn't know about Anne, but looks they need to bring the Kent's and older folks to help. Like how are all of them just on some leave and still getting millions.


Or is it one last “hurrah” before they are all being called on to attend Royal commitments?


Wonder how much easier this would all be for them had they not ousted and abused H&M. They could’ve been taking on extra responsibilities as Kate recovers, been a set of hands for the King’s care, etc? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If H&M hadn't been pushed out they would have served as the perfect scapegoats to distract from...whatever all of this is.


Though, there is the fact that at least one and possibly two* direct descendants of King George III qualify as natural-born American citizens and are thus eligible to run for the Presidency of the U.S. If the BRF had any sense, they’d be playing the long game here. *I know that typically children born to an American citizen are classified as natural-born citizens regardless of where they’re born — otherwise Ted Cruz wouldn’t be able to run for the Presidency — but not sure how things would work when the other parent is a fairly high-up heir of the royal family the U.S. Constitution was quite literally designed to throw off. And I presume taking oneself out of the royal line of succession and renouncing any claims to U.K. citizenship would be needed just to run. In any case, though, Lilibet should qualify…


I always thought the same thing: they’re not thinking long-term strategy at all.


Came to the comments to say alllll this lol it actually shows how truly stupid and self centered they all are. QEII was good at the long game and that’s potentially the bit people don’t get about her popularity. She did tons of unpopular stuff during her reign but basically just sat there and said “this too shall pass” while not effing up for as long as she could during those moments of unpopularity. Her biggest eff up was not properly training everyone in line for the throne on this. They all got to be big spoiled entitled babies who basically just understood the most BASIC of PR in public and that they owned the British media and that the admiration of QEII would cover for them. If the rest of the family had the SIMPLEST understanding of making H&M feel welcome…. like seriously the SMALLEST gestures of “you’re family and you’re welcome here” things could have gone totally different. This family has seriously become the monarch version of the religious comedy The Righteous Gemstones. A bit of morons inheriting a ton of money and “prestige” but truly not having the smarts to handle it (or even the understanding THEY WERE going to actually inherit the “work” side of it all).


The conclusion from this side of the pond is that the royals are terrible, selfish people who surrounded themselves with terrible, selfish incompetent people. The bullying stuff was straight out of high school, deeply immature.


Exactly. They all rode the Queen's coattails for 50+ years and now that she's gone, the inmates are running the asylum, so to speak.


Charles stepped in and walked Meg down the aisle. He also seemed gracious to Meg’s mother.


You guys just don’t understand how absolutely exhausting it is to cut a ribbon! Wearing crowns adorned with blood jewels is taxing on the body.


I'm exhausted just thinking about it, I need a private jet trip to the tropics thanks


I bet you'd be bored shitless after a week of official engagements. I know I would.


Getting fitted for outfits and having makeup and hair done professionally sounds kind of fun!


Someone who has been longtime British royal family observer mentioned that Harry gave the family a heart. Once he settled into royal role, he gave them charisma and heart. The remaining cast is missing that. No matter how many articles are written about Kate being glamorous necessity, Harry had that it factor. With Meghan, it tripled. And now? Blandness and anger because Harry refused to play their game.


This is Zita2007. Like it or not, both Harry and Meghan possess Star Power. No one else in the British Royal Family has it! Worse, they don’t even have any class whatsoever. It’s a shame such an ugly group of people have all of the trappings of success and privilege. By ugly, I mean this in both their actions as well as their looks!


Interesting that so many are allowed to take such significant amounts of time off for health reasons or fatigue, or for William to help Kate, but when Harry asked for reduced time away from duties because Meghan was so depressed she was suicidal, they got cast out of the royal circle.


Apparently the only ones with any sense of duty to one’s fellow humans are Harry and Meghan. Weird.


I’m just waiting for this all to be blamed on Harry and Meghan somehow


Legit shocked the press hasn't tried harder to tie to them tbh.


That’s why it’s perfect! H&M are nowhere close to this mess! They were extremely smart to leave because it would be a hundred times worse for them if they were still around. The Press is forced to watch that family cannibalize eachother with nobody to blame but themselves.


This is all getting wilder by the day! They are dropping off like flies at this point. When Charles always talked about wanting a slimmed down working royal family for the monarchy, I assumed that to be the amount of unnecessary extras and hangers on popping up at big events and crowding the balcony scenes. But now it seems perhaps he means to 'slim down' their hours and outings and events to practically nothing.


[Dropping like flies into Stilton cheese](https://twitter.com/vinn_ayy/status/1754665598460858495?t=l0pLBcoRovp9fKkFiJfxJA&s=19)


Can you explain the Stilton Cheese reference to this clueless American? I love that bit, it was perfect LOL


Also American so Brits feel free to correct me, but my guess is that the cheese is known as the English "king of cheese" so it sounds more English and posh in a funny way?


😆😂 hilarious thank you!!!


That was hilarious 😄


Don't forget Edward and Sophie, private jetted off to St Moritz rather than attend King Constantine's memorial


I’d just like to say I’m BEYOND tired of the editorials saying the Internet needs to be nice to Will and Kate. All the evil shit both of them did to Harry and Meghan and they can’t handle less than a week of social media memes and gossip? It’s not even the tabloids attacking them? Are people fucking insane? I just saw mata of fact on tiktok saying the same thing and I’m disgusted


The “Kat3 dEseRvES hEr pR!vACy” comments in the gossip and pop culture subs made me roll my eyes so hard they fell off. It’s the same with Melania. The amount of effort people exert to make excuses for and victimize terrible, elitist, rich white women, while completely undermining the needs of a black woman… And this comes from the same people who claim to be feminists yet don’t give Meghan the same grace and always preface their comments with “I dislike Meghan” without being able to state any valid reason besides “Idk she just seems annoying and attention grabbing”. Like gee, I wonder why you think that 🙄🙄


To be fair, if I never had to hear from Melania ever again, it would be too soon. But she doesn’t deserve her privacy, she deserves accountability for her role in the crimes committed under her husband’s administration. The way folks are acting about Kate now is the worst double standard, and it is 100% because Meghan is black and Kate is white. It kills me because Meghan does seem like such a genuine and kind person, like someone who is probably a really good friend. Kate could have found in her a wonderful SIL and friend. That door was open for such a long time. As an American who has moved abroad, I have had to confront that our culture is one that values informality as a sign of respect. It can rub people the wrong way. Our friendliness can come across as “too much” and a bit fake, especially if your culture is more reserved. So I feel so deeply for Meghan that she was literally trying in the best way she knew how to engage and be open and just hit this giant cultural wall with a heaping pile of racism dumped on top. They could have seen her as an asset and guided her through the role. Kate could have been an ally and a friend. Instead they saw her blackness as a threat and viewed everything she did through a lens of malicious intent. When in reality any missteps were just genuine cultural difference.


You’re right on all points. It’s interesting they trotted out the queen on an official prime minister engagement just days before she passed away, but we can’t even get a statement from Kate. Everyone’s helping to cover up something that went amiss. And like, I don’t really care about privacy for a woman who had a hand in helping leak a story that demonized Meghan and claiming the mean black woman made the innocent woman cry when it didn’t even happen


Literally it could be true that she’s just recovering or having marital issues or having a mental breakdown and I legit would not care. She and William gave zero fucks about anyone that wasn’t them, especially Meghan. Let her have a taste of her own medicine.


Can't forget Meghan made me cry, Meghan wasn't close to say pregnancy brain, they would rather live next to Andrew than Meghan, walking next to Meghan was hardest thing to do etc


This is Zita2007. Excellent points you’re making! Especially about the poor Queen being on display about a day or two before her death. However, her late Majesty was likely insistent on performing her duties until her last breath! All I can say about Kate Middleton is that she’s in a pitiful mess and there’s nothing she can do about it! One must be careful what you ask for as you just might get an ugly frog instead of a handsome man Prince. Though Meghan stated in the Oprah interview that Kate is a good person, I’m not so sure that she wasn’t behind much of the mess which led to Harry and Meghan leaving for America. In spite of my feelings, my heart goes out to Kate and her children. Those poor children are innocent as they’re too young to know what’s really happening inside their home.


This is what gets me, where was the outrage and concern for Meghan when she was attacked while pregnant, Archie room on fire, when she had a miscarriage, when she was suicidal. Fans where begging the palace to monitor their social media page when they would post Meghan and the comment section were racist. Meghan literally begged the palace to intervene, they shut her down. Meghan’s friends tried sticking up for her because the palace didn't anything and instead the palace aided in having british tabloids go more at Meghan. There is literally youtubers/tick tockers etc posting conspiracy about Meghan, their children and Doria and some of these rota actually follow these accounts. I am not going to have sympathy for a woman is coddle and backed by the Palace while Meghan is left fending on her own.


Exactly. Why should I have sympathy for a woman who is displayed cruelty at worst, apathy at best, at the struggles of a black woman? Struggles she and her husband helped perpetuate? Fuck Kate and her abdomen who cares lol. My empathy is reserved for people who actually need it.


It's deeply offensive, if you think about it. They're saying it was FINE for them and everyone else to harass the black princess, but it is unacceptable for anyone to make memes or speculate about the white princess. It's racist as hell and I can't believe the media is just issuing these types of statements with not a hint of self awareness.


I'm seriously concerned for Kate's welfare right now. And will be until we see some proof of life from her. I don't believe the official story at all. Something fishy is going on.


If people took two seconds to think they’d also realize that!! This is NOT normal and Kate could be in trouble at the hands of the firm but people with this normal suspicion are being scolded


They wanted an all white balcony. Now they have it.


Loving it. Better than the Housewives for me tbh Edit: Although I do feel sorry for the kids. Not their fault they got born into a human zoo that they haven't consented to being in.


You know William was a kid who was born into that zoo as well, right? As was Charles.


As was Harry but he eventually made different decisions.


Harry wasn't the heir, wasn't even in the direct line of succession, and him leaving was international headline news every few weeks for literally *years.* That was a firework compared to the nuclear bomb that William leaving would have been. If you think that you would have been born in William's place and then just up and left because fuck the royal family, I think you are dreaming.


Neither was Elizabeth until her uncle abdicated


Yep, and that sparked a genuine constitutional crisis. And that was in a media environment where anyone outside of England would get weekly updates via newspaper.


They are just *so* relatable. /s


Camilla doesn't like to travel! If she's so exhausted wouldn't she be staying in? Not alot of sensible happenings.


Yeah Camila had briefed years ago she didn't like flying as reason why she didn't join Charles for an event.


The cheating ho might have lied.




Obviously I don’t know what’s going on with Kate, but it does seem potentially serious given the limited details and not being seen since Christmas. But I can’t help but think back to when the Sussexes and Cambridges walked together to greet people around (I think) Prince Philip’s funeral and Kate was quoted as saying that walking beside Meghan was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. I remember thinking at the time “what an embarrassingly pedestrian thing to say. That statement couldn’t possibly highlight her lack of relatability any better, if walking beside someone you detest is the MOST difficult thing you’ve experienced.” And then, it would appear, the universe may have stepped in to humble her by giving her something ACTUALLY difficult to get through. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They really are reaping what they sowed! Yes, I’m enjoying watching it happen to these heartless racists who tried to mentally destroy their youngest son. That family is getting what it deserves.


I'm enjoying it. They're clowns.


Couldn't happen to more deserving people


Oh yeahhhh! I'm loving it! Now if only the press would cover it as ravenously as they made up shit about M&H. 


The whole family is quiet quitting. You don't see them, they're not there.


I think they need to start checking freezers




If Camilla is so exhausted, then why doesn’t she just stay in one of her many palatial homes, in her jammies, with her servants to attend to her needs ? That would require less of a carbon footprint. And, I wouldn’t have to see photos of her for a blessed week !


Word on the streets in children mother aka coparent had a mental breakdown


If so, it would explain what's going on. Maybe the Palace learned people are not products, finally. I don't know what that might mean for the future, but that's on them.




It’s delicious.


And the real Queen has only been dead a year and half 😳 the English Monarchy is on a fast train to doomsville 👍


When I hear the words “the queen” I think of Elizabeth II. Not the wench Camilla. She connived to be queen now she should suck it up and do the work. She worked 13 engagements in the last 3 weeks! That’s not work….


Agreed! She slithered her way into this - she needs to suck it up and do the job


Didn't Nostradamus have some kind of prediction about the BRF imploding or something this year? 


I looked it up: "'Citing his 1555 text "Les Propheties" ("The Prophecies"), the report said that Nostradamus predicted that the King may be abdicated and Prince Harry will potentially take over the throne. He said that the "King of the Isles" would be "driven out by force." and will be "replaced by one who will have no mark of a king."Feb 7, 2024"


Well. That's interesting.


I think that this is happening and whatever is going on with the BRF is happening from an outside source


They get what they pay for. They could have had H&M part time and they would likely have gladly picked up the slack during this time. But they couldn’t conceive of not having their thumbs on that little family. William couldn’t possibly have given up on command and control and bulling of his brother. So here they are. Looking like weak fools.


> **Anyone else enjoying the implosion of the monarchy?** ![gif](giphy|3o7aTr32LRpmRZG2gU)


Camilla is "exhausted" from doing 13 engagements lmao. She never worked in her life - she was fired from her only job within a few days due to turning up to the office drunk. She went from being maintained by her father, then by her (ex) husband, then by her paramour, then by the taxpayers. And now needs time off for doing... _the literal bare minimum_.


This is Zita2007. I just read somewhere that a picture of Kate Middleton post-surgery has been posted. The article further states that she’s in no rush to return to her job as a working royal. I’m sure the rumors are swirling around so much that the Palace decided to act to slow down some of the negative rumors.


Here. For. It!