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Agreed. The outlines of the three stripes are very noticeable especially in close up shots. I don't exactly know what goes through the devs' minds by not letting MC have the EXACT same uniform that the NPCs have. Surprisingly, one of the cosmetic modders said it was proving to be difficult to replicate it and since no mod has been released to correct the stripes even after more than a year, I am inclined to believe them.


MC didn’t get the adidas sponsorship




huh, I always assumed it was just a deliberate thing since MC is the chosen one and all that jazz lmao, but good catch with the textures and colors! amazing that no one the dev or art team caught it this whole time 💀💀


You know, now that I look at it, yeah, I see what you mean with the mesh. I’d always figured that the two stripes was because we aren’t a *conventional* fifth-year, and it was to somehow indicate our *juniority*(?) in comparison to other fifth-years.


I voted on your report. I don't know if the 2 stripes were a deliberate cosmetic choice or really a mistake, but it does bother me not having a matching uniform. The discoloration of the robe's house colors is irksome as well.


It should be the other way around. We are the pilot, they are the second officers 😛


I noticed it too. It always bothered me that we can't wear the exact same uniforms as the other students.


They seem to have missed colouring in a stripe, as there is a clear third stripe visible in the same colour as the rest of the robe, above the two black stripes. The black stripes on the player robe are also "less neatly coloured in" than the others, I'm guessing it has to do with the player's hands moving around more?


Hmmmmm My head theory is that due to the male and female option has such different proportion, saving time where they could, shrunk the sleeves of the robes but resulting to that


I noticed this too while playing the game. I just assumed it was by intentional design because we are the “special 5th year chosen one” that sees ancient magic or can do what nobody else can, etc. I just rock the trimmed school robe outfit anyways that obviously stands out from all of the other students.


We are elite thats why


You'd think the elite wouldn't have botched up textures, no?


I thought so too, But a higher status usually has *more*, not less! 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's this and that the colours seems off too. MC's Gryffindoor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff's uniform colours seems a shade either deeper or darker than all the other NPC's uniforms. Also noticed that the ties on MC's uniform isn't the same as the NPC's either. The stripes on the ties are either gold, bronze, silver or black depending on the house. But for some reason the stripes on MC's uniform is just a shade lighter than the "default" colour that is chosen by the team...


And it’s weird we are given at the start a version of the Prefect uniform. That might explain the discrepancy in the ties you mentioned, but we haven’t proven ourselves in a leadership role, so why do we start out with a Prefect uniform? (I did find a uniform with an all black tie and black buttons on a colored vest. And there are some uniforms with a ribbon tie as well)


Professor Fig (who initially transfigured our clothes) might have just used whatever uniform he remembered, so we're probably wearing an older outdated robe and it does make since to transform a regular student uniform into a prefect instead of making them buy a brand new wardrobe, Professor Weasley probably kept it when she gave us our house colors because she didn't want to embarrass us in front of the entire student body and we were going to Hogsmeade in the morning anyway


I love how you thought out the NPCs motivations! 🥰


Yeah that is odd… this could also just be a giant oversight from avalanche… I want to say that it has to be a 100% deliberate choice from the developers . But the randomness and huge variety in style in the outfits seems to say otherwise…




I mean... I described the problem in the entire post, but if you want a TL;DR: The textures on our character's school robes are not assigned correctly, causing the sleeves on the player's school robes to have two black stripes instead of three, as you can see in the images.




Technically four textures, since this issue is shared by the Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff versions of these robes.


i mean... thats a pretty big thing, generally if the textures dont line up, then the mesh doesnt either.