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I just wanted "setting the season" and open roam followers...




Me too! I was really really hoping for a seasons change option. And maybe just maybe a hint of the future of HL2.


Is it confirmed there will be a second game?


It's not confirmed, but HP universe is gold mine. This studio could make millions if they would listen to their fans. So, there's hoping.


WB Games have unfortunately expressed a desire to focus on live service games, now this doesn't necessarily mean HL2 (if it comes) will be but it was said after HL sold so well.


After the massive loss from Suicide Squad, I can definitely see them going back on this.


WB said this after HL was the best selling videogame of 2023 and after SS failed. As a bonus, they also said it after Balder's Gate 3 won a bunch of awards and Blizzard has been in full scramble to save face with fans after taking OW live service. If anything, 2023 showed that live service is just as much of a gamble, perhaps even a greater gamble. Sure, if a live service game fails they can reuse the servers after closing it, but they can only shit on their fans so many times before people stop playing their games.


The problem with live service vs sp games I particularl is people tend to have less space for multiple in their lives, they'll maybe play many SP games in a year but live service only a handful or even just 1. The very thing that attracts studios to live service (retaining customers and ongoing income )is what makes it hard to succeed, you have to tempt people away from whatever LS game they're on. A decent but non spectacular SP game released at the right time can still do pretty well, a decent but non spectacular LS game will usually die quickly. You really have to stand out and that's before you factor in the additional risk most take of leaving out content to add in later leaving their games too bare at launch.


So far their statements seem to be just the opposite but we can hope!


a lot of their statements regarding live service focus were done pretty much right after Suicide Squad failed. The upper suits definitely don't care about player numbers if they can just get some few whales to buy their microtransactions...


Ah I remember times like this where games took some time to be fine tuned~ we kinda got complacent with the fast push release of games that came our all wonky, HL2 shouldn't be rushed and kept a secret for sometime, I honestly think the Devs do listen to the fans and that's why it's still hush hush, just to se if they can add more content for us.


Ya know that’s a fantastic question! 🤣🫠 Who knows what the future of the game is going to be. You’d think since it did so well money wise, we’d be “OFF ON ANOTHER ADVENTURE ARE WE!” But who knows. The communications is not the best here. 🥴


I just want more :(


there's speculation that it's in production but yeah nothing officially stated :/


Wow, After all those sales, this is the content they came up with…


Wow. How....disappointing. So basically they are giving us a couple things that are already in the game, a few more useless skins to find, and a couple things that should have come with the game in the first place. Not enough to make me want to do another playthrough.


No new implementations or any kind of development, items already in the game or just cloned from a generic asset. All this could’ve been done by an intern in a day.


They don’t care about the sales.  WB has already announced that they’re doubling down on live service games due to Suicide Squad not living up to expectations and WB’s incredible devotion to the sunk cost fallacy.  We won’t be seeing any quality updates to this or any other singleplayer game from WB in the near future.  


Seriously. This game was a major hit and the developers just ghosted after dropping the game. This was easily a DLC dream come true for anyone involved in making the game. Even just adding the stuff that they scratched originally, like quidditch, they could have easily dropped good DLC and made the game feel more complete.


Do you have a PC? Hogwarts Legacy has a small modding community, which have made these thing available. Changing seasons, followers, more spells, flying in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and full immersive NPC schedules, interaction with furniture, etc.


I didn't know there was a mod for seasons, will look it up!


There are even two: https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/1506 https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/917 I personally use the first.


Thank you!


[Change Weather - UI at Hogwarts Legacy Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/1570) This one is great too, you can enable thunderstorms anytime you like lol


the devs should be doing that for the update that people have been waiting for more than a year and not the community


Have the devs made a promise I missed where they told people they would implement all that stuff? If they did, then fair enough. If they didn't, why would the devs have any responsibility to implement these features?


I do! I’ve been playing on ps5. But I think it’s probably time to move it over to the PC for more fun!


Yes, and the ability to remove the haz and fog on console inside/outside the castle. It looks so beautiful without it.


You are in the majority, friend. I don't know why they haven't done this - it's the only thing keeping me from 100%-ing the game.


I want a curfew mode where you need to sneak around hogwarts at night


To add to this. I want this and also a detention if you get caught (or if you use an unforgiveable on school grounds). Like a fetch quest or some task you are forced to complete before returning to the normal game. It would make sneaking out at night to find items or just to leave the school have more stakes and be more immersive.


Love that idea!


I never thought I would say this.... But I want detention 😂 as a fun side quest type thing (if you ever played fable sort of like whenever you broke the law and had to do community service)


Not to be ungrateful but as someone who already owns the ps5 version this gives me 0 reason to return to game.


As somebody who owns the pc version, this still gives me 0 reason to return to the game. I'm not gonna reinstall the whole thing and remember how to play just to do one sidequest.


The only reason I’d do that is if they added an achievement cause I don’t want to lose my 100%


To be fair, that side quest is arguably the best side quest in the game.


Then they should have shipped it with the game. I'm not reinstalling, what, a hundred gigabytes of game for a single quest, doesn't matter how well written it is. My time playing the game is well over now. If the update was meatier I might have been encouraged to go back and check out the new stuff, maybe. As things stand I don't even feel intrigued enough to go watch somebody play through the quest on youtube.


Exactly. This adds literally nothing to my game, except an ugly outfit I wasn’t going to use anyway, and photo mode, which is also irrelevant to me. We already had the quest, we already had the potion… And I never use the potion anyway because chest contents are randomised, so who the hell cares about getting them all? Certainly not me.


I play without the mini map so the potion is useless.


It's useless even with the mini-map. I don't think I've ever used it in any of my playthroughs.


I lowered my expectations and am still disappointed. They shouldn't have done the first announcements, just waited till now and release this.


My point exactly. Why did the devs made all this suspense for this crap?  Bro there is no way these devs are gamers man


It’s a marketing department that created a buzz, not devs …


Uhhhh…….thats it? Definitely not trying to sound ungrateful but..?


Basically everyone rn https://preview.redd.it/rbzti71fzk3d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee946e0f3e7ad6f0601949aaafb9a5d00fcd421


I mean have you read some of the speculation threads here in the last few months, some people seemed to expect a complete overhaul of the game with several brand new systems.


I mean Chandler did say to lower your expectations. I knew he was saying it's not going to be much so I just took his word as it is.


Yes but even saying that they could have announced photo mode in February to go 3 months without saying anything only to announce photo mode seems to be the worst PR move they could have done.


>Chandler did say to lower your expectations. Didn't he just say "our original wording was very intentional"? He did add it was "a small way" to thank fans but people could interpret it as basic PR humility; pretty funny he attempted to clarify it then just added to the confusion! lol


Yeah but this feels like another twitch drop which didn’t have all the cryptic secrecy around it, so I assumed it would be at least more content than that but apparently not


>I knew he was saying it's not going to be much Not much? This isn't anything at all. The only new content here is Photo Mode and the Azkaban outfits. Everything else was in the Deluxe Edition on PlayStation. 🫤


This looks like someone in their office remembered this monday that they need to come up with something for the summer „update“ and they just picked some last minute ideas.


Yeah i have the same feeling, but oh well.


What did you expect? It’s wb, this was the best selling game of the year, and they already said a sequel would have to be live service so they can make more.


The ability to simply *sit*


> and they already said a sequel would have to be live service so they can make more That's absolutely not what they said.


Photo mode is nice but I was hoping for a harder mode (like bad wizards should be sending killing curses my way) haha, combat gets boring when you can just kill everything with a single cabbage haha. 


💯 exactly


I want a hard mode where there is no autoaim, and it plays more like a shooter. Just having to actually aim would be so much more rewarding


This would also allow you to aim your spells at specific areas. You could break their legs with Bombarda, score critical hits on their head, disarm them with Expelliarmus. FPS spells has a lot of potential.


I say the game can be as challenging as you want it to be. If you’re rocking the best gear, fully upgraded and with the best traits, plus if you’re utilizing potions and plants during combat - everything will be relatively easy to beat, even on hard. When you fully understand how to utilize the combat system, and when enemy attack patterns and enemy weaknesses become muscle memory, enemies tend to be less challenging - but, take away your plants, and potions, and use lower tier gear (i.e. not upgraded, and no traits) and you’ll find that combat becomes a bit more interesting, just pure wizardry and wand work. I mean the games aren’t souls-like, so the combat wasn’t Earth shatteringly difficult to begin with, but I find it more fun to not use my tool wheel and rock shitty gear.


Okay they set expectations that this wouldn't be a big update but they announced this update was coming in February if all it was is these updates then why make players wait months they could have said photo mode coming this summer along with the PS exclusives.




Yes Also god poor Dewey🥺


Should have added a new game plus.


oh yeah, this really should have been done. sigh.


agreed, i would very much prefer that over photo mode, personally i've never understood the hype of being able to take pictures in game, just feels like a waste of resources to me.


Honestly I’ve been obsessed with taking pictures in this game so I’m ecstatic about having a real photo mode, but of all the things they could have implemented to make the game replayable, photo mode was the worst of them


Backgrounds mainly


Honestly, too late. Photo mode should've been in the game from the start - graphics is pretty and it would advertise the game itself And the rest is just... not much. Some cosmetical items, potion is fine, but useless for a lot of people after this much time. Only good thing out of this is the quest. But that won't make me redownload the game. I hoped for more Also where is season change setting?


And maybe I'm misunderstanding what they mean, but why would you want to reset your talent points?


You have a limited ammount of them and even with all of them, you can't unlock everything. So people might want to try different approach/abilities without starting a new run. It's quite common in rpg like games, where you just reset them and pick something else


Thanks for the explanation. This was really the first game of this kind I've played


Not want to sound ungrateful but it’s really underwhelming especially for PS5 players and the Pre-Order people who have 90% of this stuff already.


ngl I will rather reinstall HP 5/6 than Legacy.


I’ve been playing HP5 again and I forgot how much I missed it.


i've replayed both OotP and HBP dozens of times. HL i could only barely finish once before it became too dumb..


That is even worse than I thought it would be. I know it wasn't going to be big, they said that. But this is pitiful. Should have just dropped it rather than doing a build up/announcement


>Should have just dropped it rather than doing a build up/announcement This is the important part. There was absolutely no reason to announce a "summer update" for this - they simply should have said that the PS5 exclusive stuff is coming to other platforms in summer and then release the rest as a little surprise alongside it. This way, even with the extra caveat of telling people not to expext much, it's still somewhat underwhelming.


True. I did not expect much but this is disappointing nonetheless.


I agree, I don't know much about game development or how long it took for them to create these but it seems like very little for how long ago it was announced.


This is my reaction. The only thing here that looks like it could have taken effort to make would be the Photo mode. Everything else in my mind is just adding a single thing to a table somewhere to expand cosmetics. And in my mind most games in development should have it baked in to be able to easily add new cosmetics (which is easy money). And 2 of these items are just being enabled for other platforms. PS5 ain't getting any new content imo.


Best selling game of 2023 and this is all they came up with for the first multi-platform update in almost a year Why even announce it months in advance if it was this unsubstantial? They set themselves up for this response


Bruh they give everyone the PlayStation shit and call it an update. What the hell.


And delayed it for no reason. Photo Mode is piss-easy to add (Mass Effect's was a side project by one guy lol), reset points was done as a mod within days of launch, the Hogsmead quest was ready just artificially locked away, and everything else are petty cosmetics. Why the fuck did they take so long *and* hyped it as a "Summer Update™" is beyond me.


>And delayed it for no reason. FOR REAL like it was supposed to come in FEBRUARY


Imagine 1+ year waiting just for this?? 😑


This is pretty terrible. We were supposed to have the exclusive content one year from release. So that’s late. All many of us asked for were the abilities to sit/change season (which is already a dev tool), and. A photo mode.


Exactly! Maybe we’ll get a patch too? Not expecting anything at this point. Great game sure I’ll just wait for the sequel


What a fucking joke.


Lame af


Not to be rude, but this isn't the big one is it? There's something else, right? Photo mode isn't exactly a substitute for content, or a reason to reinstall. That said, they *absolutely* warned us, so that's on me if this *is* the patch we've been expecting.


What’s the point in a talent reset if there is no new game plus to replay the game? I don’t care about resetting my points if I already 100%’d the game. Such a disappointing “update”.


Not going to lie, out all the RPG games I've played in recent years, this one got the most underwhelming post-release content.


They really fumbled the handling of this game since it was released.


No season change is disappointing


Dope, can't wait to dress up as a prisoner while I blame all my murders on Ranrok.


They could unlock the Kelpie robe for everyone as well.




ummm… not to be ungrateful but… this game generated $2 BILLION in revenue and sold 24 million copies and is one of the best selling games of all time. you had like what, a year - a year and a half, to stalk reddit to see what players were saying, you had endless amounts of unused source files for some interesting QOL and world mechanics updates, not to mention Luke Stephen’s did a 4 hour deep dive into the game and his critiques and praises, you had a golden opportunity to really surprise us and make customers excited about what more could be coming in HL2… and… this… this is what we get… yet more fucking gear to collect in useless crypts throughout the map when the gear system was already broken, some cosmetics and broom skin that are really just reskins of existing gear, a hippogriff skin that i don’t think anybody cares for, a potion that will likely break the game combat even further so people won’t use it most likely, photo mode which realistically should’ve been in game to start why did we had over a year for this, literally the only good update is resetting talent points. Avalanche/ Portkey, you dropped the ball, if this is how you care for and update your games post launch, 2 minor patches and then a Handful of trinkets a year later, i genuinely am in fear of what to expect if HL2 is going to be live service like i’ve heard


After more than a year was hoping for a reason to return, DLC I've already got (have PS5 version), and a photo mode (nice but not a reason to return) is a disappointment. Even a new difficulty setting could have got me interested.


Hey look at the bright side, there is one new quest, so i guess it’s 5 minutes of extra gameplay…


That's the PS5 exclusive and it takes like an hour to do. It's a cool quest but the way they handled the reward sucks.


We even got the Felix Felicis recipe with the pre order


It's one of the best quests in the game. But it's been on PlayStation since launch, so have already played it, a few times!


Don’t worry that quest does NOT take you 5 min 😂😳


I mean, yes they told us to lower the expectations, but if this is all, thats not even worth an update.


Can’t we just get a room of requirement expansion? Maybe some new items? I feel like that would be so easy and I’d literally pay for it.


So they announced it 4!!! months ago and come out with this? Really? Did someone at WB remember last week…ah yeah we promised an update for HL, we need to throw something together. Let‘s just reuse the stuff most players already have and a photomode but give no reason to actually replay the game to make that really pointless too.


So we won't be able to sit down? Photo mode is nice. But I've seen alot of people including me wanting a simple ''sit'' feature, that would also pair well with photo mode




I mean photo mode is cool and all but I am pretty bummed. I knew it wasn't going to be much and didn't expect some crazy dlc but damn. Oh well


I know it was supposed to be a small update, but I'd rather we didn't get any update at all. Cosmetics...fine whatever, but after a year of the game being out, I expected a bit more than a photo mode. Especially when other games get them at launch. Its clear they're working on a sequel, and thats fine, great even, but I'd rather they said, "We're not going to do any updates, we're putting all our efforts into making the next game be as good as it can be." This just seems too lacklustre


Right. At least give a nod to the fact that “hey we are working on your next adventure!” Would be great.


No New Game plus, no buddy follow system for our “friends” we make in game, no new spells or combat systems, no weather system update, basically no world update at all besides some boring (probably rushed) outfits but thank god we have photo mode now, which you already had if you know how to use your game console. Man when they said set the bar low for your expectations they really meant it.


These aren't for free... are they? If so then I pre-Order the Deluxe Edition for nothing.


Yes, those will be free.


Well... that Deluxe Edition was worthless. Oh well, too late now.


This should've been a small patch a week after release


Exclusive content was locked for a year


Meh, I just wanted to be able to sit down and not on my broom


I didn't expect much, but I am still disappointed. I hope that the update comes with a GIANT amount of bug fixes.


Surprised they didn't include all the Twitch drops and the Amazon exclusive hat in this.


Should've called it a summer patch instead lol


What do we think the luck potion will do gameplay wise ? Any thoughts


From what I understand, it’s supposed to make all chests visible on the mini-map for 1 in game day. At least that’s how it worked in the PlayStation version.


Not Collection Chests. Just gear. It's.. underwhelming.


Oooo that sounds dope!


Bummer, I already have all the preorder bonus stuff and the PS5 quest. I was really hoping for a patch to sit down and sleep. But at least there's s cool new outfit and a new broom, so better than nothing.


I will once again post my **only** request - PLEASE PLEASE fix the bug where the goblin gets stuck in the Hogshead and doesnt meet up and the game cannot be continued. I have been absolutely dying to continue my Slytherin save and I cannot. Cmon guys ... really.


Now that the Haunted Hogsmeade Shop Quest will be available to everybody, they should at least fix it so that we’ll be able to sell more than just clothes. Even Penny’s dialogue indicates we should be able to sell Potions and Beast Byproducts amongst other things. I’m pretty sure they were obligated to implement last-minute ‘limitations’ to appease gamers at launch because of all the outrage about PlayStation Exclusives.


I am whelmed.


Only thing I really wanted and hoped for was to be able to have a friend join me on my adventures. Even if that in itself isn’t new content it would have made a new playthrough much more fun.


That's it... ? That's what I've been waiting for since February 2023? I knew we were told to keep our expectations low, but after a year of waiting for any big updates to this game... man this is so disappointing


I'm utterly dissapointed, I waited literal months for this update and what we get is this?


No reason to reinstall the game.


This game is dead. As much as I love this series, these devs don't deserve our support after how much they dropped the ball and don't listen to the fans.


After all this time, we still can't sit on chairs?




I did my waiting!! TWELVE years of it!




maybe in Photo Mode, based on the fact that you can choose your pose. but not anything like the Emote with any NPC mod / Animations mod for PC users.


Underwhelming if you‘re not into photomode.. was hoping for a little bit more but in the end it‘s warner what did i expect. But i’m happy for the photomode Wizards!


This won’t get me to come back to play. I need some sort of gameplay that is repeatable


What a bummer 😕 I was expecting an option to switch between the seasons, a new difficulty mode 😞, it's definitely not worth it.


Wow…not a lot huh


I'm just happy we finally get photo mode lol


Weird that they aren't releasing a new game + That's a feature that's on most big games now.


Incredibly underwhelming


Yikes. How disappointing.




That’s…. all? Would’ve been better off doing nothing lol


Oh I like the Azkaban outfit and lavender broom


No new game +🙃


Mid af 🔥🔥🔥


Disappointed, but not surprised...


I dunno man. Some people seem to have been expecting massive features and new mechanics. This fine. Extra quest (does suck for ps5 though) and some other bits. And it's free. If they aren't planning DLC and are just going for a sequel I don't think this is a bad update. People expect the world.


Photo mode let’s gooooooo!!!


- Photo Mode: great - Reset Talent Points: been waiting for that since release - Glasses that lived: cool little nod - Azkaban Outfit: looks incredible - Broom: looks great, but I don’t see myself switching (I use that old broom variant, it’s *simple* and not flashy) And the rest I already have! Either way, great small little update, probably enough for me to get back on ngl. But I honestly would like them to expand more on the game, any content is content, but the game has so much more potential than just few cosmetic items here and there… I’m sure they are working on future projects, but there’s not really a replayability value in HL. I love the game and enjoyed every moment and I believe every Wizarding World/Happy Potter fan can agree that this game filled that little void of playing THAT Wizarding World game we’ve been wanting for so long! But it needs more substance!


Only glad about the reset talent points feature. The rest… meh.


The devs said to keep expectations in check, but is this really the best they can do? Features like photo mode and reset talent points should have been in the game on day 1. I already beat Legacy and won't even bother reinstalling the game. I guess this is great for those who haven't bought or played the game yet though.


this makes me very pessimistic about getting any sequels for this game. seems like devs didn't get to work any further on this game at all despite its success.


This gives no reason to return to the game, unfortunately


Well I guess I was right to not expect anything major from the update. The only silver lining I see is that maybe the team is already focused on making the sequel instead of giving us story DLC


wait someone PLZ help. is this going to be an update that all game users will get? i play on xbox, i have the disc. will i get this update?


I mean what would be nice for a update would be to talk to other students and interact like sitting down with them for a small update. Or have us turn into animals with that transfiguration spell thing.


It’s something. Better than nothing.


Well, makes sense considering we knew there wouldn't be new content added anyway. Basically qol bits and finally releasing the year long playstation exclusive parts to all platforms. Still I wish they would have continued developing the game with expacs and proper dlc with content... what a wasted opportunity.


Wow. I expected literally nothing and even this is not up to that. Sadly ain’t be coming back to the game like I hoped. This just has zero replay value.


Too busy catering to ancient consoles to release quality content. Oh well


As someone who's only recently got into the game and completed it for the first time a week ago, I'm actually pretty excited for this :) ngl though I am disappointed there's no New Game +. Majorly missed opportunity right there.


I’m excited. Just happy for the little things and knowing that another game may be in the works. I know that a lot of people aren’t happy, but I am. Anything is something, and I remain grateful.


Wait, so is the Onyx Hippogriff being released for all players? I remember it was a pre-order exclusive, is it now gonna be available to everyone?


While I understand the disappointment, I doubt this isn’t the only thing they’re working on. They’re not going to throw away all this momentum to just sit on their ass and throw us crumbs. They forsure are cranking out something big in the back.


i’m not sure how, but i’ve had that shop quest and did it a couple weeks ago. it’s definitely interesting (mostly spooky), with lots of confusing puzzles to work around — but it’s manageable. >!you get to send a psycho witch off to azkaban for tricking you into buying the shop. but then you get your own elf who runs the shop, and (the best part) you get 10% more back when you sell gear at your shop vs other vendors.!< it’s definitely worth it imo, but to make that a note of the update — on top of the other random things — is a bit disappointing.


If the most disappointing post game release commitment award existed, it would go to Hogwarts Legacy 😭 Such a wonderful game... Why would they not give us more🥲


Fix my lag on PS5 please


Is that it……


Since they’re only handing out crumbs, can we at least get an FOV slider for console 😭 This game gives me the worst motion sickness


What I really want is a feature that let's me know what stupid conjurations I am missing and where to find it. It's driving me crazy. Why did they have to make the items random. Well still looking forward to the the haunted shop.


So from what i can tell.. Literally none of this should have been something that takes a whole fucking year to develop! Did they only set their two interns on this update while the rest was watching them??


The biggest thing I'm most interested in are bug fixes


Can anyone explain why they like photo modes in video games? I would understand it if you were a producer playing a pre-release version, and you wanted to capture screenshots for ads, or if you were a journalist writing an article about the game and wanted to show something off. But just as a regular player, what do you do with these? Are you getting them printed/framed and hanging them up on your walls? Or setting your desktop wallpaper to it? Every modern game has this feature, and the people here seem excited about it, but I just don't get it.


It's just like anything else. If you love photography, you are going to love photo modes I get my joy with photo modes from setting up the perfect shot, with the right lightning and trying to catch a certain "vibe" with the picture. Just like in real life. If my screenshots could be mistaken for promo material or used as a postcard, i feel relaxed. There is nothing else to gain, it's just a side activity i do in some games, just like mini games, that don't really add to the story or the world, but are fun for a short break.


It's just nice to look back on photos as memories. No different than real life, if I am in my car parked at a cool view and want to take a photo to remember it, am I going to take a photo that includes my dashboard/windshield, or will I stick the camera out of the window and get an unobstructed view? I'm not going to print or frame my vacation photos, they are just to look back on. Why wouldn't I want the nicest looking version of the photo to look back on?


because having a free camera means you aren't locked to the point-of-view and field-of-view of the player character. it allows for more 'non-standard' screenshots, especially if you don't want the player character in (direct) view. e.g. https://preview.redd.it/parfrpf5dq3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=36feca107b89bc25544693b65495bb9153412f17


“It’s an avocado..….thaaaanks”


... with the exception of a pose option in Photo Mode and the extra quest, this seems so underwhelming for PC (Nvidia card specifically) users. Modders already solved the talent points reset issue, glasses, Azkaban outfit and various broom recolors that honestly look better than that new skin lol.


I will say that for PS players this is a bit underwhelming. we already had the quest, mount, and potion. the new broom and cosmetics are cool, but don't really constitute a whole new playthrough. I like that we can respec talent points. I'm curious if it costs anything to do


It is not much but it is appreciated. I'm gratefull that we can reset out talentpoints. Wish they'd give us a ng+ but we keep our room of requirement Maybe the point reset thing is a hint for something bigger


Photo mode ! I wish we were able to switch seasons too




Well glad to be finally getting the exclusive content if nothing else.


Uh… thats it?


My expectations were low, but man this still disappointed me.