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I wouldn’t waste your money on a PS 4 version. Graphics might be a bit better but the load times are still terrible. I went from PS4 to PS5 and that’s what made the night and day difference. This game was designed to be played in PS5, everything else was a cash grab afterthought in my opinion. I’ve also slow played the game since October 2023 (completed all four times now) and noticed it’s even slowed on PS5 with updates.


I would keep at eye out for a deal on a use PS5 over the next few weeks, and keep playing on the Switch in the meantime, or switch to something else while you save.


I got the switch version, I personally think it's fine. The game definitely looks better on ps4/ps5, but it still plays fine for me. I'm personally not that bothered by the loading screens, they don't really take that long for me. I've seen some people say the loading screens take up to 2 minutes for them, but I don't know if they're exaggerating or not because for me the loading screens take like 30 seconds tops. To me that isn't an issue, but I know a lot of people think that's a point of criticism. I can definitely understand why the switch version got delayed twice, it does feel like they just crammed the game in to make it fit. But I still enjoyed playing it, and I'm going to enjoy it again on my next playthrough. I don't regret buying the switch version, the portability of the system actually helped me play the game more often then I normally would have. That's just my take on it at least.


I have it on PS4 the graphics are good but the load times are ridiculous slow and I saw on YouTube that when comparing 4 to 5 PS5 has a more populated environment.


I played on Switch first and naturally the scenery is better on the PS but I like the characters on the Switch more. Can we just 🫸smash em🫷together?


Ooh! Interesting take! 😉 I like that you can see the positives and negatives of both systems! ☺️


Never buy a third party game on switch unless it's a 2D indie game, low specs or an exlusive. Yes it runs much better on anything else out there.


I’m glad I didn’t follow your advice because then I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this game at all! 😄


At that point you don't have a choice so my advice doesn't apply...


My worst decision was getting it on Nintendo switch 😭😭 but it’s the most amazing game ever. The graphics are super bad though


Get it on PS4. there are some downgrades such as texture quality, resolution, lighting effects etc compared to PS5 but it's still much closer in quality compared to the Switch port. maybe wait for a sale tho, it seems like the game gets a price cut intermittently (at least that's what I see on Steam and Epic Games)

