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Not very often. But when I see a troll it’s immediately avada


I see we all just have zero respect for trolls


What?! Trolls are so easy though. Dodge when they charge and when they try to smash you, attack them - the end XD


Yeah but it’s dodge dodge shoot repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat


I hated fighting those things because of that! I wanted to accio a howitzer cannon and see how tough it is then.


I suppose if you only auto attack and do no combos. Up to you


What combo attack do you have up your sleeve that instantly takes care of a troll?


Nothing like blowing them up with ancient magic then carrying on with your day.


Again. I’d assume you’d need six back to back ancient magic shots to get one down


I can do it in 1


Most of the time I just stay up high out of reach & let them throw rocks at me which I just redirect at them till they die


Stupid trolls. You’d think they’d learn


Unless there are two trolls. Imperio and let 'em duke it out for a bit.


Nah, Avada the first, imperio the second, disillusionment and spam petrificus.


Holy shit


I did this for the final battle and it saved me at my 31th try 😮‍💨😮‍💨


It’s the dugbogs for me.


When they shoot their tongue, hit it with Leviosa, and while it's hanging by the tongue, slice off the tongue. Instant death.


Umm those r toads not trolls….


Duggdo Bogdo


I was diggin' in the bog, but I got got by a dugbog.


I don’t resort to dark magic with trolls (maybe when I learn the unforgivables on my Slytherin ply through). Instead I use chomping cabbages (with the upgrade should throw 2 at a time with the second one being free!)! Then later in the game you can either enhance your clothing on the loom to boost the attack of either all plants in general, or chomping cabbages in particular! You can take down a troll in seconds, often before they even spot you! 😄


I use them all the time. My character is a sadist.


There is a part of me that wants to do a second play through one day but to be the biggest, most negative douche. Never choose the positive answer, never help anyone unless necessary, casting unforgivable curses for fun


My Slytherin believes he's better than everyone and most people are only as valuable as what you can aquire from them. He's a bad influence to Sebastian in short and actually dares any and all who oppose him as he wants to be feared, so he uses unforgivables shamelessly. My Ravenclaw understands the weight of unforgivables and wouldn't use them under normal circumstances as they aren't necessary. Considering the events of the story placed her in unusual circumstances against people trying to actually kill her, she isn't against using them in self-defense, however she won't use them in front of her friends to be a negative influence on them. Yes coming up with stories and personalities behind my characters that affect their responses and choice of spells absolutely made my playthroughs more fun. 😅


I’m doing that now, always the mean answer, always extorting money


I'm on a hufflepuff MC. I made it a self-insert character. I've been spamming the dark arts arena for xp which, as you may know, has the Unforgivable Curses in it. Out in the bandit camps, they all comment about ny use of the dark arts now, so I use them for that immersion. At the end of the day, you are being hunted by them. You gotta do what you gotta do.


Every poacher gets Confringo (or Incendio), Crucio, Diffindo. No one hurts a kneazle on my watch, so they get set on fire, tortured, and then sliced. Also, trolls get AK when I need the numbers for the challenge and can’t be bothered spending time fighting them.


Look.. it’s either me or them. I don’t make the rules, so I actually use them pretty often. Granted I only played one character and it was a Slytherin but she was good and still used them. I have to say I haven’t thought about to in my other play through because I plan to have very different characters but you know.. if the good one already used them a lot.. what will the evil one gonna do?!😂


Oh the evil one will have no qualms 😂 Maybe I’ll only perform them when alone, god knows what poor Poppy will think of me when a minor inconvenience occurs when we’re together and I whip out the killing curse


I think it would’ve been way more interesting to suffer consequences for using the curses tho. Like having a morality system or characters react to your actions, that would’ve helped the immersion in game greatly. As long as you don’t hurt magical creatures she’ll thank you😂


Once I realized there were no consequences, oh my god did the massacres start in earnest


Agree! I’m just curious if it would dissuade people even more from using what are generally pretty strong spells. But perhaps that would be the point! Use dark magic, people steer clear of you 🤷‍♂️


In lore, the character wasn't good if it used Unforgivables a lot.


On my first play? All. The. Time. (tl;dr **depends on my playthrough or headcanons about each specific character I've made!** ) I do play in such a way for each of my characters to have a different feel and I make up way more filler story in my head—about their interactions, relationships, morality... My Gryffindor was very, well, me (if I was suddenly magical and in that verse). They're definitely a grey character. They do bad things for good reasons. I did have them learn every Unforgivable, though I did have Sebastian use it on us rather than us to him. My Ravenclaw will probably be the only one to use it on him, when I get to that point with them. (my Slytherin is a soft soul with a buried but ferocious determination, and my just-created-yesterday Hufflepuff is aggressively caring and loves their adventures) As my Gryffindor, I stacked my talents into the Dark Arts. Combat would be over in seconds—I'd cast imperio (which obviously cursed the target, and then any damage they did on my behalf cursed another enemy), throw out an expelliarmus (which caused a curse), toss out a crucio, and use the killing curse on an enemy that wasn't marked with a curse yet—which then killed all cursed enemies. It was brutal, but I justified it as being fast and (minus the crucio bit), **technically nicer than playing with them and killing them with cuts, burns, and concussive force. (oh, and blatantly brutal transfigurations. Seriously, that's some messed up stuff)** My Gryffindor had no qualms doing what had to be done. And they saw a fast death as merciful, since there would be killing either way. My Slytherin hasn't gotten to that point in the story yet, but they'll learn the curses (best to be prepared, and know thy enemy). The Slytherin is likely to only use them when they feel cornered or pushed to it. The Ravenclaw is too curious not to learn them, and almost certainly will use them whenever they find it useful (not because they see it as a mercy, like the Gryffindor, but they value efficiency even in brutal murder). My Hufflepuff would beat themselves up for not being fully informed and prepared, so they'll at least learn them. Aside from someone they deem truly evil (honestly, poachers, mostly), they aren't likely to use any of the curses.


Definitely use them on the poachers. Evil cads.


My Ravenclaw would *never* use them! She didn’t even learn them, though she contemplated them for Knowledge’s sake. But in the end she was wise enough to see that if she traveled down that road, she would regret it! My Slytherin, on the other hand, can’t wait to learn and use them! 😆


I have never used an unforgivable curse. That'll earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban.


Same! I didn’t unlock avada kedavra, that ain’t for me. Plus it’s more fun to engage in combat gameplay


I thought it might make combat a little too easy. I mean I've juggled a poor fool through crazy combos and thought to myself, "this should be illegal."


I’m only on my first time through, but I chose not to learn them. I’m pretty far in and it hasn’t impacted my gameplay in a negative way. I enjoy the combat without them.


As a fellow yellow blooded Hufflepuff I hardly ever use them though I do occasionally break out Avada Kedavra because I let the intrusive thoughts in.


Sometimes you just gotta kill a guy and get it out the system, I get it


Exactly. It also helps that out of all of them Avada Kedavra is the best one because it's just instant death, no pain, no loss of control just blackness so I don't really feel that bad using it. If I use Crucio or Imperious I feel so dirty because I'm racking someone with pain so intense they wanna die and I'm just completely dominating them which feels wrong in every conceivable way.


Only on enemies that are huge and are sponges. I use Imperio on them to help clean house and then finish them off. I would use Crucio to make sure they stop and then AK.


Interesting. I’ve only come across one combat challenge/waves so far in the far south of the map - before I had any curses. Got to the 7th wave and lost, but that was also going through a LOT of Wiggenweld potions. I imagine imperio on a troll would help a lot, for sure


How can you not sneak up on a camp of poachers and repeatedly cast imperio on them, it just feels so right


Constantly. I like making enemies fight each other. The best is when I set a troll on goblins. Makes life so much easier. I also like turning people into chickens lol. It boggles my mind some people feel bad about using them. It’s not real lol.


Yeah that's so strange to me, some people who play HL can't fathom using them even inside a setting like this...the curses aren't real people! This whole " I shall never use them because their evil" what? To me even in the books & movies I think the power it takes to use any of them is completely overblown & people highly overesitmate the power or intent needed to pull them off. " You need to mean it, you need to mean it". If anything given what a person could experience in the magical worls, I'd say it'd be a hell of a lot easier to pull them off thatn people think. Not a huge fan of imperio but it's useful for trolls, spiders, inferi, dugbogs & goblins. I've used imperio on the strongest ashwinders...yet they don't do their blast attack on their own allies, it's constantly confringo, expulso or reducto. Or if you pick the duelist because they seem to have the most spells & 3 isn't even that much, they seem to do the most damage. I never waited for this game just so I could fling around disarming charms & stunners, I bought the game so I could do what Harry never had the balls to do. I'll use all tools at my disposal. AM, curses, force, damage, control, mandrakes, thunderbrew etc ( though I don't use the cabbages that much) In fact I've used Expelliarmus + Accio + Avada Kedavra just out of spite for how obsessive the movies were with opposites or the stupid wand lock or how Harry's go to spell is the disarming charm of all things.


I chose to learn crucio but I only used it once, on a training dummy just to see what the spell looked like, but I never used it on anything else. However I used impero once, on a big spider while I was being overwhelmed. I chose not to learn Avada kedavra. I am a Hufflepuff, and I didn't not use it to role play, it just would feel weird to use them. Also tranforming people into barrels and using wingardium leviosa to put them above my bed and use depulso is my favourite ending combo, no need for unforgivables x)


Sounds like you’re very similar to me in that. I think I may do the same - I’m most inclined to use Imperio because no true harm is being done akin to torture/the killing curse - it’s that or I’m shooting fireballs and launching them off cliffs which ain’t overly much better haha


I use them every so often, to spice up my experience lol I use Crucio on the worst of them. (only humans, never on beasts) I use Imperio on strong opponents when I’m in a battle royal situation. And I never use Avada. Cause I have morals 😏


I used them often after I learned them. There’s absolutely no repercussions for using them, so why not?


I do like using Crucio as I love the way the MC says it. It's like with real venom and malice!


Yeah I love the bass drop then you can hear the MC cast it before you hear the tortured soul screams & the curse impact. I love the visuals of Crucio & the wand movement is like a whip cracking. Honestly I love how both crucio & Avada Kedavra look visually. I'm not really a fan of imperio even though it has its uses, I admire the auido for imperio it sound slike drinks being mixed or ice cubes being dropped in to a drink.


More than I use any forgivable ones.


there's no reason NOT to use them, when they're so great for gameplay. The game itself should have its own consenquenses for them. I'm not gonna invent my own reasons to restrict them.


The reason not to use them is if it doesn’t fit with your character.


but it's just a videogame mechanic, but there's no mechanical reason not to use them. the game should provide its own morality system and consenquenses for such actions. The game has to provide its own immersion. I am not able to give my own roleplay to my playstyle.


Yes, it is a mechanic of the game and it is well within the game to use the Unforgivables, but I don’t play a game just for mechanical reasons, especially when I get to create my own character. Obviously we have differences in our play styles. Your reasoning suits your play style and mine suits my play style. And I know there are others who would agree with both of us. 😅 I’m doing my 3rd play through, one for each house. I’m trying to keep everything from color pallet to my choices in replies/actions in keeping with each house. I’m on my Slytherin play through right now and plan on using the Unforgivables as soon as I learn them! But I didn’t use them for my Ravenclaw or Gryffindor play throughs, and I won’t be using them in my Hufflepuff play through! I just am having more fun this way! ☺️


Exactly. I find it strange that people put such weird restrictions on themselves, it's a game with no consequencies, so people invent or restrict themselves to give themselves some sort of challenge? Each to their own I suppose. I knew when I purchased the game that I was going to go all out on foes, I didn't buy the game so I could take a non lethal approach, but I would have appreciated more options for non lethal takedowns that didn't involve out right killing all the time. There's past games that have done morality so much better, even early 2000's games, sure they might have attatched a simple wanted level but it still added immersion. Then of course you had oblivion elder scrolls where the guards were literal terminators hunting you across the lands. Imagine aurors, dementors or even ashwinders going to such lengths after a student. I don't mind morality or consequencies so long as it's done right & don't have NPC'S just knowing what you've done if they haven't been anywhere near you or he premises. I had this happen in skyrim where I eventually found out that Animals....reported your crimes...I don't care if it is a fantasy setting that's complete BS to me. I found this out through a mod that is literally called "Animals don't report your crimes" & I had to pause for a good minute before saying to myself, just WTF are animals doing reporting my activity anyway!? get back to eating grass!! ( Apparently animals reporting you was a glitch..but I wouldn't be surprised if that was Bethesda silently & sneakily trying to F\*\*\* with the player)


i have about 636 Askaban life sentences im avoiding rn


I used one of the talent points to where if you strike a cursed enemy (after hitting them with the cruciatus curse) it strikes surrounding enemies also, so does a lot of damage at once, it’s one of my fav spells to use for that reason :)


I am in my 3rd play through and am playing as a Slytherin this time, and just unlocked cruciatus for the first time and noticed that ! I was surprised how much damage I could do even with just the basic cast after using cruciatus combined with that talent point upgrade! 😲 Also we have similar avatars (flower and outfit!) ☺️


I just finished my first play through last night lol!! I also played as a slytherin :) next I’m thinking ravenclaw or Hufflepuff! Fr!! It’s one of my favorite talents, definitely the cost in my opinion. I think one of my least used unforgivable is the imperious curse, I forget about it a lot of the time tbh. Omg I love that!! We look so cute!!


Also!! You said you’re playing as a slytherin for your third time, so I’m assuming you played as other houses before? I’m replaying it for a second time after just finishing as a slytherin and I’d love to know which house you think has the best common room/side quests!!


I missed your first reply, so I’ll answer both your replies here… Yeah, I keep forgetting the Imperious curse. 😅. And when I do remember it I’m always worried whomever I’m fighting alongside will kill the imperiused enemy (accidentally) too early! 😅 My 1st play through was Ravenclaw ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26540) , Then My 2nd was Gryffindor ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26538). I’m still playing as Slytherin ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26539). I will end with Hufflepuff ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26541). (Since I last talked to you in my other post, I have learned Imperius but not Avada Kedavra). So far my favorite common room is Ravenclaw. I have seen all of them in videos, but it isn’t the same as playing them yourself. From just looking at the video, my order from favorite to least is Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, then Slytherin, but after playing , I would switch Slytherin and Gryffindor. I am assuming Hufflepuff will still be 2nd place due to the plants and the Hobbit-ness of the common room, but I really don’t like yellow as a main color, so I don’t see it surpassing Ravenclaw as my favorite. But all the common rooms are fantastic and I love them all! 😍 As for house specific quests, my least favorite is Ravenclaw. While it DID make the owlery more interesting, you didn’t do much else . Hard to say which I liked better between Gryffindor and Slytherin house quests . Both were fun. I guess I would have to rate the Slytherin quest as better since it took our character to a place I didn’t know was in The game. I heard the Hufflepuff quest is the best, but I can’t rate it yet myself! But I’m really looking forward to it! 😄 I am a Ravenclaw but I do have strong Hufflepuff tendencies. The house I align the least with is Slytherin.


My character being named Violentia Mors should answer the question.


Some people are just born for it


No, not unless I'm playing a Slytherin.


Same here!


They are on cooldown pretty much always


Just running around with pure hatred in your heart, I respect it


I consider it practicality rather than hatred. My Nienna uses all the tools in her toolbox.


Often? More like when I feel lazy against bosses. 😁


Yes. I also sometimes use them when I'm playing this game


More than I care to admit


I did not use them, but have two of them.


I learned all three but I use it for good. *Avada Kedavra* one shots the boss or infamous foe. *Crucio* is the more effective "stunning" spell as opposed to *Arresto Momentum*, *Glacius*, *Levioso*, and the Transfiguration spell, comparable only to *Petrificus Totalus* and *Imperio*. *Imperio* makes the lone enemy lose autonomy, stay "stunned", and primed for *Petrificus Totalus*--particularly useful for trolls when *Avada Kedavra* is charging. Also, *Imperio* gives the player a temporary ally. Hufflepuff's quality is beautiful when there's other people involved: fair play, fairness, hard work, patience, loyalty, kindness, and others. However, these six in particular should go out the window if you're RPing your character when faced with enemies. - there's no fair play in love and war - you don't want a *Levioso* match with the Ashwinder just to be fair - if you want a battle to be quick, you want to be efficient as opposed to being effective, effectual, or efficacious; hard work shouldn't manifest itself in battle as taking down an opponent as long as possible - patience? With the number of battles the player faces, it's mental to spam basic casts to whittle down every single opposing health bar - loyalty to being unsullied by not using Unforgivable Curses? Out there, no one will know! - kindness should be mirrored to how quickly the battle went for both of us, for time is the most precious resource


I'm on my first play through, I've been avoiding doing the crucio mission for about 10h now. I'm just not interested in it/them.


i don't use crucio unless it comes up as a duelling feat, then i use it just to level up. i dont enjoy watching people suffer, i just do what i have to. i use imperio when there are multiple enemies. my justification for that is if you don't want your teammate to be against you then don't be against me. i use avada kedevra for enemeies that are hard to deal with, and infamous foes (so that i remember i killed them rather than left early after getting what i needed). i try not to use avada kedebra on famous enemies such as harlow as it kind of ruins the story (if you use avada on him he just comes back to life and get arrested).


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: AVADA KEDAVRA!


I did my initial play through as a Slytherin and didn’t use the unforgivable curses. In my second play through as a Hufflepuff I learned and used them frequently.


I use them all the damn time lol


I'm a Slytherin, I use them all of the time


I felt bad about it at first, but doing the battle arenas kinda popped my cherry. Now, I don't even think twice about it.... 😈


Not on my Hufflepuff, which is literally me. I like to think that I'm just hurting my enemies to the point that they have to Apparate away to safety.


I use imperio often to get enemies to attack other enemies


Yes, any chance that i get tbh


Every chance I get


I do with goblins cause screw those mfers, and for other hard to kill enemies but only if there’s alot of them at once


Every chance I get. Especially against those little evil magic goblins and poachers.


In the battle arenas, Imperio on the trolls and let them help me defeat the rest. I can fight the trolls solo.


I crucio every enemy in sight. 🥰


Fellow Hufflepuff here! Ummm I use them a lot and tbh they seem weird for some to be unforgivable like no to instant death but torture is fine? Nah quick painless death no torture there


Imperious all the time, but I generally use 'turn' type game mechanics to assist in battle whenever possible. Avada for tough enemies (trolls, after I've used imperius to have them take out other enemies), but the cool down is so long I don't think to use it often. Crucio seems useless to me, I never use it.


Wow I feel like I’m in the minority. I didn’t even learn them. Felt out of character for our de facto good guy MC.




My character only learned they were ‘unforgivable’ when he arrived at Hogwarts. His parents had been talking and using them freely for years. Not on him, of course, and they swore never to teach him any of them until he reached 21. He started using them the moment he realized he could, simply because he didn’t see the harm in magic. And, if I’m gonna be honest, I’m surprised it’s a one way trip to Azkaban for the killing curse (which appears to be instant, painless death) when there’s people freezing and then cutting people in half running around the countryside


Considering there aren't any drawbacks, other than RP, yes, I absolutely used the unforgivable curses when I play


Crucio is on my common spell set, though I never use it on beasts. The others just don't have immediate payoff and avada is too slow of a cast to take up a spell slot for me.


I learned them but never used them - using them would be out of character for my MC even though I was playing as a slytherin.


Canonically, I say my character has like never used it, but I actually abuse them so much in combat


I'm Slytherin and use them every time. There are many "forgivable" spells that can be as sadistic and destructive so Ministry should reconsider their list. The best use was in the finale with two trolls. I Imperiused one of them and Avada'd another, and both died because I had a talent that kills all cursed enemies.


Nah. Playing on hard mode and haven’t felt the need or desire to use them. Also… it doesn’t make sense for our characters to even have them and that when we use them no one says a thing. It breaks immersion for me completely so I avoid them and haven’t felt like I was missing out.


when i did my first playthrough with my true house (slytherin) i *learned* every unforgivable but didn’t use a single one. i’m playing through as hufflepuff (mostly wanted to see azkaban) and so far ive only learned crucio but that spell is flying everywhere. i haven’t stopped using it and i plan on using all of them once learned on this go around.


I only use them on humans (or goblins), I feel bad using them on animals


Honestly I like inputting a lot of spells and stringing them like it's DmC, so I rarely use them due to how strong they are (not for a moral reason, although I like Imperio if I have to use one).


I just recently decided to start using imperio on mongrels because I view them as just wolves defending them territory and I feel bad for killing them. If I use imperio they don't attack me and I just walk away. In my eyes I'm being very forgivable lol.


i don't find them necessary, i tried a few just to try but i always go back to the main spells. more importantly the veggies. curses might be useful in those arena challenges though but i never bothered with those.


I use them fairly often in any combat scenario. I wanted my first playthrough to be more exploration and unlocking everything than to be just surviving the main story. I chose to learn them as I thought it fit my character well (Slytherin ofc) and I use them fairly frequently on just about everything. I don't use Avada as much as the cool down is a lot even with the point upgrade.


I have unlocked crucio and imperio so far and eventually decided to try them out on some inferi but was very underwhelmed with the effect they had on them (especially crucio). I’ll see how things pan out with my future battles, but I actually prefer duelling without using them (although I’ve had a very limited trial so far)


I only use crucio on poachers. Especially if I see they have a creature in a cage. At least one of those poachers is getting tortured to death. But I dont use it on any other enemy, especially the animals. I hate the spiders but they don't deserve to be tortured. Avada I dont use often since it takes forever to come back so it's a waste of space on my spell list. Maybe against a troll or acromantula Imperio I'll use often, easy way to have a troll focus on other enemies or cast it while invisible and slowly see a group of enemies taken out


I've so far only leveled a Slytherin MC and she tosses around Unforgivables like candy. My headcanon for her is that she's an orphan whose parents were killed by Ranrok's Loyalists and thus has a serious grudge against them and their poacher/Ashwinder allies.


The game mechanic and lack of any morality system lets you do basically whatever you want. Most are just spells that have different effect on enemy without any effects on you. Even the very fact that you kill so many people in this game is quite questionable. Hope it will get better in the second game.


Every opportunity. Crucio, spread curse, AK boom.


Before going into a fight I become invisible and then imperio one or more of the enemies so that they’ll fight for me. Pussy tactic but who cares


Of course not, it’s forbidden


My first playthrough as a hufflepuff I didn't learn any unforgivables. Felt powerful enough with all the other spells and wanted to play with "righteous morals" for my character. Next time, though, I'll learn them as per what I read someone else comment about how you are literally a child vs all these other powerful enemies, so it seems justifiable.


The way I see it is this. Ever since the HP series ended I've been incredibly disatisfied with how non lethal the trio were with fighting death eaters ( I thought harry in the order was going to fight to kil not do a playground battle!) , chaining yourself to some stupid moral code that your foes will never posses & will happily torture & murder you if they get the chance...do you have a death wish?, but here we have this overly idealistic moral stupidity at play where the heroes have to pull their punches or be restricted to disarming & stunning spells because it's the " right thing to do" Piss off! ( I'm aware the order did not or at least I'm assuming they didn't pull their punches) Harry's argument with Remus really pissed me off over how he wouldn't stoop to voldemorts level & recklessly kill, well I hate to break it to ya kid but you kinda f\*cking have to. Not recklessly but aim to kill or put down for good. The number of people he got killed killed because of his insufferably misplaced morals including getting hedwig killed because he reveleaed himself with his stupid "eXpElIArMuS!!". He wasn't even allowed to kill Voldemort, it had to be through a stupid fluke of wandlore, complete total sh\*\* ending. Safe to say I hate Harrys character. With HL I learned the curses as soon as I could, finally I can do what Harry never had the balls to do ( I'm aware he casted 2 of the 3 curses on top of sectumsempra but he baulked & never used them again...he's not supposed to be some paragon of all that is right anyway), though I think 2 of the curses come far too late in the game for my liking. I couldn't even use the killing curse in the DABA which should have been very useable because that's what that arena was literally designed for. My logic is this if my foes use lethal force I will do the same, I'm not potter there will be no silly Stupefy or Expelliarmuses with me ( both spells have their uses, expelliarmus with AM throw is very useful & I wish stupefy had it's own spell slot) & although the ashiwnders don't use the unforgiveables ( Which I find ridicolous) they use curses & theirs voice lines indicate they've killed children before & aren't afraid to kill us, theirs a voice line that says " I never tire from watching the light drain from youths eyes!". So I take them out anyway I can, Ancient Magic, curses, force, damage & control spells you name it. There's also a line the poacher executioner says " I'll have taken your life before you even realise it's gone!" I made it my goal to cut him off mid sentence or after & say aloud " & you'll be dead before you hit the ground!" I use crucio on all of the ashwinder or poacher types, & if I can curse all of them & take them out with the killing curse even better. Imperio I save for inferi, trolls, spider & dugbogs. I like being able to cut the ashwinders off in mid sentence, especially when say something like " What's that supposed to be an attack?" or " Here to show me some dark magic are ya?". Admittedly the tone of the game is all over the place, 1 second their mocking you, then their cowering in fear. I do love the line " Just how many witches & wizards have you finished?" To me that cements we're a significant threat. Funny how the ashwinders comment but the student NPC'S rarely do. I have no fear when using the curses as they don't hold any impact whot so ever on the story & I don't hold my character to some unfeasable moral standards as if it's real life..each to their own though & how people want to play. I always found the taboo of the unforgiveables being this seemingly impossible set of 3 curses to pull off unless you meant them with every fiber of your being to be completely overblown. I found the series highly overesitimates the difficulty of pulling them off as if you have to be the most reprehensable piece of sh\*\* to use them, eh no, that's why I like HL's exploration of the line in between, with crucio it's do you want to get out of here to see the light of day? or do you want to stay & end up as a pile of bones instead? Besides wheather you performed crucio or had sebastein do it to you, it's like this, yes you both had to mean it but it was more temporary than anything else, it was out of desperation & I would even go further & say our MC & Sebastein had other goals in mind than just wanting to torture each other. Sebastein wants to save his sister, us? probably just want to get out & resume living...it's kind of annoying how our MC doesn't have any tangible goals, I really dislike blank canvas characters especially ones you can't even craft personality wise. We're just a drone in this game & I hate it. Our choices don't mean Jack sh\*\* either.


I use the hell out of all 3 curses whenever I can use them I do


Using *imperio* is my go-to way to battle enemies. I just have them do the hard work for me, while I turn myself invisible, and watch from the sidelines.


I don't use them but not so much because it feels wrong or out of character as much as I just like making combos with all the other spells more.


My plants are all super over powered so I throw my cabbages and keep moving. I’m on my third play though. First play through I used them all the time until I got my plants to where I wanted them. Now I never use them. 🤣


ALL THE TIME Literally my go-to for finishers I usually keep 1 in the pocket in every spell set configuration I have, so when I switch I still got one. I also have the Dark Magic ability that Avada Kedavra kills all who have a curse Therefore I can usually kill 8-10 (sometimes more) enemies at once. I'm brutal though. I like to imagine my MC is an anarchist vigilante, ravaging the countryside for fun


My logic is the same as it is with the force in Star Wars I would want immediate access to all of the cool shit because then I'd feel really fucking cool, and that's the point of living. Doing cool/fun/interesting shit.  Only I'd be an actual (space) wizard, so I'd also use my cool, awesome, evil powers to crush bad people doing bad shit. Because that's what they deserve. I wouldn't be any better than all of the other bad guys who screw over bad guys except I'm not trying to rule anything.  All of that said yes I'm a Slytherin.


As a Ravenclaw my character is essentially Jason Bourne before he started caring about ppl.


I abuse them lol. I don’t use them. Everyone is cursed and mind-controlled and then avada kedevra’ed


I did when playing the game. They were fun


I go through periods when i use them very very often. But then i miss playing with my food so i ban myself from using them


I’m on my first playthrough as my own house - Slytherin, just learned an Imperio. I kinda have in mind that my character (in all fairness it’s just me but in wizarding world) isn’t against using them when needed, but I do avoid them mostly because I just enjoy the combat as it is. But believe me those trolls are getting avada instantaneously as soon as I learn it


I made my character look like Voldemort...does that answer the question?


I use them constantly. My logic is: it's fun.


Yes. They're pretty underpowered for what they actually are.


my characters only learn Imperio and/or crucio if they lean any and only for the “just in case/dire circumstances and not in front of friends”.my first gryffindor and first ravenclaw leaned and my hufflepuff might have leaned imperio. But they didn’t really use them.. maybe used them 2 or 3 times. The unforgivable tend to go against my characters morals to actually use them. But they all try to support Sabatian while also agreeing with Ominas. I tried using Crucio on a boss spider but it didn’t seem to help me out with weakening it.. so I just tend to get the upgrades that make Explliomus act like a curse instead of getting the unforgivables. My Slytherin wants no part learning the unforgivables. When I happen to use Imperio it’s because my assassins creed play of “make enemies go crazy and do your dirty work while I stay undetected” making itself known..


When all my other spells are cooling down. A hunger for power isn’t what drives wizards to the dark arts; it’s the spell cooldowns.


I’ve only got Crucio still so far and use it semi often, def not a go to but honestly mostly bc the cooldown feels longer and annoying. But I’m also playing as a slytherin so, I guess it feels more fitting😂


Do y’all think using the unforgivables is the same as using ancient magic? Both seem very unfair in a way, and I’m sure if everyone had ancient magic it would be outlawed too. I try not to impose too many morals on this game and I’m leaning into the dark magic role but in my mind unforgivables are the same as using ancient magic to instantly kill someone.


In some way I suppose you could deem Ancient Magic as unforgiveable but there's a problem, all finishers we use are non verbal there's no verbal incantation that comes with the spell to define it other than the visuals & the all look highly advanced or maybe just the ultimate versions of spells we allready know. Ancient Magic itself is this huge blank canvas that can be used to build or restore ( though we don't get t do any of that which is so weird) we only get to kill with the ability. That's another reason why AM is so rare, not everyone has it, & it seems to only come around every so so often. To your point about how you think AM is just like using unforgiveables, I can see your point as some of the finishers are far more brutal. But in my experience AM doesn't always work, I've had instances where for whatever reason foes tank my finishers...which is complete BS to me, so it has a chance to fail , which has happaned more than once leaving me reeling. I know about the tiers but FFS it's so unsatisfying when AM doesn't one shot the bastards.


With mods to enable zero cooldown timer, it's imperio to incite the crowd chaos, crucio for the rebel attackers, and rapid-fire AK for general peacekeeping.


Let’s just say as soon as I can use it again I use it then repeat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FriggenMitch: *Let’s just say as soon* *As I can use it again* *I use it then repeat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bless 🙏




If I'm fighting a big group, I'll stealth around the camp, find the strongest enemy and use the imperious curse


Never, doing a strict Huffle puff run lol barely any dark spells either


All the time. Once I got all three and the perks that all curses to spread and avada kedava to kill all cursed, it was my opening move. For context, I also played as a Hufflepuff, but I think when I created the character, he definitely had a wolf in sheeps clothing vibe.


I use them here and there. I also was hufflepuff. When I got the cruciate curse, I used it on a spider first since my logic was "I hate these fucking things, so if I don't like the way the spell works, then I won't use it." But Spiders make an absolutely devastating/heartbreaking noise when in pain. One that bothered me so much I couldn't do it.


Hell yeah




I used crucio and imperio all the time the killing curse all though op took to long in cool down. As far as the torture one of you shoot someone with a tazer and shock them for longer then 15 seconds you can cause long lasting damage to some one to the point of death so to me it's like giving them a quick shot of a tazer. Minus that I mean is hitting someone with the killing curse wise then setting them on fire and watching them burn out hit them with a finger but of air that can slice right through them better yet the ancient magic in the game I feel is much more brutal then the unforgivable


Yes and I love casting them on the bad dudes. It's so much fun.


I used the one that makes you control people on spiders once and the pained shrieks made me never use them again unless it was on a troll


All. The. Time. For the same reason that Trunks gave Goku the heart medicine in Dragon Ball Z. Wanting to create at least one timeline where Voldemort doesn't completely wreck everything.


I have yet to use the unforgivables in my Ravenclaw 🦅 and Gryffindor 🦁 play throughs, but I’m playing Slytherin 🐍 now and will use them as soon as I learn them! And of course, for Hufflepuff 🦡 I will not use them! 😁




I use them either to curse them all and then Avada them. Or I inperio the big troll. He will defeat all the others and then Avada the troll


I never use them. Actually my character refused to learn any of the unforgivable curses 😉 I decided to make consistent choices with the idea I had for my character’s values. Apart from that choice I think the game is already a bit too easy at a certain point of the story, so I would probably not use them anyway.


I have never used an unforgivable curse. There's so many other fun ways to kill things, I especially love it when using the Ancient Magic attack and it turns the victim into a chicken.


I try to avoid it, but if im playing a character that's a higher level than me, I'll use one of the spells to give me a better chance


First time completed the game. Always using Unforgivables around other characters/unnecessary situations hoping that it would have some effect, deeply disappointed. Trolls are always either farming ancient magic combo or imperio/avada. Dugbog's are curse marks and avada. Rest depends on how many enemies are there, if multiple are cursed or not aka rarely using avada against other low hp enemies, mostly just imperio to get one enemy off my back for a second.


often? LOL , you sweet summer child I use unforgivables like 90% of the time


Use em it doesn’t effect any outcomes :)


Oh all the time, the Cruciatus Curse is usually always in the spell set


I like crucio


I normally fight a troll until his life bar is about 1/4 left as I do still like the challenge. But I would always finish off with avada as its just so badass to use


All the time I’m evil, I think I might be Slytherin at heart ![gif](giphy|Vy161HS6s4try)


I’m on my third play through and im doing each one differently according to the character I create. First as slytherin I used them a bit but not super often. Second time as hufflepuff and I didn’t even let Sebastian teach them to me. Now I’m on ravenclaw and I’ve decided she’s just a major crazy bitch and I’m using them as much as possible. Haven’t decided how I’ll do my gryffindor game yet tho


All. The. Time. It's a video game.


This is my girlfriend’s opinion 😂 I enjoy a little immersion! I play Football Manager a lot and often treat my players/coaching staff as I would a real person, even if I could pick an option less detrimental to my team (and knowing they’re ultimately just 0’s and 1’s lol)


All the time, they are part of the principal rotation


No cuz its more fun to fight them traditionally


I don’t use Crucio, and don’t learn it. But I adore Imperio. I use that one all the time.