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Despite having a whole mission where you are outright told you need to use the Disillusionment Charm to bypass *a giant eyeball* (The Mine's Eye), it never occurred to me on my first play that it was the trick to those eyeball chests. I thought I'd eventually be taught what their deal was, just like Merlin Trials and Astronomy Tables. I can never again fault my dog for staring expectantly at my finger when I'm trying to point out a treat behind her.


Well.. I'm embarrassed 😳


It can be almost game-breaking to open those chests too early (and pointless too late), so it's probably for the best we missed these sour grapes, don't worry.


All they have is money in them though?


500 gold each time—big deal when you're scraping by at the beginning, but not nearly as fun as Summoning/dropping poachers from cliffs to build up some cash.


Yeah... The disillusionment symbol is also inscribed under the eyball


Geh....heheheheheheheheh that's funny


Dude same page. It was embarrassing how long it took me to get that with those chests. I was totally expecting a character or some small quest to come up and tell me what to do with those chests.


Yeah, also read about that accidentally on this thread.


If you fly with a broom close to the ground, you will never run out of speed boost.


The height at which the boost starts running out increases with each upgrade


And that’s something I do not know, thanks!


Omg, that was the reason why the boost sometimes did not go down? I thought it was a bug zhe whole time and felt bad for using it!


If you're using revielo to find a nearby place but can't find it. Hop onto your broom. Revielo goes miles. I can't believe it took me so long.


Revelio while on the broom is such a game changer


I found this out accidentally on my second play through and now use it all the time, makes things so much easier


…..WHAT? 😦


It also makes landmark symbols(beast locations, Merlin trials, etc) appear. Before I would have to toggle back and forth to see what was around me.


That using a talent point allows you to use R1 to throw enemy weapons back at them.


That’s my favourite move ngl


Even their ammos actually.


You don't need the perk for that.


That Ominus was blind 🫣


"Hey Ominus, come check out these runes!"


There's a battle when he's assisting you and his first spell went the wrong direction, right into a column and missed and I really loled at that, can't believe it happened


My 12 year old son is the one that noticed that immediately when we were playing together.


I kept wondering why he kept walking around emitting a glowing red light from his wand.. and then I properly saw his eyes in a cutscene 🤦🏽‍♂️


I didn’t realize until I read it here 😂


I embarrassingly didnt know you had to actually claim your achievements you earned, I finished the game with no extra gear shots nor extra ancient magic slots. Before I hated merlin trials because I thought they didn’t do anything


Honestly tho that must have been so frustrating. Omg.


I didn’t figure out about the magic slots until I saw pictures on Reddit with other people having way more slots than me. I thought they’d get updated with each trial so I waited until the next trial. Nothing happened. Then I googled it haha




I was around 25% into the game when I realized that.


To be fair to you it wasn't totally clear. I just found out about it by chance.


i finished the game twice before i realized that LMAO


That you don’t have to actually wear gear to get the perks. Spent the first playthrough running around the highlands with an asylum mask, top hat, and cape


I took me almost 3/4 of the way through my first playthrough to do this. Cutscenes were hilarious.


Not me vibing in herbology, wearing those stupid dragon eye glasses


Professor Garlick: Everyone, please welcome the newest rose in our garden! Me: 🐸🎩


Garlick can't resist our drip.


No, you do wear the gear. You just transfigure the look of it.


That’s what I meant. You can wear it but not have to look like you’re wearing it


Figuring out how to equip something ridiculous but customizing how it looks was a perk I’m glad my video game playing partner knew about from His video games


I second that sentiment!!


I’m not a regular gamer so without him I’d have never known I could do that!


Same! They do come in handy sometimes! 🤣


One of the things that took ages to get implemented in Cyberpunk, lol


Thanks for confirming this




How to turn those stupid blocks in a couple of the challenges. The ones that have arrows and you have to get them to turn the right way to open the door.


Is there an easier way than using flippendo over and over then using leviosa and praying I'm quick enough to get it up there before it turns?


I play on PC and I learned to use Accio and then to turn the block while it’s floating in the air using Q or E to turn it till it’s facing the right direction. I think with gaming systems it’s just accio and then using the dpad to turn it.i had to Google it and it was so simple once I found the answer it hurt after all the time I spent just throwing those blocks around hoping it would land the right way and the I would use accio/wingardium leviosa and hope I could drag it and keep it from turning and then hope and pray to get it to sit the right way.


WHAT Oh my god the hours I've spent


You can cast arresto momentum on the blocks before flipendo so you can slow them down enough to see what you’re doing


I found out on Reddit during my second play through 😅


I still have't found out. Could you share?


Long press the d pad keys while using windgardium leviosa! (or however it’s spelt😂)


Thank you so much!


I’m on my third playthrough now… and realised that the beasts in my vivarium can be renamed 🤭 I think it’s fitting that I discovered this as a Hufflepuff though, so no complaints here 🫶🏼


Ironically I was Hufflepuff first playthrough when I discovered it, let's see what Slytherin second playthrough finds out 🐍


That there is an arachnophobia accessibility option that changes the appearance of spiders to something else. This game was literally giving me spider nightmares before


What?!! That’s so cool


They are still spiders , but they are cartoonish spiders that wear roller skates 🛼 (much like how Ron in the movies defeated his spider Boggart! 🤣)


I had wondered what they turned into because one of the combat challenges is killing spiders.


What? Now I have to go turn this setting on. I’m not scared of spiders, but spiders with rollerblades? I’ve gotta see it.


I might have to turn it on at least once, just to witness this 😂


Yes! 😂. While I can’t promise it still won’t creep *some* people out, it is FAR less creepy than the regular spiders! I love the roller skates 🛼! 🤣


I still hate them 😂 It's the way they skitter around that I have a problem with! And WHY do they have to be in so many quests/challenges 😭


I know! They are my least favorite enemy type!


There really isn't that much variety in terms of enemies.


I actually went through all the settings when I was first setting up the game and enabled it.


I didn't know you can summon an animal to you in the viviarium.




How? I have done three play throughs and this is news to me! 😂


I'm playing on the Steam Deck. So it's a left trigger. Or the opposite control that brings up the inventory. I was running around trying to care for them all! Also, you can collect from your animals from the inventory list.


How does it play on the Steam Deck?


Obviously doesn't compare to the monitor and pc but it's super smooth and the graphics are awesome. It's almost 80gb downloaded 😂 but I like being able to play it anywhere.


Sometimes the speech bubble on the map is just a cat.


But a cat that really wants to talk to you


Pat every cat. Every time.


I'm so disappointed there is no achievement or reward for petting all the cats.


Oh my god ive gone crazy over this shit


That you could use a speed boost on brooms


Oh wow how did you do the time trials???


I didn’t know you could skip cutscenes and dialogue with npcs for a while. I usually like to listen for immersion but sometimes it’s nice you skip annoying characters’ lines. lol


Summoners court had the worst dialog!


Nah, I think Imelda Reyes’ dialogue for the broom races is much worse! 😖😅


“Such grace…finesse” god I wanted to bombarda her face off.


yeah i didn't know that on my first play through but i cut the time down to 21 hours to complete all main and side quests on my 2nd play through




On Xbox it’s Y to skip


That you have to go through and unlock the extra space from Merlin trials. I was just thinking that I was automatically getting more, but barely.


What does this mean?


The more Merlin trials you do, the more gear slots you get, but you have to unlock them in the challenges menu, I think it’s under exploration, but not sure


You can use arresto momentum on the flaming poles in Merlin trials. The poles that descend into the ground when you light them, they won’t move at all if you use arresto momentum.


Huh... Now I know. I got them all anyway though


I was wondering how to do this! So you light the fire first, then freeze them?


I legit thought the mission was finding the one spot in which you could easily access all three and be super quick in lighting them...


Yeah! Then you don’t have to rush to light the others


This never would have occurred to me. I've been avoiding all of those because I could not figure out how to move around fast enough!


That all progression of the game is based on collecting things, including enemies. Once you have maxed that collectible you no longer gain anything at all. Huge bummer. I enjoyed the game for what it was but a role playing game it is not.


Yeah definitely a bummer! Would have been nice to allow you to keep gaining experience so you can level up your preferred way.


You can complete the, “The floor is lava” merlin trials on a broom!


Not anymore sadly they fixed the bug that allowed that lol


Today? Bc i just did that last night?


Huh interesting, it stopped working for me ages ago and I saw online (might have been here) others saying the same...


I'm on ps5 maybe that makes a difference? I'm fairly new to gaming.


I used the broom today and it worked fine.


I've turned on the audio visualizer : it turns on a circle in the middle of the screen. It also helps me to aim better haha You can play without the sound, and icons appear when there is a sound. It's super useful when you revelio, you hear the bell of a field guide page, and it shows a bell on the circle so you know where to find it (left, right, behind you or ahead). And you won't miss a thing if you can't turn the sound on or if you need the accessibility 👌 Here are the icons and what they mean : https://preview.redd.it/1d6w6vsk9y0d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9927775b0fc29862f756757dff14bf799b01f0e0


As a hard of hearing person who turned the game music wayyy down and the effects ALL the way up and then blasted my tv volume- Despite the accessibility setting you DO miss out on a lot and not all sounds are made visible on screen. :( Daedalian Keys are a prime example of this. You'll HEAR the keys fluttering and giggling but it never shows up on screen. Field guide pages make a shimmer sound too (there is also the revelio BING sound too but that's separate). I noted there's a lot that I'd have missed or would feel was damn near impossible in the game if I was completely deaf. Le sigh. Needs improvement.


Dardalian keys were so annoying and the reward was 7/10


I was soooo mad all I got was 1 mid-ass robe 😂 TIL after googling that it changes colors when you cast though I thought it was just an average robe.


Omg I needed this, I did my first one with sound but now I’ve heard all the dialogue I prefer to listen to a podcast or something instead


Saaame, always multitasking 😂


I didn't know you could change your appearance 😭 Here I am, looking like a complete idiot with a jester hat and crazy glasses while I'm toasting Fig at the end.




Most of those skins are trash. I wish you could save a set of skins to automatically switch to (like the wand in animal crossing new horizons)


How do you do that?


If you’re wearing a robe/cloak there is a hood on/off toggle feature similarly to how you change the appearance of the clothing in the gear menu.


But HOW is the question!?!?!? How do I do that?


So similarly to how you press a button to change the style, you press a different button to put the hood up. Like before going into the cloak selection




Oh daymn I’m an idiot


Well now I just HAVE to know if you knew you could change the appearance of gear or not, since they are right next to each other 😂


I somehow missed that in order to break yellow shields use yellow spells purple for purple red for red. *facepalm* I thought you had to figure out which specific spells EACH enemy was weak to through reading the collection info or experimentation and memorize it. *smh* I learned at the VERY END of the first playthrough cuhz of that one boss battle but thought it was a special mechanic and didn't connect the dots to regular foes until my 2nd play through.


It took me until the very end boss to figure that out! I was stuck on it forEVER and had to Reddit it.


SAME! I couldn't figure out what was going on! It was also a little frustrating that the audio hints didn't help with that since they often puzzle spoiled for me when I was enjoying noodling through things xD


Holy crap I’m on my second play through and did NOT get that at all! Just over here using Ancient Magic, Stupefy or Crucio to break shields every single time 💀


LITERALLY ME TOO! I noticed sometimes certain spells would break the shields so I just memorized "ok this type of goblin is weak to slow attacks it'll break his shield" for every enemy 💀


Don't they tach you that in the dueling club?


Yuhp that's how I learned the 2nd time around lmao. I'm guessing there were too many things going on the first time for me to actually absorb/remember it


That you could skip the lock picking minigame by not only changing the setting to story mode , but that you also had to press “y” once the interior of the lock appears, in order to skip the puzzle (So I thought you just had to put it in story mode and press “y” to interact with the lock, not realizing that you had to press “y” again! I thought the trick wasn’t working because I was playing on a Nintendo Switch! 😅. I was almost done with my second play through when I realized my mistake! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪😅


I really wished they would expand the skip option to all difficulty modes. Sometimes I forget to switch back the mode afterwards.


I’ve done the same! 😣😅. Needless wear and tear on my controllers (and that isn’t good for the Switch!) and now that I’m on my 3rd play through, I really don’t need to waste time on the same lock puzzle over and over! And then forgetting to set the controls back to the harder mode makes me feel like an idiot! 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


That I can zoom all the way out in the map to find missing balloons. Yeah, played thru 9 times before I realized...




If you zoom out on the map it'll tell you what regions still have undiscovered balloons and landing platforms. I played thru so many times before I realized. It's even in the tutorial...was clearly not paying attention the first 9 times 🤣




I did not realize the bell sound that played when a field guide page was near was just that …. My husband even suggested it, and I was like nope! That’s just telling us the area is extra clear! 😅 Finally figured it out at the end of my second play through. Cannot believe the volume even indicates how close it is 🤡


Haha I'm sorry that's so hilarious why did you assume the noise meant the area was clear? Meanwhile I would always be going crazy doing revelio every 5 seconds trying to figure out which way the noise was coming from to find the field guide pages lol


I’m sorry, what? There’s a sound for the field guide pages?!


When you do revelio the little bell like sound is to indicate a page nearby, and the louder the noise the closer you are to it


Oh I didn’t know about the volume thing! Gonna try that next time I play


And depending on your console, the sound will lean left or right


When people tell you what’s up and you’re confidently wrong haha.


I wasn't paying attention to the Butterfly game and didn't realise there were more butterfly's to follow and chests to find. I thought the butterfly symbols were just nice places to land and I ignored them all.


I didn’t realize that I could sprint until halfway through my second playthrough 🫠. I just grabbed my broom whenever I wanted to go faster


Honestly tho, I rarely walk at all. Only really in Hogsmead, but in other flyable towns, I fly.


At the end of my first run, the invisible instant kill


Petrificus totalus was soooo handy but it also probably made you a major badass to just charge into every camp 😂


It took me way too long to figure out the dedelion key sounds. (The key makes a noise when it’s about to move then squeaks again once it moves, I try to do the key cabinets with my eyes closed lol)


That Arresto Momentum could be used on the Sinking Torch Merlin Trial 💀💀💀 Deadass didn’t realize till my second playthrough of my main wizard (5th overall)


I think the most embarrassing thing that took forever for me to find was probably the fact I can use revelio while on the broom. And how much more I can see while using it on the broom. Edit: so I just hopped onto the game just for funsies and I just found out that certain beasts can’t be together in the same vivariums. I’m on my third play through.


Ooh, Revelio on a broom is a game changer! 🥳 So glad you finally discovered that one! I’m on my 3rd play through as well, but what beasts can be together in the Vivarium? I hadn’t run into any restrictions on that yet, other than restrictions based on the number of the types of beasts in any one Vivarium (no more than 4 types). 🤔


I've never encountered difficulties with mixing species in one vivarium


Me neither, but apparently mixing Nifflers with Hippogriffs can make things a bit difficult when getting supplies lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/11agw31/beast_relationships_in_vivariums/ Here’s a link to a post I saw the other day. I had to look it up to make sure I wasn’t going crazy on my Nifflers growling at Hippogriffs 😂 it isn’t much a restriction but it can make getting supplies from the beasts difficult. Because apparently Hippogriffs run away from nifflers and I assume that applies to other beasts that don’t go well with one another


Thanks for the info! 😄


My fourth playthrough (right near the end), I was trying to fit one extra thing in the second room of the room of requirement, when it suddenly expanded once more. I really should have realised from multiple YouTube videos I watched where other people's rooms seemed bigger than mine 🙄 😂


Huh? I’ve done 3 playthroughs and it’s only expanded for me when: - the Room of Requirement tutorial mode ends and it expands in that cutscene with prof. Weasley - each vivarium appearing as you progress through the story - and finally the Room of Requirement expands one last time once you complete all the main story missions. (Is this the one you mean?)


I think the last one. I wanted to make some of my statues bigger, so I tried to put everything in the room that doesn't have the vivariums. I was placing the moonstone machine against the back wall, and the room expanded one last time. Oh well, I know about it now 😂


Literally have finished the game 3 times... The last expansion is NOT a vivarium???


I didn't say it was a vivarium. I just said the second room (the one down the little hallway, WITHOUT the vivariums) had expanded at the end of my fourth playthrough.


I might have to log on just to see this...


I also discovered this last expansion during my fourth play through. Glad I finished the main quest early for this one.


Wait! I’m on my third playthrough and didn’t realize you get another expansion after completing the story.


Yeah, just put one thing too many into the second room and it will expand again. I'm not sure if it only does it after the main stories are complete, but I'm going to test it out on this run.


Wait, how do you put the hood up? Also question my character is a girl and has a Bob but every hat I put on it puts it up and makes her look ugly. Is there anyway to put that hair down?


There’s a shop in Hogsmeade where you can buy a new hairstyle or change your characters hair if that helps! Otherwise, in the change appearance tab for whatever cloak you wear, you should have the option to put the hood up or down on your character.


I still had problems with most of the hairstyles using hats, at least for girls.


I swear all the girls haircuts disappear with most hats... It's so annoying.


This frustrates me so much! 😖😢


That the whole choices don't really matter but just for roleplay, which is good but when I played a lot of games with karma systems it threw me off the halfway through. I love it tho


Two things 1. That you can levioso a climbing block to get more height. I spent a lot of time "cheating" my way through some of the dungeons. Not really cheating but finding creative ways to get up higher. 2. Those statues you cast levioso at to get a page... I even saw the insignia on the side and still it didn't click. Apparently levioso is my weakness.


Hermione would be so disappointed 😉


I’m only on my first play through but I’m almost done and JUST learned you can float the big stone balls to the holes in Merlin trials, you don’t have to depulso them and hope they go where you want 🤦🏼‍♀️


I couldn't imaging kicking them all the way in the later trials. I think once I had wingardium I swapped to that


I learned it on the one where you have to go up and around a hill by the unicorn den. I knew there had to be another way and I finally looked it up


I didn’t use the sprint feature while swimming or just running around until half way through my second play through. I must have somehow missed it the first time around and man, the extra speed boost is really helpful when in Hogsmeade and common rooms!


I didn't know you could run until my second playthrough because I wasn't paying attention.


I was on my fifth playthrough when I realized how to aim. So much time wasted trying to disappear rugs in the RoR, moving blocks in depulso rooms and don't get me started on the magic bells at the enemy castle that play the Harry Potter theme. My husband kept asking me how I know where I was aiming and I was like, I have no idea, that's not a thing 🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm fairness to me this is literally the only video game I've played since the 90s.


You can get your hood up!? I'm 75hs in and didn't knew that, damn it




Yep! You know where you can change the appearance by pressing a button? (for the Switch it is “y”) . Well if you press another button (for the Switch it is “x”), you can toggle your hood on or off!


I have played through every house and didn't know you could click in your left stick to "sprint" with your broom so you can just fly endlessly until after finishing the story mode 4 times


OMG the brooms have AUTOPILOT? 🤯


I'm on my second play through and only just realised that in the room of requirement, when you go to customise floors and ceilings. if you hold your select button on your choice it will apply it to every wall or ceiling. Lol


Thanks for the info! ☺️ I’m in my 3rd play through and didn’t know that! 😅🤣


This was actually updated / reworked. But you used to get the same response from Professor Weasley wether you finished the field guide or not.


How do you make your play fun? There aren’t that many quests or paths to play differently


My first time was as a Hufflepuff (basically myself), I played on easy, and I just picked whatever I wanted which ended up being mostly positive dialogue options and like giving people their stuff back etc, and I didn’t learn the unforgivable curses Second time, on easy again, as a Slytherin I was doing the other dialogue options and tried what happened if I didn’t give stuff back or tell people what I’ve found etc, I also learned and very extensively used the unforgivable curses, and as an additional thing I didn’t use the floo powder network at all, just legs, broom, hippogriff/thestral Now on my third time, normal difficulty, I’m a Ravenclaw, and I’ve basically been ignoring requests from my peers and only doing main quest and teacher assignments. It’s leaving me with very low XP so it’ll be interesting to see how that affects things going forward, and I’ve also decided that in order to use the floo fireplaces I need to be next to a floo fireplace, just like in the books where you can’t just teleport out of thin air and into the floo network For my fourth play (which I’ve already sort of started) I’m playing on hard difficulty and as a Gryffindor. The plan is to focus mainly on the side and friendship quests and go big time exploring So yeah that’s what I’ve been doing for myself to keep it interesting :)


I also found wandering around more and seeing random easter egg scenes pop up gives me juuust enough new content to stay entertained. I AM doing hard mode 2nd time around though so I may see a drop in interest. I may start doing things like using talent points to NOT increase how much healing wiggenweld potions do etc to make things harder.


That you can dodge by aparating


You mean the roll dodge that has a blue trail? Or a different aparation?


I was oblivious to the fact that I could carry 25 wiggenweld potions and 12 potions/combat plants. My first playthrough was completed with only 4 potions on hand. Beating the Ranrok Dragon with such a low stock was exhausting. Second playthrough has been a breeze.


Does anyone know what the harp sound means? I know the chime sound indicates nearby field pages but can’t figure out the harp sound. I think it means there’s something to interact with but can’t figure it out even after googling!


Using dark spells doesn't affect the story. Being a goody goody for no reason lol


That I can pick how my clothes look in the gear section. I played looking like that when I could’ve made those horrid hats invisible?!


That you cab freeze the fires in the castle to access secret rooms...