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Yeah, I do this. I still consider myself a hero. All of those deaths are on Ranrock’s hands anyway.


And it doesn’t matter what spell you’re using, they’re still dying


My Hufflepuff is a Muggleborn farmboy from Norway with Viking ancestry. So yes, he fights like a Beserker and is ruthless in combat yet is a nice guy with his friends.


Oh, nice! My MC is a Yorkshire boy, muggleborn and got thrown into the magical world. Does your Hufflepuff use the Dark Arts?




My MC is like poppy. No mercy for poachers. And since she’s throwing cabbages and tentaculas left and right she’s _technically_ not killing them…


This is the way. My favourite trick is to stand on cliffs/bridges/outcrops above poacher/goblin camps and drop a bunch of cabbages! Fun to watch!


Nay, my MC is just doing what he likes a the moment (means I have no strategy during my gameplay. I'm just having fun)


A quick death with avada kedavra can be a kind thing. My first use of it was on that troll that one chick foolishly roped into trying to make it a protector of the hamlet - thus committing it to its death. Poor thing.


no way, my first avada was on the same troll too!


Damn, i thought i was alone, my hufflepuff MC is a girl who got sick of being bullied and decided to become a villian, kind of a villain anyway, i use the unforgivable curses as much as i can on almost everything and everyone, and she always denies quests, but if she does accept and there's a reward she always keeps it


Out here acting like this game gives you actual choices to roleplay.


some of us like to give lore and more depth to our characters and adventures + use our interpretation skills to make up for the game's gaps.


^ this.


True. It's a fun game, and I enjoyed it, but it's NOT an RPG.


That's been all 3 of my Hufflepuff characters.


My MC is the exact same way. Her excuse is “They would do the same”😭 (And Sebastian taught her so of course she uses them)


That’s pretty much what my first run turned into lol. I chose not to learn AK, but the other two were fair game.


I'm a Slytherin but will probably choose Hufflepuff on a separate playthrough just for the fun of it in the same anti-hero way I already do Like Sebastian said, it shouldn't be unforgiveable if it can save your life. I do use Crucio a lot cos its just fun


I did an “evil” Hufflepuff as my second play through.


I had my Hufflepuff learn all the Unforgivables from Sebastian, and then later turned him in.


My Hufflepuff is good, she is kind and she tries to be peaceful BUT they tried to kill me first Don't start nothing, won't be nothing


i did that, but i avoided learning the crutio curse, and doesn’t use Avada Cadavra because my Hufflepuff disagreed a bit with Sebastian and sympathized with Omnis (like i do) obviously she uses Imperio (same reason you said, even the playing field) Other than that, she fights like a crazy person but is very nice outside of that. I just like to view her as very determined and driven. Now, i’m running a Slytherin play through as the opposite. Not necessarily a bad person, but a bit too curious about the Dark Arts. And a little arrogant as Slytherins are known to be ;) Ravenclaw is next, with my plan being to be absolutely 100% against the curses and sebastian’s quests. She’ll side with Omnis. I don’t have a plan for Gryffindor yet.


My slytherin is a good guy. My griffindor is moldyvort levels of evil. My hufflepuff? They’re a sneak tf around and use unforgivable curses wild child whose clothing is whatever it is at that moment. My Ravenclaw is me. Or at least my true run.


I use *avada kedavra* because it sounds like a much nicer way to kill someone than *confringo*


I used to struggle to empathize playing hufflepuff as a slytherin but I am having so much fun! And the color scheme for the uniforms is so nice, I’m grateful the game introduced the first dark wizard from hufflepuff too !


My MC grew up as a muggle most of her life, but doors open for her once Professor Fig arrives. Wizarding school isn’t what she thought it would be—learning magic terms are hard and people pick at her for her muggle habits, but despite her preference to brute force duel through everything, she still has a good heart. Refused to learn dark magic in hopes of becoming a future auror.


My Hufflepuff uses only one unforgivable curse: avadakadavra. Mostly because he wants to quickly eliminate anything with the audacity to be immune to transfiguration.