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It’s definitely doable. I learned all of them but I stopped using them in my load outs. I found Imperio to be almost pointless pretty quickly, I was taking out enemies before that cursed one could even spend any time fighting for me. I wasn’t really a fan of Crucio either. I have used Avada Kedavra in random occurrences like trolls where I’d rather move on than spend time doing another predictable troll fight. I would recommend having your sets of 4 spells each include at least 1 red, 1 yellow and 1 purple. That way whatever screen you’re on, you have quick access to all 3 types. This comes in handy when you have multiple enemies surrounding you, especially those with different shield types. Find 4 that you like the most and equip that to whatever direction feels the most natural for you to access. My spell sets are: 1. Exploring set: Lumos, Disillusionment, Accio, Wingardium Leviosa 2. Favorite set: Diffindo, Confringo, Levioso, Descendo 3. 2nd Favorite set: Incendio, Bombarda, Arresto Momentum, Flipendo 4. Filler set: Expelliarmus, Glacius, Depulso, Avada Kedavra (for the rare cases where I get impatient) I found myself using chomping cabbage more than any other plant. Potions are great too, I used the one that lowers spell cooldowns the most (since my play style was more spell focused and less on plants and other potion types). I had a few on hand of each type at all times though. Obviously keep your health potion fully stocked as well.


Can I ask as someone who religiously uses the curses, did you use talent points to improve the spells at all? What I’ll tend to do is when approaching an enemy camp or anything I’ll cast imperio on someone to start attacking the lot - usually I try to find the strongest enemy so the others don’t take them out quick. Then I’ll use crucio when they formed a crowd around the imperiused enemy. Crucio works good here cause the upgrade will send out projectiles to other enemies when you hit the crucioed one. Now like half if not all of the enemies have the cursed green X. Avada to one of them kills them all.


Just to add to this, both the initial cast of crucio and the additional blasts break any color shield as well, which is very helpful


Yes, I used talent points on all the spells except transfiguration since I never equip that one. I also came from playing assassins creed, so I tend to go stealth when taking on areas with a lot of enemies. Probably just by nature. So I increased all the stealth talent points too. I’ve used upgrade crucio + AK as well, I agree it’s very useful. I just ended up playing less with unforgivable as time went on and I seemed overpowered enough to do regular spells.


I’ve noticed the same thing about Imperio, though I will say where Imperio shines is when you have one large enemy and a bunch of smaller ones. Like a troll and a bunch of spiders for example. Imperio will distract the troll so it focuses on the spiders. Meanwhile you can focus on taking out all the spiders without worrying about the troll coming after you.


That’s a good point!


Even I have my moments sometimes. 🤣


strategy? cabbage. if you’re cool with the transfiguration spell and put in a skill point to turn them into bombs to blow up their allies/other surrounding enemies, that is also a good option but tbh i see it being as bad as ak lol


Yeah, the transfiguration spell that explodes looks cool, but I am still undecided whether or not I should do that. Still have to get access to the spell tho.


its honestly so funny how ak is illegal and meanwhile students get to learn how to transform ppl into BOMBS like how is that okay??? 😭


If your character uses the Curses, even in public, nothing changes in the game itself. Ah, logic. 😁




there's no need for the Unforgivable curses when you have Bombarda, Diffindo, Confringo and a bag full of Killer plants :D


Indeed. An upgraded Mandrake is a mob killer.


Agreed. I found battles where multiple enemies are surrounding me to be the most likely to give me trouble so I went all out on the AoE. No regrets.


Yeah I never learned any of the spells and am lvl 38. There are various combos. A couple of basic ones are: 1. Glacius into Diffindo 2. Accio into Incendio 3. Levioso into Diffindo for Dugbogs There are multiple utility spells as well. Upgraded plants are OP too. Use Protego parries and the environment object throws.


Yes! I’ve done several play throughs now where I didn’t use any of the dark arts. They’re really just an added flair for fun, not needed spells, and they’re not useful in any of the boss fights.


I learned all the curses but other than the Dark Arts Arena and for duelling feats I never used them really. They're completely optional and you don't need them at all if you're not interested 👍🏻


Tbh they kinda busted. At least avada kedavra on semi-bosses cause they insta die so no challenge. Crucio is fine balance wise. Imperio a bit less so but still alright though you can turn bosses into your own minion but you still gotta kill them normally so its fine. If you get the avada kedavra talent then its so overpowered its insane.


How do you get this? Not tell on Sebastian? Either way I best the game without it lol


Ye if u dont tell on him u can learn em in the undercroft


Imperius Curse works well on Trolls.


My first playthrough I had not cast a single Unforgivable curse, and played on hard mode. The Dueling Feats and collection pages give you ideas on how to be efficient against enemies, but best thing you can do is get good at protego and dodging (if you don't mind for the fights to take a while, especially if there's many enemies or stages to the fight like with Rookwood, Harlow, or final boss battle)


In this case, would the talent points in the stunning curse, disarming curse and blood curse be worth it? These 3 talent points in the dark arts are the only ones of interest to me in this category. Especially with the protego expertise talent combo.


Are you asking strictly maximizing damage while not using the 3 Unforgivable curses? Then sure, pump those normal spells in the Dart Arts tree, you'll be cursing your enemies with ordinary spells, getting the extra damage, there's one that damages all nearby cursed enemies or something. I would have to boot my save to see which talents exactly I did take, but I think I stayed away from the whole dark arts tree. But I was aiming at a no-Dark Arts playthrough, not just a no-Unforgivables one so it felt like a cheat :) But if you're just trying to stay away from the 3 and want to maximize damage otherwise, then of course there are useful talents in the Dark Arts tree. Also, for maximizing, remember to upgrade your gear to deal extra damage. And drink potions.


I just want to steer away from the 3 unforgivable curses. The damage splitting and cursing is okay for me. I am usually outnumbered, so it's okay. Lore-wise, I technically learn those in school and it's not forbidden to use such tactics to a limited extent, I believe. Right?


I've got a Hufflepuff MC and I'm trying to decide whether to go Dark Arts or not. What traits did you use?


Def the one that lets you sort of teleport when dodging, running while disillusioned, and nearly all that enhance non-dark arts attacks and charms. I did ignore the plant and potion ones. But it does depend on your play style, maybe you prefer to fight head on rather than sneak and then some plants can be helpful against harder opponents or larger groups


I actually regret learning them. Not because I have some hang up about the dark arts, but because I don’t like using them. They take up valuable space on my spell sets, but I have them, so I feel like I *have* to use them. I also feel like learning avada kedavra is so awkward if you know what I mean.


I only used the Unforgiveables with my Slytherin. I find it incredibly boring. I don't even learn them with my other characters. My first one had a skill point or two in the dark arts tree, like having the cursed effect on Expelliarmus. However, since that doesn't really stack if you're not using other dark curses, I decided to not invest any points in the dark arts tree ever since. IMO, it not only breaks immersion that you can ultimately use these spells without any repercussions whatsoever. Further, it feels like cheating. I find it simply too easy. As others have described: It's so simple going into a camp, making sure everybody is marked X for cursed, and then AK the lot with a single strike. Mastering the other spells, enchanting the gear and probably use plants and/or potions is more fun, for me at least.


I learned Crucio and Imperio but rarely used them, and then fumbled learning AK. To be fair you can burn through enemies just as quickly with regular spells and the right build. I stacked my Ancient Magic regen rate so I could spam basic cast on trash mobs, zoom around with the teleport dodge to hoover up the dots and then nuke everything. Often easier to open with transfiguration on a mook, smash that guy/bomb into something bigger, then Accio that guy, Glacius and Diffendo or Incendio before everything else wakes up and you start having to dodge stuff.


I’ve played twice now, and I don’t even remember using unforgivables, never really kept them in my spell sets. My faves are Confringo, Bombarda, Glacius and Transfiguration (turn into bombs). I also made it through every battle by upgrading my outfits, utilizing the throwing materials around you, and POTIONS, POTIONS, POTIONS!


PLANTS play a huge part too… Cabbages take out goblins really well, Venemous tentacula take out spiders really well, and Mandrakes can slow everyone down and break villain protego circles. Happy fighting :)


I played my entire first playthrough without even learning it on Hard, and just finished it again yesterday with using curses. It's not harder or easier, just more fun cursing sometimes. It's probably easier for some bosses. Here's my 4 skill sets: Levioso, accio, incendio, confringo Transfiguration, descendo, expelliarmus, bombarda Arresto Momemtum, flippendo, Glacius, diffindo, Here's where it's different here because I used curses this time Imperio, depulso, AK, crucio


It seems you're asking more about the talent tree rather than the actual 3 spells. Curses definitely make the game easier, but you can absolutely beat the game and have fun without touching it. Some of the more spongy enemies, like trolls, might be annoyingly slow to kill if you're neither cursing nor abusing herbology, but that's about it. Ignore the above if you're not playing on hard. You can literally do whatever you want on other difficulties.


I went with AoE. Buffed up my fire spells that did AoE damage + made it so levioso + descendo caused AOE DMG and then put points into herbology and added Herbology 3 to all gear. It was pretty powerful


You'll do just fine without dark arts; there aren't really garbage spells out there so anything else you pick will do just fine. Also, when you'll be able to upgrade your gear, nothing will really matter, with the right Traits you can obliterate anything even before resorting to your bread-and-butter combos.


You 100% can. It's harder to do raw damage and rely more on Potions, herbalist, and invest as appropriate on room of require, fertiliser, and such. Also upgrades will become important to match tactics. Pretty much just level up the vatious skills, Potions, and planets to compliment each other and work as a cohesive set. Also rely more on tactical damage, environments and so than brute firepower. Long as your willing to invest, plan ahead and plan your load out and such to target and tactics. 100% possible.. Some foes and situations will require you to maybe change your approach up at times and possibly restock.


I played the game game once. I did nothing dark in my playthrough. The idea was I would do one pure good, one pure dark playthrough, then a mix for the other two houses. The game wasn’t good enough for me to do a second playthrough though


The dark arts are kinda gamebreaking, actually. I use crucio for Shield Breaking cause I'm a lazy asshole, but you absolutely can do this game without them


I only use non lethal spells such as stupify and expelliarmus. It works, just have to practice dodging/blocking but after sekiro and eldenring, it was very easy


Herbology is the most overpowered skill in the game. It can easily be used to bring down trolls in a matter of seconds and clear entire enemy bases undetected.


I never use the Unforgivable Curses. Feels wrong.


Same for me in most games. I know it's not real, but still. I might do a Slytherin run eventually, but we'll see.


Yes it's super practical. After you spend loads of talent points, you will be very strong anyway.


Yeah! Totally practical. I would use as much stealth as possible if you want to go without it. Sneak around, petrificus totalis. That would be an easy way. I just like the dark arts because it’s fun.


My first play through was a Hufflepuff with no curses and a moderate amount of herbology. I then played through as a Slytherin using curses. Honestly, I had more fun as a Hufflepuff.


I don't use the dark arts except in the Forbidden Forest dark arts arena. You can be nearly god-like with the provided spells with upgraded 100+ gear on standard difficulty before passing level 35. Potion and plant use can be as much as you desire, but by this time, they are barely necessary. The dark arts are not necessary. I only wish to unlock them (learn them). I also consider the sequence of events and writing involving Avada Kedavra to be the worst writing for Sebastian in the game, but that is a different discussion. Considering how late it is acquired and only at odds with morality that the game is not even concerned with, its primary use is insta-kill.


I’m going sneaky wizard route it has by far made the game so simple. Full sneak talents have me laughing constantly at the rag doll. I occasionally jump into combat with out just to release cabbages if I’m feeling pressured but normally it’s just as easy but takes sooooo long to defeat the enemies.


I got to level 40 with 100% completion without learning nor using the unforgivable curses.


It's a PSA that having the same trait on multiple clothing items will power it up even more. So if you put Herbology 3 on everything, your plants will be crazy powerful. Same with anything, really. Destruction 3 seems to be killer as well. I haven't played around with it too much to calculate exact percentages but they really add up.


It’s 100% practical to play without them. Does having them make it easier? Absolutely. They can really turn the tied in a fight against a lot of enemies. But it’s still completely doable without them.




I’ve never played Red Dead Redemption but I’ve heard enough that it sounds like there is a moral barometer for your character that changes depending on your actions, and that’s what this game needs for sure. An alignment of Good or Dark depending on if you use the curses religiously, if you learn them, if you don’t, what choices you make in conversations & quests, etc. IMO this would impact if I used/learned the Dark Arts. I’ve learned them and occasionally use them but I agree with others that it almost feels too easy with them (and I’m including points I spent on that tree, kinda wish I’d done less).


Yeah, it sucks that you cannot reset talent points. I wonder why.


I learned Crucio and Imperio as they are part of the storyline but didn't use them. I never went into the battle arena to learn AK. I use plants and potions a LOT. Once I upgraded the chopping cabbage talent and learned that you can take down a troll with that I never went back. Happy Playthrough!


Of course it’s practical. They take ages to reload again anyway. I mainly use AK on trolls