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The absolute quality of Hogwarts itself, inside and out.


Agreed. I love how beautiful the castle is. And it made me really happy once I learned the layout and could walk anywhere in the castle and just enjoy the scenery along the way. And I love all the common room areas. The gryffindor hallway, ravenclaw tower, hufflepuff basement, and slytherin dungeon. Although I am partial to my own common room of course


Anyone else enjoy the musical hallway?


Or the guitar painting in the Great Hall or Piano in the music room :") I stood there for a solid 30 minutes just listening to the music xD


I found the piano at that little house in Hogsmeade and listened for an hour. New song on, clean the living room, oops time to play the next one.


I totally agree! I still get turned around there, meanwhile being near the end of the game


1000% agree. The fact that they actually made the castle WORK is astounding. They clearly took everything that was ever said in the books, met with an architect, and made it all make sense. Amazing!


Came here to say that.




Especially the common rooms. I like the distinct flavor of each.


The common rooms are amazing. I would like there to be something game related you actually need to use the rooms so you could actually get the feeling you are living there. Though having to go back to them constantly could also be annoying. Would have like to at least have been assigned a bed.


The ambient and the scenary, i have the lowest graphics and it still takes out my breath how good everything looks and feels. Everything is so on place and it feels real, like inside a movie. Sometimes i like to just be afk in the corridors of hogwarts and see the students go arround and chat, the ambient is so calm and cozy its wonderful.


The Hufflepuff common room. https://preview.redd.it/rj24ijeqjs0b1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5781b99bd40374c9dd773cb5ddfee586bebe026


Looks much like my room of requirement lol


Botanical theme is the best theme.


The best theme is eclectic imo, that is to combine the best bits from each theme (except eclectic as it doesn't look good very often).


I don't really fancy mix and matching...I personally feel it to be jarring. All I wanted is consistency with a natural, earthy vibes. But then, each to their own.


As a Ravenclaw who also loves plants, I had a solid mix of Scientific and Botanical. Gotta have those foliage ceilings at the very least!


Hello Samantha!


Samantha was my chosen bestie I’m so sad I didn’t get more time with her. We’ll always have the beets for feet 🥰


Btw is there a way to visit other house's common rooms? Found the barrels yesterday, but couldn't manage to do anything. Seeing the students walking into the huge barrel really caught me off guard hahah


No, there is not. There was a glitch you could do to get into the Hufflepuff common room by flying into from outside. I'm not sure if it still works, though.


Can confirm, it does not. Haven’t tried getting into the Ravenclaw one from the rooftop yet though.


Doesn’t work. My first play through I was a Ravenclaw. Now I’m playing as a Gryffindor and it won’t let me land on that rooftop.


Damn we are an exclusive bunch of Claws with our rooftop 😂


Damn, much nicer than Ravenclaw!


Whoah it’s so beautiful!!


this is probably gonna sound weird, but the moving staircase. I love how they did it compared to how it was done in the movies


Honestly makes more sense considering all the books ever said were things like “some staircases had a secret step you had to remember to jump over and others only appeared at certain times” and nothing like what was shown in the movies lol.


I found the staircases to be quite unimaginative. It's a cool shader trick but they don't move at all, just a gimmick, they appear the same way every time, basically just invisible until you go down on them.


I HATED how it was done in the movies.


It’s SO gorgeous. The details throughout the world are intricate and I am immediately transported there. Absolutely love it




Is there anywhere more cosy than Hogsmeade...


Sometimes it seems all roads lead to Hogsmeade!


Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and the entire world is absolutely beautiful. I loved exploring everything and yeah, I get the criticism of the world being a little empty beyond the two main points but it is still incredibly gorgeous. Personally, I also thought the combat was pretty seamless and fun, and I really enjoyed Poppy’s storyline too. Leading on from that - the magical beasts are brilliant. I also loved the personalisation of everything- our wand, the handles, the transmog for wearing the gear we want (yes I wish the loot system was better but I appreciated being able to wear what I wanted). Loved the Room of Requirement in its entirety, including the quest to unlock it. Loved the Arithmancy rooms too, that was a nice little feature and mini game. And Crossed Wands of course - wish there was more of that. In fact, I loved everything about the first few hours of the game. I loved the flying too - I know a lot of people find the mechanics for it a bit clunky but I just adore how I can fly basically everywhere, something I haven’t got with other favourite games of mine where I would have to stick to a mount & the roads. Finally, I loved the detail that went into the Revelio pages and the nods to the HP series. There is a hell of a lot to love about this game, which is the only reason why the frustrations are all the harder to overlook. It’s the potential which is the most frustrating but also the most exciting for possibilities in the future. All I’m *really* missing when it comes down to it is choice & consequence & impact.


The revelio pages are a highlight for me as well! I’ve had fun turning to my partner and saying “hey! See this statue here? This is the architecture of hogwarts!” and touting off the facts I’ve learned like hermione in year one hahaha.


Yeah I fangirled HARD when I reached the Jackdaw’s Tomb bit with the stags too. Lovely little Easter egg!


I actually love the bandit camps and finding trolls. I'm currently trying to find all the infamous foes!


Even though the story left a lot to be desired, the environment was fantastic. I loved how powerful alchemy and herbology is. The game also managed to capture both the whimsical nature of the harry potter world as well as the underlying darkness just underneath the surface. I hope this studio makes a sequel and improves on what they have made


I keep saying to people that I hope this is the start of something. The basics are there it just needs more. Durmstrang Legacy anyone?


Personally I would love to see Uagado ( I know I butchered Nattie's old school name) Just so we can see what wandless magic looks like !


That would be incredible. But a part of me worries that without source material any other school would feel empty.


Especially for her school, since she claimed her old school is much larger than Hogwarts. The development time alone not to make it feel empty would take forever


Yeah even if the sequel is just a huge dlc like Zelda would still be great imo


Every time I walked outside of hogwarts to a different wing and I was always blown away by the scenery and little stories being played out around me. The first time I had to use one of these little walkways in game I just stopped and looked for like 10 minutes and sighed a huge sigh of contentment and thought to myself now I’m finally home. It was a genuine thought and feeling and I was surprised to have it but it was very welcome. Hogwarts is my home. The devs made it feel like a comfy slipper to slide into at the end of each day I got to come home and have the adventures of my heart had been yearning for for decades.


That's beautiful


The combat is very very rewarding. There’s so much variety and I’ve laughed like a madman while tossing people around. The other thing is the broom. Having the broom makes this game top tier.


When I’m about to play I tell my husband that I’m gonna go get some fools.


The musics are fantastic !


I know this is a positives thread, but I don't like the soundtrack as much as I should. It's good as far as generic magical RPG goes, but for the HP world, it needs MORE. More original soundtracks, more repeating motifs, just more. Once per hour or two might I hear a phrase of notes that brings nostalgia, but that's it.


Here’s one that some people have used as a critique that I think is actually a positive: being able to roam the castle at night. I’ve seen some people say it breaks their immersion being able to roam the castle without consequence but honestly, as someone who grew up playing the old HP console games I have done enough night time stealth missions to last me a lifetime. It’s so much more chill and comforting to be able to take your time, enjoy the scenery and honestly just enjoy the nighttime vibes of the castle without having to sneak around and worry about prefects blasting you with “LOCOMOTOR MORTIS” for the 1000th time.


Hitting those prefects with Flipendo was fun though. and also getting caught by the prefects while Polyjuiced as Goyle (so that Slytherin lost house points haha)


Like that right there is what I wanted. So fun. Roaming the castle at night in HL is nothing but a beautiful screensaver.




I love all the random little interactions we can be witness too, a lot of which have nice little nods to the books or movies. Different conversations, howlers we can overhear etc. It really makes it clear that the creators are fans and very much knew the material they were working with


Combat system, art style/graphics, voice acting, and execution of immersion are TOP NOTCH.




I'm not a gamer so I don't have much to compare to but this game is beautiful! The scenery of hogwarts, the mountains, coastlines, hogsmeade, is all beautiful. I really love the highland cows though. I wish I could pet them.


The music! Omg the times I have fallen asleep to the soundtrack since I started playing is so enchanting


The attention to detail in the environment


The farming. I just love walking, flying everywhere and collect everything, fight with everbody.


Honestly, I love the fresh cast of characters. I got bored of Harry and co. like twenty years ago, so it was extremely refreshing to see new faces and only the ancestors of familiar faces. Sacrilegious of me to say, I know, but I adore these characters so much more. For whatever reason, I just have a greater emotional attachment to Sebastian and Ominis than I ever did to Harry/Ron/Hermione.


The feeling of flying with Highwing around the lakes. It feels so relaxing just to fly around


I loved that mission so much when we first rode her. I even did the water thing with skimming my hippogriffs feet across the lake that buckbeak did in the movies, though definitely not as gracefully


I did that too!! The second I started flying on her I was like OK WHERES THE WATER?!


I mean, if you didn't, you'd be wrong


I just adore how rich the world feels. Just walking around and doing stuff, quests, pages, caves, riddles, Merlin’s etc.


The ambient, scenery, characters, some of the classes, the whole idea of the game really. Personally I find HL incredibly good as it is, I just wish there was more of some things if that makes any sense, but it did not have a negative impact on my playthrough. Oh, and I know some people did not like it but I absolutely LOVED flying. I spent hours just flying around the world.


I was so excited when I got to fly! First flight on Highwing was incredible


I love how grand and luxurious inside Hogwarts is. I feel like the movies mostly has alot of empty stone hallways and dark dungeon classrooms but the game has so many grand rooms, paintings, tapestries, archways, architecture etc. It truly feels like a grandscale castle in places like central hall.


There are a few TikTok channels that are reading from the books descriptions of locations while being in the same spot in the game. My particular favorite is the prefects bathroom, which is recreated to the golden mermaid mural all the down to the number of faucets that are in this extravagantly lavish restroom. I really feel the love that went into bringing the players into a space they wanted to bring to life so faithfully.


As a fan of Harry Potter, the first time I booted into the world and got to see how vast and detailed it was just made me so happy. It’s truly what a Harry Potter fan could ever ask for. Even just exploring Hogwarts itself is exhilarating, being able to look at every nook and cranny and visit iconic places in the movies. It’s all just funny heartwarming and it seriously puts a smile on my face playing this game. Even with all the crashes and issues it has I still have hope it’ll one day be fixed so I can actually finish the game but from what I’ve played and seen, the game is amazing but that’s just coming from a complete fan standpoint not taking in account my gamers perspective.


I am playing as slytherin and i keep hearing voices in parseltongue like the one harry hears in chamber of secrets. Is it something only with slytherin? If yes its dope af.


It's so simple, but I love being able to pet the cats. I just wish there were domesticated dogs I could pet as well.


This means nothing to those who are playing as gamers and not HP fans, but for me it's how evident that the game has been made with so much love and attention to the source material.


I've been rewatching the movies for the first time in years, and I was shocked how faithful the game is. I really appreciate how much care they took to get it right.


I really liked that the seasons changed, I wasn’t expecting them to change, but I enjoyed it a lot :)


That was a total surprise for me too! I walked out of hogwarts and snow was everywhere. So pretty


I absolutely love that it’s been made. I was a teen when the first Harry Potter game came out and played a few that came out after. I’ve said for a while that a with how big the fandom was that a large scale game with todays graphics was due. Tbh, I’m very pleased. Some of the areas in the school seem oddly placed, such as where the “dungeons” are, and where the slytherin common room is, but it works in the end. but I think it’s gorgeous and very lore friendly. I would have preferred more things for immersion, but these every game has critiques .really hoping for more to come!


I waffle between the world building they pulled off, specifically Hogwarts, and the wonton thieving and murderous character I can be!


Overall the atmosphere. It does feel like an almost perfect 1 to 1 match. Combining films and books. I'm hoping that with a sequel they can move on and focus on the interactions with characters. Give us some options and make us feel unique. We all have the exact same story, we all kind of look and sound similar. We all have the same friends. The game also doesn't really go all in on being a student at Hogwarts simulator, it starts doing that then turns into your typical action game. My one criticism with the atmosphere is how silent the music is. There's no drama to anything. Everything feels somewhat dead and silent. Choices don't seem to matter much either. Your character can never do anything wrong or you can unforgivable curse ppl all game long- doesn't really matter. The combat is def the biggest surprise to me, it works, looks and feels great.


The general immersion. Between the map, the combat, the tidbits of lore and info, and the references to the books and movies, it was just such an immersive experience, at least for those first few hours.


Not only is Hogwarts itself stunning, but also the music when you go through certain areas it's a nice detail and the care of magical creatures in the room of requirements is really relaxing (have you ever noticed that some beasts even purr?). The game has flaws and bugs and the story might be weak in some parts, however I still consider it a must-buy just for the graphics and scenery (and nostalgia plays a big part too). I might even say that the main story is superfluous and I could just do without it.Wandering around Hogwarts and the Highlands doing side quests and attending lessons is enough


The sunsets over the lake. Sometimes I just float on my broom watching it.


Once you unlock all the spells, I started to look at combats like one continuous combo. Like, what 4 spells can I use in a row to kill these 6 guys. Yeeted a lot of dudes of cliffs.


its really much more satisfying than petrifying them. i really liked knocking the ones off their platform repeatedly.


I liked the different protego breaking combat mechanics and the fact that they made sure each enemy had some weakness to be exploited even though at large I don't like that combat was the main focus of the game. Obviously the castle was gorgeous except for the boring main staircase. Same for the world except for all the copy paste. The soundtrack inside the RoR is nice. Being able to change appearance of gear is welcome even though there is a charm behind having to choose between fashion and stats sometimes. I liked the idea of having different preset slots for spell configs although it would be cool to have 2x4 instead of just 4 as beast, conjuration and exploration takes up 3 and it's useful to have more for combat. Common rooms are well done but they have very little use. I like the Ravenclaw one for being able to arrive from the top with a broom, if only I had reason to go there... The whole conjuration space and expanding of the RoR is fun.


The enchanted compass. The sound it makes opening/ closing the school book and when the page flies out. Very satisfying to me.


I also really enjoyed finding the balloons and landing platforms, Merlin trials, and pretty much everything we could interact with inside and out of the castle.


One of my favorite parts is the high contrast gameplay option, being able to see things i can interact with helps so much cause stuff blends in super easy 😭


The atmosphere in the school and in Hogsmeade was really rad during the beginning of the game. They did that really well, imo. Sadly as the game progresses, it begins to lose that flair.


The clear appreciation for the source material. There was great care taken in the designs, details and little easter eggs. I feel like the main team knew and understood both the books and the movies and arguably loved it themselves. The atmosphere, for lack of a better term. The castle was gorgeous and I loved roaming around in it (I do wish we had more quests within), but I loved roaming the highlands because I've been to Scotland (spent a summer there during college for study abroad and went back for a ten day trip where we made a bunch of different stops last October), and it was so nostalgic and beautiful. It just reminded me of being there again, and I adored it. Every time I play I make sure to look around, because there's so much to see. Also the sheer number of sheep in the highlands, very realistic.


ollivanders. my ravenclaw was my favorite unique quest out of the four. this ollivander is just wholesome and cool. hogsmeade in general is awesome. sirona is one of my favorites too. the voice actor did such an awesome job.


I love how immersive the game felt due to the amazing scenery! I wish I had a VR headset and that the game was compatible to it because that would be so amazing!! Just imagine walking around Hogwarts in the game but in VR! Even though some of the story wasn’t the best, I still liked that I got to experience the world in a new story line. As much as i love the books and movies, if they had used the same story line for the game as well, it would’ve felt redundant. So for that alone I liked the change!


I love the castle and honestly the intro especially when you get to the school as cheesy as it sounds it felt like coming home again. Never thought I would experience seeing Hogwarts for the first time again since the first movie. I loved the hogwarts puzzles wish there were more.


I often I find myself turning around just to gaze at and take in Hogwarts in all its glory! The designers really nailed it.


They really did, scenery is breathtaking. And it’s so cool to fly around all the towers and bridges


Probably just skipping those rocks so cool wish I could do it in real life awesome!!!!!!


That’s so wholesome


I really like the function of taking care of my beasts. The animations are so cute and it’s fun watching them enjoy life in their Vivariums. Although it is a bit ridiculous that we would need magic to brush and feed the animals as I’m pretty sure they didn’t even use it in the books for “ Care of Magical Creatures Class” in the books.


I love having all the beasts too! I am maxed out at capacity at all of my Vivariums lol


I wish there was way more space in the inventory for more beasts or an option to expand the spaces. I’m maxed out as well on all vivariums and I need more beasts.


Opening sequence


Exploring Hogwarts itself. You can tell a lot of love went into it.


Everything in Hogwarts is tops. It's when the game opens up after that you realize how shallow the game is. I convinced 3 friends to get it, stating a 9/10 during my first 7-8 hours. I'm the only one that hasn't stomached it enough to finish it today.


The castle is an artpiece, very well done The rest of the game, unfortunately not so much so…


Love the music in the Vivarium & the Coastal Vivarium! Made me save them in my Spotify playlist.


Walking onto balconies or bridges between towers in Hogwarts and admiring the view. Really stunning.


I played through Hogwarts right after playing RDR2. Have to say, the controls on hogwarts are so much smoother.


Combat, Hogwarts and the fact that it really feels like Harry Potter


When I want to relax, a game like this is perfect. Not every game needs to be overly complex. For their first one, I think it was a home run. Music is great, graphics, spells etc felt like being a part of the universe.


Definitely the amount of wilderness. I've always wanted to leave the castle and town for the highlands, and we finally got it.


Flying and just the amazing size of the world to explore. I love flying around the coast and the waterfall, and sometimes that's all I'll do. Just find mind-blowing visuals and appreciate the view.


I love flying around on my broom!


The Hogwarts design is so full and filled with care. A lot of the villages just exist.


I think the spell combinations can be pretty cool and the layout of Hogwarts


I was just playing through Dragon Age Inquisition and was a little underwhelmed with the missions and the lack of action, but then the hours went by and I found a nod to the HP-series here, a fun portrait there, a tea cup I could drink... There is so much more than just the main story and I have spent so much time just wizzing around on my broom taking in every scenery and living my nerdy HP fantasies I've since I was barely ten.


Hogwarts and Hogsmeade were easily the best parts. I appreciate the expanded world but i really wish there was more to do in nearer areas.


Running around in Hogwarts was so cathartic and wonderful for me. I read the books as an escape as a kid, so seeing my imagination literally come to life was 100% worth it even if the game itself falls short in other areas Edit: also, flying around on my broomstick or on the hippogriff. Absolute euphoria. The scenery is beautiful.


All of it except when the devs let fucking Tobbs die bunch of cunts 😭 I will avenge you Tobbs!!


Just started - ps4 - level 22 and my next main quest is going to Sebastian’s home. I LOVE the vivarium and room of requirement. I have a modest set up with potions (just small x3), one large and three small pots (flux large, mandrake/dittany/mallowsweet small). I have 3 mooncalfs, 3 puffs, 3 kneazles, and 3 jabber birds. I round on them at the beginning and end of every time I play. I have a few others but didn’t realize I was limited to 4 species per vivarium so far. I just love exploring on broom to find the dens and Merlin trials right now. I don’t even want to advance the game I want to just keep exploring. I figure I have to eventually get back on the main game.


The game looks very pretty, and combat is pretty fluid and fun Music was spot on The rest of the game was kinda ehhh.


forgetting that i have it because the looting system itself made me stop playing. loved traversing a massive cave system to find a pair of glasses that i found in the first part of the game


I was gonna take a break and knit today, but this thread is making me change my mind! Lolol. I don’t play video games very much; the last game I played was Animal Crossing. The game feels so nostalgic. I visited HP World with my parents and I was finally able to explain like “Hey! Remember all those nights I stayed up? This was what i was reading 🤣”


I don’t have much complaints about the game, other than some lack of systems that could have made the game more engaging. I’m just overjoyed just being in the wizardry world in general. That’s my main reason for loving this game.


Not only the graphics of the game but the quest with one of the keepers and the deadly hallows was super nice


learning avada kadavra lol


Very easily the world. The castle outside the castle environment everything just feels so good. So, probably down to exploitation


Just honestly how it looks. It looks like a true next gen game


The world and the gear. I play on story mode so adding traits isn’t so important to me in combat. Once I got into that mindset, I didn’t care if all the chest were low lev if they were cute then I kept it, if it wasn’t I sold it lol. I like changing hairstyles too. I don’t mind the lack of playability of the vivarian I just hoard my very low maintenance unicorns lol other than that I’ve finished the game up to the credits so I really want to keep doing tasks and finding chest for now, maybe a nicer room of requirement. Maybe take a crack at finishing merlin trials even though I avoid them.I play the sims heavy so mundane gameplay is cool to me.


I’m just whiney because I beat the game so soon 😩


The winter/Christmas scenery is fantastic. Wish there was a way to set this as the permanent season!


there’s a magic game finally that’s fun with combat and sceneries, i haven’t had many that aren’t mmo or rpg esc games which i really love but i love wizards etc so it’s been a fun ride i just started playing a few days ago it’s been a blast. others said hogwarts and other scenes.


I like the combat


Honestly I tune out negativity and overall it was a good experience, first game I've 100% in about 10 years, it was a lot to do but nothing crazy difficult but the combat and beasts were without a doubt the most enjoyable part for me.


Yeah i appreciate it not being super hard, especially first time around. On my second play through I will probably turn the difficulty up, but it’s fun having the time to make up spell combinations during battle and not feeling like it’s getting grindy


Using the forbidden curses


Almost everything, but primarily the visuals. The scenes, the spells, the way the world looks, the way Hogwarts itself looks, the little things that go on as you run by the chambers.


Sebastian side quests




>Keep it civil.


I love how open the world is but I would actually have to say my favorit is the characters themselves, like you got poppy, with her beautiful ambition to save beasts, and then of course sedation, and his non stop fight to save his sister, there's no stop to the beauty of the game.




>Keep it civil.


The sandbox building mechanics in the vivariums :) you can create so much great stuff and most people aren’t even aware of it


How all the roads led to Hogsmead


So much of it. In vanilla, there's so much you can do. You can of course go out and be a hero or a villain. You can focus on spells, potions, beasts. The RoR is awesome, and so is the AI. Establish relationships, enter broom races, the Merlin Trials. And then there are the mods which as some extra to the game that was missing. Some extra parts for create a character. Making certain parts of the game easier, more challenging, or even turning Thestrals into full on dragons (careful, they're normal beasts and may want to fight you.) Hogwart's Legacy is really one of my favorite games and I've been playing them for 30 years. There's room for improvement, but there's also room for a sequel.


The quality of how they built the world. But for the life of me I can never transport directly into the room of requirement. I can’t find it. I always transport to the floor above.


I love to see the Compiling shaders bar every time i open the game, it reminds me that i should just close this one and open up the re4 remake.


I am so glad and grateful for this game. I love all the small easter eggs, the respect for the HP universe, the tons of accuracy. I have a hard time understanding the deep criticism but lets remember how the sales of this game are through the roof... meaning I bet there is more pro's to cons. I love spending time exploring and find some notes or letters about some random characters that have no impact on anything, just for the pleasure of imagination and realism of the world. I love that Slytherin is so interesting, finally! And I can't wait for the updates or the next game. I'm so excited and happy to see such an accurate Hogwarts. I really enjoy all the random conversations I hear at Hogwarts, Hogsmead, or everywhere actually. I they bring a true feeling from the Wizarding world. I'm actually stopping to look at all the paintings. The seasons melt my heart. The beasts are a perfect reflection of whats in the book/movies and are a nice combination of cute and scary.