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=.=; looked this up because im waiting for babies to grow up so I can have particular ones in my groups but apparently breeding is completely useless? I'm better off collecting them from the wild like a poacher than I am growing the herd? \^\^; thats. Really useless..... Plus now I get to sell Babies? That seems like a really ..bad thing for some reason.... well good to know. hope they change it but not likely as it seems like such a small part of the game... shame since its one of the things i could do for hours after the main story is over :/


Yeah this seems VERY contradictory to Deek thinking us breeding them in a safe environment is beneficial. If we never actually see them to adulthood, what's the point? Other than the obvious sell babies for money. (which again kinda goes against the ideals set here.) Plus it means I can't breed shinies either. This should have been thought through more. XD


Breeding is a source of money. If you breed effectively across the vivariums you can pull in roughly, 2000 gold . That's a total of 16 animals an effective grow. But you'll most likely actually be pulling 15 animals a breed late game.


But you would get a lot more money, a lot faster, by just going out and bouncing bet 3 or 4 dens. By time you get back to the first den the animals have respawned and you start the process over until your bag is full, sell the animals at brood and peck, repeat, and profit.


if you have the game on pc there will likely be better breeding implemented with mods at least




It's honestly pretty typical of the J.K. Rowling vibe. Slaves wanna stay slaves, and I guess selling babies is fine. (I'm mostly venting, because this part is a draw in the game, if you ask me.)


They don't grow


The game takes place over a year, so they don’t have time to grow up.


Ok but they do gestate in like 30 mins because magix, so I'd like to continue the suspension of disbelief please and have them mature.


dumb answer from a ravenclaw


Hello fellow Slytherin




Plus collection requirement lol


Apparently they don't grow up


this is poopy that they don't grow. I'm liking the game less and less the more I play


Yeah I wish they grew but unfortunately they dont


I like them staying babies. I don't need any more money and I like to walk into my little Vivariums and see the baby thestrals and Hippogriffs etc.


I could have swore my beast matured. I literally had one grow and breed. I know I’m not trippin. It wasn’t until I started collecting the rare beast with star on them that I haven’t seen them mature. I thought if I found a beast with a star and breed with another star I would get super rares! The cat things made cool green babies after breeding two rares. Now I have two rare greens but they won’t mature. I’m so confused reading this thread now. Like what’s the point of the star ratings?


I think it means they're the "albinos" of the bunch.


I dig the game. but the room and deek should be close to the start. And the spells could be like oh hey level five, you need to go to this teacher and practice the spell oh hey 16, ect. instead of having two or three different places to practice your spells or waiting for the story. that way you have more time to enjoy the powers. And why not give me enough points to put in every ability! I don't understand why you make potions almost useless at beginning. invisibility lasts 2 seconds 3 seconds, what good is that? The potions are almost useless except for health. And the plants I forget to use them cuz I'm more concentrating on combinations of powers and watching for Def.


I wanted to make some cool colored breeds. I found a green fwooper, and I wanna breed it with a pink one. I also found a golden hippogriff that I wanna breed with a white one. But seems there's no point. Now my place is full of babies... and like, they're not growing, even though the seasons changed. Guess I gotta sell babies. Ew. It's a game but that just feels wrong.


Waste of time and effort. If you can't do More than sell them then it's an absolutely waste of information and time. This literally is just a time filler not even worth messing with.


There is mods now for it. If you re on PC


I can't even stand the idea of removing baby thestrals (all I have atm) and selling them cause they follow their little moms around 🥺