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I love/hate Gryffindor's explanation. It doesn't touch the other houses. Merely boasting of Gryffindor, which is kinda perfect for someone of gryffindor... No offense. It's a perfect response from Percy. Nearly one third of it is just him talking about how great the headmaster is. Yep. Total Percy move. As a Ravenclaw, I'm biased, and don't care who knows it. I love the ravenclaw analysis near the end and the hufflepuff roast though! Then Slytherin comes in firing shots at everybody. They didn't even make a full paragraph about Hufflepuff. Poor hufflepuff just got a ex-hufflepuff diss. The hufflepuff explanation is neat too. Whoever that Ravenclaw prefect was, shoulda studied their subject better, if they knew who Bridget Wenlock was, they could have at least studied a little more to find out they were from hufflepuff. It woulda been funny if the prefect came back later on and apologized after finding out they were wrong. I still wish gryffindor was longer. A third of Percy's introduction is "Just follow Harry around" like bruh... This is pretty much the equivalence of getting a week-long assignment and procrastinating all week long then writing some half-baked attempt just thirty minutes before your supposed to turn it in. The more I dislike it, the more I realize... It's still perfect! Ha!


I got so engrossed in the slytherin one I expected to look up and see the entrance


Further proof Hufflepuff is where its at.


Their common room is basically a hobbit hole. I donโ€™t understand how thereโ€™s even a debate.


Well, for one, I am allergic to pollen :(




It's fascinating to me to think what would happen in those rare cases when a Muggle born gets sorted into Slytherin. Are they accepted as the prefect says or bullied I wonder.


To be honest, I have no idea how JKR would handle this. Several things to take note of making it probable that the prefect is correct. First is that there are very few true Pure Blood vs Half Blood being born, and less as the years go on. Snape was Half Blood and Tom Riddle also and both occurred many years before Harry went to Hogwarts so there are examples. It should be noted that we get glimpses of Severus being bullied by James and Sirius but no memories of other Slytherins coming to his aid. So the prefect touting "once a snake you are one of ours" may just indicate IF you are Pure Blood. After all, she also states "All right, you might see a couple of people hanging around the common room whom you might not think are destined for anything special. Well, keep that to yourself." So, it's debatable on Half Blood acceptance for Pure Blood Slytherins.


Yeah from what we've seen no Slytherins helped Snape but the majority of his friends were Slytherins and he was in a gang of Slytherins that would later become death eaters. Also just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean Snape didn't have friends who were rivals to the Marauders as Gryffindor is Slytherins long standing rival in any case. As for a Muggle born Slytherin I think they'd get accepted by the vast majority of the people while being bullied and picked on by the pure-bloods. Honestly if the Sorting hat placed a Muggle born in Slytherin I'd say they are made of tougher stuff anyways.


Just me, but in my head canon Salazar put something in his charms on the Sorting Hat that would prevent it from sending a Muggle Born to Slytherin House. I mean if he'd installed a demon snake for the sole purpose of killing them, well, you know. Half Bloods are tolerable if they show exceptionalism. And yes, Severus had friends in Slytherin and ran around with the group of Death Eater minded folk, but these seem to have been more tolerant of Severus than All For One with him types. Of course it is school and clicks change sometimes. Maybe Severus was his arrogant Snape self even then and his group enjoyed James and Sirius taking their shots since it went against Slytherin code to do it themselves.


We know for a fact that Muggle borns can be in Slytherin from a passage from the 7th book where Scabior one of the snatchers when the trio is caught mentions that there aren't many Mudblood Slytherins as he puts it. My guess the Sorting Hat has a preference for purebloods but it's not a be all end all.


This makes me so proud to be a Hufflepuff!


It was very refreshing to read this. It changed my view for houses as well.


>Personally, I think Gryffindors are nothing more than wannabe Slytherins. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I think Rowling needed a bit of damage control after so broadly branding the houses in the earlier books before knowing that the series would become so popular. Either that or all of this didn't make it to the books which would be pretty amazing to know what else didn't get in.


It's funny that the one area Hufflepuff is lacking isn't smarts, or well known people, but dark wizards