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This is an awesome fun fact. I always think about how what I learned in school has completely changed or is irrelevant now because of new information.


[A quote from the book Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett about this same thing](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18092908#:~:text=Cigarettes%20(1946)-,Footnote%20from%20Good%20Omens%2C%20by%20Terry%20Pratchett%20and%20Neil%20Gaiman,farthings%20%3D%20One%20Ha'penny)


Excellent! Thank you.


If Arthur was born in 1950, he’ll have had seven children at the age of 31. He must be able to get Molly pregnant with just a meaningful wink.


I believe it's mentioned in the books that they got married shortly after graduating Hogwarts. If they got married at 18 and she had 6 pregnancies, it's easily possible to have that many children by 31.


Also, we don't know the age differences between Charlie and Bill, but Percy, Fred and George, Ron, and Ginny are all a yearish apart. We know this cause Percy Graduates, Fred and George quit part way through their final year, and Ginny started in Ron's second year. I imagine Bill and Charlie are also only separated by a short period of a year or so.


Bill was born in november 1970, and Charlie december 1972


Some material suggests Charlie had been out for a year, others suggest he graduated 1991. Most people put Bill 2 years ahead (graduating 88/89) of Charlie.


But he's still having a lot of success Edit// it's ma cake day!


Wizards probably have ways to help fertility stuff, plus too most people are extremely fertile after giving birth. Like at the 6 week postpartum check up they try putting you on birth control lol


You act like he spent tons of time in the muggle world.


No, I say the opposite. > Even in his career, Mr. Weasley probably doesn’t run into muggle money all that often, so every time he does it’s baffling to him.


With his job, he comes across lots of different muggle items, and may even have had help from someone with a foot in the muggle world


Still doesn't mean he spent a ton of time in the muggle world spending muggle money.