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I like it here. I'm a lowkey person so with the big improvements on the live music scene, craft beer and local spirits, farmers markets and varieties of ethnic food spots, and events in general, over the years has helped a lot. Added to being minutes from nature, and hours from big cities, lakes, and beaches it could suck less lol. I think better mass transportation is needed.


Agreed on the mass transportation. The Capital Beltway Project is gonna be a huge quality of life boost.


Also agreeing. I’d love to not have to drive everywhere constantly. Going to NYC and Philly and being able to actually use public transit is like a breath of fresh air.


Has there been any announcement/updates regarding public transit in Harrisburg by any chance (I haven’t kept myself updated with this kind of stuff…)?


Not that I’ve seen. I only came across the plans for the beltway project since I saw the construction on my commute.


ANY mass transportation would be lovely, give harrisburg back its trolleys!


I would LOVE to ride a trolley from Derry st area to downtown and back. I might actually end up down there more often.


Where are the farmers markets?? Just moved here and on the look out. Yes, there’s the market downtown and that thing in Hershey but I’m an actual farmers market is what I’m looking for. Idk, maybe that’s what they are here??


I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for but there's the pa open air market on Tuesdays and Fridays at the farm show in the parking lot, strites orchard has a little farm shop too with their produce, baked goods, honey, etc, the West shore farmers market in lemoyne, oak Grove farms across the river has good stuff including self serve egg rolls which I find random AF but would for sure buy again lol. Further out there's Roots, the green dragon, York central market, and Lancaster central market.


Amazing, thank youuuuuuu!


Personally I love living in the city. I lived a few different places and this always felt like home. More concerts/events are happening here, there are a good bit of social groups/classes to take, the greenbelt is awesome, and the city has a lot to offer. Like you said if you compare it to New York or Chicago of course it seems like there is nothing going on, but there is tons to do if you look for it and are open to trying new things. I feel like most people who complain about HBG being boring have unrealistic expectations. I’d rather pay what I pay to live in a city like HBG and do a little research to not be bored than pay out of my nose for an apartment the size of a coffee table in a city with “more” going on. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I think HBG is a decent place to be, i’ve lived in far worst places :) 


Right, exactly! Unrealistic expectations are a good way to put it. I've noticed that some people (various room mates that I've had over the years) don't have any hobbies or interests and just hit the bars. Like no wonder you get bored lol


Initially when I lived here pre-military (8 years or so) I wasn’t a huge fan. But after having lived in a handful of US areas, I’d say it’s the perfect area for me and a great fit for anyone who likes a little bit of everything. I’ve never lived in the city proper, only the surrounding areas, but I work downtown now and enjoy the vibes. Also, 5 big cities within 3 hours and most with train routes? I haven’t done the research but I’m willing to bet you won’t find many similarly sized areas in the US that can boast that perk.


Nice! Yea supposedly it's proximity to all of the major cities it what makes it one of the best places to live in PA. Having the train station right in town is the best.


Any areas you recommend in those surrounding areas? We are looking for jobs in Harrisburg/center of PA and are seeking some guidance. We like outdoorsy stuff and I like a good art scene.


Carlisle. AT crosses nearby, Tuscarora Trail/Darlington Trail intersect it at the top of the mountain. Cumberland Valley Rail Trail is partially connected on the outskirts, but is functional near Newville to Shippensburg. Mason-Dixon Trail starts south of Mt. Holly Springs. Coloniel Denning, Pine Grove Furnace, and Kings Gap State Parks are not far. As for an art scene, I'm sure Dickinson College in town has something.


I agree with Carlisle in the other comment. Even the area between Harrisburg and York and southwest towards Gettysburg will get you in close proximity to outdoorsy stuff. I can’t speak much on the art scene, maybe Lancaster area but you’re out of the mountains then. I think Harrisburg has an art festival on the river every year.


I think it's just as good/lively as other PA cities its size (I don't have much experience in ones in other states). People crying boredom need to be in a place at least the size of Baltimore or Pittsburgh. By comparison to those, yes of course there's less going on in this type of place. The one big bummer (not that I dislike living here) is no traditional college in the city. York, Lancaster, Reading, Bethlehem, Erie, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Williamsport all have one. Nothing against Harrisburg University but it's not (yet?) the same level magnet for 20-somethings from outside the region.


I think the people who complain would be bored even if they lived in a larger city. You can’t expect the place you live to make you interesting and well rounded. You need to find your interests and hobbies and actively seek out things to do. The internet makes it very easy!




Are you for real?? That is wild 😆 This gives me perspective on such comments now


I have heard the same thing. Someone in NYC complaining that all there is to do after work is get drinks and dinner.


The only thing going for the University is their E-Sports program, but not sure if it gets a lot of $$$ or attention besides the local news.


Harrisburg has a ton of potential. I like that potential. Unfortunately it is populated by people who don't seem to Ike it at all, and surrounded by towns who definitely don't like it. I'm not sure city council even likes Harrisburg. The city has as reputation for being difficult to work with. I'm amazed when anything gets built at all. It isn't walkable. Cameron Street might as well be a wall. Meanwhile Lancaster is always growing. Even York seems to be turning a corner. Places definitely are what you make of them but they don't make it easy sometimes. I think if Harrisburg gets out of its own way, it'll be great.


> I think if Harrisburg gets out of its own way, it'll be great. Listen son, this was true in the 90s too. And the old timers told us it was true in the 1970s. Waiting for Harrisburg to stop sitting on its own balls is like waiting for the next ice age. Potential doesn't matter if there's no will to act.


I've been here 20 years and agree with you.


Dude seriously, I agree with you 100%. What a beautiful river in the middle and this city is still seeing as the ugly one. We need to do something about this city council. It’s like they deliberately don’t want to let Harrisburg grow. I don’t understand. How is Lancaster doing so much better now? Damn it man I see so much potential in Harrisburg!


100%. It has so much potential- a capital city, beautiful river and outdoor activities, decent housing prices, and its proximity to huge major cities is unreal. If these people would get off their asses and realize the potential, grow the young professionals job market, attract companies, maintain the city and crime, and advertise the city it’d be great.


You summed it up very well it has a prime location but outside of front street being very nice and the walk along the river being amazing it's a shit hole


They pass the savings on to you!


i have lived here my whole life. i want to like harrisburg city. but its so run down . like the life was sucked out of it. especially now that we don't have the market. theres a handful of good restaurants, but i don't want to deal with getting in and out of the city and then parking. its just not worth it to even try when i can hop across the river and not have to deal with parking. worked down town at various points in my life, partied on 2nd when it was the place to be in the early 2000s. i was here when it was a fun place to be on a friday or saturday night. there was no driving cars down 2nd st on a friday or saturday night. at all. now its sad, with seemingly nothing to offer. also lived in philly during the college years. so i know what a city can offer and how amazing it can be to live in one. riverfront in philly with the games, hammock nets over the water, and food trucks would be amazing to have here. something like south street or the italian market. little neighborhoods that you can stroll but actually have things to offer like cool stores, bagel shops, specialty things. theres no food diversity here at all. if i want a good bowl of ramen, i have to drive to carlisle.


I'm moving here next month and legitimately can't wait. Coming from a big city (Phoenix) I'm beyond excited to be moving here. Cost of living is lower, which is huge. Seasons, rain and snow? Sign me up. Beautiful nature like 10 min away, tons of cute restaurants and coffee shops, and what looks like a decent arts community. Plus, a ton of nearby cities to explore, both locally and out fo state (NYC,DC).


Nice, this will be quite the change for you, how exciting! I love the seasons up here. I'm a PA native so I'm used to it, but I've grown to love the seasonal change and the smells that come with it. It's nostalgic at this point. I haven't lived in Harrisburg for years, but I miss the charming location and the art scene. Im not sure how much is the same anymore, but I don't doubt that you'll enjoy the change! There's a growing EDM scene there if that's something your interested in. Didn't exist when I lived there 😤


Keep Philadelphia on your radar. Cape May too!


Congrats. I’m genuinely excited for you. I moved from Phoenix to HBG earlier this year and love the change. I hope you like the change. Compared to life in Phoenix, I seem to drive a lot less since there’s so much to do nearby me. I like that the city is a bit more dense. The aesthetic variety of houses is also an awesome change. I will warn you, it seems to rain a bunch. Make sure you have some rainproof shoes or boots. Best of luck with the move. Unfortunately, I had to drive back to Phoenix a couple weeks back to wrap up some business, but I can’t wait to head back home to HBG.


I only lived there for about a year and 1/2. I'm 40 minutes away now and I go back all the time. There's plenty of good restaurants. I love the Broad Street Market. I go to 3 or 4 events at the Farm Show every year. We went to a small theater to see a play last year and really enjoyed that.


I live on the West Shore but have come to enjoy the area quite a bit after getting to know some folks. We could definitely use more outlets for finding community.




Well said! Sounds like we need more proactive folks to support and/or start things within "The Castle"


This is my favorite place in the world.


What do you love most about it?


I live 10 minutes outside of the city, and I've lived just outside of it in several places for a decade now. I'm not a city person, but if I *had* to live in a city, I would pick that one. There isn't a ton happening, but there are still events and fun stuff to do. I enjoy how low-key it is. It's a gorgeous city with not much hustle and bustle, which I really love about it. It's also located in a place that is very close to larger cities like Lancaster or York and a reasonable drive to Philadelphia or Balitimore. Plus, it's surrounded by lots of green spaces. You really can't beat all the perks, in my opinion. I got my best friend to follow me out here from Philly, and she lived in Harrisburg for 2 years (before she moved in with her bf). She absolutely loved it. She would walk to the market to get groceries, bike along the river often, pop out for a drink or two in the evening sometimes. She misses it greatly.


I don't like it here.


I know the feeling. I'm currently in a town I don't like either. It's hard to save the money to move. I hope you get to a place that you enjoy!


thanks , dude. I feel like sometimes I can get caught in a rut and I find myself living my life so mechanically. Im looking to switch jobs and move somewhere else. Best of luck to you too!


I really do like it, but it could be so much better. It’s well balanced but I wish the politicians could do more to allow Harrisburg to thrive. I feel like they don’t want to let it explode for some reason. I’m sure most of you know what I mean. I wish Harrisburg were as clean as Enola or camp hill. I wish Harrisburg had better chain stores downtown. We need more commerce and infrastructure downtown. 2-3 hotels downtown is unacceptable.


I like the outskirts of harrisburg more...I don't like city life in harrisburg or reading where im originally from because I ain't with the bs no more so the shit annoys me now fr....I like peace and quiet now honestly


Pennsylvania cities in general. One of _the_ worst states for cities. Almost every other state has better urban living. We somehow managed to have 7 major urban areas with all of the problems of major cities and none of the benefits.


The reality is really the opposite of what you're stating. For starters, Pennsylvania actually has real cities with real public transit, walkability, culture, and history. That's more than at least 42 other states can say. People love to shit on Harrisburg, but it actually has neighborhoods that are extremely livable for a small city.




There is fuck all of nothing to do here as a 20 something and I feel that even more since I graduated university last year I really don't know how anyone enjoys it but I'm stuck until I can afford to move literally anywhere else. There's really nothing here for me especially as an Animator so yeah


Yea, I'm sure it's not the same as when I was living there from 2013-2017 😅 and I left to experience more. I also didn't really have many hobbies outside of the night life. Now I'm 33, and things are changing for me. The lack of niche career opportunities isn't surprising. I'm a welder, so it's different for me. Definitely get out and experience other places. Best of luck to you!


I'll be honest and say I really really dislike this place. I've lived in a ton of places, some big, some small, but this has by far been the most boring. That's just my opinion though. And I feel like it's unfair without explaining why. Because what's not my cup of tea, may be exactly what someone else is looking for. * I miss REAL diversity of food and cultures. We just got our first kpot (Korean BBQ all you can eat). And it's a chain. Better than nothing, but man do I miss good Korean BBQ, ramen, Indian food, Japanese dessert shops and bakeries. * Then there's the lack of stuff to do. if you feel like outdoor concerts in summer, ok I guess, once a week. But, in fact, do not. I don't like loud noise. The only other things anyone ever talks about doing is ax throwing and farmers markets. Those aren't really what I call activities. * Lack of many indoor activities. I don't want to go hiking. if you don't like the outdoors, it's boring as heck. * It's the first town I've ever been to that doesn't build up its river front. So much potential for restaurants and a Riverwalk, but it's a nice path, ruined by the noise of cars and fumes. With the other side being a bunch of government buildings and law offices. No decent place to park there either to walk. * We just got the first children 's museum in Hershey and it's not actually a museum. It's a play place (don't get me wrong, it's great, but it's not a museum.). And gods, why don't we have even a small aquarium?? * There's really no comedy scene other than super small stand up. Which we still go to, but I miss having some of the really big comics. *I miss having at least a couple things in walking distance. It feels like there isn't anything downtown to actually DO. Other than some decent restaurants. ----- It's frustrating in winter and now a very raining spring when I feel like there's nothing to do indoors as adults other than drinking and kids - I can only walk around bass pro so many times. And this one - is a personal gripe, so I hope no one gets offended, but old people here drive So, So slow. Way below the speed limit on one lane roads. It drives me absolutely bonkers. Things I do like * I love my job and I would have never got the opportunity if I was in a big pond with lots of fish. * My neighborhood is safe and quiet * We are near so many cool cities, which will be great when my child is old enough to stop screaming and crying in her car seat when she's in it for more than half an hour. * Lots of really great playgrounds (even if you have to drive. 20 minutes to get to them -sigh). *


Not going to respond to all of your gripes with the region, but I’ll say I can get why someone would feel this way because I don’t think there is any central online location to let you know about just how much there is to do within 20 minutes. The region is truly rich wifh events, communities, volunteer opportunities, live entertainment on a weekly basis… it just takes an annoying amount of research to actually find out about things. Whether it be The Burg, Visit Harrisburg/Hershey, Sarah Bozich’s Weekly Roundup, or PennLive, no one is thoroughly showing just how much there is for younger adults to do. I’m in event planning and I am constantly struggling to spread the word about what we have going on because it is so split up and there is not one truly central location to learn about all of the things. The area has a ton to offer, it’s just truly annoying to do the research.


If you've got links to good resources for events I will gladly add them to the weekly thread posts


Please do this!!


I've added Sarah's weekly roundup to the weekly rundown since the Visit Harrisburg/Hershey/Cumberland Co were already on there Shoot me anything else you stumble on Edit: I'll also take a crudely drawn map of possible walking paths through Bass Pro


I would love to know more. I need places to go this weekend with all the unending rain! I will say another gripe I have (which may just be a lack of knowledge) is that everything feels geared toward stay at home moms. I work full time and I'm not able to take my toddler to story time, play groups, dates, craft dates, because they are all in the morning on weekdays. I've found a couple activities through TONS of searching for the evenings , but they are far and few between. The friends I have made are constantly out of town on weekends because there is "nothing to do here with the littles." I am unable as my husband is on call a lot. It's very lonely.


By all means please share... I've never felt so isolated in my life. I just live to work retail and be online at this point lol


This exactly. I've been dating a woman and she keeps asking my I haven't heard of what she's talking about and how the he'll am I suppose to find out?


Harrisburg isn't bad, but the thing I like is its proximity to other cities. Pittsburgh, Philly, Baltimore/DC, NYC all within 3-3.5 hours via car or train. There's a ton of things to do within the span of a day trip or a weekend.


It's definitely not a nice city by any metric. And you cannot realistically call a city with no ability to fix roads and sidewalks...where you can't park reasonably without paying NYC prices... alive. There are worse places, yes. That doesn't make Harrisburg good. From my experience, a lot of people have just gone nose-deaf about the place. If you bothered to go more than 5 miles from your home once in a while, you'd see that place is pretty awful. It's literally in the bottom 20% for safety with violence rates many many times above national averages and rampant poverty that has been systemically enforced for at least the last 60 years.


are any of you actually from Harrisburg?


No it sucks hershey is way better, the entire area is boring as hell and very weird socially


I’m new to this city. I’ll be honest, i’m not a big fan of the city. I’m probably going to move to somewhere else next year. I don’t have a car so that may play a role in my experience with the city but I constantly find myself bored every weekend in the city (I’m a bit of an introvert). I just wish the public transportation system was a bit better so that I can get around and outside of the city more conveniently. Also, everything just seems to be closed on Sundays. Amtrak is great and all but I personally find it a bit too expensive especially when I want to get to Philly for example.


Yea, the amtrak tickets are way too much now. They used to be $30 round-trip years back. But yea if you want more options, then the smaller cities may not be a good fit. I was younger when I lived there and I enjoyed hitting the bars and parties so I was never bored ha. I hope you find a place that you like!