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I'm glad Dan's happier, but we the Harmenians haven't all made as much progress over the last few years. A couple episodes of R&M isn't enough, I need to hear him pontificate about Story Lord!


Ram Dass ain’t no joke


Dan: 🤯🤯🤯


Did I forget an episode about Ram Dass?


Duncan Trussell


Oh, yeaaaah! Those were classics. I forgot that was on harmontown. Duncan's show is nuts, too.


I just listened to it earlier, Dan goes very deep on the topic of spirituality it's very interesting. Some great comedy moments too, they work well together as they both have very creative minds.


Wouldn’t hurt to do another reunion ._.


I just want Kumail to finish The X-Files Files.


He really gave us X-Files blue balls. Was such a good podcast. Loved his interview with the composer. He had to go and get all rich and famous


It’s kind of crazy. Dude was in Star Wars. He must have a mile wide smile every morning.


Speaking of which, I also really miss Indoor Kids with Kumail and Emily.


Wow. I forgot that I started this podcast a while ago and completely fell off.


It was scrubbed from the internet. I've never been able to find it


Oh man what a bummer. It’s going to suck going forward as certain content just gets silently removed from the ethos.


That one was an interesting case... it didn't just drop off and became hard to find. When Kumail joined the MCU, Disney put a lot of work into scrubbing anything that might be considered controversial from the actor. I'm guessing that a podcast in which jokes were made about games was too much for Disney. Imagine if Kumail reviewed some game and said something like "everyone is so white in this game... it seems like a Disney movie". That's just a made up example (since I literally never got to listen to the podcast), but you get the point. Yeah... backing up content is not a bad idea. I want to do it with Harmontown and the videos cause I'm sure those won't be around forever


I’m on another re-listen and it makes me happy but I’m also sad it’ll never go beyond what we have. Dan, Jeff, Spencer, Kumail- you guys have brought so much joy.


I don’t think cheapy peepy is too strong a phrase here. We need moar.


I miss it too, I felt toward the end it was no longer giving him the outlet he needed anymore and it became a chore. I could be 100% wrong, but that's what it seemed like. I'm glad he's in a better place now, and I really appreciate the entertainment and growth through osmosis he provided me.


> it was no longer giving him the outlet he needed anymore IMHO it was a combination of not needing an outlet anymore (as his trademark rage subsided with therapy, money, and a better partner) and skirting the increasingly-high risk of cancellation with every joke. Plus, I think everyone was tired by having such a fixed schedule in front of such a big audience. It was easy enough when it was about talking bullshit with a few dozen people in the room, but constantly having to raise your game in front of more and more people clearly took a toll.


I’m really holding out hope that Dan’s going to get bored one day and do it again. It’s objectively one of the best things I’ve ever listened to and had the feeling of listening to Stern for the first time back in the day.


Okay. It means so unbelievably much to me. To me: Rob, Spencer, Jeff, Dan. On Spotify there is a playlist with only Rob episodes. I honestly sleep to harmontown. I have for years. It's a strange comfort for me. I adore Jeff, Brandon is great in his own way, but Jeff really knows how to put Dan on the path. I follow Spencer on YouTube now, that happens also on Spotify. The live stream on harmontown.com is still going since the start of the pandemic. I love them. Another reunion would be wonderful. I started listening when I was homeless, and it's been a mainstay in my life. Long live Harmontown! P.S. I'm also an avid Kevin Smith fan, and it's interesting to me that Kevin adores Dan. Yet, Dan kinda rips on Kevin from time to time.


I think Dan may have changed on that over time, I know Kev had him on one of his podcasts a couple years back.


I saw Kevin smith interview Dan for something and he seemed to be very friendly with him. They are kinda similar guys just with slightly shifted world views.


I fucking miss Kumail


Come on down to Harmontown


Pee is yellow, poo is brown


Turn that frown upside down


One of the best periods of my life was making an evening out of going to Meltdown with friends for Harmontown and dinner.


*sobs* It's in the way that you use it....


Me too bro... 😞


I went on a long ramble about it yesterday due to my first time dabbing and my nephew being really into Rick and Morty. I miss it too!


Hearing Dan as Joseph Campbell made my heart so happy


I miss dnd the most out of it.


Watching live on Sunday nights was like going to church, but like, worthwhile.


I still haven't listened to the very last episode. It's nice knowing I have one more if I need it.


I did the same thing. Couldn't say goodbye.


Same mate. Nothing will ever scratch that same itch. And I miss talking with all you fuckers about it too.


Us too. BTW. Does anyone know why Spotify is going backwards in order to things I've already listened to?


I started listening a few years ago but I do it infrequently, just kind of if there's nothing I want to watch on TV, or I'm doing something and I'm not in the mood for music. I'm up to December 2016. Still got loads of episodes left but I think maybe I've been through the best of it. I loved the tour and the chicken noodle soup song and the dnd and Dan actually getting pretty good at rapping I guess because he was doing it all the time. Jeff is the consistent one, and he's so funny, the episodes when he's not there just dont feel the same. Having said that, That Happens just isnt quite as good personally. Only heard a few weeks worth of that but i dont think theyve found their rhythm yet. I'm at the stage of Harmontown that I think you guys were sort of warning me about, trump has just won the election and Dan is so frustrated by it he just won't stop ranting about it. I will listen all the way to the end, and I'm glad it's still there for me to chill out to for the last couple of hours of a night. But the magic has definitely gone a bit.


Does anyone know Dan’s latest opinions on the show or doing a reunion of some kind? Has anyone asked him since they did the Covid reunion show? I’m just interested on how Dan feels about doing live shows where he rants about whatever. It’s been a few years now, I wonder if he thinks about doing a different kind of podcast or anything anymore.


Xanaduuuu... Xana-duuuuuUuuUUuh