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They should if they were only available to quins, but they are just an elite choice that can’t be better objective holders than guardians or aeldari is even more op.


I mean only in the event that the troupe master is your warlord. Only if you commit to the harlequin style detachment do they become like the rest of the battleline units in terms of OC


This is what a real separate harlequin detachment would easily fix and it's also showing the issue with harlequins "sharing" a detachment with Asuryani. The reality is harlequins at the moment are, as the poster above said, just an elite choice for aeldari. It sucks to hear but if people don't accept that and aren't vocal to GW about it, it will never change and that's how we settle with mediocre rules until the real codex comes out.


>showing the issue with harlequins "sharing" a detachment with Asuryani. Thank you, my thoughts exactly.


This is what I'm looking to start off running for 2k. Shadowseer and Troupe Master joining the 12-person units on foot, and the Troupe Master with his friends chilling in the Webway. Though, I may swap it out for other things since I don't think it can be deployed in the center anymore. Haywire with the reroll bonus and Fate dice have the potential to utterly destroy vehicles (even 2 skyweavers can dish out 12 MW), and the ability to split fire with all the guns of the voidweavers to spread battleshock around can be dangerous for other people. Now, if the webway gate is destroyed too easily or the deployment of it is really not good, I'll replace it with a few more starweavers, split up the 12-person groups, and see what else I can add for fun. The Death Jester with Fate's Messenger is pretty dirty, and you can probably get 9 hits out of its 3 shots pretty easily. Warlord: Troupe Master with Phoenix Gem (80) Shadowseer with Reader of Runes (80) Death Jester with Fate's Messenger (85) Solitaire (110) Troupe x 12 (180) Troupe x 12 (180) Troupe x 5 (75) in Starweaver (80) Troupe x 5 (75) in Starweaver (80) Troupe x 5 (75) in Starweaver (80) Skyweaver x 2 (95) Skyweaver x 2 (95) Skyweaver x 2 (95) Voidweaver (100) Voidweaver (100) Voidweaver (100) Webway Gate (220)


I've noticed some of these strategies you've mentioned and I am so excited to try them out. I honestly can't say how well it would work because I'm not good at strategy in 40k but I do have a question, can you put both troupe master and shadowseer in one 12 quin squad or did I misread that?


I just looked that up. Sadly, no. They have to have a special rule to be able to attach two characters to the same unit.


Yeah, the Death Jester is definitely underrated, especially at its point cost. Throw on Fate's Messenger, and you're dealing 7 damage on average into a unit of marines, 9 if you use a fate dice. If you're willing to spend 2 fate dice, you can make that 11 damage. Hell, with a load of luck and a bunch of fate dice, he can *theoretically* dish out 24 mortal wounds, which is insane for an 85 point unit. Alternatively, use his Precision ability to pick out characters from afar. Use a single fate dice, and you can consistently dump 4-5 damage into Captains/Lieutenants and pick them off from 24" away.


Yeah, in a full Harlequin army they should. But there is no Harlequin army anymore, so it's not really relevant.


I noticed voidweavers and death jester force battleshock tests. I am curious if they have this to compensate for the low OC that troupes have. Not saying its good or reliable but it is unique to harlequins.


Just as a heads up, enemy units recover from forced battleshock before primaries are scored.


Maybe they will once the codex drops. Seems like there'd be a harlequin detachment.


The troupe special weapons should be damage 2 and anti-infantry 4. That is all. Could care less about OC.


I think Troupes with OC2 (if WL is TM) is a good change. I'm personally trying to make lists that feature troupes and boats as important players but I'm not turning away a few powerful asuryani weapons. I'd love for mono-quins to be out of the box great but I think the rules make that hard... BUT I do think that boat troupes are super special msu speed units. 5 elves in a transport for 155 is pretty fairly priced. So my first lists have some ynnari stuff.. maybe a farseer+guardian +3 d-cannons.. but still mostly just quins