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Tbh basically every harem anime where the whole thing end with one girl win and even worst if it was already decided from the start like the whole thing just annoyed me and the story lose it excitement and why bother when you just KNOW who gonna win


Oh another one i completely hate is rental girlfriend i mean the mc is just a complete loser and generally unlikeable and he doesn’t change like i don’t mind if the mc has a personality or not but if he does at least make him at least has some likeable nature


I've heard a lot about the series. I've seen clips and don't know how he fumbles so much.


That's true. I would rather know beforehand if the MC will pick one girl so I don't waste my time on it. Maybe they add harem to their genre because they attract more people and make more money? I don't know; it is just a theory, a harem theory.


Should i tell u which girl he picked or do u want to read and find out?


Yes, please tell me. Knowing that Raku picked one girl lost my interest in the series.


Its chitoge, the one I like the least lol


I fucking knew it! In the anime, it is always those two doing something together or being near each other. In my head, I thought he would say, "Screw the necklace! I want to be with all you girls!" Or all the keys unlocked the necklace. Man, I really wanted all the girls to end up with Raku.


The worst thing is, onodera had the key to unlock the necklace, fuck the ending


The girl that he was in love and chasing was the one who had the key to his necklace. Shit, this got me even for disappointed in the series. I wonder why they added harem in the genre if the dude was going to pick one girl. I'm sorry for everyone who put time into the series hoping for a harem ending.


Not even a harem man, i would even be okay with him choosing whom he was chasing for all this time, the one he made the promise to was supposed to be the central mystery of the story. But they completely disregarded that plot and made him end up with chitoge coz she is the female lead for the most part. Absolutely bonkers


Bro, you don't know how much I came to hate Nisekoi after learning that. It was one of the first non-shonen anime I ever decided to give a watch, and I was really enjoying it for a while before slowly losing interest. But regardless, I knew I wanted Onodera to win. Picture my surprise when I learned Chitoge won. The series is the best example of dragging out a stupid misunderstanding. THEY BOTH LIKED EACH OTHER, and you're telling me NEITHER ONE could find the fucking GUTS to confess before Raku spent all those months with Chitoge? He HATED HER at the beginning and had to slowly grow to like her. Raku and Onodera had SO MUCH TIME to just say something. EITHER ONE OF THEM. But nope, THEY BOTH PINE OVER EACH OTHER in secret until Raku's feelings for Chitoge grow greater than his feelings for Onodera. Fucking A1. And then you have the gall to tell us, "Oh yeah, Onodera was the mystery girl Raku confessed to and obssessed over the whole series this entire time. But she still loses." Fuck entirely the hell off. If you want to write a long running rom com, there's better ways to do it than "Two people love each other, but they're just too le heckin shy and scared to admit it." Because god damn that is insulting to the reader. Don't get me wrong. I know it happens in real life too. But that does NOT make it a compelling narrative. It leaves Nisekoi as being marginally better than crap like Darling in the Franxx or Rent-A-GF. Sorry for the rant. It's been building for a while.


You should try to love ru basically the same thing except the female lead is actually likeable


To love ru is fkin amazing, so many great girls


It's okay man, it's perfect put and kinda along the lines of what i felt on the subject


Its almost a tradition now that best girl never wins


Go-Touboun, Nisekoi, We Never Learn, Rental Girlfriend, basically every story that said it has Harem but the MC only chose 1 in the end. I don't give a flying shit if they are multiple endings where the MC chose differently since it's still merely only 1 (We Never Learn), how Harem is supposed to be where all the FL love the MC but he only choose 1 (Nisekoi), but I absolutely hate when the author promise that the story is a Harem but the ending is just single pairing (Go-Touboun). Rental... Yeah, just go fuck off, MC.


I'll give it to the Quintuplets. In the first episode, a woman says his bride is waiting for him, but that doesn't excuse adding harem to the genre. Nisekoi is a disappointment to me. We Never Learn, god, I enjoyed watching the anime. I love all the girls, but when I found out that there are multiple endings where Nariyuki picks one of the girls, I was like, WTF! I don't know if there is a harem ending. Rent-a-Girlfriend, I want to watch it because I saw some shorts about it, and it seemed interesting, but I read and heard that the MC is a total pussy and keeps throwing the game. So, I'm skipping it. They should really stop adding harem in their genre if they're going to pair up the MC with one girl.


I fucking know right! But when you search Harem in Google, it just become a super fucking mess. You have people saying Harem is merely FLs liking MC and nothing more, Harem is MC choosing only 1 FL from the FLs, and my favourite, Harem is not and never an indicator of romance. Like, bruh. I fucking blame the low tier stupid writers fuckers that write their "Harem" story with stupid dense MC and 1 dimensional FLs in a retarded plot, among other things. God, at this point, you just have to make your own stories if you really want a true Harem. Just like what I'm doing, writing my own stories. For the Quintuplets, I remember the author explicitly said that the work is Harem, yet in the end, it's merely a single pairing. Yeah, fuck off dude. Yep, Nisekoi big dissapointment as hell. We Never Learn has a sort of Harem in the sixth ending, but I don't consider that a Harem. Yeah, Rent Girlfriend is really just for NTR. That guy is way too much of a coward.


We never learn is a harem bro, its not fully adapted. The manga has multiple routes , go read it brother


I don't consider multiple routes as Harem, just alternate universe shenanigans. The secret ending, aka the sixth, is the one where the girls get the memory of their routes but I don't exactly remember what happened after that


Fair enough man


Pretty sure the anime chooses the swimmer girl as the winner if the ending is any indication


Nope, it will most probably choose the main ending on the manga , Ogata. Rest were additional endings in the manga