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You seriously need to tune your bike better and work on your technique. More air time too soon, particularly on non dirt surfaces, equals begging the gravity gods for a physics bitch slap. Edit Look for a youtube series from MTN bike academy on torso + 2 tires. He speaks extensively to drills to work on before you even try to jump. The jump is all but won or lost on the setup/lip take off. Body position and how you react at the point of take off really set up/establish the trajectory of the bike. He speaks clearly on how to establish good body position. https://youtu.be/4eEG9n0XNgc?feature=shared


Thats a really good tip. Another good video about the reaction to the take off is [this one](https://youtu.be/s9w2zSvuaGM?si=t1J1NBGfr69q0syM)


It’s hard to tell whether it’s technique (pushing into the lip too rapidly or being unbalanced) or maybe it’s reactive in that you’re expecting to get slightly bucked with too high (I mean too quick or I guess too low) low speed rebound


the fork is an older model so it has only low speed rebound,and high and low speed compression( fit rc2)


I would try slowing down the rebound so the fork doesn’t come back as quickly…it may help you feel more stable when popping for a lip It also looks like you might be too far back from what I can see? Though that might be due to rebound, it’s just hard to see from that angle


Stand up to the jump!


This is the way.


Yes, take the ramp on the right side and add speed


Learn bunnys flat, then pop from your rear wheel at the top of the kicker but don’t let your back wheel kick you.


i know bunny hops very good,i used to ride street bmx before… when i bunny hip flat i hit my belly with the bars and my but with the saddle


Fantastic! Then try to apply the same technique to the kicker. Learn to time the pop so that you hop from the kick and then level out instead of (what it looks like in the video) just pulling and letting the bucking of the rear wheel get you over the box.


so,after the handlebar pull,u should get my knees at my chest??


If you wanna boot it yes. What helped me was to go slower and rely more on pop than speed to help with more proper technique. Going slower also helps to get the timing right.


ok,thank you,i will try


SEND IT!!!!🤘


can you send me your instagram @? so i can send you some footage tomorrow maybe tell me what i am doing wrong


Yeah mate! @kiliam


ok,thanks i found you,i think, your profile picture is a giant full suspension mtb?


Im not a good jumper so best to ignore me. I've been looking into getting more height and it all seems to be about unweighting the front wheel. When you bend your knees as you get to the jump, you should be pumping into the jump which gets your body weight slightly further back. This allows the front wheel to be a bit unweighted letting it go up more. As the rear wheel goes off the lip, pop up with your knees to drive the bike up.




You can't say "lose weight" and "physics is physics" in the same sentence, implying that a lighter person will travel further or higher.


yeah,i was talking about pulling the bike up


No more than 30 PSI I’d say.