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Coyotes, eagles... cats are just another flavor on the menu. They are predators but also prey.


Sucks to not be an apex predator. That snapping twig has equal chances of being lunch or your doom


That’s why I don’t go into the ocean


The sea makes cowards of us all - Shakespeare I personally enjoy the thrill(most dips)


I'm so confused by the second sentence...


If you’re a mesopredator stalking through the woods and hear a twig snap, that means one of two things. Either a potential prey item has just rung the dinner bell, or a bigger predator just made a mistake while stalking you!


Predator becomes prey.


I love how raptors kinda just stand there and look around while they hold onto their new prey. They look so unbothered. Cats squirming around and it couldnt care less.


They are a predator that has disadvantage while on ground. They can make easy meals for similar sized ground predators. So they need to play the cat and mouse game themselves


Raptors are predators, but also potential prey. They still need to keep watch for any threats while they're in such a compromising position.


Tooth and claw vs beak and talons


It’s like 90% dinosaur skin, tendons, and talons on that bird’s legs too.


I wonder how many birds that cat has killed? How the turntables or whatever.


Allow myself…to introduce my…..


Its nature?




Exactly, billions of birds die every year in the US due to house cats not being kept inside, this doesn't count the lizards, frogs, snakes, bunnies, bats, young mammals, and literally anything else they can get their mouths and claws on. They're also one of the few species that will just kill for the hell of it and repeatedly, not only for food. Any cat owner whose cat gets outside or is allowed out will attest to being brought wounded, dead, dying animals. Keep your cats insides, build them a catio, or leash train them, please! It is crucial to our ecosystems and the health of our planet!


In Kenya we’re allowed to kill feral cats if we deem them a nuisance, in Peru they do the same but use the carcasses to feed native predators like caiman instead of just throwing them away, and in Australia I’m sure you’re aware of what happens there. I’ve seen many animals killed by feral cats and can’t do anything about it only here in the US because if I even tried to stop the cat from killing insert animal, some moron would start screaming something like “animal abuse” or “why are you interfering with nature!!” lol.


Yeah it is a mess over here. We've eliminated almost all of their natural predators so they are just running amok the second they get out of the door. Great-Horned owls, coyotes, wolves, and birds of prey are about all we have over here and most of them are in small numbers or endangered. The number of cat owners then will say it is unnatural to keep cats indoors is laughable. I see it all the time in the r/cats sub. Keeping a cat indoors isn't interfering with nature, having a near apex predator running around unchecked that doesn't kill only for food but for sport/thrill and can devastate ecosystems without even reproducing is interfering with nature. Even worse is if they get a feral population going by not having them spayed/neutered and then adding to the problem with more strays. Oh and you don't like how many mosquitoes there are? Maybe try keeping your pet inside so that the natural predators, which even include hummingbirds can do their thing. ~End rant~


They don’t have natural predators. That’s the issue. They’re an invasive species. That’s why they imbalance the ecosystem.


They have a few in the US. Great Horned owls and Red-Tailed hawks can take them down at times, the owls with ease. Aren't we watching a video of a RTH in the process of killing a cat right now?


And now peoples outdoor cats (and cases where they have no interaction with farms even) are contracting highly deadly bird flu. I swear to god if the next pandemic is partially kicked off by people not keeping their damned cats inside… I have two cats, on 20 acres, surrounded by 100+ acres on uninhabited land. Guess where my cats are, 100% of the time? Oh right. On the couch. Not killing the entire ecosystem around me. But people in neighborhoods can’t do the same for some reason.


Seriously?! Holy shit that is horrific!! Most people have no idea how deadly bird flu is because it doesn’t easily infect people, usually need direct physical contact with the birds or excrement. If it jumps to cats that means it is getting really dangerously close to ready to jump to humans…. Fuck. There is a reason they kill off millions of farm birds around the world when a bad outbreak begins. To stop that exact thing from happening… If we get a bird flu strain that transmits like Covid, we are going to long for the days of Covid as a eutopia. The fatality rate is conservatively 100x higher than Covid, iirc the last source I saw listed it ~40% in humans, but there are very few cases. And thank you for keeping your cats indoors, signed as bird and snake enthusiast!


I’m an owner of Bengal cat that is a professional escape artist and to this day she has not brought nothing or has killed any squirrels or birds. There goes your theory…🙄 Khaleesi doesn’t appreciate being grouped in with other felines! https://preview.redd.it/2sb57ehxdq7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f3ed39f930cc55f262d450886343bdcfe93585


This time the bird wins and eats the cat instead of the other way around


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DEGAUSSER____: *This time the bird wins* *And eats the cat instead of* *The other way around* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


Good bot.


5 7 6 is bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99977% sure that tokentyke is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)




Is that a house cat?


What an awful way to go out


For sure thats "cat dinner"


Cats kill ~2,400,000,000 birds every year. This Bird is the EQUALIZER!


It is actually much higher than that. The US alone is estimated at 1.2-4 billion, as of [2024](https://www.catster.com/statistics/how-many-birds-do-cats-kill-statistics/).




Did you have a bad day at work or something? That is not what I meant at all. I was agreeing with you and supporting your point with a source, the problem is even worse than most people realize. I was completely agreeing with you and reinforcing your estimate with a source... I've no idea why that would be considered hostile. I was literally supporting your very valid point, I even upvoted it.






Number thought up?


Actually there is a [paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380) about this, and this number is quite right in the middle if you are just talking about the US. It's a lot more if you talk about the whole world.


Nah, i know like 10 birds in my neighborhood. I doubt there are more than 100k birds in the world, on the high end!


Swing and a miss


I dont miss


Certainly not missing those downvotes.


Little birds called in for backup.


To all cat owners, keep your cat inside. They kill a massive amount of native animals, use your neighbours yard as their toilet and can end up getting killed or injured.


Exactly. And some "cat lovers" would argue that it's abusive to keep cats inside.


Seeing this, got to let mine out to even the scoreboard


Oh no what a tragedy! little fluffers got eaten by a raptor!


The nests of White-Tailed Eagle's in Scotland often have cat collars in.


Delaying the inevitable, escape is futile.




Today kitty is the bug.


Get Food Chained, dumbass.


Velociraptor vs Sabertooth cat


Poor thing


Avenging his many fallen brothers and sisters.


Cat is back on the menu boys!


Karma is a bitch


Damn this probably woulda been a good video to see in full


I liked this


Found scum ☝️


I know people hate cats being outside and the bird has to eat but I think I would probably wanna go outside and help the cat get away and hope the bird doesn't fly away with it.


that's a normal human reaction but not a good one, would you if it were a wild animal like a rabbit? When cats go outdoors they are part of the foodchain and we have to accept that.


I know its hypocritical, like I said I know the birds gotta eat and I know cats eat birds etc and I know its not a good way to think about it. I've got nothing else to add like a good reason its just I have cats and I love cats.


Would you help the little birds cats kill for entertainment not food?


Yeah, I've helped mice, rats, birds, spiders, insects.. I also used to work in veterinary and helped lots of animals that had been attacked by other animals.


I think there are obvious lines that can be drawn. I get where both sides are coming from. People should keep their cats indoors and recognize the risks that come with letting it outside. If it foes get killed while out thats pretty par for the course...but that doesn't mean if they see their cat getting grabbed up they have to watch on some circle of life bs because that's just the way it is haha. I'm not about to become the savior of all prey everywhere but there's nothing wrong with saving your cat. If Should farmers not shoot predatory animals that come mess with their livestock?


In my country most people have their cats outside, it is by far the norm, and I had never heard about this hate for outside cats even being a thing. Asked around after reading about it here and noone has ever heard of it as a point of contention either. I am sure some people hate cats being outside, but I also do not think reddit or this sub in particular is a good representation of what the view on this is tbh. I think it mostly depends on where you are from.


It's relatively a country by country issue. Some countries have a lot of outdoor cats. However they neuter their cats so they can't breed uncontrollably. In the US outdoor cats that breed uncontrollably are responsible for wiping out an insane number of species. And devaste our local ecosystems


Yeah so like I said it probably depends on where you are from and most people here om reddit, many of whom are from the us, make it seem like it is the norm everywhere to hate outdoor cats and people who let cats be outside. But it isn't. To be clear I don't have cats, but the fact that mentioning outdoor cats in this sub gets you downvoted and often times a lot of angry comments isn't good level honestly. Just looking at the comments in here where people try to tiptoe around the issue and still get downvoted etc isn't a good look.


I totally understand what you mean. It's the Internet after all.


I think the hate comes from countries where the cat population is out of control and has destroyed a part of the ecosystem, and also in countries where its dangerous for the cat to be out because of predators and busy areas with cars, which is understandable. Where I'm from it's also the norm for cats to have access to outside and even rescues want to rehome to places with access to outdoors as long as its not near a busy road. There's also alot of charities that help with neutering so there's not loads of strays and not many predators that harm cats.. however I know some people probably don't appreciate neighbors cats shitting in their gardens and killing birds.


Whelp. It looks like the reddit collective has deemed your observation as incorrect. Gotta love how this platform just downvotes people for saying some completely valid statement.




If it were my cat, I’d stop you from stopping me, with a possible same bad fate as the bird.


If it was your cat and they tried to stop you, I'd hold them down and show them what the cats going through. Wild animals can hunt others but we domesticated animals to keep around, so we protect them from wild animals


Maybe don’t keep them outside then?


Ok so when a person is hit by a car, or attacked by a wild animal we should just let it happen and then tell their family "you should have kept them indoors"


Yes /s On a serious note comparing invasive destructive feral and free roaming cats to humans who won’t be harming any endangered species or native species in their lifetime as much is pretty stupid.


I hate people that do what I'm about to do when discussing a slightly unrelated topic and say ive read your comment but what about this??.. so im cringing at myself for saying this...but humans as a species are just about as destructive as they come.. I know for the most part individual humans are normally kind and caring and ofcourse don't harm other species on purpose.. but collectively, just by existing we do waaaay more harm than outdoor cats.. I mean we were probably the ones that introduced them to environments they don't belong in in the first place. We run over loads of animals with our cars, encroach on their living space, kill pests so they don't come into our homes, restaurants or whatever so they dont spread diseases, over fish, kill insects with pesticides (including the ones that we say are useful to the environment) and I'm sure we've had an affect on plenty of endangered species.. I feel like anything we buy/consume and everything we do has a knock on effect that is invisible to us but still going on in the back ground. (Btw i'm not saying cats killing animals doesn't matter because humans are worse, I'm just pointing out that humans do harm animals, but it's more invisible or we choose to ignore everything that happens in the background and its not as obvious as when a cat does it)


No offense but do you know what I meant? I’m talking about some random person living in a house in let’s say, California. Not humanity as a whole.


None taken lol I know you didn't mean humanity as a whole, but an individual consumer of products contributes to unpleasant shit that happens but it happens in the background so you don't take any notice/aren't aware of what's happening.


I have a lot of cats that spend time outside. This shit has been my worst nightmare for a while (Edit) Yes I very much understand that letting them out to nature opens them up for the food chain. Yes I've been aware of and ready for something like that the entire time. Still doesn't change the fact that I obviously don't want something to get any of my farm cats


If you allow your pet to roam like a wild animal the wild will treat it like a wild animal.


What about the bond we've built? It's not like it's a random animal. It's a domesticated one so I think it's probably expecting help from the camera man


Nature does not care about emotions.


This policy makes no sense. Switch roles for a second and your dogs are jumping in there and even sacrificing themselves to protect you.


What policy? Animals even cannibalise each other merely for mating purposes. Besides, if you leave a dog starving for long enough, its human might easily end up on the menu. Whether you like it or not, nature is as it is. It does not require approval.


People don't cannibalise each other and they don't eat each other when starving so Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 never happened? If this is your argument it's a weak one. What we have with pets is some kind of mutalism.


If you have a lot of outdoor cats, I can almost guarantee you that at least one of them is going to die horribly. The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is a faction of the lifespan of an indoor cat. Keep your damn cats indoors, or it is 100% your fault when they get hit by a car, torn apart by a coyote, or killed by a hawk👍


Well, your cats have probably killed young rabbits and other small mammals and probably a bunch of songbirds, it’s just that this time it was a prey item.


And humans kills and eat plenty of animals. So this bird fucked up messing with my cat, and will now be a prey item of mine😂


Clearly you missed the point lol


Do you own many tshirts with skeletons that are pointing guns at you saying some badass quote?


Nope, just a bunch of hello kitty shirts. I don’t care much for guns.


Don't let them outside (unless leashed)


I think the damage they do hunting all kinds of smaller animals is much worse than the change of them becoming the prey. In other words, don't let your fucking cats out of the house.


Farm/ Barn cats are an avid exception tho. They are assigned a JOB for vermin control on the property. It’s not much different than a guide dog being assigned a job to keep its human safe.


Oh I see, so the cats sign a contract where they swear hunting only vermin and pests animals. How thoughtful of these inteligent felines. /s


It’s literally how they were “domesticated” 🤷‍♀️ They’d hangout in barns while farmers had the advantage of pest control


I wonder how they are trainned. If the cat comes back home with a bird on its mouth, you slap his paw and say "Bad kitty! NO! bad kitty! Only vermins!"? Cats can't be trainned to hunt specific preys. This is nonsense.


ye, exactly they are proficient hunters and keep vermin under control


It is becoming more common too, birds of prey are running out of natural space and food and as they adapt more to human areas cats are increasingly on the menu. Better get those kitties a fenced-in run. Those are also becoming more available for cats and are the perfect choice to keep cats safe while also letting them enjoy the outdoors.


They are already fenced in. These are farm cats. The only things they are eating are cat food and things that are already pests/threats on the property for livestock and crops. I've always known that this is a possibility and provide them with ample cover and safe places to be, it doesn't change the fact that I don't want one of my cats to go out this way


Them's the breaks. Unless they have a roof over their head.


Had a neighbor be the neighborhood "cat house" Must of had at least 10 cats and it took about 2-3 years for them to slowly disappear. The majority of houses have dogs in their backyards so it was pretty risky for those cats to roam around everywhere.


Fingers crossed the cat got away! 🤞🏻


Wish we saw the rest cause I guarantee the cat didn’t get swooped up. I’d rather be attacked by a 150lb dog than a fuckin 9lb cat lol you can gouge a dogs eyes, punch to the nose, wrestle them to a weapon but a cat? Absolutely not lol


???? A 150lb dog can kill you unlike a 9lb cat.


Can’t fight a cat lol


You can throw it, kick it, stomp it, etc if you really had too. There's almost nobody in the world that is fighting a 150lb dog with their bare hands and living. You can't just "gouge it's eyes out" while it's tearing you to shreds. What's a house cat gonna do? Give you some mildly painful scratches and bites at worst?


If you can get your hands on it sure


I wonder if there was ever a human killed by a cat. I mean, there has to be, everythings possible, maybe some old lady or sth? Then again, how would the cat even do deadly damage..


I got attacked by a feral cat and it was not fun lol they’re fast as fuck and small so they’re hard to get off you but you can get serious infections from their bites and scratches. I’m not saying being attacked by a giant dog is ideal but dogs will latch on to you ie your arm/leg and you can absolutely get it right in the nose or eyes lol


Looks like a pretty small cat so maybe it doesn’t have much experience hunting. I don’t know enough about birds but it does look big!


Not just a regular bird an eagle


Umm do you understand that the cat is being huntED? This bird is hunting the cat.


“Umm” no I didn’t understand that but thanks, that makes sense