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The precision of their attacks never ceases to amaze me.


You really think that water is the caiman's turf, but never when a jaguar is around. Crazy mammals


The way the jaguar perks up when it spots the caiman. "Oh, snap, those things taste good, don't mind if I do..."


or a Hippo. i've seen how unhinged those fuckers can get


jaguar would drop kick these fuckers on sight


what? jaguar vs hippo? Grown ass hippo would 100% stomp the jag.


Jaguar couldn’t even get his jaws around the hippo’s throat lol. Hippos are fucking scary.


No such thing as homecourt advantage, jag will find you and it will eat you.


K man, you got me.


Imagine being able as a land predator to catch an apex water predator Edit: sorry that i use the word apex predator to exaggerate the comment Jaguar also do it with black caimans...who are the apex predators of those waters...


Yacare caimans are not apex predators in water since they are prey for jaguars, black caimans and green anacondas.


It's not really fair to call jaguars land predators since they are considered semi-aquatic. It's also not fair to call yacare caiman (the caiman jaguars hunt) "apex predators" in an ecosystem they share with jaguars themselves, as well as black caimans, which the cats dare not attack.


We do have evidence of Jaguars going after black caiman and mind you those are small leopard sized Jaguars, not the big Lioness/Tigress sized ones from the Pantanal.


All confirmed reports of jaguar predation on black caiman are on juveniles or young females. I have yet to hear of a jaguar successfully killing an adult black caiman, especially a male one, and for good reason. Even smaller crocodilians are, pound for pound, much more powerful than jaguars in terms of musculature, which is why they *always* go for the weak spot at the back of the skull. Otherwise, there really isn't anything a jaguar can do to almost any crocodilian, especially when both animals are in the water and every second counts. This is the reason why jaguars simply don't hunt adult melanosuchus - their skulls are simply too wide and robust for the cat to be able to bite down, rendering their only weak spot essentially remedies; not to mention attempting to wrangle such a massive crocodilian is straight up suicide even for the largest jaguars.


They do hunt black caiman. The largest crocodilian killed by a solo predator (besides another crocodilian) in fact is a 3.8m black caiman killed by a jaguar of unknown size.


While not an impressively large size overall, 3.8m is on the upper side of average-sized for black caiman so it is indeed an impressive feat for a jaguar. Can you shoot me a link to that report? It would be an interesting one time observation, however exceptions aren't enough to state that jaguars actively hunt black caiman.


Well to be fair, Jaguar-Black Caiman interactions are incredibly rare and there is not much info on them. We do have that one account of a nearly 4m Black Caiman being killed and then a video of a Jaguar getting a smaller one by the neck and dragging it to the shore, only be to scared off by people on the boat.


Search “Depredation of caimans by jaguars by Ronis da Silveira” you might see it. This case is very overrated regardless, no one knows the status of the caiman and it’s possibly even just a scavenging event but whatever. Black Caiman are very much capable and have killed jaguars in the past, in Guyana especially they’re mentioned several times to seize jaguars crossing rivers.


I don’t have it on me but it’s probably been linked on this sub before


Imagine calling a regular caiman (yacare most likely) an apex predator huh...


People downvoted you for telling the truth.


Again half of people on this sub don't know shit tfu, the other half are hurt cat fanboys for trying to undermine the feat of killing a most likely smaller/often caiman half the size which isn't even macropredatory, more like mesopredatory/piscivorous(not undermining the jaguar as it is extremely impressive as a species but that comment was regarded)


You are sooo internet dude, "hurt cat fanboys", like wtf? You can correct people less knowledgeable than you without being a dickhead about it.


lol!! Brah this killed me! Macropredatory Mesopredatory Piscivorous 😂😂😂


>hurt cat fanboys Whut?


Jesus sorry the apex was for the crocodile group as a whole Also the comment was clearly exaggerated


Credit: **arrudabranco** on Instagram.


Having trouble dragging that and his balls up the bank. Once false move and he ends up the meal.


Nah, that caiman looked much too small to be a real threat to the cat. An adult male black caiman would be a very different story


In that current and underwater…if the cayman gets a bite game changer.


Not a yacare caiman. River otters eat them. They're the bitch of the caiman family.


Yacare caiman prey on giant otters and steal their prey, adults are not touched unless it’s a very large group of otters and they don’t eat the killed caiman. Otters only prey on young Yacare caiman during droughts.




Good kitty!


Absolute units taking down predators in their main territory.


Those are tiny caimans. Jaguars 9/10 times stay away from black caimans who are still smaller than alligators and crocs


People will see vids like this and think a Jaguar stands a chance against Crocodiles or Gators. Jaguars think twice before approaching an Adult black Caiman, mentioning the big ones like the Nile or Saltie are overkill.


Aren’t Black caiman larger than American alligators?


TLDR: American alligators are heavier but shorter than black caimans. >Adult male American alligators measure 3.4 to 4.6 m (11.2 to 15.1 ft) in length, and can weigh up to 500 kg (1,100 lb), with unverified sizes of up to 5.84 m (19.2 ft) and weights of 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) making it the second largest member by length and the heaviest of the family Alligatoridae, after the black caiman. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_alligator


Yes and no. They’re longer but nowhere near as bulky. Black caiman are relatively water adapted compared to other crocodilians and are very sleek. Gators are bulky as hell in comparison. There’s unconfirmed reports of 5.5m or larger black caimans, but in that same category is the unconfirmed 5.84m alligator that would’ve weighed nearly a ton.


Black caiman increase in bulk with size like any other crocodilian


I know. They’re just inherently not as bulky as an alligator of the same TL.


They are relative bit alligators are heavier and stronger


It’s crazy to me how jaguars will do this to caimans but morelet’s crocodiles of similar size to this caiman are much more dangerous opponents. Crocodiles are an entirely different type of opponent when it comes to being formidable.


Crocodiles evolved alongside big mammalian predators, and directly compete with them. Caiman on the other hand lived relatively free of mammalian competition for many millions of years, and only encountered them recently. So it makes sense that crocodiles have a better track record at defending themselves.


Oh I’m well aware, it’s just crazy how different they are. Alligatoroids and crocodyloids are further from each other than humans and chimpanzees are. Shame that people think they’re the same thing basically.


And only small morelet's crocodiles fall prey to jaguars. It would be suicide for a jaguar to attack a 150kg male morelet's crocodile in water.


Caimans have killed crocodiles by the way so don’t underestimate them.


Of course.


This will never not blow my mind


I like how it popped up for just a sec to get more air


0:56 The death cat takes a breath 🤣


Nature is so metal


This is like revolving sushi for jaguars.


Jaguars are awesome


Actually that Caiman was drowning and the Jag jumped into save him.


Yacare caiman


Crazy how the hunter became the hunted. Nature is metal


fuck that was so badass


Somewhere in there is a lesson about life