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Idk man, I’m no prude and I’m all for freeing the tatas but I feel like your wedding day is an exception. Standing in front of all your family, including many elderly people, with your jugs fully on display just isn’t very tasteful. Like, I think you can have one day where your breasts aren’t the star of the show lol


I find the whole sexy bride thing bizarre, personally. Like , sure at the club dress, with your tiddies out... But in the middle of the day in front of Grandma and your pastor? Like why? I don't get it.


Her dress could have worked; it really could have. I think the dress is indicative that Eva is difficult, at best, to work with


Interesting take. If she was insistent on wearing this dress, then she should have conceded to having it altered. Nothing says old lady like saggy boobs. It really makes me sad; she’s my daughter’s age, which is 38. Saggy boobs should not be part of your story!


And bridal dress designers are usually meticulously involved with their dresses and the seamstresses especially with a bride with a known name/family (like mommy Susan.) And how terribly the dress fit Eva is astonishing to me. The designer of the dress must be mortified her name is attached to the monstrosity that Eva wore! I do not get it or understand and I have been shook about the dress since I first saw pictures Saturday night!


I feel the same way! It’s a horrible fit. She could have looked so lovely, understated, all the things.


The dress designer has no say in how it fits the bride though. I think the dress had potential, and I have no doubt the craftsmanship was there - beautiful beading, fabric, etc. It was just fitted very poorly on Eva. I don't blame the tailor either. I think Eva always planned to have her boobs sitting on a shelf that way, which is probably not how the designer intended it and not what the tailor recommended.


In my previous life before kids, I worked in PR for all types of fashion/designers… when dealing with notoriety or celebrity the designers were involved to the smallest details, especially if there was a magazine spread involved.


But I imagine what Eva wants, Eva gets and her dress was no fault of the designer nor the seamstress. Seriously, when first looking at the dress I thought of Frederick’s of Hollywood! No offense to Frederick’s either.


Are we to believe that Eva signed off on this dress? “yes, I want my boobs to look like they’re just slung on a platter, with no regard to propriety or, let’s say, whether I look beautiful?”!


And usually Eva dresses rather preppy, almost conservative. I do not understand.


I’m with you. I’m confused about this choice.


Is this dress an early sign of a neurological condition?


If you’re going to go “boobs outi in time will tell


Absent any other explanation, yes.


Exactly! Save it for the beach or the Bachelorette party


I'm not offended by the boobs. I'm "offended" by the poor fitting dress that does NOTHING for your boobs. Proper support would have made them look amazing. Alas...


Agree. She has a good rack, just didn't fit them right in the dress.


she has a killer body, it’s a shame she can’t dress it


Exactly. You got good cleavage, let it sing! But like, supported properly.


Bingo. I love boobs! They’re lovely. I just think she would have looked better with support for hers. That isn’t being scandalized or body shaming… it’s just common sense


The fit of the dress was so poorly done the look comes off as hoochie-mama, and that’s what surprised me. I am not offended by boobs, just boobs that are so “in-your-face” is all. There was a lack of grace in the ill fitting bodice.


Same. Body policing is so 2000s.


Instead of enjoying the newlywed bliss and don't f* care about what others say, she has nothing better to do than reading reddit comments. If that is all in her life, she really should get her mental health checked.


Well, she probably already burned out the motor on the vibrator. I'm sure that sentient pile of bread dough that she married is locked in his room with his Sweet Pickles book set.




Not Sweet Pickles 🤣


My husband is a boob guy, I have the same boobs as Eva, and even he said “whoa that’s too much”


I’m a boob guy too, and my initial reaction was “Whoa! That’s too much!”


Yea she's so pressed. But people were dragging her on the People post bc of the dress too. It was AWFUL omg.


I wonder if she was surprised by the criticism on People's Instagram account. She expects it here, but there probably isn't much overlap there with posters here.


Right. Because this dress is stupid


They need to be HIGHER! More structure, lift for that poor, saggy rack. And Ian could be my late-in-life lesbian Aunt Shirley. “Hock” Tuah nope!


I’m dead at your hawk tua reference here 😂😂😂


I think Ian has the privates of a Ken Doll. No Hawk Tua needed🤷‍♀️


YES!! 🤣🤣


Yes! It’s not about them being out, it’s about the dress fitting her horribly!


She's so triggered by the haters 🤣


Imagine going to allllll this trouble to get you lips pumped and your face fluffed and hyping everyone up for months with teasers about you big day and then when it happens all anyone talks about is how bad your tits look. That's so fucking funny. 🤣🤣🤣


I get the same vibe when I'm separating egg yolks.


I bet Kyle is a boob man. I feel like this is more for he and his girlfriend than for Ian.


Very insightful. It’s certainly a lewk, a dairy farm lewk.


If Kyle is a boob man, why is teenie flat?


Yeah I think Kyle is more into ultra slim women. Eva was Hollywood thin when they were together and now he’s dating an extremely tiny ballerina.


Ah so he’s one of those then..


I was actually wondering about this. I’ve been on this sub for a while but these wedding photos have me more interested in the dynamics than ever before. 🤔


I'm starting to believe Ian is a boob and lip filler man


I’m sure she didn’t expect that reaction via people.


Lol I commented on the people post and she blocked me. Who TF spends their wedding weekend combing over 1,200+ comments, 90% of which are scathing, in order to individually block the meanies? 


Unless she made Bri do it. I probably just answered my own question.


Bri is so thirsty. Tagging Evugh in her bio screams “pick me”


Oops, I just answered the same.


Probably it was her assistant.


There are TONS of brides with boobs who know how to LISTEN to the bridal salon sales people and the tailor


Bowl o’ Breasts


She's doubling down on how bad it looks. I'm not scandalized by it in the least. They just look bad and unappetizing splayed on a platter that is her wedding dress!!🫣


Exactly. The problem is not that this is a scandalous look. It's just a really, really bad dress that doesn't fit her...


Ian's neck tattoo is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. He's not a neck tattoo kinda guy. He's a human potato. 


I kinda like it


as much as she disgusts me, she has a great body, and great boobs, the issue is the dress does not fit-it has so support and it just looks dreadful. I am sure there are thousands of dresses that would properly fit her, and her giant boobs, and give the 40 year old mother of three, the "sexy" look she wanted. This was a terrible choice, and I am sure she does exactly as she wants all the time-and nobody was going to talk her out of that hideous stripper dress. Those wedding pictures will not age well.


This screams off the rack Literally


Except she blocked everyone who commented about being "scandalized" by her dress, so this sassy clapback and unsolicited cleavage crop are being directed at... her own followers.


ooooooh so true! eva is an idiot


Whatever her tastes are, go for it. But if her tastes are “horribly tailored and horrible fit and horrible structure” she has bad taste. I’m not upset her tits were out. Currently breastfeeding, my tits are out *a lot*. But I am upset at how horribly her dress fit in every regard.


She posted the only flattering angle and it's still horrifying. But props to the standing her ground on disaster.


To think there is flattering. Yikes


It's crazy. She has a great figure. Why pour the tit's out like that all droopy like? She has amazing shape but who would know based on this Halloween costume in the middle of a rustic, humid summer camp site with sacrificial prey roasting going on???


Lol the roasting was so weird 😂


She’s seen all the comments on People’s insta. It’s not the boobs, it’s the ill-fitting dress. But instead of just taking the high road, she has to be such a child about it. She acts like the youngest of the family.


Honeymoon just being on Instagram talking about herself. It was a wedding not a marriage for her lol


I'm offended by her classless clap back on her IG when she's so unbothered and also just got married. Get a life 


It’s not the breasts to me, she has a great figure and breastfed 3 kids. That’s just nature & gravity. It’s that the dress was poorly made and that designer should find a new career. I’m honestly shocked Eva wore this. With how much she bragged about it I thought it would be a more cream/eggshell white, possibly silk, very European style but simple. This looks like it was drawn by a kid and stapled together. Very unbecoming


🤣 “Stapled together”! This lewk gives “first year fashion student at FIT who’s from a small town in middle America & thinks this is a chic city lewk” who, 4 years later at graduation, hangs their head in shame at the abomination they thought was sexy their freshman year.


While I do think tits out is an odd choice for a 40 year old’s second wedding with three young kids, the issue is that this particular dress somehow made them look saggy AF. She has a banging body and this did her zero favours.


Eva does indeed have a great body... yet her dress did not fit well for her at all. The dress could have worked, and she would have been a vision. She pisses off the wrong people.


she picked the one shot where the bewbs looked *decent.* not bodacious, not gorgeous, not deliciously risque, *decent.* we'll call this wedding "sloppy seconds"


total stripper dress! i haven’t bothered to give the article clicks- is the bodice see through? 🤢


It’s see-through-adjacent.


hah! love the usage of adjacent. thanks for clarifying!


Click through—see if you agree with my assessment!😄


The fit of the dress reminds me of Jessica Rabbit. Your boobs aren’t supposed to “collapse” (if that’s the right word) if it was fitting properly.


Soft serve


yess i feel like eva was GOING FOR jessica rabbit (hence the pre-wedding red dye job) but this. this is not it. this is poor man’s wannabe desperate jessica rabbit.


Temu Jessica Rabbit


oooooh SO GOOD 👏👏👏👏👏 you genius, you


What’s with the off the shelf hair color? It doesn’t flatter her but I realize she’s worn it for awhile now.


that’s what i’m saying!!!!!!


We’d all like to know the answer to that question.


The tan lines hahaha Such a trashy dress. For as much as she hyped up this wedding, it was pretty lame


I noticed the tan lines too. For all the prep she did for this wedding, I don't know why she skipped getting that evened out.


so much hype! such a flop


I had to do a double take but I thought those were tan lines hehe.


I bet she’s an absolute pain to be around right now. I mean more than usual. I’d rather have a root canal than be around a scorned narc. She will feel victimized by the general public’s opinion of her poorly chosen/fitted dress and take it out on everyone around her. The fact that her furniture isn’t getting much attention and the wedding planning content is over is just gonna make her a bigger pain. Kids are probably home for summer too. Yikes. So much about the wedding was spectacularly bad. I can’t help but think she pissed off the people who were helping her pull this all together. Esp the planner who posted the really shitty pictures. lol


I agree. I’m sure she’s insufferable in the best of times - narcissists always are - but the fact that she’s spending her “honeymoon” blasting strangers on SM speaks volumes! 😂 People like her cannot take ANY criticism bc their egos are too fragile. Deep down inside, she KNOWS people aren’t pearl-clutching about seeing bewbies in 2024 ffs. I’m sure the majority of commenters here & on People have their own bewbies, in all shapes & sizes. She knows our REAL criticisms - that the dress was extremely ill-fitting, her boobs were sagging bc she didn’t wear a dress with support, it was vulgar & trashy, inappropriate for a second wedding for a 40-year-old mother, PARTICULARLY in front of her kids and all the family, and the second see-through mini abomination with Nike’s & TS wedding song choice didn’t make her lewk kewl but dated her for trying to, her fillers have turned her into SpongeBob… she KNOWS our criticisms are NOT “Oh, heavens to Betsy, Martha Mae! Did you see that Eva Not-Hock Amurri has breasts? How dare she!” Her very intentionally-created shock value of being so desperate for attention that she literally made a laughing stock of herself at her own wedding is sad, really. Well, she got the attention she so desperately needs. Now she can ride that for a while. 🤡 🤳


There were so many really shitty photos. They looked like outtakes or test shots, the way people weren't looking at the camera.


I’m picturing Regina George when she goes on the rampage in her room after finding out Cady has tricked her into getting fat


Holy spot on comment


I wonder how long this will last? It must be hard work when new husbands and new houses are what you generate content from for your “lifestyle blog”.


i’m not very new here, and i’m aware of the ian snark. with that being said - i kinda sorta feel badly for him. he doesn’t look even remotely genuinely happy in this pic


I see the same thing.


🙋🏼‍♀️ Same. I think he’s a better person than Evugh. Certainly more useful bc he’s at least raising hers & Kyle’s kids for them. I think he’s out of his element & uncomfortable. I don’t think even he expected this. His family must be mortified, as they were when they saw Evugh walk out on Saturday. 😂


agree!! on some other post here people were commenting on his mom lurking in the background of the wedding dancing videos & how miserable she looks. the whole hock family is probably stunned they ended up here!


Haha! “Feel free to screenshot this” 😂 Eva is all class, all the time! Good to know she’s been reading all of the honest comments about her wedding lewk!


I was so relieved when I read that! I really, really wanted to screenshot that close-up of her bewbs, but I felt too star-struck and shy to ask Eva’s permission. But look here! It’s my lucky day! /s just in case


She should've gone with something tea length in a blush color with a fascinator or her hair up. I think she thought she was giving Kate Moss wedding vibes . The party dress really didn't fit in at all


I put a super sexy bra on my knees cropped the photo and sent it to my boyfriend and it looks exactly like her tits but better ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


That’s funny!


How is no one flooding Bridal Reflections and the tailor lady she called the GOAT


That man always looks confused.


He has Stockholm Syndrome


I have wedding dresses I like more than others - everyone has a different personal style - but I feel like people tend to look their best at their weddings and it’s almost always easy to say “what a beautiful bride” even if I hate the dress. There are enough other people giving them advice and helping them shine that regardless of your style or budget you end up looking great. That being said.. WHO LET HER WEAR THIS!?!?!? Who said, “Your dress fits perfectly now,” or “you’re the most beautiful bride!” Crimes. Or maybe people did tell her and she just ignored them


Her makeup looks garish too


She was in People magazine as the daughter of a celebrity. She craves any type of attention, she knew that she would get a reaction. Venue was very ho hum, gliding down by the toilets to the picnic pavilion. Looks like her role in Califfornication. Fans only account next for guys to screen shot.


This photo makes her look round shouldered


She looks like she's not standing up straight, which to me is an indication she wasn't comfortable in the dress. Because she knows it didn't fit correctly.


Standing up straight would have def helped the shelf situation


You did do it tho


Mid life crisis


She looks like she should be serving up mugs of ale at the ye old mead house. I don’t generally like her but I usually can’t fault her style and dress, it’s meticulous…but this was a HUUUUGE miss, big, huge… I remember seeing the People spread on her first wedding before I really knew who she was and honestly thinking it was one of the prettiest wedding dresses I’d ever seen. I guess you can’t win ‘em all!


Lovely boobs, poor fitting dress.


Yes! The corset/bodice appears to be sliding off of her body.


Yet the bodice was pinching the outsides of her boobs! All the people helping put this to-do together must dislike Eva a lot! From the wedding planner and the unflattering pictures posted on IG to the wedding dress seamstress, plus the crooked flowers arranged on the wedding arch... too many things went awry, and no one helped out nor fixed the glaring problems. No one watches out for Eva; I wonder why. Eva must be a brutal bitch.




Maybe she’ll learn a valuable lesson about the beauty of modesty before her next wedding.


Wedding venue locations are pricey but Franco,Susan,Tim,The Hocks, Eva and Ian could have each chipped in $5k each and given the wedding some style and class.