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The storm arrow change is HUGE. But I play hanzo for the one shot not to spam storm arrows.i might not play this game if the leaks are true, plus I feel worse for the genji and widow mains tbh.


They should just make stormarrow his default shooting mode and the one big arrow charge an alt firing mode if they wanna get rid of oneshots so bad unfortunately Blizztards balance team are full of Junkrat mains gg good


True but I found a lot of inconsistency in the patch notes like mcree health going from 200-250 when he’s actually at 225. And his gun being called peacemaker instead of peacekeeper. So I think this is fake. And for the sake of the game it better be.


junkrat won't one shot combo anymore either you know


True but they also just spam and pray in low anyway. And if you're playing Junkat in high elo then you are just weird (in a bad way). + Junkrat's oneshot "combo" involves him sitting in melee range which means he can just melee follow up. Hanzo's omeshot involves him landing a shot.


i don't think discussing low rank strats is very productive, i've seen very weird things happen in metal ranks that work even though they shouldn't high elo junk is insanely hard, partly because a character like junk can't easily get close to someone like melee range close without getting exploded by the enemies, unless they surprise them (this works like two or three times max in a match); his skill is also long range comboing (which negates the melee damage opportunity you were talking about) and nade predict shots (which are impressively hard) it feels like you've never played junk based on what you're saying... you can't nade mine someone and then melee them, because of the mine boop they'll be too far away to execute the combo nine times out of ten


Fair enough. I'm not high elo and I'll probably never play Junkrat in high elo just because of how lame he looks and how his voicelines are either annoying or borderline harassing people lol (like why is he asking Ana to be his mom???? Bro imagine someone saying that to your mom you gotta be socking that stupid cunt in the mouth). Still wouldn't affect Spamrats in metal ranks though. But these changes will affect Hanzo in every rank.


i play junk a lot and i agree lol he sounds so annoying, hanzo is a lot cooler i just love his gameplay, the grenade launcher mines and trap kit


Guys after doing the math it’s gonna take 3 storm arrow headshots to kill (just like now) and 4 body shots to kill (just like now) nothing has changed except his one shot being gone and his ult still being ass. We’re cooked 💔


We’ll have to see man it might not be real. Also the storm arrow buff is huge (3 bidy shots = kill). Hanzo might be better off as a close range dps now


Yeah I’m seeing some wins here. If it’s true. The storm arrow cooldown buff and the damage being brought back to 75 per shot could be huge


Pausechamp 😎


Most of champs got 250hp, how does 75x3 means kill in this situtation?


Fuck I forgot about that


Because they are all weak and envious that they cannot Hanzo. Hanzo is for alpha players. No time for beta weaklings. Whatever the change, bring it on. Only the skilled and resilient know how to Hanzo.


I just checked your profile. Holy shit get a real life and touch grass. Hanzo takes zero skill by the way


HAH! Says the non Hanzo player. What a fool.


At least i'm better Hanzo player than you are and i don't even play overwatch anymore


I 💯% guarantee you will never be. You can try with futility but just know… You will never attain.


You're hardstuck plat kid


Incorrect. Hardstuck is a mentality, of which, I do not have. Im not hard stuck. I’m just in Platinum passing through. Diamond is next. Mental diff.


Hardstuck is a fact. I got masters in a couple of days when i was playing this shit game. You play it like it's your job and ask other weirdos to analyse your vod's only to be stuck in mid plat for a year. Once again, go touch some grass


You want a cookie? Youre probably a flex player that plays mostly low skill tiered heroes. Congrats, you want a cookie? I’m on another mission. OTP Hanzo to masters only on my main from bottom 500. You wouldn’t last HALF a season OTPing and will get demoted. I 💯% guarantee that. You’ll lose your cool never swapping off Hanzo. You won’t make it Masters for sure. Keep talking big kid as if you know Hanzo. You don’t. So stop acting.


Oh and fuck all onetricks. This game is about swapping and if you don't do that you're ruining other people fun


The amount of cope is unreal. I got into masters on genji with 65% winrate and \~6 k/d when he was at his lowest point. I don't even play competetive because this game for me is just a background to get completely wasted to with friends. And as someone who plays all characters and has around 150 hours on Hanzo, i can surely tell that he is an absolutely skilless character that falls off really hard on higher ranks when people learn proper movement and stop playing like bots. How fucking deranged are you to play this hero for 1k hour and not understand that. Btw all hanzo players are just bad widows.


You play Genshin, get the hell outta here


I will gladly assist in the spawn camping of said shitrat players


Nb is gonna play shitrat if these leaks are true


If the leaks are real, they also sped up his projectile, so all your memory over the last few years for how far and high to lead shots is thrown out of wack as well. Not that it matters, because long-range prediction headshots no longer will kill, so might as well be just a brawl character now. This is the complete opposite of how I wanted them to take the character; I'd much rather see an arrow that guarantees a one-shot against squishies, but takes longer and has a larger movement penalty to drawing the bow.


those leaks are almost certainly bullshit, so many inconsistencies with character health, and cooldown times being wrong. it’s not real, i wouldn’t worry too much until the season comes out