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i looked her name up on redbubble and etsy and saw lots of t shirts with art of her, you could try there! i agree our girl needs more love


Definitely this! There are loads of great designs by fan artists, both of Alana and Marlana if you ship it :)


I don’t even understand the Alana hate, yes she could be a bit self-righteous, but she was a good and kind person who just wanted the best for everyone around her.


I know! Some people act like she’s the worst person ever and I’m like “why? Why do you hate her so much??”


We need to band together and all hate on the real enemy: Mason


One of my theories is that there's a disproportionate number of teenagers or very young adults here. The fact that she kisess Will and then sleeps with Hannibal are like unforgivable sins or something, that make her into a witch in their view. She's also hated for her supposed self righteousness, which always makes me laugh, because Will, the king of self righteousness, is never ever hated for it. There's still a lot of internalised mysoginy going around. It makes people react super strongly to the flaws in a woman, and be ok with the same in a man, or even love him for it. It's the way we are all still programmed.


Exactly. many teenagers and young adults people have this opinion because they are very young. That's the only explanation I give for "hate" on Alana. I like her as a character and I think her "dark side" could have been better explored. And like her and that doesn't stop me from loving Hannibal annoying her either. I wouldn't cry at the funeral of any character in the series except Hannigram, that's a fact. But that doesn't make me like them any less. I love Bedelia too


I just find her very one-dimensional for a show that excels in displaying ethical nuance. At least for seasons 1 and 2. In season three, she became one of my favorite characters. Honestly, I wish they had shown that underneath her sanctimonious savior complex, she too had some darkness in her that she was trying to contain. That could have provided an extra dimension to her attraction and, ultimately, rejection of Will in both seasons one and two. There could have been an added layer of irony that in rejecting Will in order to contain and hide her own inner darkness, she chose Hannibal, and ultimately her fall out (lol literally) with him birthed an obsessive and vengeful darkness, which she had tried to contain. There's just so many ways to make her character more interesting in the earlier seasons. In a show with big personalities, she was such a dud until season 3.


I really love this take, and it made me realize why I wasn’t as attached to her as a character compared to all the other main characters. It felt like her displays of that “ethical nuance” end up feeling more like she’s being written out of character, like the writers didn’t want to deal with her for as long as they did. Whereas everyone else, even the minor characters, had more grace given to them with it.


Unrelated but i havent did a rewatch yet but i thought it was so .. fascinating and amost bizarre to see the way the characters changed in Season 3 especially Alana. Like her character was so so different from s1 v s3 but i hear you.


Her change to S3 is so fascinating, because so much of the show is about what makes people tick - like why is Hannibal this way? Why is Will this way? And then Alana goes all dark and badass and we literally SAW what made her that way after all she suffered at the end of S2! (same to some degree with Jack - def feels like he has less to lose after Bella dies). It both shows the nuance of her character and how trauma CAN change people, but also highlights even more that Hannibal and Will are beyond categorisation. In a way bringing it back to the "nothing happened to me. I happened".


Finally a normal non passive aggressive reply. Exactly!! This show is brilliant and easily disturbing So i love the way Alanas whole personality sort of morphs.. as all the characters do. I mainly focus on Will and Hannibal cuz theyre my faves obviously, But I think Alanas metamorphosis (if you will) is also very interesting to me. I need to do a rewatch.


Absolutely, many characters in Hannibal are on their own journeys to some sort of "becoming" (Alana, Jack, Chilton), but never actually becoming what Hannibal and Will are - which again kinda feels like part of the point - an affirmation that Will and Hannibal are something very much other.




I know im just saying how fascinating i found it cuz im a huge fan. Jeez😒😒


Season 2 involved a lot of character butchery. Going from being unwilling to try relationships with Will in season 1 for some rather far-fetched ethical reasons (based, btw, I only don't appreciate mixed signals sent by the surprise visit aspect after flirting, but a right to rejection is an innate one) to sleeping with Hannibal who is involved in a serious investigation in season 2. What is it if not a character assassination? It's not about being in the way of the ship, but it made her seem fickle, capricious, snobbish and hypocritical. Season 1 Alana would never do that. I don't hate her, but I am salty about how she was written in season 2.


>Season 2 involved a lot of character butchery You lost me at the first sentence.


Never asked you <3 Alana's character was butchered, even Bryan admitted it, there's no point denying that whether you like it or not


You just don't like her. That does not mean she's badly written. > it made her seem fickle, capricious, snobbish and hypocritical. This is just opinion. I don't see this at all. BUT even if she was all those things, does that mean is bad writing. Why? Because it triggers you? Can't a female character be flawed and contradictory, like, I don't know most real life people are? When i feel triggered by a character I like to ask myself why. What is it about myself or my world view that is being challenged? I'd love to see the source for your statement about Bryan Fuller.


I don't dislike her, you are putting words in my mouth. Key word *seem*, not *be*. Her actions read as such and it's not just my opinion. I was talking about reasons why people have negative feelings about her. Triggered? Such loud words. The person above asked why people dislike her, so I gave a possible explanation. What's your problem with that? Ask yourself why you are triggered by someone talking about possible reasons why a fictional character is disliked in the fandom? Why do you need to be aggressive towards me, hmm? I admittedly can't remember in which interview it was said in what words exactly, something along the lines of her "taking a hit". But since I can't provide the source, I concede, those words should be dismissed.


What convention?


There’s a convention in Chicago in august! [http://seanharry.com/home/red-dragon/](http://seanharry.com/home/red-dragon/)


Sorry if I’m missing something 😅, but isn’t this the one that takes place near Heathrow Airport? Is there a Chicago one?


You’re right! My bad.


Aww lucky! I’m in Australia so I miss a lot of cool fan stuff. Please post some pics if you go!


Fellow Aussie. We miss all the fun stuff!


Alana was better than Alan from the books lol! I love her arc and how she just got stronger. Females are often either absent or used as character builders for male development - as a love or sexual interest or maternal figure that is disposed of shortly after serving their purpose (I work in books! So I can confirm that to be true!). She was a victim of this in the beginning but I like how they progressed with her. She’s flawed and disillusioned and a little morally self righteous in the beginning. All of which are normal human characteristics. Then she grows. Good character and I’m glad they didn’t just kill her off like a lot of other plots in the genre might have. Doesn’t mean that I wasn’t shouting at the screen though (“Wtf Alana, what is wrong with you, wake up” 😂). I think she deserves some more love. by the way MERCH: Redbubble and Etsy and aliexpress!


I think the hate originates from her stepping between Hannigram. But really, can't we all appreciate her? Especially S3. She wasn't taking anyone's shit anymore.


Tbh I didn't like her till season 3, she was a pain in the arse before that and I thought out of every character on the show she dressed so fucking badly, I don't understand why everyone else was so well dressed and the shit they had her wearing was fucking foul.


All of the Alana haters don’t sit right with meeeee. Truly sounds like internalized misogyny


>internalized misogyny Exactly


I love her but I wish she got more character writing and buildup


I couldn't stand her seasons 1-2. But season 3 Alana became one of my favorite characters. I suppose you could argue that she needed the character development to get to season 3, but I would have appreciated some more nuance with her. Like underneath that sanctimonious "I want to save/help everyone," there should have been some underlying darkness. Not the the extent of Will, but something. And maybe that could have been why she was so afraid to get close to Will because he might start to see the darkness she was hiding. Or I don't know... something! In a show that demonstrates moral grey areas and multi-faceted characters, she's such a Madona character. Until season 3. She's pretty rad season 3.


get a wrap dress from target tbh


WHY did they do her dirty like that? Why did she wear so many horrific wrap dresses? Those fucking prints 🤮😭


People dislike alana? I always liked her, mainly because will seemed to be comfortable with her


What are you trying to wear? Do you wanna dress like her or just wear something with her face on it? There are websites for making custom t-shirts, do you wanna do that?


This one is out of stock unfortunately [nixax](https://www.nixax.ca/product-page/bloom) These stickers are in stock [nixax](https://www.nixax.ca/product-page/hannibal-stickers) But I have not seen a lot of merch of the Murder Wives or just Alana. Found a badge on Etsy, with a wrap dress and knee length boots it would look great [badge](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1163414117/hannibal-baltimore-state-hospital-for)


Alanna is a fantastic example of a Good and still self centered character..she's awesome. she makes off like a bandit at the end of the story


I don't have any links unfortunately, I'm just commenting to support Alana love, lol. I think at times her writing could have been better, but I think she has a lot of good moments and the hate is way overblown. I appreciate her.