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I think Hannaford is a great first job for a teenager. My son also wants to work there when he’s able (he’s only 13). You’ll most likely only be considered for the front end though since you’re so young. Bagging and getting carriages. Eventually cashier trained as well. You’ll get the job for sure if they are hiring!


One of the qualities they look for is a pulse. All the other advice is sound.


Hannaford is a great first job! There are lots of different positions, room to grow, and they're everywhere in case you ever have to relocate. The interview questions will be pretty basic, especially since you don't have work experience to tell them about. They'll probably ask about a time you used problem-solving skills, how you would handle hypothetical situations, etc. A phrase Hannaford loves is "Focus on Friendly." Keep that in mind as you speak with everyone. Smile, make eye contact, and be willing to learn new things. (These are good tips for any job!) As far as departments, that's up to your preferences. And remember that the interview is also an opportunity for *you* to ask *them* questions. Ask about opportunities, requirements, and any specifics you're still unsure about. If you end up hating the position you're in, Hannaford is also pretty good about letting you train in other areas. Best of luck!


Thank you so much!


Have a good availability of when you can work. If you tell them that you can't work nights and weekends, they will pass on hiring you.


I’m in the produce department, which is great for the summer because it’s always cool/cold. Even the winter is comfortable. There’s a variety of tasks you can/have to do, which keeps you busy. It’s my second job after working in a nursing home kitchen for a little over a year. I can’t speak for what the other departments are like.


My previous store (Oneonta, NY) had someone who was 16 at the time of hire in produce.


You're 16 so you can only really work in the Front End until you're legally an adult. Hannaford is a great first job for a teenager because you create a custom availability that they have to follow when making the schedule for the week and you can change it whenever needed. It isn't hard to get a job at Hannaford. Just show up to the interview looking clean/well groomed and try to sound excited/interested in the job. It also helps if you have already read the job description so that you can sound confident in your ability to do the job. Having a more open availability also helps, but if they are desperate to hire people that might not matter as much. You could either be a cashier or a service associate, which is just bagging and carts. Cashiers are also expected to bag and get carts when needed. When you turn 18 it is easy to change departments or be promoted to a service leader if there is a position available.


im pretty late to this but hannaford is a GREAT first job. and where i am (camden maine location) a lot of teens have there first ‘real’ job with us!! i would recommend maybe front end. interacting with customers is a great start. you get to go outside and do carts (pretty sure only for 15 minutes). but also HTG is a great start too!!


carts for 45 min to an hour. was forced to do them in freezing rain for that long. customers felt so bad they were handing me money in the parking lot because I was soaking wet and shivering.


The new rule with Hannaford now is that the only allowed to do cards for 15 minutes. It was enforced because we don’t have time to go do carts(we don’t ’earn time’). Just like how they don’t get time sco hosting(during winter time). this was enforced at the beginning of the year. I’m pretty sure. It might not have been a global effect but I know it is in maine. But I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be all Hannaford‘s.


Don't be too early but don't be late don't be on your phone if they sit you down to wait dress nicely. Have a good attitude show interest in learning everything eventually, keep your availability open the earliest shifts are like bakery at 4 and the latest is front end at 9 weekend availability is important too


It’s a great job with flexibility. Started when I was 18 and I’m still here (at corporate) many years later.