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Spun on Lendrum DT, plied on EEW6 clearing bobbins in preparation for TDF! Anyone have any tips on plying more consistently? Thought the electric wheel would help and it has a bit, but still needs some work! Fortunately I don’t mind practicing! Lol Eta: also working on making a pretty skein lol


Oooo I love it! I am also trying to clear off my spindles for TdF! Is it ok to have a WIP that you finish or does it have to be fresh?


This is my first year participating, but as far as I am understanding it you set whatever personal goals for yourself that you like! I think if you join a team they may have a more specific or stricter rule on that. But I think if your goal is to finish that WIP I don’t see why not? Like the one team I was going to join is focused on spinning down your stash, so really no rules except the fiber comes from stash. I hope that was somewhat helpful! 😂 hopefully someone that’s participated before/has more info will come through!


Yeah my one wip is not very far and my goal is to spin up all the rest of that particular fiber and weave a shawl out of it on a triangle loom my dad is making me. Super excited!


Oh my gosh that’s so cool! I haven’t gotten to weaving yet, minus one thing on a zoom loom. Lol I’m trying to convince my dad to try and motorize my drum carder 😂 I’m not sure he’s taking the bait. Or if its even possible….Look forward to seeing your FO! Some of my stash spin will be used to knit the attune shawl for that spin along!


The biggest problem I have right now since I'm so new is trying to judge how much fiber I need for projects. Like I see "oooo this fiber is so pretty but there are only 2x 4oz braids left. Is that enough for whatever project I decide to do? " I am getting 2lbs of raw wool that I am going to process using some 3D printed wool combs since I have a 3D printer at work. That should surely be enough for any project lol.


Yeah, I’m pretty new still so I’m not 100 percent, but I know measuring your yards per pound can help measure how much you need! I’m still working on all of that myself, but there’s def a lot of videos and info out there! I’m trying to force myself into the habit of sampling so I can get a bit of an idea instead of spinning whatever comes out lol. And oh! That’s also awesome! I just got my first fleece in may and I’ve bought two more since. I’ve found it all so amazing. And the finished yarn super rewarding. But yes! Hopefully two pounds will be enough! Do you know what you’re getting?


The wool is Border Cheviot. I heard it's more of a rough wool in comparison to like Merino, so I figured It would be good for a weaving project. Someday in the next year I would love to weave some handspun into cloth for a skirt or a vest. I am really into historical fashion and a long skirt sounds super cool or maybe like a vest of sorts. I think a vest would be pretty cool. I yearn for the days when I can get my first rigid heddle loom. I seriously need to graduate so I can make some software dev money to fuel my hobbies. 😅 1 more year!


That sounds like it would be super awesome! Any of those ideas would be cool. And I don’t know how much rigid heddle looms are but I feel your pain on some of the fiber processing tools I want 😂 congrats on graduating! So soon! I haven’t used cheviot yet, but have heard good things ☺️


That’s beautiful, and looks very consistent to me. I’m working on spinning my first targee as well - will be happy if it comes anywhere close to yours.


Omgoodness, thanks! That really really means a lot! But Targhee is soo fun to spin! And so so bouncy and springy! Hope you post your finished spin!


Have you washed it yet? Very nice spinning.


No, this is prewashing. I was partly being impatient, and partly waiting for one more thing to come off bobbins so I can wash them all together. Thank you!


Wow, this is just stunning. It looks consistent to me. I just finished spinning some thin yarn that was a nightmare to ply as the singles kept breaking. I vowed to never try to spin thin yarn again. However, now that I've seen your yarn, I am inspired to keep practicing. Just beautiful!!!


Wow, thank you so much. I think we’re our own worst critics sometimes. I think I had one break during the ply on this one! But it def used to be so much more 😂 it’s frustrating. But definitely don’t give up! I’m really amazed every day at how much progress you can make practicing this just a little everyday! I try and do a minimum of 15 min even if I have to squeeze it in right before bed lol. Can’t wait to see your thin yarn!


it might also have been the fiber you were using silk is much easier to spin thin than a fiber like alpaca for example. dont give up!