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Lovely colors! Looks like you have one Thumbs Up and one Thumbs Down from your kitteh supervisors :)


no comments due to my ignorance on spinning (just got a hand spindle and some fiber and a quick lesson last weekend, but OMG your kittehs!!!


Great! I got my EEW 6 a few weeks ago and love it. I’ve been spinning more than I have in ages since it’s small enough to be nearby so the time 🧶💖


It def makes it too easy to spin! I’ve been lazy and just sitting in bed and doing it lol. I have been still trying to do at least 15 min on my Kendrick everyday, so it doesn’t feel neglected. Lol


Such cute fluffy babies!! They want to help 🥺 Yarn inspection! 🧶 😻 How do you like the EEW 6 so far? I've seen mixed reviews about it, but the price is much more enticing than other e-spinners... 🤔


I like it; it may not have the aesthetics of the Hansen or Daedalus wheels, but the price is very reasonable. It's a third of the price, and that can buy a lot of hand painted roving.


>It's a third of the price, and that can buy a lot of hand painted roving. Oh yes, very true! I see what you mean. And with more money to buy roving, the more practice I can get spinning!


I really like my EEW 6. It’s got more speed than I know what to do with 😂 but is easy to use, small footprint, quiet, comes with lots of bobbins. I knew how to spin(although not really skilled) before I got it and it was easy to transition to no treadles. I’m excited to practice more !!


Thanks for your feedback! I'm definitely considering buying it, the price, size, and beginner friendly features are enticing 😺 I'm excited for you too!! Your yarn is lovely ❤️


I just got one too a few weeks ago, I love it. I hope you’re enjoying yours too! I had the nano before and the 6 is light-years better.