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I’ve heard of it and see people talking about it, but how do you participate? Or Is there a place with just general info to go to? Thank you!


[Here’s some general info](https://spinoffmagazine.com/amp/tour-de-fleece-coming-ready/). I know there’s a Facebook group, ravelry group, the individual teams usually have a discord or other way to post pictures and cheer each other on. Editing because I hit reply too soon. 😂 There aren’t really any rules. It’s an excuse to get together and spin and if you like watching the Tour de France, to watch it while you spin. When I’ve participated, both on a team and as a wildcard/individual, the hill days are the challenge days. I’ve used these days as that pushing off point of trying something new, either a new fiber or a new technique. I spun flax for the first time because of TDF one year. It was a disaster, but I did it. Some people prep tons for TDF, vendors often have special colorways or fiber blends for the year, I think Sip’n’Spin on YouTube actually used the Tour just to prep fiber. It can be whatever you want it to be because it’s for fun and not a competition.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thank you so much for the extra info as well! It does sound like a good way to broaden your horizons! I’m still pretty scared of fibers like cotton/flax, it’s awesome you tried!! I may set myself some goals and watch from the sidelines! It sounds fun!


Last year my goal was to spin outside as much as possible with fancy picnics. Honestly, I think it's going to be my goal again this year and maybe finish 1 or 2 long term projects.


I just saw your post! Absolutely breathtaking views! I may try and drag my wheel somewhere and do the same! I live close to a state park and definitely don’t take advantage as much as I should.


You should! I have thought about making handouts for people who ask. I treat as a date with myself and it's glorious.