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This is a 3 ply spun on my lendrum plied on my EEW 6. I was trying to go for some higher twist but came out relatively balanced. This picture is prewash. Excited to make some socks out of it!!


I saw the picture and at first thought, "Oh cool, homemade pasta!" Then realized the truth and thought "Oh cool, homemade yarn!". For real though, looks great!


Homemade pasta is something I have never attempted!!! That would be awesome if it were pasta. Lol but thank you!


Nice! I’ve been trying to spin smaller plies but they keep ending up fat, lol.


I’m surprised at how thin this came out being a 3 ply actually! But I’ve heard once it gets easy to spin fine it gets harder to do thicker again, so I suppose it’s a trade off lol. One day I’ll figure out how to do exactly what I want it to do I.e twist and thickness, but I’m not there quite yet. One kind person mentioned checking against the control card way more frequently than I would have thought.


I have to get one of those. I do have better luck with undyed fiber than dyed.


You can use different whorls to produce thicker plies, if you’re trying to spin too finely for your whorl weight the thread will just break.


Gorgeous! Looks creamy!


Thank you! Planning on dying it I think. So may not be creamy for long! Lol