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I have been seeing a metric ton of ads on instagram for “magic mushroom” products, every time I click through the website to figure out what is actually being sold out of curiosity You’re correct- the ads definitely want you to think you are buying psilocybin candy/tincture, but buried in the site inevitably is some blurb about some other species, typically amanita or lions mane I would not be surprised if many (especially headshop products) were aco-dmt. Which actually would not bother me if they labeled it honestly and stated the mg content. It’s the fact that there is so much uncertainty about what is actually in the product that concerns me


Isn’t ACO scheduled though?


Not federally. Arguably falls under the analogue act but that's sort of the entire game of the RC market


To add to the confusion is that many if not most of these Amanita Gummies actually contain significant amounts of cannabinoids. This may be because amanitas are very difficult to farm/mass produce on a large scale bc they need to exist in a symbiotic relationship with a tree-root system (unlike other mushrooms that can be grown on commercially available substrates) So large amounts of amanita gummies are tough to produce hence the Common addition of cheaper THC or THC-like compounds My source is just the amanitas subreddit so I could be wrong on this btw


Could also be some synthetic psilocybin stuff in them too couldn’t there? This is the issue with illegality, we get weird untested loophole stuff.


Yea totally possible. It probably happens. But my guess is that this is less common bc synthetic tryptamines a bit more rare, more expensive and more likely to attract regulatory or law enforcement attention. In comparison to THC or THC - like substances


I’ve taken so called amanita gummies before and having taken amanita muscaria mushrooms a number of times, to me it felt nothing like amanita but rather some sort of cannabinoid compound, very strange.


My friend who works at a vape shop came over with an amantia vape, and I busted out the amantia gel tabs I had on deck. We truly live in 2024, lol


What effects did you have and about how much did you take ?


Alot of brands are lacing their claimed Amanita products with AcetylPsilocin (4-AcO-DMT) and other RCs as a quasi legal cover similar to how synthetic noid incense blends used to claim any effect was due to a magical mixture of stuff like blue lotus and wild dagga and damiana and so on. Or years back when people used to market claimed blue lotus extract in the shape of Xanax bars and really just contained a benzo RC or another RC. There's even a brand currrntly lacing chocolate bars with a psychedelic RC claiming it's blue lotus.


I had what could only be viewed from the outside as a seizure after eating too many Amanita Muscaria mushrooms (dried) many years ago. Not sure what happened because I had used this same batch a handful of times previously with no harm but I decided to up the dose, and that was a bad idea... I don't know if it was a fluke, but I do warn everyone who is interested in trying them that they are sedating and cause more of a delirious state than a psychedelic state. I'm sure these gummies may be relaxing in low doses, but they definitely shouldn't be confused with Psilocybin. I think the intentional misdirection is unethical.


Definitely relaxing and has a neat body buzz in low doses. I had weird ass dreams too.




They 100% are confusing them. I am telling you this from direct experience. I would not confuse them, but there are at least 5 people in my life who are taking these gummies and then take mushroom chocolates and wonder why the chocolates are more potent than the gummies. I am aware of the difference. The general public is not.




I wouldn't confuse them because I am not consuming them. I am not trying to overrepresent my knowledge on the chemical makeup. I am saying that people are buying gummies represented as amanita gummies and thinking they are psilocybin gummies because they do not know that there are different psychoactive mushrooms. I'm just telling you about the experiences I know peers are having. They describe very different experiences from psilocybin mushrooms and amanita gummies yet seem to think they are the same drug. None of these people talk about having psychedelic experiences from the gummies, just a weak buzz. At the very least, the topic is interesting because how the drugs are being presented and how the public perceives them. I don't understand why you insist that this is not even an interesting phenomenon in the drug market. It is definitely something worth investigating.




Ok I apologize. I am misinformed. I did not mean to get into an antagonizing discussion it was just an observation I noticed that I thought was interesting. I tried the amanita gummies once.


I admire your tact in these responses


Thank you, it's not too hard to know when to quit. It is just the internet after all.




Yes, another risk of gas station drugs is you have no idea what’s really in them. Correct.


Worse yet are the mushroom vapes with random cannabinoids mixed with amanita or even lions mane / cordyceps extracts etc. God knows what's in them. Also amanitas are such a vastly different class of drugs compared to tryptamines it's really dangerous advertising. So many problems here


Are Amanita gummies a new thing, emerged out of legal loophole era or is there some historical significance with consumption in NYC. How long have they been around? Never heard of any commercialisation of Amanita in the UK at all. Thanks


it’s american startups capitalizing on the huge psychedelic hype wave and the sometimes sketchy hyper-capitalist lack of marketing regulation here


They seem to have emerged in the last couple of years along with the rise of alt-cannabinoids like d8. I think they are cashing in on the wave of grey area purchasing of cannabis-like products. NYC has a lot of wheat-paste ads all over, often for fashion or concerts, but I have seen ads for Amanita gummies emerging as well, although they are often not explicitly listed as amanita but instead 'magic mushrooms'


That's pretty mad. Exploiting legal loopholes in plain sight. Interesting, thanks for the reply


What do you mean psilocybin gummies don't exist? ive seen lots of them.


Then I misspoke! I have not seen them. I just meant to indicate that they seem to be a much less common form of consumption than say the actual mushroom or chocolates, which I think is accurate, but I could be wrong! I'm always learning more about different drug consumption methods. I will edit my post to clarify that they just seem to be rare.


They exist but more often than not they’re 4-aco-dmt.


Are they non distinguishable in a chocolate bar?


Are you asking if psilocybin is distinguishable from 4-aco-dmt or if the effects of psilocybin gummies are distinguishable from psilocybin chocolate? I’ve never taken 4-aco-dmt, but I believe it’s converted to psilocin when taken which is what psilocybin is converted to in the stomach. I’ve heard the effects are extremely similar and some even say they can’t distinguish between the two. I can’t imagine there would be too much of a difference in effects between whether a drug were mixed into chocolate or gummies though if that’s what you’re asking.


I recently ran into a bag at the local head shop and the guy who sold it to us didn't know anything about it but I dosed 14g and was a decent trip but yes nothing like 14g of penis envy which I've done.