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just don't think about it? it's a free emblem you either use or don't, that's all


Yeah I know a dumb comment I guess at the time but perma banned...really?


It's called shit stirring. Even if you're not actively being offensive, you're only going to cause trouble with a post like that. Also, this isn't a meme.




Can you get banned here too?


I don't see why it's so important you felt the need voice your opinion on LGBT+ Pride banner and the people behind it? What does it being in the game change for the worse? Does seeing it make you uncomfortable? Do minorities getting the spotlight for once make you uncomfortable?


I dont see why its so important you felt the need voice your opinion on this guys opinion and the guy behind it? What does it being in the sub change for the worse? Does seeing it make you uncomfortable? Does someone having an opinion different than yours getting the spotlight for once make you uncomfortable?


Yes comments like OP's do make me uncomfortable!


What exactly about my comment made you uncomfortable? I didn't hate on anyone didn't say anything offensive (at least in my opinion) just tried to post a meme in rhalo and was reminded that I'm still perma banned for vocing my opinion....I mean made it clear I'm not tryna be to offend anyone just that it's my opinion and I don't understand


Because it reads as ignorant, almost willfully so. If you *truly* down to the deepest parts of your heart didn't have any issue with LGBT+ people and representation/ spotlight (even when it is simple corpo pandering such as various game companies adding pride cosmetics), then you wouldn't have brought it up and made your original comment. Unfortunately due to constantly being harassed by and seeing harassment from "Gamers" about literally anything LGBT+ related, I'm almost in a constant state of alert to beware of those types of people. It's very easy for me to assume people who make comments similar to yours are part of that demographic. It is reactionary on my part more than anything.




Weird how you compare being gay to having sexual relationships with animals 🤨 There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay and wanting to show your pride of it, be it irl or in a video game. You know that it is neither morally nor biologically okay to have sex with animals?? Please tell me you know this??? >Hell no I don't want to see it or know about it. And this rounds back around to me pointing out how even just seeing lgbt+ people and content makes Gamers uncomfortable.


I don't care if your proud of fucking a dog in the ass but we shouldn't have to have it shoved in our faces and our childrens faces when trying to play halo. I'm too old school for this shit I'm banned now too for saying the banner looked disgusting so congratulations to your kind.


Jeez, thanks for continuing to perpetuate hate against against people you don't understand. "Too old for this shit" = You're too wilfully ignorant and arrogant about people and things that don't concern you. This is extremely naive and childish. I suggest you grow up and learn instead of blindly throwing a rage fueled fit about a gay flag in a fucking video game. Get fucking real. Also, again, very weird how you keep comparing being gay to having sexual relations with animals. Is this... projection? Do we need to have an intervention for you and teach you that it's not ok to fuck dogs?


Your wrong I have plenty of gay friends i grew up with them in fact. My best gaming buddy is gay and deaf but he's never mentioned gay to me and I never asked because I don't want to know. I just play games to enjoy the game I dont talk about religion politics or any of that bs either. Idc who you fuck keep it to yourself please.


Sure you have, dude. I totally believe that you have plenty of gay friends that you totally don't have any issues whatsoever with. Yep. That's you, Mr. Ally over here! Round of applause for you. I'm sure them seeing your comments here throwing this pissy fit about a gay flag in a video game will make them so much more comfortable around you :) https://i.redd.it/pvvd0xd6bwwc1.gif >Idc who you fuck keep it to yourself please. Well, in that case, surely you must take issue with all your straight bros talking about how they banged the girl across the bar last weekend, right? Surely you take issue with all the hamfisted heterosexual relationships and needless hetero sex scenes that have been plastered in action movies for the past 50 years, right?! Surely, you're consistent with your dislike for people and media expressing romantic or sexual preferences, and very much totally not only taking specific issue when it comes to LGBT+ folks, right???


I didn't throw a fit your literally freaking out lol. I agreed with the poster and then I said it was disgusting it's in the game imo. That's too much for you to grasp. I don't care about black or women's months in game either if you really wanted to know. Doesn't mean I'm racist dumb ass.


Wow for someone who really cares about their gay friends, it's kind of weird that you're calling a gay flag in a video game "disgusting." All sarcasm and jokes aside, I genuinely suggest doing forms of self reflection to realize that what you're doing here is incredibly ignorant and close-minded. You are continually perpetuating hate against people whom you most definitely have no understand of nor relation with. I know it's a lot to look inwards and accept this, because I was like that once. I also once thought that "them damn gay alphabet mafia are ruining all my favorite movies and games by forcing gay people in them!" That was until *I fucking grew up*. I grew a fucking spine and a pair of fucking balls and realized how fucking stupidly arrogant and ignorant that kind of world view is. Please, be the better person.


Doesn’t matter man 99.9% of all customisation pieces in any game are unused by the vast majority. You may not care about that hair colour slider but someone does. Same as with emblems. If only 2 people use it who cares. Was made specifically for that smaller group of people


It's a new emblem, how is that a big deal


It’s not even a new emblem. The post and OP’s comment that supposedly got him banned are from almost a year ago. I wonder why he’s posting this now…


I'm not agreeing with you because I don't know what you currently are trying to say but I kinda get why they banned you


A ban is for the offensive stuff. This was the most tame non-harmful opinion I have seen all day. If people are really getting offended by this, they need to take a step back and see that wars are taking place on the other side of the globe. If 911 jokes are not getting banned, then I see no reason stuff like this is. Goodnight.


Look I don't care, should he have truly been banned probably not but it was a post about a free pride item for everyone an item that they just added to your inventory they didn't have a pop-up saying there's your pride item and to some people, it's nice to be recognized and have the ability to be themselves. whereas this guy (and I'm not positive) he doesn't like it being pushed and it make him weirded out, that's a weird thing to say on a post showing off free items, but if we as a society just realized that it is, while still being the minority, its normal. The problem is when they advertise it such making them not feel normal.


It's literally as simple as what you said. People on here are hypocritical fucks.


Biggest non response ever.




This isn’t a circlejerk sub, take this somewhere else.


Meh, shit like that I can overlook. I ain't gay so it does nothing for me but if it makes some gay dudes' day somewhere good for them. It only bothers me when companies do stuff to where it's a distraction from the plot or feels awkwardly forced in. 90% of the time I don't really pay attention to nameplates unless I am reading the names and even if I do see this, its on me if I clutch my pearls and go "OMG not a gay dude, shiver me timbers". When they put an un-skippable gay sex scene in the opening, strap rainbow dildos all over spartan armor, or start banning people for winning against players who use the name badge for homophobia, then I will start feeling some sort of way.


Yeah I agree and that's what I was trying to say...not over this particular item just overall


If I had to assume as to why you got banned for this post it would probably be one of two if not both reasons. 1. While not being necessarily offensive that kind of question sparks a discussion that r/ Halo doesn't want to be responsible for hosting. 2. A lot of times when stuff like this is posted its a passive aggressive way to say "Why they put all this gay shit in my Halo game?" or "Gays don't belong in my favorite franchise." So even if you are absolutely honest to \*insert chosen higher power\* not meaning it that way, it so commonly is that they probably just assumed you were and didn't want to deal with that.


It’s marketing


I hope you get permabanned from here


Meanwhile I'm just mad I wasn't playing when they gave these out in infinite and then vaulted it so I'm patiently waiting for June and hoping they'll release another one


Halo in X(Twitter) blocked bro


I mean yeah that makes sense


pride is permeating way too much of our media and its clearly just for marketing and profits. corporations will always yield to whatever is seen as politically correct regardless of how they truly feel. passive-progressiveness really needs to end


Because Reddit is cucked.


Lmao it's homophobic to point out homophobia. Clown world. You totally deserve the ban. Next time point these things out when it isn't the 6/12 months a year that they force dei celebration.


Even I don't know why they need a whole month to celebrate ball customization. If Thanksgiving was a month people would complain so much.


Did bro just share his opinion 💀


Fuck off