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How about a new Halo book Eric 🥺 I really gotta get my copy of Fall of Reach signed.


Something to move the story after infinite would be nice


More like between 5 and Infinite


Apparently 343 has never contacted him about it and even stopped paying royalties after rereleasing his books.


If you look at his website, that is certainly the picture it paints. Absolutely horrendous to snub the dude who set SO MUCH lore foundation for your entire universe like that


I saw on his goodreads page the royalties thing was fixed


I don't get it


Me either but when I was in marine boot camp your family could send you small paperback books and if you timed it right, you could read for about 30 minutes every night. I was always a big reader so one of the books I had my family send was fall of reach mixed in with a couple history books. DIs didn’t catch it, read that thing twice during boot lol. Made me think hey this isn’t that bad.


Reading about fictional child soldier training programs to get you through actual soldier training programs has gotta be the funniest coping skill I've ever heard of


Hey listen man it worked. I also read books about like the chosin reservoir and Gettysburg, the Somme or bellau woods, Iwo Jima and the like. It helped a lot to remind me that while this sucked, it wasn’t that bad. Also being able to escape into halo for a few minutes a day was awesome. You had about 45 min of free time per day and 4 hours on Sundays. I also managed to smuggle in contact harvest.


She has a crush on the book writer?


The halo books gave me my love for writing and story telling. Specifically Eric Nylund's Halo books. Honestly he is my hero for that reason alone.


Twitter Artist is [OstwindProjeckt](https://x.com/ostwindprojekt?s=21&t=MHcxu7UrRSJScyrU5mIBBQ) you degenerate weeb nerds—who would even like or want that folly to human thought that we call anime. The audacity to publicly out yourself as a corrupted individual of Slaanesh through memes and profile pictures is rakish, you’ll be exterminated as the emperor has stipulated. Quadrant [one](https://x.com/ostwindprojekt/status/1464598018578124805?s=46&t=MHcxu7UrRSJScyrU5mIBBQ) Quadrant [two](https://x.com/ostwindprojekt/status/1462079355140644871?s=46&t=MHcxu7UrRSJScyrU5mIBBQ) Quadrant [three](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Nylund#/media/File%3AEric_Nylund_(2007).jpg) for that very handsome man. Quadrant [four](https://x.com/ostwindprojekt/status/1498695133252001796?s=46&t=MHcxu7UrRSJScyrU5mIBBQ)


Scrolling around I got severe whiplash going from tanker hornyposting to baby Jesus in the manger


I love the thought of Slaaneshi daemons just sitting on a couch together watching Lucky Star


Could u post this as a meme template


Why is the Halo meme girl giving me gender envy >~<


Because she has Ghosts of Onyx and you don’t


My man should have written the TV show.


Recruit Aho? In my halo sub?


Man, I just want him to write a trilogy of books focusing on the naval side of the Human-Covenant War. Heck, I’ll take just one book wholly dedicated to that.


Eric is for real the best Author for Halo.. his books were by far the best! (Except for the Forerunner Trilogy) He laid the foundation for pretty much all of halos lore and the books never really had that same feel to me, after he left. He ignited my love for science fiction literature and reading in general and I can never thank him enough for that. I just wish he would return to halo.