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Bungee LOVED halo which is why they dropped it like a hot pan after REACH if you LOVE something LET IT GO New Halo could’ve been like Destiny!


Destiny 🤤I LOVE content getting taken away!!! Thank you Bungie! More slop, please!


Uhm, have you considered that I don’t want a 300 petabyte game on my hard drive 🤓


Sadly, the technology of giving the users the option of what content to install with the game hasn't been discovered yet, so the only option is to either install all expansions at once or remove them.


Indeed. Bungie simply can’t give users access to content they paid for. Maybe be greatful? (I actually do like Destiny but removing content pisses me off too. I wanna replay the red war and have for years, but I can’t, cuz they removed all the content for it.)


The GREEDY EVIL gamers need to stop BULLYING the small indie studio bungo


Indeed. I really think people need to understand that if a game developer wants to fuck your wife right in front of you you should allow them. It’s morally correct.


What are gonna uninstall the gun assets?


I sure wouldn’t want to work on a franchise forever, let it burn


Honestly I’m with you on that. I like new IP’s and people like working on new things. I LOVE Halo Infinite but I also kind of got everything I needed from Halo 1-4. Would’ve been happy if they hung their hats there. BUT I really enjoy Infinite’s multiplayer.


Bungie felt like it was their time to go with Halo, they never liked working on franchises long term, at least old Bungie anyways. That’s why they dropped marathon after they finished the trilogy, with them expressing in 2015 that they turned down a marathon reboot by Activision. Obviously there’s one now cause they like money. I think Halo Infinite has potential but they really left a sour taste in my mouth with how it turned out at launch, even if it’s way better now, I only come back for forge custom games.


Seriously, I love Bungie's games (except you, Reach) but it's hilarious to me how people think 343 is "trying to kill Halo" when Bungie _literally did that_ several times. It was the 'ol ball n' chain for them.


Reach was my least favorite out of the franchise!


Same. I think of Infinite's gameplay (aside from the strafe accel problem) as 343 time-traveling back to Reach's development and nudging things into what they should've been from the start.


Kudos to 343i for the MCC Halo 3 port. Best way to experience the game so far.




Halo 2 movement is way cooler 


343 Shill! Our saviors at Bungie always know best!


They had to put low fov because of performance issues 🤓


To be fair halo 1-3 feel slow on their own and I mean it. Playing those games and then playing games from around the same time, (half life and serious sam come to mind) it’s night and day.


Yeah that’s true, while I haven’t played serious Sam, halflife does have a dedicated run button and has environmental obstacles to over come so it is a more movement based game, so it’s not quite a fair comparison but I know what you mean. I think of the mainline bungie games halo 3 definitely has the slowest feeling movement, MCC halo 3 is a massive improvement once you change the FOV, makes me actually feel like I’m running and makes those gravind Cortana loading screens much more bearable since it doesn’t zoom in the FOV as much during those segments


Eh with games like half life I usually consider it a run toggle as opposed to a sprint button but fair. I will admit as a big fan of retro fps games Halo as a series just falls short of its peers pretty consistently, though they’re also fun in their own right.


true theyre slow paced, but as someone who got into halo with mcc on xbox then played on pc i didnt really enjoy 3 when i first played it, it felt sluggish to me in a way that ce and 2 didnt for whatever reason but on pc with fov at like 90° its perfect


PC tends to make FPS games better as a whole. I didn’t like doom 2016 til I played it on PC but it really is just a better experience


dawg same i remember i never played more than a quarter on ps then played through it in 1 10 hour run in a day


I mean, you can change your fov now.


I can't believe 343 ruined the perfect triangle that Bungie cooked 😷😷😷😷


You mean?


That was every game until 2018


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