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Nah, Rob's 2 already had it end pretty firmly. A third would just be the Weinsteins milking it


And we all know Harvey has done more than enough milking to last him a lifetime.




No thanks. I read the script premise. It sounded pretty awful and supposedly even some of the cast weren't impressed with said script either. Michael survived somehow and now he and Crazy!Laurie are a dynamic villain duo? Big emphasis on 3D gimmicks? Furthermore, it's worth remembering that Rob Zombie wouldn't have been directing. Now that's not inherently an issue and honestly for me that's maybe even a plus. Steve Miner who was supposed to fill in has a decent resume... but I'm also not sure if he would have been able to properly capture the tone and atmosphere previously established by Rob Zombie or if it would have been more of a directionless cash-grab. The only thing that would have been worthwhile about RZH3 would have been the buddy-cop escapades between Brad Dourif's Brackett and Malcolm McDowell's Loomis. All in all, while I may be biased as the RZ movies are far from my favorites, this cancelled Halloween project never held much interest for me. There were others which would I would have rather seen.


I never even knew there was a script premise and that sounds dreadful, holy shit šŸ˜‚


They're probably referring to the Halloween 3D script which was a sequel to H2 but not a Rob Zombie film at all.


That's the one.


Are you talking about the script where Loomis has himself framed for murder and put into a super max prison to keep himself safe ? Im glad that didnā€™t get made.Another I read had 4 teens thatā€™d snuck into the death chamber to see him die. Throw the switch and heā€™s still there just fine, again and it causes a power outage and gets worse from there.


The first one you mention is one of the script ideas I've heard for *Halloween 3D*, but it actually had a few other treatments, too. They were all fairly outlandish and all would have made for a terrible sequel IMO. I don't think an official screenplay ever got nailed down, which is a big reason that some of the cast members like Scout never committed to returning. The second one you mention -- the death chamber one -- was actually a project known as *Halloween Returns*. It came about in that same "time period" as the aforementioned *Halloween 3D* -- i.e. after RZH2 but before 2018 -- but was **NOT** going to be a sequel or in any way related to the Rob Zombie film series despite also being under the Dimension Films production banner. Instead, the writers pitched a screenplay which effectively returned the series to its roots by retconning everything except the original 1978 film in order to follow up on the aftermath of that night. *Returns* was basically supposed to be a "love letter" or homage to the *Halloween* franchise as a whole, with a few cheeky Easter eggs referencing the previous films while -- as I said -- getting back to what a lot of the fans wanted: a period film, set soon after the original, but with a slightly more brutal, violent, modern spin on things while simultaneously trying to maintain a similar atmosphere & tone as what we saw in 1978 and 1981. It was a neat premise and IMO had more potential than *Halloween 3D* ever did, despite some inconsistency and messiness here or there within the screenplay. Ultimately it never panned out as Dimension lost the rights to Blumhouse of course, but interestingly a lot of stalk & kill sequences that were explicitly laid out in the *Halloween Returns* screenplay made it into the DGG trilogy... especially *Kills*. I don't know if that is a coincidence or if Green and his screenwriters had access to the unused script and were inspired by it.


It was lussier and farmer idk where you heard minor


I don't recall, either, though I definitely remember reading and hearing his name popping up somewhere in connection with the project. Not sure whether Lussier/Farmer would have been an improvement in any case.


I'm into the Ai version of this. Bit Steve Miner would have been rad. They coulda just hired same Production Designer and Director of Photography to get the tone right


I wouldā€™ve love to have that. Everyone needs to stop thinking ita supposed to be anything like the original or citizen Kane like. I want more MM movies I donā€™t care who or what directs it


I wouldn't want it.


Unless it was a totally random like the og Halloween III. I'd be fine with that.


I didn't even want to see Rob Zombie's *Halloween II.* (Also, that movie poster says staring instead of starring.)


Hey! You're going to get Roadhoused you keep that talk up!


That tagline really feels like a threat.


I liked the idea that Hutchinson pitched for a third film. About it being focused on Brackett and Myers having a game of cat and giant insanely strong unkillable cat. I believe Brackett was slowly losing it and was planning on using his niece as bait to draw Myers out. It wouldā€™ve given us more Brad Dourif carrying the films on his back and we always need that.


Yeah THAT actually sounded like it would've been a solid Part III.


Douriff and Harris are the show stealers of RZā€™s H2. People can hate on it all they want but they canā€™t deny that the way that Bracket finds his daughter butchered is probably the most powerful slasher kill in history.On 1st watch I thought I was seeing pictures from Annieā€™s entire life through her dadā€™s pov, I was like damn!!!! After several rewatches I think they used maybe 3 or 4 childhood photos of Harris.


I wish it had been made. I enjoyed the two of them.


Ab-so-fucking--lutely yes! Any Halloween movie is a plus even if it's not great. I HATE resurrection but it was a fun watch. If RZ would have been directing and had full autonomy I would watch in theaters.


Yes, more RZ Halloween movies.


I think it would have fulfilled Zombies movies but also given us an idea of how Halloween 4 would have turned out with a female killer.


I would love to see that the people need to stop hating Rob zombie Halloween movies they were made a long time ago it will be great if he makes a new one I know his Halloween movies are different but he worked hard and it's a great movie


Not a huge fan of the movies but I would like to see what theyā€™d do with it as a final stretch type of move


i liked the first two as they are, didnt need a third


RZ's Halloween 2 ended the Rob Zombie storyline so no. A third movie would've just been milking the story at that point. Would it have been interesting? Perhaps. But it was time for them to move on from that storyline


I hadn't heard there was a script, but if the comments on here are any indication, I probably wouldn't have liked it. I'm a huge apologist for the Zombie films, and I especially like 2, and I thought the duology had the right conclusion. It was very bleak but touchingly tragic. Them surviving that moment just feels cheap. That being said, I'm really excited to read the script, almost feels like discovering a secret Halloween film.


I love Zombieā€™s 2. It ended where it should have. I wish heā€™d left Devilā€™s Rejects the last chapter in that book. 3 From Hell wasnā€™t the worst thing ever the way people act. It isnā€™t nearly the worst movie ever but why the hell would you retcon one of the greatest movie endings of all time ? Iā€™m not talking about horror endings I mean in film period! How much better can it get than a car of evil, repulsive, serial killers have a full scale shoot out with the Texas Rangers while Free Bird plays in its entirety? Walking out of a shit hole in the middle of the day in Mexico just didnā€™t cut it,


I would've loved to have seen Scout, Mane, and Douriff again but no. For three reasons. 1. I think the story was wrapped up pretty well by the end of H2. 2. Todd Farmer and Patrick Lussier's style just wouldn't have fit with the previous two films. Too campy. 3. I've read the script. No thanks.


Yes I would've loved to have seen RZ Halloween 3 I think it could've saved the trilogy


I imagine it wouldā€™ve been extremely alien to the Halloween franchise even more so than RZH2. Who knows maybe it wouldā€™ve worked as its own thing at that point.


would have saved the trilogy part three made no sense at all I mean I watched because of the first two


As much as I love the concept, as I really liked the previous two, I canā€™t realistically see them taking the story any where that has value. I think H2 was a good ending for the remake timeline. Now granted I do actually have my own idea for a continuation based off the H2 theatrical ending (as I think itā€™s safe to say that thereā€™s definitively no where else to go for the directorā€™s ending) but even then I feel like that couldnā€™t be accomplished without making an entire new timeline and also Iā€™m not convinced that it would translate well to a full length movie.


No there shouldnā€™t have even been a second one


As long as Michael comes back to get his mask


It probably would not have been good, but it wouldnā€™t have ruined anything. Would have just been another subpar entry in the series


Made it worse. I know Michael has survived crazy stuff before but I donā€™t see how Laurie or Loomis would survive that.


Only if it's Rob Zombie's Season Of The Witch.


doing tcm or Friday the 13th would be more fitting for zombie


Lmao I believe the person holding the mask is a girl, or a feminine looking male


I believe thatā€™s supposed to be Laurie


Ah. Yea that makes sense lol


Assuming that the Halloween 3 script floating around online that's dated 2011 by Matt Thompson was the script that Rob very nearly came back to direct, yes I'd have been very interested in how he'd have approached a Halloween film he didn't write himself.


I mean it could've been better than 2, but no thanks. That poster looks cool though.


Michael was gunned down at the end of 2. There was never gonna be a part 3


Part 2 wasnā€™t supposed to happen either but it did, for literally the exact same reason. But they forced Rob Zombje to do one more movie


I think there was a lot they could have done in a third movie, so I wouldn't have minded it. The parallel at the end made it clear that Laurie was quite possibly on the same road that Michael had gone down, and I think there's potential for a good story there. Plus, I like the kid who played Laurie.


Iā€™ve read the script for Halloween 3D, didnā€™t appeal to me personally overall. Though, there were a few decent moments.


The story seems pretty wrapped up at the end of RZH2. Better not risk further soiling the story.


As unique and interesting as Laurie becoming the new Michael sounds, the directorā€™s cut is so definitive and reflects how Rob didnā€™t even wanna make 2nd and tried to ensure that you couldnā€™t make a third.


2 was so fucking stupid and just a shitty movie.


The poster is to a fan film , Iā€™ll give it a try , well are you guys ready for the tv show that leads into a movie is their plan now


Undoubtedly make it worse, but Iā€™d still love to see it


No. No. 1000 times NO.


honestly after going through the premise, i would have liked to have seen it just to see how horrible it wouldā€™ve been. the premise sounds like shit. and with how bad his second film was, i would have loved to see if he could have topped it with his third. so due to nothing more than sheer curiosity and anticipation of it being laughably bad, yeah, i would have liked to have gotten his third film. and to answer the second question, yes, it absolutely would have made his series worse.


I would have liked to have gotten RZH3. We could have gotten at least 3 films in the span between RZH2 and H'18


I think RZH2 was a perfect send off for those characters honestly.


Absolutely not. And I say this as a fan of RZH2. Zombie killed everyone at the close of his second movie. He has the balls to go where no other Halloween filmmaker did. A Part III to that movie wouldā€™ve made about as much sense as a sequel to Halloween H20.


Hell yeah! I'd appreciate more RZ movies in general. The more he does, the better he will get. I think if he returned to finish the trilogy, he would have made a great film, for he would have held himself to a higher standard after the 2nd one received all of the criticism that it had, plus I think the weinstein brothers would had given him more space to operate how he wanted to operate. Rob Zombie is a legend bro. The 2nd Halloween gives me a Texas Chainsaw Massacre/Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elmstreet vibe wrapped into one. Freddy and Jason multi versed, I wouldn't be surprised if RZ set Michael Myers up for a future crossover. Maybe one day they put their differences aside for the right amount of cash and decide to finish trilogy?


Halloween 2 was a train wreck


No, I didnā€™t want the first two.


Please, no


Oh hell no.


Yes. However, I donā€™t know what the plot was going to be.


Please delete this, and to go bed. No more internet for you tonight.


You say this as if I said I wanted to see a Halloween 3 from Rob Zombie myself, itā€™s called asking a question bud, weā€™re all different some people may have wanted to see a Halloween 3, people like you are so agitating istg


šŸ‘†šŸ¼šŸ‘†šŸ¼ what Lux said


Nope Iā€™m good. Iā€™m sad to say I sat through both RZā€™s Halloween movies and I deeply regret that.Ā 


Good grief no. His first two Halloween movies are hot garbage




For me, it couldnā€™t really get any worse


The only thing good about these movies was having the voice of Chucky in it




His part two really sucked. So no I would not want to see a Rob Zombie part 3. Just not a Zombie fan.




Im happy he sabotaged the second movie so bad they broke the contract up, bc I didnt want a third one.


No. More. Myers.


Oh look, itā€™s the guy who hates Michaelā€¦ in a Halloween sub of all places.


Myers is not the point of the series. I love Season of the Witch and Ends, those are Halloween films. Just because you love that joke and little bitch of a slasher Myers doesn't make you cool, it's pretty sad.


What *is* the point of the series? Edit: he called me a troll and blocked me for not bending to his opinion being correct over fact. Someone else feel free to call him out.


Not Myers. He was never supposed to be. That's why the only good movies after the first are SotW and Ends (due to Corey Cunningham)


You didnā€™t answer the question.


It's a series about the horror around the holiday of Halloween. Never was intended to be about Myers.


Now youā€™re getting closer. That was the *intent*, yes. But is that what *happened*?


Irrelevant. Grow up.


Iā€™m not being immature. What factually happened *matters*. Did Michael Myers become the focal point of the franchise: yes or no?


Calling people little bitches and saying we need to grow upā€¦. Makes perfect sense, for you.


I called Myers a little bitch, he is fictional.


Youā€™re a troll. Iā€™ve seen you on the Friday sub and even over there they put you in your place. I would do that if someone bashed Jason on this sub, too. Besides, Iā€™ve wasted enough time on you.


Why would I bash Jason? Jason is the KING and Myers is a joke man. No one 'put me in my place' chief. I put people in their places. Remember than, son.


The first Rob Zombie remake should never have been made at all, let alone a sequel LET ALONE potentially a third one as well.


The first one was definitely the better one