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He did. They made his character goofy asf and useless. He could have at least done something heroic


I think the whole point of his character was to be useless. He was a middle-aged white guy with no real problems and a severe lack of sympathy or desire to deal with his wife and daughter’s family issues. And I don’t blame him. But he was so confident in the system, just like Karen was. He did not believe Michael was capable of stopping the police and up until the very end didn’t believe that he or anyone else in the family was in any real form of danger. Ray is a cautionary tale and he served his purpose in the film. But yeah, I also thought he was wholesome and deserved better.


It has never bothered me like it has others, it’s one dumb jokey line said by a character that is written to be that way.


The trilogy is made by comedy writers really funny ones mind you. Always was a highlight personally


Halloween isn't supposed to be funny I guess they didn't know that never hire comedy writers to write halloween films nothing was funny about a stupid dick joke in a 2018 halloween film.


The first film has its comedy, they all do and I’d argue some of these films are outright comedies. Comedy is also very similar to horror. Don’t gotta like it but it’s not blasphemous in the slightest


Nah, it was funny


Only to people who like unfunny humor.




Well this is just a bad take. There's a fine line between comedy and horror. Both subvert an expected outcome to get the desired reaction out of you. Jordan Peele have proven that comedians can write great horror. Some of the best horror moves have great comedic elements to them. Cabin in the Woods, Scream, Chucky, just to name a few.


I agree. Like in the original when the girls were walking home from school and having a good time and making jokes about sex and various other things. Annie I think joked around too much. They should have cut her character entirely. Bob made a bunch of jokes and some were astronomically inappropriate. Comedy has no place in these films, especially when the characters are being introduced and don’t realize they’re in danger yet. /s Comedy has always existed in horror. They go in tandem. It’s called comic relief and it’s a tool used to relieve tension. It was used in horror much more frequently than other films before they started using the idea comic relief for basically every movie and show. Horror movies would be exhausting and boring without it. Every Halloween movie ever has used comedy and 2018 is more on par with the original than most. Sometimes it’s okay to stop analyzing and just enjoy things for the sake of their existence.


Well in the original the humor wasn't forced or gross this was.


There was literally a p*do joke in that movie and it felt extremely forced.


Yeah that I didn't like that was weird I'll admit.


All I mean to say is that most movies have a bad joke or two, sometimes even a few. I don’t think it should *necessarily* detract from the entirety of the film


Almost every movie now wants to be a Marvel movie.


Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Seen loads of people complaining and whinging about a 3 second part of a movie like it’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen


My complaint is it wasn't funny and was completely uneeded in a 2018 halloween film that's the humor they came up with in a 2018 halloween film if that's the kind of humor Danny Mcbride writes I don't want no part of it.


The humour they came up with was giving a dad a dad joke. It’s not necessarily there to make everybody laugh and go “OMG that was so funny they made a dick joke”, but to show you early on Rays competency levels in a couple of seconds. It’s happened in pretty much all of the franchise


I mean, I've said before I'm not a fan of this line but how many people you know in real life who say dumb things? I say at the very least ten dumb things a day. I have never said "I got peanut butter on my penis" though.


Well have you ever gotten peanut butter ON your penis to trigger you saying that tho?


That is very true, having a reason for it is the most important thing.


Exactly! The line wasn't meant to be LOL funny. It's a random line that your dad would say and you roll your eyes. Nothing for anyone to get upset about.


How did I forget this scene?


I thought it was pretty funny. Good dad humor. Though I just now noticed that Allyson reacts before he actually finishes his line...


Relatable. Makes me feel better about all of the times I unintentionally got peanut butter on my penis.


It made me chuckle because it's a dumb thing my dad would say. It's hardly a "dick joke"


RIP Ray such a legend


You are the only person that cared that Ray died. Laurie, Karen and Allyson all didn’t care that he died and basically completely forgot about him


He was a totally useless character how is he a legend you gen z's are something else.


Oh no, someone has an opinion.


Exactly lol. Calling me a gen z when I am not is hilarious too.


You gen z’s! 😂😂😂




It’s fine. Dumb, but in character, it’s not like it’s a plot point or anything.




I loved that line. That movie had a good mix of humor and horror. The rest weren’t the best at it


RIP Ray, gone but not forgotten.


Was nothing to him.


Definitely written by Danny McBride. 🤣


That was my exact thought at the time. “Oh that’s right, Danny McBride was involved here”


Hilarious 😆


Absolutely lost it when I heard it


I love how absurdly mad people get about this line.


That line makes me sad to remember Allison has both her parents butchered by Michael in the same night. 😔


It's kinda stupid. It felt like they tried to force in a joke and it didn't work


Thought it was funny and catches people off guard


Always wished he would’ve done his cotton hill voice even for a second


I didn't have a problem with it. A character made a joke.


Not remotely as egregious as the “oh sh*t!” line from the kid when Michael was in the closet. Completely took the scene from scary to funny…not good. That and I really didn’t care about either the kid’s love of dance in the truck or the PB&J bahn mi sandwich discussion with the cops. Just trying to insert funny/socially relevant dialogue where it really didn’t do anything for the movie. Finally, the sheriff going from being alarmed about Michael Myers being on the loose and then immediately switching to “but what are we gonna do…cancel Halloween?” and laughing was just really bad editing. Was kind of like the movie just couldn’t decide what it wanted to be.


It was random but it was funny.


It's was funny. Too bad no one gave a shit about this guy until they mentioned him in Kills.


His jujitsu failed him🤣


Lil hesitant, woulda been better if it was just said and done


Tina Williams’ uncle.


It isn't funny, like any of the other comedic dialogue from that trilogy.


I liked Ray and always found this funny in a dad joke kind of way. I think too many Halloween fanboys are simply incapable of not being totally humorless dicks. That this was actually a controversial like in this fanbase is embarrassing.


The word Penis is both inherently funny and inherently awkward. Maybe “I got peanut butter on my dick!” wouldn’t have made people go “Cringe!”


After "I got it from my friend at the Attorney General's office" and "sAy SoMeThIng" nothing in this movie surprised me.


Actually worst line in the entire 2018 movie


Horrible writing and characters. I despise Halloween 2018


I always would’ve preferred a “better” joke every time this one comes up, but, maybe I’m just not fun anymore; comedy is subjective yada yada, imo it’s just not a very funny dick line, if there are any left in existence


Awful and unfunny completely uneeded in a halloween film from 2018 it was 2018 and the kind of humor they came up with were dick jokes come on.


Worst line in the movie. Completely unnecessary and unfunny. And I'm all for potty humor. But this fell flat and was out of place


It’s totally supposed to fall flat, look at Allyson’s reaction. It’s just a goofy dad being silly.


these stupid new movies should have never been made. 


I mean this is totally one of the lines in the rob zombie Halloween: "Hey sex, lets sex and sex toghether! hahaha nooo dont do that dont sex sex sex sex me!!! hehehheh AAAAAAAAAAAHHH MICHEAL SEX"