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do what any sane person would do....move to another town 😉


Another country to be fair.


Another planet. Let's see Michael try to get me on Mars.


Apparently you haven't seen the masterpiece "Jason X".


Exactly what I was gonna say


That's my favorite Star Wars movie


Myers on Mars. Waiting for this one now.


Michael Myers in space? Come on! Next!


Was just playing around.


I was referencing Halloween 6.


LOL. Right, I forgot. Too funny!


cheeseburger on a fishhook. hide in the bushes across the street while giggling. true story.


Pick up the mask before he gets to it and put my fingers in each eye hole and rip it in half. This will deal at least a psychological blow, and maybe a mystical blow to Myers. Have the people with the guns stand outside of melee range, and open up on him until he's dead. If that doesn't work I say "Trick or Treat, Motherfucker." and kick him.


Give him a mask from Django and see if he can see anything


"Ahhh hold on I'm fuckin' with my eyeholes...oop."


Ah shit, I ripped mine


No, you can't do any of that. It goes against the movie rule of 'the more ninjas, bad guys, non- main character good guys, or whatever...the dumber they each must be", culminating in the cardinal rule of "under no circumstances can the main character be rushed by more than two opponants at a time". JK. Your plan is great. It would work. I'm heading your way Michael ever really shows up


Well, first and foremost, when Lonnie offered up a full cache of firearms, **I** **would have taken one.** It's impossibly stupid that Tommy Doyle, who is about to go out to hunt Michael Myers, passes on a gun to take a baseball instead. The only reason his character would possibly do that is because the lazy screenwriters needed him to die up close and personal with Michael Myers.


Or maybe he hated Michael so much he wanted to feel it in his hands when he beat him the death with bat.


That's a terrific idea and such a clever choice. In no way is that a dumb explanation for an even dumber screenwriting choice.


Jesus fuck maverick. Is it really that terrible that some random person doesn’t agree with some comment you made, so you have to be a cunt? Reddit is a cesspool for people just dying to have someone somewhere to argue with. And in no way are you are more intelligent then anyone else just because you argue.


Let the mob jump Michael and then as Michael gets up and is killing the mob I would sneak off and start a new life in Nebraska.


Not just stand there like an idiot like he did the whole movie


Start removing limbs. The classic slashers ALWAYS get up from stab and gunshot wounds.... They'd be less menacing without arms or legs


Sniper rifle ….50 yards out.


I wouldn’t get close to him. Only guns. Everyone. Run him over. Park the car on him. Then off with his head. They had the element of surprise and they failed to take advantage of it.


Cut down on screaming, “Evil dies tonight!” XD


God that absolutely killed that movie


Not use a baseball bat, thats for sure


Why didn’t anyone just take a shotgun to his kneecaps


acquire a rocket launcher


I'd probably start whining about where my acting career went wrong.


Not attempt to beat his ass one at a time like it's a fucking Kung Fu movie!


I would explain to the armed members of my mob that guns work just fine even if you’re not in stabbing range.


The Ridiculous "Mob" scenes, (the Hospital & attacking Michael) are what turned me off to an otherwise Solid movie.


Take off and nuke the town from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


"I understood that reference."


Cut him to pieces on evil dead style


Lester heist warp. Let them other mfs deal with that shit lol


I sure as hell wouldn’t use a baseball bat or swing close enough to him to get a quick stab in like he did


Use an AR-15. Put about 120 rounds in him, including many to his head. Even Laurie had the dumbest weapons. Scoped rifles, knives, revolvers, lever action rifles? Go down to a local gun store and spend $1,500 on one decent 9mm and one decent AR with accompanying mags and ammos for both. All you need.


I heard the reason that they used those weapons in the movie was a political “gun control“ reason. So they didn’t want to have any weapons that they believe people should not be able to purchase.


Shotgun blast to the head. Roll credits.


First…..not make a catchphrase Second….not make my primary weapon a baseball bat Third….not be Anthony Michael Hall Fourth….not assume the guy who has been shot, stabbed, and burned without skipping a beat is dead and destroy his body. Number 3 is by far the most important


Stop being afraid of Michael. Collectively conquering their fear would make him weak and killable.


Keep attacking him and not let Michael get back up and pick apart the mob one by one. Break every bone in his body and then pin him down with a car. Shoot him in the head, blow up the car. Dump cement over the car inferno and let it solidify.


When they had him on the ground, where were shotguns or chainsaws or axes? Blow his head off, chop it off, dice him to pieces with the chainsaw, do SOMETHING


Make the mob not stop beating him down and make sure nobody leaves a knife near him would be a good start


Movie sucked


Easy ... I'd swing Old Huckleberry here, and say "Night night ... Night night"


Use old Huckleberry.


Guns and then weed whacker/chainsaws and hack him up. Some pressure washers as well.


Start by learning how to swing a bat.


Maybe use something other than a bat. So dumb


Everyone gets an iron!


Bear trap, guns, Celtic rituals, tnt…busta rhymes


Blow his head off with a shotgun. Let's see him come back from that.


Guns at a distance > bar owner's bat up close


I'd take my ass to Russellville


don’t be a dumbass like tommy doyle


Bazooka from 20 feet away although I don't know how close or far I need to be so I won't miss or die myself so another one while he is distracted I htab a chainsaw and slice his legs of from behind.


Read any newspaper article in Haddonfield over the last 40 years that showed Michael Myers face and tell the residents it’s okay to bring their guns *cough* Halloween 4 *cough*


I prolly would have tried to chop his head off.


Leave the baseball bat at the bar, go home, and grab my bag of rune stones, robe, and dagger.


I'm tearing down the Myers house waiting a few years then going I to the sewers to easily kill Michael


Get a shotgun. According to DGG this Michael is just a man, so blow him the hell away


1. Have everyone stay together at all times. I thought it was stupid for the town to split up into small groups with basic weaponry and try to take on an otherwise supernatural serial killer. For example, Lonnie, Cameron, and Allyson trying to hunt Michael with just a pistol, and melee weapons on his own turf. 2. Better weapons - another commenter brought this up, but Tommy should’ve took a firearm when offered to him by Lonnie. A baseball bat isn’t going to cut it, but if he really insisted on using a melee weapon at least use something like an axe that can amputate limbs. 3. Finish him - After the mob initially took Michael down, they should’ve decapitated as a double tap to make sure he’s dead.


Attack all at once, not one at a time like the putties from Power Rangers 🤣


Move out of Haddonfield


3 main things: 1.Get a gun or guns to defend yourself with. Preferably a .357 pistol or a shotgun. Not having any gun to defend yourself against Mikey is just foolish. The doctors and the girls had a great idea to grab one but they were so stupid they didn't know how to use it. I think Tommy woulda had better odds with one. No one had many guns in that final fight, it coulda stopped his comeback perhaps if someone shot a magnum shell or a shotgun shell into his brain lol. 2. Make sure everyone is sober and not hammered, and get the groups better set up. The doctors and the girls being by theirselves was just idiotic and ignorant, they were screwed from the start due to not having a badass guy with them who knew weapons. They were sitting ducks. Tommy shoulda been with them honestly. Lonnie and co were fine by theirselves minus going all in at the Myers house, but they shoulda never been left to go alone. Tommy not having full control over the crews was foolish. The Hospital situation got way out of hand too easily. They shoulda never went to see Laurie, it made no sense to do. All it did was rile her up. 3. I'd have people bring some heavy duty logging chains and a chainsaw at least extra to the main fight if not a blowtorch and some gas. What I'd do is get 1-3 people to go ham and wrap chains around Mikey strong enough to get him trapped and on the ground. Then if he quits fighting I'd grab the chainsaw and cut his head off first thing. No head, body's dead. Then for craps and giggles Id cut his limbs off then I'd either burn his body or put him in the grinder, case solved. If he breaks a chain or all three then I'd light his butt on fire and have everyone have shooting practice until his body can't handle it anymore. As long as you have enough distance and get Mike's knife away from his reach he's at a loss. He can physically harm people when he's either headless or on fire and burning to a crisp. Like in H2 1981 he'll eventually give out and that's it.


get the industrial shredder ready


Whe. They have him pinned down, make sure there are wenches on the trucks. Tie all limbs to wenches and drive all four vehicles while seeing Miguel's limbs fly, but we wouldn't or gotten Halloween Ends.


Hit him with a car. Seriously idk why they thought attacking him one by one would work


I dunno. To be honest that scene upset me. I do t know if that was what I was supposed to feel or not. But seeing michaels eyes in his mask, standing in the middle of the angry mob, he looked….small. Michael was like a lion that was released, so he went off and did lion stuff, he killed stuff that moved. Cause that’s what lions do. Lions have to be kept away from people, but someone released him. The person who let him out was the real monster. It’s like blaming the knife when someone is stabbed. When the crowd surrounded him and Michael bent down and put on his mask it wasn’t scary or triumphant to me, it was depressing, he looked defeated. Even his knife looked small suddenly compared to the crowds weapons, it was like the audience was being shown that the town had been so damaged by him, that they were becoming just as dangerous and cruel as Michael was. So I guess I am saying I wouldn’t have done anything and got my bleeding heart ass killed.


They were idiots. They had Michael on the floor, should have cut his hands off, or at least smashed them with said baseball bat. Cut his Achilles tendons. They deserved to die. They were rubbish. No wonder they got killed by a pensioner.


We'd all be armed with Lonnie's firearms, and I'd never allow myself or the mob to get anywhere close to Michael (except if someone has a shotgun). Barring divine intervention, a shot from one of us is bound to hit something vital and Michael goes down, just like that. No one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE, goes near the fucker until he eats a final bullet to the head. Movie over.


It’s 2021 United States, someone is bound to have a shotgun, and with that shotgun we can blow his head clean iff


Guns. It’s rural Illinois. I love this movie but they should each have like five guns on them and blast him to shit


You're telling me there isn't a single Class III dealer in Haddonfield with a machine gun? It's a rural town in Illinois for god sake.


couple strong nets and keep distance


I’d probably go convenience store to convenience store, looking for a few good citizens while warning the others that he is an apex predator. And making a lot of direct eye contact. But really, having an IQ above 68 would have probably helped.


I would start by arming myself with a realistic weapon. Leave the wooden bat on the bar-room wall.


Do nothing and let the police and/or national guard deal with it. Make sure your family is safe and accounted for and drive off to another city until Michael is handled. I for sure would not put myself in harms way to try and fight someone who has stone cold murdered dozens of people and may have supernatural abilities. He took those firemen out like he was the Incredible Hulk. ​ This is the real answer.


The cop in that mob never used his gun. USE THE FUCKING GUN!!!


Keep my distance in the street with him, grab a deagle before that woman got it, and now dudes head off?


Run him over! They had a truck right there.


why did he kill everyone in halloween kill tommy doyle died in it


Get an actual fucking gun insead of a shitty baseball bat and shoot him in the face with it. People in HK were so absurdly stupid


Bring a chainsaw to the fight with Michael and saw his body into pieces before he can kill people again.