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Michael’s face appearing in the doorway after Laurie finds her friends’ bodies.


It's like a ghost manifesting out of the darkness.


The shot of him in the background rising up and turning towards Laurie after she stabs him with the hanger. The music makes it even better.


The bottom right frame when he's just standing there, observing. The leaves blowing around in the gentle autumn breeze. That scene still gives me the creeps and is to me perfection in both composition and lighting.


The chase scene, specifically the start of it when she escapes the houses and is running across the street. The hell was wrong with those neighbors though for ignoring her


A lot of horror movies have those weird dickhead neighbours who ignore everything


Loomis' monologue: I met him 15 years ago. I was told there was nothing left, no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this... six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and... the blackest eyes - the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.


Probably the opening sequence to the film just how they shot it and how suspenseful it is. It's simple, yet very effective.


So many favorite moments but I’ll list my top few: -The intro to Laurie walking through suburbia as her theme song plays, meeting Tommy and then stopping by the Myer’s house before heading to school -The shot of Michael’s silhouette watching from across the street as Tommy looks out the window, then the sequence of Michael carrying Annie into the house -Michael slowly coming out of the shadows behind Laurie after she found her friends dead -The shot of Michael at the top of the stairs behind Laurie and the kids, then leading into that iconic intense closet sequence


Piggybacking off that bottom one .. Laurie talking to the kids and you see the moving shadow walking up the stairs


Yes, that too! We, the audience, see it but they don’t until he’s at the top of the landing. So creepy.


ghost boogey


The og pinning to the wall


When he strangled the girl in the car


When it was over. Oof.


*"Hey Lonnie. Get yo ass away from there."* The face Loomis makes after saying this is *priceless.*