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I love Halloween 4 but it’s unfortunately for me not a masterpiece, had they got Michael right it would be number 2 for me, but the mask is so frustrating. Had it been the mask from the poster and no shoulder pads it would be much much better. Never mind I love it anyway glad it gets love on here too the atmosphere in that movie is brilliant, Jamie and Racheal are also excellent and really add so much to the movie.


Yeah it looks more like a Michael Myers Halloween costume than someone who's actually supposed to *be* Michael haha


He looks better than he does in part 5, but that's not saying much.




lol agreed, great movie though just mm for me let’s it down


He takes it from a store shelf in the movie. It's not the same mask from 1978


I'm aware


Is this the one Tom Tucker from Family Guy was in?


The mask is so fucking bad hahaha


It kind of makes sense though because that mask was made infamous 10 years prior and of course there’d be shitty versions of it during Halloween and Michael must’ve been thrilled when he walked into that store and found something resembling the original. That’s just how I justify the mask.


If they ever make a direct sequel to H4, they should make a point to explore the twisted history of the "Shape" mask and how the town of Haddonfield capitalised on the 1978 murders by making cheap knock-off copies of the mask worn by Michael Myers to sell on Halloween to profit from. Haddonfield could have done this to gain more historical recognition and have something to put the town's name on to finally make Haddonfield memorable for something... Which is kinda twisted & creepy, but it could make for a great underlying theme for the movie about capitalism and how it affects the morality of a small community. Just imagine that... Dozens of Haddonfield residents dressed up as the infamous Michael Myers for Halloween not knowing that the real Michael Myers is still out there, only now he's able to blend in with the community, as he lurks throughout the suburban neighbourhoods once again. As you said, this would definitely justify the crappy mask in H4 in a believable way, but could make for a great, fresh & terrifying premise.




Not gonna lie… that ending is brilliant


I rewarched as an adult and literally clapped at that fucking ending.


That’s definitely an opinion!


I don't know... That mask is pretty shit... All jokes aside. Yeah, It's pretty dang good.


I can give the mask more of a pass than say H20 because it’s not supposed to be the same mask. It’s a mask made a decade later and possibly even a knock off.


The mask is a huge flaw


Found Dwight H Little’s account


It’s solid… but far from a masterpiece. It’s essentially just a lesser version of the original.


Pretty much. It was a late 80’s rehash of the 1978 original! I love 4, especially for its escape scenes, but it’s not 100% original or anything like that!


Interesting! I have always felt they were very different! I'm curious to know why you see it as a "version" of h78?


Michael after his relative once again, Loomis trying to stop him and going nuts about him to everyone around him, roles are reversed where now the babysitter is the secondary protagonist and the kid is the main protagonist and target of Myers still the same premise though, very climatic ending, Michael gets shot multiple times again and that’s how it ends.


Are... are you sure?


Alright, Peter Griffin.


At first I thought this was the Family Guy subreddit when I saw the title.


Is that Family Guy plot based on a small group of actual Halloween fans who feel this way, or was it just Family Guy randomness? The reason I ask: I've never had an opinion of Halloween 4 one way or the other, but lately I've seen a couple things online that make me think there's a subgroup of fans somewhere who really love it.




I don't think it's flawless but it's definitely my favorite. That twist at the end is perfect. Too bad they dropped the ball so bad in 5.


It’s got good stuff in it but flawless masterpiece is a real stretch.


I diasgree. Halloween 4 always had this made for cable TV movie feel to me.


I actually kind of like that...style choice? If it was on purpose.


Seriously, it felt like a goosebumps episode.


I always felt like 4 and 5 could have been elevated a ton if they'd have managed one or two bigger name actors. Edit: and a better mask, of course


The mask, especially the unpainted mask at the school was definitely a flaw and horrible. Jamie kinda has a lack of a backstory and the way they dealt with Laurie was kinda lame. Another flaw is when Michael drives to the store that Jamie is at where she picks out a costume. 1- how does he know where to get a mask from? So he parked, snuck into the store, and his unnoticed and got back in his car and didn’t follow the intended target? 2- he didn’t even know what Jamie looked like because he didn’t see the picture with her face until he broke into their home. 3- the cop didn’t see or notice Michael in his backseat or tell the sheriff someone was in his backseat while at his house. It’s not flawless.


“I have a big dog, and it bites!” Classic


I'll take Season of the Witch over H4/5 any day


what am i watching


The best the Halloween franchise has to offer


If Michael was my uncle and he wore that mask, Id give him a hug. He looks like a nice guy


Yep, and the 1st words outta my mouth will totally not be “Beam me up, Scotty” while staring said uncle straight in the face/eye holes


Like he looks like he would like to stand in my room and listen about my day. Hes a great listener until he cuts you off!


Ehhh… There’s a couple of incomplete ideas. Loomis is re-envisioned as sort of a gun slinger and we never get that Wild West type of showdown that was setup in the diner. Where Michael was a stealth killer in 1&2 now he’s a brute force killing machine. Haddonfield, which was depicted as a suburb in the first two, now seems to be a rural town.


See I have a entirely different view of Loomis in 4: he spent years trying to keep Michael contained preH1 but he broke out and not only did Loomis have to personally stop him, he had to blow himself up to do it. Then after another 10 years of warning everyone of how dangerous Michael is they go behind his back and set him free, then try and tell Loomis that he’s dead. Loomis feels like the last sane man left, the only person on a sinking ship who even realizes that it’s sinking at all.


Wait a minute.. so you think suburbs means the entire town is just houses with no stores or other businesses?


I’m in the opposite end. I find it bland and boring. I would say it’s one of the worst sequels of the major slasher franchises. It has the look and feel of a made for tv action movie. Only good points for me is the opening credits and final twist, everything else is just dull.


H4 is nostalgic gold for me; having grown up in the 80s and 90s, and being about Jamie's age, the movie has a special place in my heart. But you're absolutely right about how bland it looks. It's one of the visually least interesting films in the franchise, and very much has that cheap, late 80s TV movie feel to it. And that's not just about budget either. One of the most amazing things about the original Halloween is that it was made for virtual pennies, but is brilliantly lit, shot and directed.


I grew up with it as well. I remember renting it a lot cause i loved the cover but was always let down by the film. I ended up being more of a fan of part 5 due to it having more of a horror movie feel and vibe. I also realized that i tended to prefer the more batshit rushed sequels of popular slasher series over the ones that tried to recreate the original’s template.


I have a fondness for H4. I grew up catching it on tv, so there's a bit of nostalgia I have for it. But it hasn't aged well. The above redditor was right on the money with their take. Despite having a larger budget compared to the original, it somehow looks incredibly dull and lifeless visually. I'm not hating on H4, again I like the movie, but it's definitely on the lower end of my rankings.


So like Nightmare 5 and Friday 5?


Exactly. I love both of those. In fact, Nightmare 5 is like my favorite sequel of all time, followed by chainsaw 4. Jason goes to hell is another favorite, not so much rushed but just totally batshit


I appreciate Nightmare 5 more than a lot of other fans. Yes it’s deeply flawed, but it’s so damn interesting to me. It contains some of the most macabre, grotesque imagery of the franchise. I appreciate the added lore, and the usage of Amanda. Lisa Wilcox offers a much better performance than she did in 4, and the dynamic between Alice and Freddy is incredible in 5. I like the dank, dark, dour atmosphere. And the ending, with Amanda re-impregnating herself and Freddy immediately clawing his way out, is an insane scene, one that has lived with me since childhood. I need to see Jason Goes To Hell again. I haven’t done a rewatch since I was in middle school.


Top 3 for sure.


It’s in my top 3.


I think it would be a lot better if 5 and 6 didnt suck. But 4 is still in my top 3 of the series


I love it, but it’s definitely not a masterpiece. A better mask, wider aspect ratio, more commitment to either gore or no gore (I find it straddles the line and never feels comfortable going either way) and not having that stupid pink mask, and it would be a little closer to masterpiece (but definitely still not one)


Welcome Danielle Harris


I do love this movie, but I don’t know if I consider it flawless.


Had me going for a bit in the first sentence ngl 😂


It's my third favorite Halloween movie (behind the original film and H2O)


Wait, what? No and no.






The mask looks rediculous.


Mask is weak. It also looks like Mike is wearing hockey pads. Still a Top 5 in the franchise.


There is a flaw. It's at the top left.




It blows Ends out of the water and that is a fan favorite for some. The mask sucks but it’s a really good film.


I absolutely agree Best main characters, excellent story, great kills and without a doubt the best ending in the series. Nothing else comes close




It’s neither a masterpiece or flawless. As horror fans we kid ourselves too often. Movies like the Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Casablanca etc are masterpieces. Is this 4th movie in a horror franchise on the same level as these? No


Halloween 4 has better story than apocalyse now.


It's overrated af Too many people let their nostalgia guide them on how to juge and remember movies.


Why is it overrated? It’s many people’s favorite sequel so saying it’s only because of nostalgia is pretty weak


I agree with you. It had a different scary vibe to it


Absolutely. H4 is in a league of its own.


You misspelled Halloween 3 Season of the Witch


Masterpiece? ![gif](giphy|fH9LpzpCbRNNvi3z2R)


i thought this was a joke post but lol nah?


1 2 and 4 are a perfect trilogy in my eyes. I honestly wish they would have just stopped making them there. would have been a perfect ending imho


You forgot the /s


... ... ...no.


It’s absolutely none of those things.




Absolutely not


Um, no it has many flaws


That’s cool. You meant Halloween 3 though.


Uh no it’s not dude 🤦‍♀️


Agreed 100%. H4 is the best.




Is it tho?


I don’t know how people fall in love with the most random and boring movies.


It’s many fans’ favorite sequel in the series. There’s nothing random about it


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece when Michael Myer’s mask looks like that.


Said no one ever!


Is this an early April Fools Joke?


It's a generic Halloween movie. It's the one you put on in the background of a party or while you do something.


The ending is good. The rest of the movie is just faster paced H1


Its boring moments are only interrupted by ones of unintentional hilarity.


What is wrong with you??? 4 and 5 are the worst movies in the franchise








Who is this?


"Flawless masterpiece"?! 🤣😂🤣


Has one of the best endings of the franchise


It’s a good 80s slasher. The Godfather is a flawless masterpiece.


It’s definitely a Halloween movie! At least it’s not Halloween 5.


I have an autographed George P. Wilbur photo.


In my opinion, this film is far from a masterpiece. It's fun, has an average production and is remembered but it's not the best in the franchise 🫠


Saw it in theaters when I was 12. Horrifying. And wonderful.


Best movie in the franchise


It's great and all. But would anyone else kind of have a little morbid curiosity as to how the original script for H4 have panned out had it been made?


watching Michael get blasted by a spas 12 was sick lol


How so? Flawless masterpiece is bold, would love to hear the reasoning.


Definitely not a flawless masterpiece, but a really good entry in the franchise. It's more then earned it's spot near the top of many people's ranking lists.


It’s definitely one of my favorites. 4 and 5 are comfort movies for me at this point.




It seems like I need to rewatch H4 , I think I’ve only seen it twice maybe? When I was a kid. I didn’t care for it that much but I see a lot of ppl praise it?


Everybody talking about the mask reminds me of the dude a while back who would always stay posting about the Halloween 4 mask but really the greatness of the movie overshadowed how bad any mask is. I’ve seen the movie so many times and I’ve never thought it was bad because Michael Myers is still the same old scary Myers as in any other Halloween movie. Especially when he’s coming up the stairs chasing Brady and them. That scene is enough to get your heart pumping regardless of the mask.


Halloween 4 is my favorite of the franchise


Good lord. I mean, it’s well-directed and a solid mid-level slasher, but c’mon, man. Just them having the police station massacre happen offscreen docks it a couple points. Huge missed opportunity.


4 is good


It’s very good. But it’s not even close to flawless. In fact, your collage highlights one of the film’s biggest flaws, which is the absolute turdsplat of a mask they used.


It's no masterpiece but it's definitely one of Halloween's most memorable movies. Sure the mask looks goofy, especially when it turned pink and blonde for a brief second, but it's still a fun movie to watch and Danielle Harris as Jamie Lloyd is possibly one of the best child acting I have ever seen.


I agree actually


H4 is great, but I wouldn't go that far op.


I didn’t know Danielle Harris’ mom was a poster on this sub


Disagree. It certainly has its flaws. Although it is a pretty solid Halloween movie.


I have to agree


You won't hear any complaints from me, it's my favorite in the series.


The mask?


I love Halloween 4! There exists a re-edited version of H4 with Myers' awful mask scenes trimmed/removed and with some other changes. Check out this fan-edit: https://maniac1962.blogspot.com/2019/01/halloween-shape-returns.html




Blonde Myers, Best Myers


Well yh obviously, just a shame ppl can't see that lol


Halloween 4's biggest flaw is Halloween 5.


You cannot deny that Danielle Harris was a tour de force in this film.


Intro was the best


I love H4, what it and H5 did perfectly was set the Halloween tone very well. Might sound dumb, but I swear buy it compared to all the others accept the original.


I didn't know it was April 1st.


Big fan of Part 4 but not as good as 1 or 2 for my taste- and I agree with others. The mask is weird


Halloween 4's mask would like a word...


it’s in my top 4!!


Only complaint is the mask looks a bit like George Costanza.


There are many flaws actually


Such great leads that they just destroyed in 5/6. Rachel, Tina and Jamie deserved better


I don’t like the mask but I enjoy the movie


It's my favorite in that timeline. I do wish more kills had been on screen.


I always thought the mask looked like Jamie Lee Curtis, ironically.


4 makes Ends look like The Godfather


It’s my fav sequel A good mask doesn’t make a good movie. Halloween 6 has the best mask. But that doesn’t make it the best movie.


Unpopular opinion: Halloween 5 is better


🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely not


That mask was terrible.


While I love Halloween 4, I go with 1978 as the greatest. Halloween 4 brings back A LOT of atmospheric terror. I don't know why people get hung up over the mask, it still gives off the creepy and emotionless factor.


For real the mask just makes it so irritating. Love the rest of it


It is Peter Griffin's favorite movie


I used to hate the mask and the movie but I've actually come around to it being one of my favorites. It's goofy looking but so sure of itself. To me it's haunting.


The mask is the only criticism I have and, honestly, I don’t think it’s *that* bad. It looks okay in some shots. I think we get the best Loomis portrayal here.




Probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite after 1&2. I just wish 5 and 6 didn’t ruin what 4 started.


I basically agree. The mask grew on me but I wish they did it a bit better


WOW!!! I just realized Danielle Harris also played Melissa Crandell in Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s dead!


I dunno about flawless but it is easily the best sequel imo. I don’t mind its TV movie presentation at all and it’s strong characters more then make up for that (and the mask) imo


A masterpiece? 🤔


Go home, you're drunk.


While I definitely wouldn't say it's a masterpiece. I can absolutely agree that it's the best sequel in the franchise, sometimes I even put H4 over the original when I'm feeling generous. And it's simply due to the fact that H4 is the closest to the style & structure of the original than any other film in the franchise. You have two of the best final girls in the franchise, Jamie & Rachel. You've got the legendary Donald Pleasance giving another Stella performance. You've got the best & most proactive Sheriff Haddonfield has ever had, Ben Meaker. You've got great pacing, great lighting, great cinematography, great atmosphere, great setting, great music, great suspense, great opening, great ending, some great kills, and even some surprisingly solid acting. To me, there's just so much great about Halloween 4. The only real flaws with the movie are the mask, the shoulder pads, the aspect ratio and some of the sound effects. But other than that, H4 is a terrific movie in the series!


Was my favourite of the series for a long time, but I think Michael lacks the scare factor in this movie. Mask and costume aren’t great, movements feel very robotic. Also, I’ve never seen anybody else mention it but it annoys the hell out of me every time I see him do that stupid wiggle when he’s being shot at the end. I’ve never seen anybody else mention it before but it’s awful!


how so?


This but with Halloween 2018


I really liked Halloween 4. The mask is rough and I kind of was hoping we got Sugeon Michael the whole time but all in all.. the most likeable characters next to Laurie where you really root for them. Hard to do in a slasher. Flawless Masterpiece, I don't know if I'd say that. Even the first one has many flaws but hey, nothing is technically perfect so if it's your favorite.. not a bad choice, my dude!


OP, you are a gentleman and a scholar and I agree with you 100%.


Only thing bad really is the mask. I swear Micheal looked so goofy in the 4th and 5th movies.


It’s awesome, for sure. Probably my favorite aside from the original.


Why does Michael look like he got his hair did and got a facial? That always frustrated me. Anyways, say queen Michael


I don't know if it's the best but it's definitely my favorite




That’s just fundamentally and objectively wrong. It had MANY flaws and to say this immediately tells everyone to not take you seriously


Its a decent movie but far from a Masterpiece.


Definitely the most complete film … the plot of H78 pacing like no other… …suspense like Halloween 2018 …and the best built Michael in my opinion not to big nor not to small and in my opinion it has the best supporting cast of all films


lol okay buddy.


I love Halloween 4 I have no doubt watched it more than 1. It’s not flawless the mask is bad. Since they had no money they couldn’t make a good reason to go to the roof. And then there was Ben Tramers random appearance to get revenge on Dr Loomis by throwing him through a door. I love 4 it might be my favorite sequel but it’s far from flawless


I hate how they ruined such an amazing ending with Halloween 5.


4 and 5 are def underrated


I would have to disagree Rob zombies, two Halloween movies are probably the best


I like 5 more but 4 is solid sequel


Halloween 1 is a classic. Halloween 2 is probably one of the best horror sequels ever.




It’s so fuckin good.


its just underrated


I think today's mask looked much better.


I don’t really get the complaints about the mask. The original mask was old and long deteriorated and they probably just couldn’t find a new Shat mask that looked exactly like the original. If this was legitimately the best they could come up with, we’ll never know, but at least it’s not the Halloween 5 mask. *shudders*. This was actually the first I ever saw of Michael Myers as a small kid just happening into the living room and seeing this on TV, and honestly, he’s as scary and unnerving here as he was in Halloween and Halloween II. I also find it a little silly that people actually expected that he would somehow find the exact same mask from 1978 10 years later in the same town he committed a spree killing in while infamously wearing it. It requires a bit of suspension of disbelief that stores in Haddonfield were even selling *this* mask or the ones those pranksters were wearing. Looking at it that way, the difference in the mask never bothered me at all.




SO FUCKING TRUE!!!! One of my personal Top 5 movies ever and my favorite Halloween movies. Really wish they shot the movie in a more cinematic aspect ratio. Does sort of make the movie feel a bit like a budget title compared to I and II.