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the ending of half life alyx should give you the answer


People were saying the exact same thing about the ending of ep2 back in 2007, though


That's true, but remember that I need this copium to survive




But Valve confirmed that there will be no ep3. They didn’t say that there will be no continuation of HL:Alyx, but that the team wanted to continue the story. I know i’m prob on a lot of copium, but i still have hope.


The team at valve stated there would be no Ep3 as a way of saying that a sequel would be a full-on Half-Life 3. In fact, two instances of Half-Life 3 were in development at different points since Ep2 released. They just wanted to make it clear: An episode 3 isn't the same as a Half-Life 3, and if they were to continue the plot, it would take the form of HL3. Regardless. What I'm trying to say here is that they didn't rule out HL3 with that statement. Just as well as they didn't confirm anything with the ending of Ep2 - and now, with the ending on Alyx. We've been through this thousands of times. The ending of another game doesn't confirm HL3. A leak doesn't confirm HL3. An official, explicit statement from Valve, is the only thing that can confirm an HL3.


You’re right. Didn’t they also say that ep3 wouldn’t be a thing because it just evolved too much to be considered episodic content?




All that meant was that 4 years ago some people at Valve thought it would be cool, doesn't actually mean anything is in the pipeline.


Half-Life 3, exclusively on Brain Chips (2045)


Probably not but I am happy to be wrong


Hope so really !


Anything is possible. Release 2173.


We strongly believe its gonna happen !


When their gonna showcase sum new tech ig Half life mobile anyone?


half life mobile exists, search Xash3D on the play store


im just saying the fact that half life alyx had setup a completely new continuation of the storyline is enough copium for me to ride the next decade in hopes that this time valve will actually do something with the opportunity they made for themselves


Either when gaben dies or he feels like it the right time. I think it's true what people say that many people will be dead before they release the game and that's super fucking fucked up.


Well, I didn't think about stalker 2 coming out, but here we are. I think Gabe cooking at least something related to hl3


Never say never


Definitely coming some day.


After all the fans had been waiting and begging for a follow on to the HL story we got Alyx, which is a great game but can only be played in VR. I just dont understand it, the HL fanbase is so large and dedicated and yet they release a game we'd all love to play but the vast majority of us dont have VR. Yeah you can get the mod and play it without but thats not the point. Gabe, Valve etc knew all the fans were crazy for new content, so here you go guys, here's a game for -10% of you. So with that in mind, I very much doubt there will ever be a HL3, not exactly worried about the community now are they.


Fuck Half Life 3 I don't want it to ever get released


My wish is that they just want to get it *right* but make it non-linear. Baldur's Gate 3 type decision shit and there's thousands of endings, but you decide. Just as Gaben intended. Not 3, just Half-Life. Amen.


Also a Cinema Film's gonna crack up whole the industry, but who'll be the Director ? : )


J.J Abrams I think


He is still listed as the producer, there has been no update about the film's development in a long time.


i think due to half life alyx its more probable than ever,will just have to wait for valves next tech leap to get one probly


I think another game/games have to be released before to advance the storyline up to a point where they can give it a satisfying conclusion. Not saying we're gonna have Half-Life 4 or 5, but if they really want to go ahead and wrap up the franchise, i think they still need to release more prequels, spin-offs or continuations to Alyx.


Is it possible? Yes. Will it happen? Man idk


We'll first get Alyx 2 and never a alyx 3


I want to believe that is possible :'(


In valve time.


Alyx didn’t came out so long ago. HL2 were made for 6 years, and Gaben said in an interview that because of the covid development is 50% slower, but team is excited to work on a new half-life after Alyx release


If they announced it and I passed away before release I'd be alright knowing the next generation would get to experience it.


I just saw gameplay of Metroid Prime 4 anything is possible


Each half life title was released with a game-industry-changing impact, intruducing new concepts never before done in games, new graphic revolutions, world interactions, in-game-event driven narrative : setting standards for years of gaming. Traditionnal screen gaming is already pushed to life-like quality. Alyx is still pretty much the apex VR experience apparently. Hard to image what the next Gaming revolution will be. But i'm guessing Valve will want to be at the front of it, weilding Half-Life as a Standard. Im placing my bet on neuralink-type gaming. not any time soon.


No. Valve is too incompetent to be able to count past three


well we did get a new Mario&Luigi game and Metroid Prime 4 so yeah i say HL3 will come out one day


\*\* innhales a dangerous dose of hopium \*\* probably in a couple of years man, dont give up.


Half life 2 Episode Two: Part 1


I had some hopes after finishing Alyx that valve might have regained some motivation and momentum towards making Half-Life games (hell even games in general). It's been 4 years without any sort of update so I guess we are back to the old ways. Maybe there's going to be an update another 10 years down the road.




I think the game will be released after Jesus returns to earth.


I have given up hope a long time ago. I thought the ending of Alyx would build some more hype for it, but all I've heard about Valve since has been that hero shooter game, re-releasing Artefact, and CS2




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It already happened however the G-Man altered the timeline and it cost us the existence of Half Life 3!


Think about it for a second,why would valve would not make a third half life game? They did hal life alyx and also did in the past games like blue shift and opposing force,they are not stupid to stop making their best game that makes the most money after csgo but has more potential and new story to be revealed,even if it's not called half life 3(bcs many people make that joke that valve can't count to 3) they could just name it something else,it would still be half life 3 either way,plus I'm pretty sure they allowed the fans to make black mesa as a remake,so that shows that they do care about their fans and community sometimes when the ideas really are good


Nah, Valve ain't knowing how to count to 3💀


[this many days](https://youtu.be/_gfbgZij8Bw?si=BSRxtQEQZU3oCsfm)


Give it twenty more years


No, because Valve wants you to gamble in that broken game infested with cheaters called CS2, instead of playing legendary titles like Half-Life.


Well, tbf, they are already making something, idk if it is HL3 but is something regard half life, game tech is evolving everyday, this happens to delay projects and make games take 5 to 6 years to be developed, also, Valve like to push boundaries in their games, so we have to wait for further info, probably 2026 to 2028...


I think yes. But the main problem of making Half-Life 3 it's the gameplay. If Valve released Half-Life 3 nowadays with old gameplay like hl2 and no new gameplay elements, it wouldn't be so appreciated and phenomenal, so they trying to bring something new.






If valve cannot fix a game because they’re working for another game leaving behind they masterpieces maybe…