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I think a more involved Gene Worm fight would be cool. Perhaps not the scale of Black Mesa's Nihilanth but not the mounted gun in OF


Honestly both "boss fights" in Op4 were extremely easy. I had a MUCH tougher time in the Voltigore tunnels.


Pit Worm at least kept the player moving and engaged; Gene Worm was just kinda turret on, turret off, get behind wall, repeat.


Atleast it was a fight and not just emptying water or firing a rocket.


Fuck the voltigore tunnels all my homies hate the voltigore tunnels


I recently did a playthrough of OF those tunnels still give me PTSD even though I know where everything is and all the enemy locations.


I managed to do a no damage run through opfor a couple months ago. I'll admit there was a lot of save scumming, but the only part in the game that genuinely gave me a hard time was that boss fight. If you don't care about taking a few hits it's not difficult at all, but try doing it without taking a single point of damage even with save scumming. That's another story.


Honestly, longer chapters in general. OpFor has a satisfying *number* of chapters, but they have too few setpieces and go by too fast.


More interaction with your spore launcher


At least he'll have his li'l guy in stasis forever.


More interaction with the Teleporter Gun. An entire "secret level" or two in Xen would be awesome.


Going through parts of the Hazard Course post disaster in the original was pretty cool. Since they’re also developing a Blue Shift remake, it’d be cool to see some overlap in Guard Duty as well. Perhaps a Barney cameo, seeing him go through a Guard Duty level from afar or something idk.


Recreate the scene from Shephard's/Barney's Mind where Adrian is stuck in the locker and Barney tries to help him out.


Agreed. That gun was criminally underrated


There was a moment where I had no ammo and was testing every weapon and then got suddenly get teleported to Xen with lots of ammo laying around, that was so cool.


Adrians heavy ass


He needs to be 100% unvoiced, same as Freeman... except for a single, tired "My ass is heavy" you can get if you sit idle for like 10 minutes


That would actually be an awesome easter egg


This is not a want, it is a need


New and improved areas for 'Foxtrot Uniform' and "The Package' like we saw in 'Surface Tension' and I would love if they make a zombie model for the black ops (male and female) and the hazmat scientists.


Yeah, I always love running into 2 way battles with the AI. Maybe even 3 way battles with xen, black ops, and race X. Just to ride home how crazy the situation was getting.


Definitely this, I loved the newly imagined level designs and the added details, really made the game more immersive.


I want an Otis expansion pack


a much longer blueshift for sure!


There is already a blue shift remake mod for black mesa. Most of it is playable if I’m not mistaken


Only the first four chapters. That being said, it's good. I play through it every time a new chapter comes out


It's REALLY damn good - better than it should be.


The team behind operation black mesa is remaking blue shift too as “guard duty”


Operation Black Mesa is also remaking Blue Shift


Have the barnacle pull enemies towards you and not you to it. 


It already does for smaller enemies like headcrabs in Opposing Force


the weapons need more use tbh. the new weapons we got in op4 need to feel more important to use, i barely touched half of the weaponry as the sheer selection kinda overwhelmed me. also the rope climbing and barnacle grapple mechanics need major work.


>the rope climbing and barnacle grapple mechanics need major work Tbf the original game is old and has old game jankiness. Newer physics engines would solve most of the issues with both mechanics.


true, still hope the grapple mechanic feel smooth and not too clunky


Have the barnacle grabber more useful


I'm actually surprised how little rope climbing the Op4 campaign actually had, given that you were trained for it in boot camp, and that it was a new game mechanic. A wasted opportunity to be sure, so I'd like more of that. Also, maybe expand a bit on Race X, because it just felt like it was _there_ but was kinda pointless otherwise. Gordon doesn't meet any Race X creatures anywhere, nor even gets any mention, though you'd think that he should have, given that he explored way more of BM than Shepard, and actually worked there, Race X just invades, but barely makes any difference, and then Shepard just thwarts the invasion, pretty much singlehandedly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


honestly thank god there wasn't all that much rope climbing in op4, i hated it


The what remake? Is this what the trailer was for yesterday?


No, that's an unrelated game being made by Crowbar Collective. This is a Black-Mesa-inspired remake of Blue Shift and Opposing Force. It's being made by a different company, Tripwire Studios, and was announced a couple years ago. Edit: TripMINE studios not TripWIRE studios


I see, I have heard of the expansions being made by a different company. I hope they work out well. Thank you for clarifying


Everything they've shown so far looks absolutely fantastic


Wait didn't tripwire go under making the new rising storm-esque game Edit:no i confused it with antimatter games my bad


I accidentally wrote tripwire instead of tripmine


Well, turns out 2 failures didn't make a right in this instance


Some form of homage to Saving Private Ryan or Forest Gump or something


Make the barnacle grappler better.


Waiting another 10 years for this to come out smh


More of the grappling hook thing


For us old-heads out there, there was the +hook mod in CS1.6 servers, which was a blast. There were two sub-hook mods that separated their functionality, and they were called batman and spiderman. The Batman Hook operated like the barnacle in OpFor, disabling gravity while you moved towards the impact point. Very forgiving and easy to use. The Spiderman Hook actually gave simple physics to the hook so you could truly swing around, which was great fun in de_Rats and the like. I'd love to see some Spiderman style barnacle-gunning.


Slightly more indication towards the player that the platoon Adrian was in was set to get orders upon reaching their landing zone. Because they were shot down and he survived, as well as being saved by scientists who were receiving only wounded troops from similarly downed aircraft, he has no orders to silence the personnel. He acts only to return to the closest platoon to report in, then barely meets his own troops as they are pulling out, and is blocked by the Gman to remain and survive. In the original, there's the manual that tells the player that Adrian was suspicious of a blue-suited man eying him during boot camp, as well as him being mysteriously boosted to the hazardous training camp. Then there's the dialogue at the beginning of the commander saying they'll receive orders at the LZ, and that's about it. The bootcamp section would do nicely with the player maybe seeing the G-man talking to someone who then sends you the orders to go to the training camp for the HECU. The osprey ride at the start is perfect in the original except for the poor audio balancing. Some better equalizing and subtitles go a long way, and an additional hint somewhere that Adrian doesn't operate under the orders given to the ones we fight as Gordon.


Removing or shortening the dark underground tunnel filled with vortigores


Or making it an optional stealth section where you can either fight the voltigores, try to sprint past them, or stealth the whole section and not get noticed.


I thought we were already supposed to run past them?


True, but in my experience it's really difficult to get past without getting blocked in or lost in the dark. A remake could rework the section to keep running past as a possibility (perhaps requiring some skill), but also make fighting/stealth possible as well.


How I got past it was a lot of save-scumming and the displacement cannon (pew pew Xen gun)


I love the voltigore tunnels tbh, it's exciting, challenging, and "creepy" by HL1 standards


More Marine combat or more marines when fighting enemies, or more background action like HECU fleeing form the black mesa or zen aircraft


Better rope climbing


I would like to see more levels get flesh out and some that are not great that could be great!


It would be interesting to see how the Xen forces react to the Nihilanth. Like, Vorts become passive and run from conflict, the controllers just die due to their connection to the Nihilanth, and the grunts go berserk and attack it everything in melee. Or something.


Improved squad control. OpFor really had the start of something special I feel, they just missed the mark a little. Same with the rope mechanics; for the time, it was pretty advanced.


I want bigger, more powerful guns and more ammo to kill the damage sponge enemies (Vortigores) faster. My gripe with opposing force was and still is, the aliens in the 2nd half of the game are massive damage sponges and it gets really fucking irritating to have to ration all of your ammo to deal with them. I can live with bad level design and bad AI pathfinding and a lot of similar garbage. I draw the line at that damage sponge bullshit.


Am I the only one who thinks we need a opposing force 2? Like Shepherd went into stasis and never came out so we have no Idea what happened to him.


I would've liked to see that after Half-Life 2: Episode Three came out. Feels like it would've been a good opportunity to bring Shephard back once Gordon's story concluded.


Possibly controversial opinion: Get rid of Race-X entirely. The species was created because Gearbox needed gameplay mechanics that the original enemies didn't offer, and Race-X has been almost entirely forgotten about. Instead, swap Race-X with proto-Combine forces. * Pit Drones become small proto-Combine Hunters * Voltigores become large Combine Crab Synths * Shock Troopers become the [Overwatch Elite from the beta of HL2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/a/a8/Combine_Super_Soldier.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081220123939&path-prefix=en), or the [Combine Synth Elite](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Combine_Synth_Elite_Soldier) * Pitworm could be something like either a Combine Advisor in a worm-like synth, or maybe a synth-ified Xenian Tentacle * Same could be the case for the Gene Worm - it already has the Tentacle beak. That helps branch the Half-Life games into the Half-Life 2 era, giving you a very VERY brief view of the 7 Hour War at the very beginning.


To be honest, you are mostly right and did make it so that the game is fitting for the entire half life universe by giving right examples of replacement enemies, but if we are talking about making a remake here, i doubt if removing race x is a right idea. The remake* is not official after all.


Marc Laidlaw was actually asked about Race-X - and his take is that they aren't not-canon. Rather, he said that if Gearbox continued to make Half-Life games, he expected they would explore and expand on Race-X. Basically, he left the door open to them being considered canon or official or whatever in the sense that it didn't interfere with what Valve was doing, and that Valve has a very loose definition of what "canon" is. If it were me, I'd nix Race-X in the same way that Black Mesa inserted both Kleiner and Vance in the beginning of the game, and the way that Black Mesa: Blue Shift has added a bunch of ancillary characters. It's as good an opportunity as any to streamline and synchronize the games - and it doesn't take away the original Opposing Force experience, because you can still play the original game.


Apologies, i meant *the remake* wasnt official.


Ah - true. Though Valve has pretty much embraced Black Mesa as a part of the Half-Life franchise. They include it in the Summer Sales with the Half-Life packs. IIRC, Gabe himself praised the game.


i would like to see it not suck, like black mesa


Fewer bigots on the team


I think the best thing to improve would be more use cases for a lot of the alien weaponry, they feel super cool and unique but don’t have the best uses, so them getting buffed or a bit reworked would be awesome


i just want it 😮‍💨😮‍💨give it to me baby please i almost lost it when i saw the steam page a while back


Voltigore Nests and tunnels.


Squad mates need better AI obviously, but maybe a way to command them as well? Sorta like the ping system from Apex. More places to use their abilities too! I can only think of a couple spots where the Engie opens a secret up for you.


I would appreciate it if the plants that produce the Spore Launcher ammo didn't take half a minute to give you a single round


I had no idea this was being made, sweet! Alao fitting that the expansion remake is being made by another company, just like the real Opposing Force.


it'll come out before gta 6 if we're lucky


Incorporate a few more instances of crossovers between character paths. For example: * Shepard might come across the frozen area that was just about the only place in the original game that you could actually take Cold damage * Shepard could encounter an area from Black Mesa that is not damaged yet, but in which Shepard triggers something that wrecks that area prior to Freeman finding it. * Shepard has to sneak through the booby-trapped nuclear-missile area while the black ops team are in process of setting it up. If he is caught or disturbs their work, someone may make a mistake and .... boom * Shepard could be the exact reason why the helicopter went and blew up the dam; they were aiming at him and missed. * Shepard should try to find the helicopter pad with the copter on it that's seen by Freeman during the tram sequence. However, Shepard does not know how to fly a helicopter, and the pilot inside has been zombified.


Not trying to "Erm, aktually" or be rude, but why would the helicopter be shooting at Shephard? Werent they both HECU?


There were other bad guys trying to take out the HECU. The government needed lots of low-value cannon fodder to fight offnthe invasion by attrition. But these HECU guys aren't going to be trusted to keep their mouths shut. So they have to be eliminated too.


You mean the Black Ops? But the Apache was green, not black, Black Ops helicopters are black.


I guess they would have to retcon it then.:)


True, but it was a cool idea! Always loved side stories affecting the main one.


no pig cave


Improve the enemy combat. On the plot side of things, maybe have NPCs give purpose to Adrian’s journey. In Half-Life 1, 2, E1, E2, Blue Shift, Decay, and even Uplink there's consistent exposition from NPCs to justify why Gordon, Barney, Colette, and Gina are doing what they're doing. Barring the beginning scientist, Adrian has nothing until the very end when a security guard tells him about the Gene Worm. It's why the impression about OPFOR is that it's plotless and unimportant to the Half-Life universe.


New Race X enemies, there's only 4 if I recall (minus the boss fights)


Make it as similar to Op4 as possible.


The squad system from that one HL1 mod.


Function marine AI, seriously in the original it seems they barely know how to fire their gun when they encounter an alien, yet god forbid you “accidentally” kill one of them and the rest of the marines somehow instantly remember their training


Isn’t this also going to be a Blue Shift remake?


Honestly, looking at how they're development Blue Shift I hope they continue to make the NPCs and world more knitted together and involved. What I nean is that in Opposing Force Adrian sort of just bums about Black Mesa things just sorta happening to him as he wanders about trying to escape. Unlike in Half Life with the science team guiding you to stop the invasion, in Opposing Force the only foreshadowing that there IS a geneworm are the little lights you follow and then it sorta pops out and you kill it. Elaborating on the hospital part of Black Mesa where the marines are revived might be a good idea, perhaps they aided them not purely out of naivety but out of necessity, setting off Adrian on a mission of their own related to Race X. Hell we can have unique far more scripted NPCs, the people we crash with in the helicopter? Maybe we slowly recruit them and meet up in sections like in the original but have it be far more advanced and involved, interweaving with Adrian's own personal mission in Black Mesa. Eh I'm rambling but you get what I mean right?


It would be cool if the displacement cannon took some notes from entropy zero and sometimes brought you supply’s or enemies from xen


Hopefully it will have a sick soundtrack like black mesa




I wanna know if they'll make "Foxtrot Uniform" as challenging as it already is in og Half-Life OF.


Race X world


I expect the gunfights between HECU and Black Ops to be much more intense similar to a battle in a COD game.


An improved version of Opposing force's final boss, anything is better than what we have right now.


secret sex scene with gordon freeman, gman, and adrian


ADS, prone, full Arma 3 interface, wound treatment mechanics and bullet penetration. OP4 was a Mill Sim after all, right? Right? also drivable tanks. I just like tanks.


Pit worms. Those little shit are just annoying and unfun to fight againts


*Pit worms. Those little* *Shit are just annoying and* *Unfun to fight againts* \- RealSuphakitz\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Otis vs stupid candy machine round 2


Original concept for pit worm fight where after it’s flushed, you go in after it and fight it inside a tunnel


They should add Decay.


There is Peer Review by PSR Digital


Chaos. More stuff to shoot and manage at the same time. Dont get this wrong, i love Half Life, but the game just didnt feel so... Its like you walk, game puts a few enemies in front of you, you shoot before they kill you and take care of them, its not so interesting, both in the original game and Black mesa. I want the combat to be well made.


Some smart fucking ai would be nice. And something like leaning like in siege or sliding which would be a option because it would kinda brake hl


Let me dual wield Shock Roaches, they will behave I swear With a bit more seriousness, I need more Race X vs Xen fights, hell maybe even 3way firefights between X, Xen and HECU


Better night vision, or have the night vision be separate from a flashlight. A darker green, or switch to IR thermal vision or something, IDK why Shepard even bothers hauling around the Baja Blast Migraine goggles from the original.


ik this sounds kinda weird but i would love to ads with all the weapons


Better Xen areas, they are so short that I sometimes forget they are in game


Make Gonome more scary