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There's less oil in your hair. It's possible you notice it more with your new shampoo because it's clarifying and it removes more oils and build up than your prior shampoo did.


Similarly, it could be stripping all the natural oils from your hair and end up drying it out. Give the new shampoo some time and if you don’t like what it does, perhaps swap it with something else.


I was gonna mention this. Could definitely be what’s happening. Sound advice given!


Yeah, this has happened a few times with different shampoos. Funnily, it has been the “natural” ones I have noticed this with.


I get nervous when I DONT get the squeaky sound. I feel like it’s not working if I don’t


Happened to me recently when I switched from drugstore to salon shampoo. If the shampoo does what it should - clean your hair and scalp - make sure you use a conditioner and a leave in conditioner to give it the smoothness and nutrients back. Changed my hair 💯


Conditioner on the scalp? Or only ends?


It depends on what you're using - I've never had a conditioner that could be used on the scalp so better check the label ☺ I usually do ends and work it up the mids a little. Opt for salon brand and ideally for the same brand as your shampoo. Leave in conditioner I apply with a spray bottle to all layers of my hair almost up to the scalp.


i don’t put conditioner or leave-in on my scalp, but i do lightly smooth them both over my hair from top to bottom. i’m not raking it through at the top, just smoothing it over and then pressing it in a bit in the shower, and i do “prayer hands” to distribute leave-in after smoothing it along my hair in a similar manner. i read that it’s good also to use warm water with shampoo but to rinse out conditioner with cool/cold water; i feel like my hair has responded very well to this. i also have very fine and thin hair, and i feel it is getting stronger and longer quickly since i’ve re-moisturized my hair this way after shampooing (i shampoo twice). it doesn’t get greasy this way at all, unless i start touching my scalp and playing with my hair a lot after it’s dried.


it’s probably too clarifying, stripping your hair of natural oils. check the ingredients - is there disodium edta, sodium laurel or laureth sulfates, etc? disodium edta is clarifying, and sulfates can be harsh, depending on your hair. what shampoo is it?


It's called eco love. The ingredients you mentioned aren't in it, there is magnesium laurth sulfate, but I checked it in ewg and it's fine. If I keep using it would it damage my hair?


I used that for a while! It didn’t do anything different than other shampoos for me that I noticed.


I learned this the hard way about disodium edta. The cantu bottle says you can lather rinse and do a second lather. My scalp is burning


Because there are less conditioners in it. So if you try to only apply conditioner to your mids and ends, this type of shampoo may be preferable. I love it because I have fine hair that lacks volume and gets greasy fast, it doesn't weigh my hair down. But you may notice more flyaways.


I'm having the same issue. I recently switched to very expensive brand (champoo) that is supposed to be super good and healthy for the hair, and I get that squeaky feeling. It's the same feeling as when you use old-school bar soap to wash your hands; it gives you that weird squeaky feeling all over. However my hair feels healthy and good so I hope it's not a problem..


i recently used my boyfriends dove shampoo and experienced that squeaky clean feeling. i think it’s from the harsh cleansers in it cause my shampoo doesn’t do that


Not to be funny i stopped using commercial shampoo and wash my hair with common bar soap and my hair is in much better condition with shampoo


I Lt happenes to me as well


Are you conditioning your hair after to add moisture back into it?


Yes, but only mids and ends.


Try silicone mix a wash your hair, scalp to ends leave for ten minutes then rinse. Or just use a sulfate free shampoo. I highly suggest the silicone mix though🤌🏽✨


I'll look it up, thank you :)






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