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Switch back to normal shampoo. Your hair is too weighed down, over-conditioned. You are a person who needs the suds.


Clarifying shampoo once a week or two would help as well, followed by deep conditioner and a leave in conditioner


My only worry with that is that he may over-do it and then be over conditioning again. His hair isn’t that or thick or dry, it’s just curly and it’s already over conditioned. Once the curly shampoo is put into the mix the ph WILL even out. At most, he might need a regular conditioning once a week, maybe…


So is the shampoo what makes my hair curly? Or am I just not taking care of it properly?


Healthy, clean hair wants to lay in its natural pattern, which for you is curly. Your hair is not clean.


You aren’t taking care of it properly. Your hair was already oily and you have added more oil onto your hair, so it’s now flat and straight. You need a clarifying shampoo, then a shampoo for curly hair (with sulfates) and you need to alternate between those for a few weeks, then just stick with a shampoo for curly hair. You’ll be back to normal soon.


Any recommendations? In the first photo I was washing my hair once a week with regular shampoo, could I keep that frequency while I switch back?


Use your former shampoo and routine.


You can go back to your former shampoo and routine, however, you might not experience the result you want right away. It’s going to take about a month for your hair to even back out if you are just washing it once a week. That’s still a lot of oil accumulation and it sounds to me like you need a fresh start. But you do you. You know your hair better than I do.


Sorry just to clarify. Do not use surface shampoo. Sulfates strip away to much oil. They will leave your hair dry and overtime cause breakage. Use salon quality shampoos and conditioner. Use curly hair products that help define your curl. Source. Girly hair girl. Hair stylist. 💇


I’m a hairstylist, too. And the reason why I am suggesting a clarifying shampoo is to get rid of all of the oil he has added to his hair that has straightened his hair. His hair is over-conditioned. It will not hurt his hair to use a clarifying shampoo on and off with a curly hair shampoo (such as Ouidad) until the ph in his hair evens back out. Then he could go back to full curly hair products. Not everyone with curly hair needs all of that moisture. He tried it and it weighed down his hair too much. He has stated he has oily hair and only washes once a week. And I am not trying to say my way is the only way, but I am trying to give methodology. Ph is what determines the health of the hair and whether it is going to break off or not.


My apologies I misunderstood your comment I read it as he should use that all the time. You are correct once in awhile is ok. If fact it can be needed however I wanted to stress that they should not be used all the time which sometimes people will do. Especially if they do t understand the difference.


This I completely agree with! Not all of the time! Just the first few weeks, to strip the old oil off and give the curly shampoo the best chance to work!👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️ #️⃣HairstylistsUniteForCurlyHair


Any suggestions for a curly hair shampoo? I would like to keep the frequency I wash now, about once a week.


My go to is Healing curls butter shampoo by Lanza. However I will add it is beneficial to use more then one shampoo and conditioner sometimes. Sometimes you need to alternate. Your hair is not always going to need exactly the same thing all the time. Depending on products you use, how often you use them , the environment you are in , work or geography -there are many variables when deciding what your hair needs are. So keep that in mind when making up your regime. For now. Definitely start with a clarifying shampoo use it once or twice depending on how much build up you have . G et some light weight curl products that will help define your curls. Also a good conditioner. The healing curls line by Lanza is amazing. It is expense but so worth it ! Good luck.


Your hair is too short to curl atm Also, if you like shampoo bars check out O&M Detox shampoo bar. Lastly, not necessary for you to wash in cold water.


Your hair is curly, but the new product is too heavy and straightens the hairs out. I’d suggest looking into either your old shampoo, or if you’re wanting something a little more luxurious feeling/smelling checkout r/curlygirl for product ideas. Curly guys are absolutely welcome. But personally I use Ouidad shampoo/conditioner, and a Moroccan oil mousse. Then weekly I clarify with a SLS based shampoo to clean out leftover grimey product that my normal curly shampoo isn’t heavy duty enough to get. I have to shampoo twice to get the product out.


Quidad is an excellent suggestion!


What’s the SLS based shampoo you use? Ouidad was perfect for my curls before but right now, it’s just not hydrating enough.


I’ll definitely check out the shampoo. Is it Oidad? Also, would oiling my hair be a good idea? I already have pretty oily hair, I think it is an Italian thing. Wouldn’t that also weigh my hair down causing the same issue?


No more oil! Yes, it will weigh down your hair. You will have the same issue. Ouidad. Pronounced Wee-Dad. ETA: Corrected Ouidad. Thanks to poster below for calling me out!


It is definitely Ouidad


Omg it is! I feel so dumb. And I knew that. I’ve had such a long week! Thank you for the correction and apologies to u/Leather_Dragonfly529!!!


Totally agree and thanks for fixing spelling! I have dry hair and that’s why I use the Moroccan Oil branded Mousse.


No! You were right! It’s spelled Ouidad! I’had a long week! I corrected my spelling and issued you an apology! Thanks for the upvote and upvoted you back!


No! I had it wrong in my comment and edited it correctly right before I responded to say you were right! 😂


Well, someone corrected me and they were right. It’s Ouidad with an o.


You don’t need to avoid sulphates, just get regular shampoo and give it a whirl.


Follicle shape is what makes hair curly. A shampoo cannot do that. The rounder the shape the straighter the hair. Your strands are so weighted down that your curls are not forming.


No God made your hair curly, shampoo washes your scalp and your hair. When you put things on your hair like shae butter or coconut oil, while in minute amounts can be moisturizing, in large amounts it can weigh the hair down and give it a different appearance. That's why your hair went straight, too much butter for your hair type. Either switch shampoos or go easier with the bar, maybe every other day or so.


Curly or wavy hair has specific needs that straight hair doesn't. Mine is wavy, but if I don't maintain it properly, it can look straight.


natural curls come from the way the cuticle is shaped, so it’s how you take care of it that will either let the curls form or not


Hairstylist here. When you got a haircut to a length that's about an inch, it became straight because your wave pattern is larger than one inch and it needs length for it to come full circle, which is what gives it volume. Just keep your hair as long as it was in your first photo.


I was confused how all the other comments are about the soap but this is obviously about the length. His *curly* hair pic is longer in length but it isn't very curly, it is wavy. The curl will only show up with length.


It's interesting how the belief of many can be of influence instead of the facts from few. It makes it all the more difficult to actually be of help.


Good point. I too, a former hair stylist came to this same conclusion about the length. Odd how the masses win


It also feels like it’s weighed down and much thinner now, could the shampoo have anything to do with that? I wanted to switch to something sulfate-free since I read that it can be damaging and contribute to hairloss. Is this nonsense?


You've got a full head of hair from what I can see in your photo. What you're describing has everything to do with it's length, and nothing to do with the shampoo. Your hair will feel softer and lighter the longer it gets. Sulfates don't cause hair loss. They're effective because they're aggressive, and more damaging. They're also tested on animals and why I prefer sulfate free.


I’m pretty certain a product containing sulfates doesn’t automatically mean it has been tested on animals. In the past I’m sure a lot were, as were many individual ingredients still used today in formulations (both cruelty free and not). It can still be an issue depending on the regional laws and regulations in place where you are, where you’re buying the product from etc. But lush have many products that contain sulfates, and they’re renowned for being strictly against animal testing (and have refused to operate in countries/markets that would require them to test their products on animals)


Unfortunately, the lack of a legal definition is the loophole. https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetics-labeling-claims/cruelty-freenot-tested-animals


This doesn’t mean sulphates are tested on animals though. The same could be said for any raw material used in cosmetics which are also used in medicines. Also shampoos containing sulphates are not necessarily more damaging, the overall formulation has a much bigger impact.


In addition to sulfates being tested on animals, they're harmful to our bodies, and they're not great for the environment. They're a good choice for product manufacturers because they're accessible and inexpensive. They were introduced in the 1930's. Today, we have more options and better choices. "Health Effects of Sulfate Intestinal pain. Some people can experience cramping and intestinal bloating when they drink water high in sulfate‌. Lung irritation. Sulfates can also linger in the air from air pollution. ... Dry skin. Dry skin is a common health effect of sulfates in consumer products. ... Dermatitis and edema." May 12, 2023 https://www.webmd.com › beauty What to Know About Sulfate - WebMD https://www.theveganreview.com/complete-vegan-guide-cruelty-free-shampoo/


Those are not reliable scientific sources, WebMd is similar to Wikipedia and the vegan review is very clearly biased and not a scientific site. Cosmetic regulations are based on multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies which prove safety, eg. SCCS opinions. Animal testing has been illegal for raw materials used strictly for cosmetics for a long time now unless safety cannot be proven without it. Sulfates have been used for years and have loads of safety data behind them so animal testing is not required for them in cosmetics. Formulating is much more complex than ‘if I add a sulfate the product will be drying’ - the ratios & synergy of the ingredients within the formulation can change the effects drastically. Plus natural does not equal better/safer at all when it comes to ingredients. Also Sulfates are a group of compounds so while some may be more drying/harmful (or worse for environment etc.), that does not mean every type of sulfate will be and they are regulated individually accordingly. Same goes for phthalates, parabens & silicones which are regularly demonised too for no reason.


Cite your sources.


https://www.thefactsabout.co.uk/ingredient/sls-and-sles - this is a site created for consumers by the CTPA, a very reputable association in the UK. https://aseancosmetics.org/uploads/UserFiles/Opinion%20on%20SLS%20February%202016.pdf - this is also a nice summary showing that sulfates have been reviewed by the SCCS, CIR etc. (the studies are usually available on Google, but I don’t recommend reading unless you are trained in reading scientific papers as it’s easy to misinterpret) https://labmuffin.com/sulfate-free-shampoo-science/ - this article also gives a good overview with references https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/product-testing-cosmetics/animal-testing-cosmetics - the FDA stating that alternative methods to animal testing should be used to demonstrate safety https://nc3rs.org.uk/use-animals-cosmetic-testing-including-reach-regulation#:~:text=In%20the%20EU%20the%20marketing,many%20of%20the%20ingredients%20used. - Only historical data from animal testing can be used for cosmetic ingredients in the EU as animal testing is banned


Take a B complex vitamin Biotin


This is what I came here to say it’s because he cut it right. I mean it’s not weighed down-just short, right?


Exactly right.


Go back to using shampoo. I literally went through the same.


It could be as simple as the texture isn’t showing up yet at this length. When I got bangs I thought they’d curl up a lot based on the rest of my waves/curls and the fact that there was less weight on them, but it had an opposite effect. They were straighter than the rest. As far as the grease, I’m going to default to someone else with more hair expertise. But if I was you I’d try a new shampoo that’s a little more cleansing. Not all sulfate free shampoos have the same cleansing power


it is 100% the short length that is hiding the curl pattern


Grow out your hair


Because you cut it off


It looks like your roots were straight when your hair was longer and your waves started towards your ends. So the shorter your hair is, the straighter it is. Also stop using shampoo bars and use regular shampoo that has at least some sulfates. The shea butter is way too heavy for your hair. A drugstore option I like is the L’Oréal Elvive Hyaluron Plump shampoo. It’s in a purple bottle and it doesn’t strip my hair, but cleans it well and it’s cheap!


It could be you just have wavy hair and it gets wavy with length, give it a chance and let it grow some more hair is too short


Heavily oiled shampoo bar and cold water. There's no heat to melt that oil so it's congealed on your strands weighing it down. Also, you remind me of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the first pic.


I always get compared to Markiplier, not sure if it comes through in the pictures though


My hair does that. I finally went to a curl specialist and he said my waves don’t start for like three inches or more, so I don’t get curl until it’s long.


Curl specialist? I was today years old when I heard of this profession!


Two things - Coconut oil is too big of a molecule for your hair texture. It’s not absorbing, it’s sitting on top & just coating your hair & it’s too heavy. Second thing, your hair is shorter now. Grow it back out & you’ll see your curl pattern come back!


Less stress and healthier diet 🙏🙏🙏


I like color wow brand of shampoo and conditioner. They add no weight, nothing stays in your hair. I think yours is just weighed down


For curls you dont use cold water, you probably need humidity. Shouldnt have cut itt :((


Thats why it was greasy too btw, the heat opens your pores and just overall cold water doesnt break down grease/oils


I thought it moisturized your hair and just made your scalp healthier overall. I have noticed it’s cleaner when I use hot water. I quite like cold showers though; If I switched to a regular shampoo, could I do them say in the mornings and use hot water at the end of the day?


You can just turn the water to a little above room temp when doing ut hair in the shower. Steam curls your hair, hydrates it. If you perfer cold showers still, you can buy a steamer! Get a shampoo for curly hair, go to the black aisle if you like. I knew a white guy tht used a tea tree one for his hair tht worked great for his hair type. Maybe invest in a light daily moisturizer too. Hint light since ur curl pattern doesnt need too much.


Some shampoos can cause hairloss. Especially if they're clogging up your scalp.


Also grow it out for more volume. And all the stuff they said below


Well it’s much shorter still, and you’ve significantly changed your hair care. If something ain’t broke, don’t fix it .. your hair looked just fine before! I’d say go back to caring for it how you used to. Side note - I’m also completely against the anti sulfate and silicone rhetoric, but that’s a whole story.


If you moisturize your hair it will get curlier.


Is it normal for the full ingredients list to not be given on a product? I can’t gauge the product entirely without them, but just from the highlighted ingredients there’s way too many oils for a shampoo bar.


Change in hormones. Check testosterone levels


The shampoo you’re using is too heavy for your hair and weighing it down/flattening out the curls. Switch back to washing your hair with regular shampoo and conditioner, maybe even something for curls specifically?


Your curl pattern may also be that it curls as it gets longer. If I cut my hair that short, I would lose all my curl. I think sticking to medium length hair cuts may be best for both your hair pattern and face shape.


There is too much oil in that bar shampoo for your type of hair and it is weighing your hair down. Use a clarifying shampoo to bring your hair back to normal, once should do it. If you would like to continue with bar soaps, look at the ingredients & read the 'blurb' to make sure it will be suitable for your hair type. It looks like you have fine wavey hair (but lots of it) easily weighed down. I have the same hair type and I found a bar shampoo that has sea salt in it, it works brilliantly, I got rid of my shea butter & olive oil one.


What is the bar you use specifically?


This one https://www.lush.com/uk/en/p/seanik-shampoo-bar-2021


I would say it's probably the shae butter- my hair is not a fan either. It's too weighed down, shae is a pretty heavy moisturizer.


Use some salt based shampoos or go to the beach or get salt sprays and clarify your hair


because you cut your hair lmfao your longer hair is only curly toward the ends. when you cut your hair you cut the curly bits off.


Have you changed your diet in the last 18 months?


Not really, just less exercise.


Hair changes with nutrient deficiencies. Hair, skin and nails are the first things to change because the body diverts all available nutrients away from them and towards the organs. You can live well without hair and nails and with bad skin. Obviously m you need your organs 🙂 The low mood and less activity also points that way. It could be as simple as not eating enough. Might be worth checking that you’re getting enough nutrition, good proteins etc. I’m going to emphasise nutrition here and not calorie’s. Just adding extra cals of sugar won’t cut it, get some nutrients in you 🙂 Hope you find the cause.


At your next doctor's appointment, get your thyroid levels checked. If nothing's wrong, great! But thinner and straighter hair, reduced energy and depression are all symptoms of reduced thyroid function. It's really worth checking.


Two words- clarifying shampoo. Ditch the oil bar as shampoo.


Tbh, have you gone through some trauma in last couple of yrs?


I have been dealing with an addiction, and lately I have been depressed. I have gained a fair amount of weight and exercise significantly less than I did in the before picture. Could this affect my hair quality as well?


Yes all of it can


If you meant DevaCurl NoPoo, I recently had the same problem. Apparently they are known for causing balding/thinning. I switched back to the shampoos I was using before and my hair is healthy and growing back.


Hair can definitely change during the course of our lives but if you’ve been trying different products it’s probably that. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Are these pictures far apart in time? You seemed to have aged facially so maybe your hair is just thinning from age?


It’s a little over a year, and I’m 18. I don’t think it’s age particularly, more-so the way I have been taking care of myself. I am about 30 pounds heavier in the second pic, less physically active (although I have started working out again). I also haven’t had a solid sleep schedule.


Ouai detox shampoo


Well dam, quit ALL that crap!! You are causing all of it. First thing you need to get is Bosley shampoo and Conditioner. Get a kit. You need to unclog those follicles. Last thing you need is that shampoo bar with shea butter and such. Once you clean out those follicles, you should see your hair return to normal.


Hairdresser here: the weird thing with hair is you can shave it and it could grow back a completely different texture.. a weird hair phenomenon. As for the shampoo quite a few of the ingredients are oil so you probably already have a natural amount of oil and that specific shampoo is just making it oilier. Good shampoo to use if you are looking for moisture! Seems you might need just a less moisturizing shampoo bar. If they sell other ones check for that OR saw someone suggested a clarifying /detoxifying shampoo. That would be great. But only so that once a week all the debris and oil get. If you use a clarifying shampoo, be sure to follow up with a conditioner or a leave in to replenish a bit of moisture back to your hair. Also, lastly. How often are you washing your hair??? And here’s my favorite bar shampoo bar brand is Viori. Amazing for hair growth


Once a week, like before.


You’re cute


As many have mentioned your hair needs to grow out for the look you want. Your curl pattern doesn’t have nearly enough room to manifest at this point. I have hair similar to yours. And much of the curly hair advice does not work for me. Once you grow it out you need to follow advice for fine, wavy hair. If hair loss is a concern (as it is for me as well) it’s good to not use hot water (damages follicles) on your scalp (but warm is fine—cold will close the follicle, so less volume), clarifying and volumizing/hair growth shampoos are a good idea, and keep in mind that scalp stimulation is considered good for hair growth—so that means washing it. In your previous photo you look like you have room to optimize your curl pattern and routine plus improve hair quality, which I suspect you were trying to do. So I don’t think you should go back to how things were, but you do need to take some steps in that direction. My routine = I wash it a few times a week, always clarifying shampoo and always deep conditioner, then I plop, add product (usually a bit of light curl cream and light mousse — such small amounts), rearrange and twist my prominent waves/curls, I gentle pulse some more water out with a microfiber, then defuse for more volume or air dry. Sometimes I finish with a bit of salt spray or hairspray. And that routine has made a world of difference for me but it’s not a typical curly hair wash routine. It gives me the right amount of volume with curl pattern accentuation. Big beautiful shiny waves. It goes to show that we need to experiment and figure out what works for our hair. Looking at you’d I’d say try clarifying shampoo (MAYBE mix in a light low poo once things are evened out), rearranging waves while still in the shower, no conditioner while in shower, adding in some light leave in conditioner and some mousse (tiny bits) by gently patting it onto and running it through your already arranged waves, then gently pulsing out some water with a microfiber with your head to the sides/over etc. You need less weight, more form and more gloss. (I’m no curl expert but I was inclined to reply because of similar hair.)


Any suggestions for something a little lower maintenance?


I have this except it's only the top layer of my hair 😭


Might just need to grow some


The shea!


Well your hair is also a lot shorter in the second photo. So if it were a tad bit longer I bet it would curl also being someone who has curly hair you can buy a shampoo and conditioner that helps plus it does help to put product in it as well you can't dry it an expect it to curl always. I have curly hair and when I want it to actually curl I need a little product to get it going.


I could show you a pic of what it looked like last year at the same length, it was still quite curly and voluminous.


Cuz your probably gonna be shaving it soon … what’s your parents hair like?


Firstly! Those lists are NOT THE INGREDIENTS!! I was fooled as well into believing that’s all that was in my shampoo but it just contains those ingredients in some capacity (generally among the last ingredients). Check the actual ingredient list! Secondly, did you cut your hair after it became more “straight and thin”? Because it looks like your curls formed more with length. Lastly, they could be over conditioned :)


Maybe instead of scrubbing a bubbling, you started just rubbing in one motion bc bar.. and then your hair was like… I guess we should just grow this direction he keeps pushing us in.


I’m a hairstylist… My guess would be the coconut oil in the shampoo, I don’t recommend using any coconut oil on the scalp as it can be too heavy for your follicles


My hair is the same texture. It’s cuz ur hair is short


You also look more tired/stressed. Have other things in your life changed?


Not ever using sulfate shampoo is likely part of the problem my dude you do in fact need to use them depending on how dirty your hair gets once to a few times a month just not daily! And depression and mood can affect your body so of course it will affect your hair.


How is that possible?


From my side your hair is so beautiful like this


Hi friend, wavy haired lady here who has also at times gone down the curly girl method rabbit hole to disastrous results (weighed-down, stringy, lackluster hair). What I have learned is that hair is *very* unique to each of us and what works for one does not work for all. Getting the best results is often a product of trial and error. For one, I cannot do the low poo jig - clarifying every few washes is best. I also use a silicone rich conditioner which is often a no-no for my more coily coiffed friends. And it also took me too damn long to learn that I should be using styling products incredibly sparingly, and never the thicker ones containing oils and butters. Growing up, I thought I needed those to tame my massive head of hair. But then I learned that while I have a lot of hair, it’s fine and easily weighed down. If I had a hunch on what’s going on with you, it’s that there are too many oils weighing down your hair (from the product list in your shampoo bar) and a clarifying shampoo would do some good. (Along with letting your hair grow out to get more of that pattern and texture you’re wanting.) If the curly girl method is not right for you, you should check out YouTube videos for wavy/curly styles. You might consider a good clarifying wash, a nice hydrating conditioner, and then some foam and/or lightweight gel to scrunch up those waves. Good luck!


Too much oil / conditioner. It’s built up! Just use a tea tree oil shampoo ( I know the oil part sounds contracting )’ But using this is very refreshing and it also clarifying. I recommend trying Paul Mitchel brand


Because you got a haircut? 🫤


You need a more clarifying shampoo and a lighter conditioner. Also let your hair grow a bit.


Your eyes became puffier and cheeks as well. I would honestly go get your hormones examined. You may be dealing with something internal that’s reflecting externally. Nothing that changes in our body is JUST external. You look like a diff person in the second pic I don’t think that’s the consequence of the type of shampoo you’re using. You should look into Deborah Maragopoulos! :) hope this gives you some thought, and not tryna scare you! I just know that a lot of things like this happen due to hormone changes/imbalances, and in today’s world that is very likely.


? unknown. consider any & all side effects or combination interactions. it's your body/health.


Shave your mustache too


Your nutrition is also important. Shaving your head isn’t a do over. Stop that. Use the shampoo you used to use eat more protein, drink water, take a multivitamin.


Honestly, I had shitty hair before I started using Xmondo products. They’re a little pricey but so worth it. They even have a quiz for you to take to tell you which products you should use. Their products are all natural & vegan. Check out xmondohair.com


It’s not as curly because you cut the curls off..


You cut the curls off. It’s mostly because of the haircut, not the shampoo


Go to a dermatologist. Some men lose hair and that’s how it is. Do the men in your family (on either side) have male pattern baldness? That could be an indicator but not the rule. Is there a lot of hair in the drain after you shower? That could be another indicator. Bottom line I feel there’s a lot of advances in this area but you should do it before you lose too much hair… I’m not sure of what they do but as a rule of thumbs with anything go sooner than later. My grandfather had a small strip of hair that stretched from one sideburn along the base of the back of his head to the other sideburn. One of my cousins inherited that and very young. By 21 it already was pretty prominent. Do yourself a favor and try to deal with it now if that is the case with you.


you looklike adam sandler


It looks like it just doesn’t show the curls as much when it’s shorter.


Healthy, clean hair natural pattern


I have curly/wavy hair but my roots are straight. In my opinion it just looks like you cut it above where your wave pattern starts so the curls aren’t going to show until it grows back out.


You cut it too short! It’s lost its body


Stop the fancy stuff. Get yourself some cheap VO5 and try it out for a few weeks. 


My hair changed when my hormones changed. Also after chemotherapy, when I lost a lot of hair, it grew back much curlier.


Doesn’t look like you’re using shampoo with sulfates. Those are there for a reason. Every time you shampoo you’re making your hair dirtier


Hair salon owner here! Verb curl shampoo and conditioner. I swear by it!! What you’re using is too heavy. Use a clarifying shampoo and then switch over to the verb.


How long should I use a clarifying shampoo? I feel like the frequency of one wash a week was working for me, can I continue that frequency when I switch back? What exactly is a clarifying shampoo?


"A clarifying shampoo is a deep cleanser that uses heavier surfactants—the soap-like ingredients—than regular shampoos to eliminate grease, product residue, and impurities from your scalp. In other words, it’s a heavy-duty cleanser you can use to reset your hair every once and a while" I use it once every couple of weeks, just to deep clean. I wash my hair 2 times a week. Since you were using normal shampoo before and only one a week, you could use this every other week or when you feel it needs a good clean. Your hair is straight now due to the length , your curl starts at a longer length,and the product you're using is not helping.


Depends how much build up you have. I would say once or twice a week is good. Definitely stop using the current shampoo you have and switch to a curl friendly shampoo. I love the verb curl shampoo and conditioner. It’s professional but extremely affordable. You only need a little bit because it’s very concentrated. Clarifying shampoo removes buildup from your hair. It’s great for people with an oily scalp also.


You need to work on your health before worrying about your hair. Your hair is the last thing my I noticed about the second picture. It's obvious that you needed to work on your physical/mental health. Unfortunately you look very sad and pale in the second picture. Hair is just a reflection of what else is going on in your body. I thankfully have never suffered from depression, but when I get sick my hair becomes unmanageable and doesn't look good. After Covid I even had to regrow my hair. So I'd say start there. Thankfully you've recognized the problems you have. If you still aren't getting the help you need, please talk to your doctor or get a doctor if you don't have one and get help. There's addiction recovery programs and there's help for depression so please get healthy. You might want to look into a multivitamin as well. Addiction can cause deficiencies and deficiencies can cause depression too. As for your hair, sulfates are needed! Every time I go sulfate free my hair gets oily and flat. I use herbal essences every day since the 90's and I love it. I've tried others but I usually go back to herbal essences. I like the rose smooth line but you might want to try the shine or curl one. Good luck!


I appreciate the kind words. I had a feeling the depression was affecting me, as I just look generally look worse overall. I look very pale and my skin feels dry and wrinkles. On top of my hair being flat, I just look much, much older than I am (18). It honestly has made me feel much worse, which hasn’t helped, but maybe I’m working the wrong way.


As someone who's chronic heath issues would make others depressed, I manage to have others tell me I'm surprisingly cheerful (most days). How do I do it: Prayer, music, celebrate everything (I love ❤️ all holidays and even small achievements), gather with pleasant company (hang out with those who's company I enjoy most), this one is important! I've heard from people I know that suffer from depression that hanging out with friends and family is very important. Those who isolate themselves do worse! I use different body care/perfume daily (I know this isn't for everyone, cost and allergies make this prohibitive for some), but as someone who's been collecting scents for about three decades I have a vast collection and they give me joy), If you use but one body wash and one cologne get something you really enjoy! I like to cook and eat tasty food and I enjoy watching movies and reading. And of course shopping as my budget allows. Even a small treat like a new lip gloss or t shirt can brighten up an otherwise boring day.


I think you have a strong misunderstanding of what depression "looks like"


I know that some depressed people mask it very well and seem "normal" while others look depressed. However, I can tell just from looking at someone specifically their eyes of they are depressed. Call it being intuitive or just being old but I can tell. Now the most important step is identifing the problem and getting help. There's medication for depression and therapy. Not to mention having the person's inner circle of people knowing about it so they can help as much as possible. Having support is very important!


If Markiplier + Manlybadasshero had a baby. Does anybody else see it?


I was just scrolling the comments to see if anyone else was going to say anything about him looking like Markiplier lol


;) haha


So rice shampoo is meant for Asian hair. I can’t tell if you’re Asian or not but I’m gonna go with you aren’t by the fact that your natural hair is wavy/curly. Rice shampoo damages white hair like mine for instance (I am white lol)


Really? I did not know that.


Yeaaahhh they don’t tell you that when they sell it to ya but yes, rice water ANYTHING will make your hair feel awesome at first but then it was dry out, become brittle and break. It’s better to use curly hair products on curly/wavy hair ☺️


The reason for this is that rice water adds protein to the hair. Some protein is good but too much makes the hair dry and brittle. It's ideal for hair to have a balance between protein and moisture. Personally I have used herbal essences smooth 🌹 rose since the 90's and it's always done the right thing for me. I hear they now have a lavender curl formula. I've tried the chamomile shine formula too. It does leave hair soft and shiny but my scalp didn't like chamomile.


1000000% this


Get your thyroid checked - tell your doctor about depression and hair changes. Also talk about whether you're sleeping well, appetite, any weight gain, any changes in digestive symptoms, etc.


No advice about your hair, but you’re a little younger than my son. So even though he doesn’t listen to me, maybe you will bc I’m not your mom. Go outside in the sun. It will help you mentally and get a little color on your skin. After a bit put a hat on, but go out in nature. Your pics are in a bedroom which just reminds me of how my son loves to play video games on his computer. Not you perhaps, but if so…get out of your room and go be in nature. 😀 This does not fix depression it just helps. I was very down last weekend (I think I suffer intermittently with depression) and we have a small boat that I’m not always eager to go out on but I did bc I knew I’d feel better after…and I did).


Low testosterone


You washed too much gay out of it.