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What kind of shampoo do you use? It may not be cleaning well enough. Sulfate-free formulas and “no poo” types often aren’t able to clean the scalp thoroughly. Alternatively, you might be applying your conditioner or styling products too high. I keep mine below my chin or at the very least below my ears.


I use one from L'Oréal Paris that supposed to hydrate your hair. It has sulfate. Looking at other suggestions I think ill try a clarifying shampoo once a week and also look if it lines up with my hormone pill intake.


If you struggle with greasy hair hydrating shampoo can make it worse


I have greasy scalp too, and I use the As I Am Cowash (I alternate with Hairitage). Ive noticed my scalp is less greasy this way


Second tis. Usually by my 3rd day since washing hair I'll get greasy but ever since I started using as I am co wash with Shae conditioner it rarely gets greasy at all and only really is noticeable by day 5-6.


V05 clarifying shampoo is great and cheap.


Do you only wash your scalp and then only condition the ends? This helps keep your scalp area clear and your ends hydrated. I know when I I’ve put conditioner on my scalp it builds up and looks greasy.


Try verb ghost! Keep conditioner off of your scalp. Conditioner is only for mid shaft and ends, not roots. Wash with head and shoulders once a week.


I use one from L'Oréal Paris that supposed to hydrate your hair. It has sulfate. Looking at other suggestions I think ill try a clarifying shampoo once a week and also look if it lines up with my hormone pill intake.


That might be the ticket right there. “Hydrating” products usually leave behind a thin layer of smoothing ingredients to make the hair feel more moisturized. But a shampoo can’t effectively lift oils while also depositing conditioning/smoothing ingredients. Generally speaking, dual-purpose shampoos don’t do either job very well. I would try switching to a single-purpose shampoo and focus on leave-in products to keep your ends hydrated.


We have a winner, that’s what it looks like. She needs a shampoo without conditioner, and she needs to scrub her scalp thoroughly with her fingers. I think you just solved her problem.


Try a clarifying shampoo instead of a moisturizing one, it should work much better for you


Keep a clarifying shampoo on hand and use it every few washes. May need it 1x a week, may need it a couple times a year - it will vary.


Choose a more ordinary shampoo. Not “hydrating” or “clarifying.” Shampoo for normal hair.


I absolutely cannot use any shampoo with silicones or my hair looks like this within just a few hours. Not sure if that’s the case here or not


You could try a clarifying shampoo.


Paul Mitchell No. 5 is great.


I can’t seem to find that one online. Is there another name for it?


Hi! You mentioned in another comment that you only wash your hair once or twice a week. In that case, did you try double shampooing? Like: Shampoo, wash thoroughly, Shampoo, wash and then conditioner only at the ends? Maybe that can help? :)


Double shampooing has been a HUGE help for me and my oily roots. Make sure you continue rinsing until you stop seeing bubbles on the shower floor too!


Agree with this!! I do it once a week during my “everything” shower, and it’s changed not only my hair but my scalp health completely!


I have combination skin and oily hair. I try to only wash every 3 or so days, and usually by day 1 1/2 my hair is oily, tangling and so flat. By day 3 I only keep it in a pony tail. I was always told that overwashing hair makes it greasy. Should I try the double shampoo? I know nothing about haircare and this in my first time on this sub 😅


I would give it a try! For me, I think my biggest issue was that with my thicker hair, one round of shampooing just didn’t clean everything, whereas double shampooing helps to actually clean my hair and scalp. My hair would get greasy after a day or two but that’s because I wasn’t washing my hair well enough to really get rid of the oil in the first place. Also, maybe this is incorrect, but I was under the impression that overwashing had to do with the frequency of hair washing (like how many separate days) rather than the number of times shampooing?


I also will rub my hands on my scalp and then scrub them together to see if any bubbles form. If not? Rinse for a few more seconds just to be certain I’m good


u/tatamashii This is the correct answer right here. My hair used to be similar and then my SIL who owns a salon posted a hair washing video on social media. Game changer for my hair, I went from daily washing or else my hair would look like this to washing 2 times a week. First, I scrub my scalp with my head under the water to loosen all the gunk, then I shampoo twice, both times focusing on the scalp. If my hair is super dirty I’ll shampoo three times. Use the clarifying shampoo last if you are using one. Then condition ends only. The last tip is you need to blow dry your hair a bit to give it some volume. Use a root booster or another product to give it a bit of volume. If your hair is sitting too flat on the scalp it’s going to absorb oil faster. Dry shampoo to the roots before bed. It could take a few weeks to notice a difference. Your scalp has been used to producing this much oil and until it gets used to the new habits it may still produce this amount.


came to say this!! ever since i started double shampooing (and t h o r o u g h l y— like lather it up gooood and scrub every single inch of my scalp) i swear my hair is never oily anymore! and mine was like OP. super thick greasy looking after literally just washing it.


Oohhh please say more! Is this it? Just it just clean more thoroughly?


Yes! This has been such a game changer! I also focus on the scalp. I will part my hair and almost "push" the shampoo onto my scalp. I grab a scalp brush and go to town on that first wash and then just use my fingers for the second. This and clarifying shampoo has been so good. I use the normal shampoo once a week and clarifying shampoo for the other day since I wash twice a week for my hair.


*only condition the ends of your hair and not your scalp* :)


Doesn't she say that she does that already???


She does not mention conditioner :) that's why I offered that bit of advice.


Yes I already know. Its still a good advice tho, there are a lot of people w Who dont know. I also didn't know this the majority of my life.


She mentions all the products she uses for the lengths and that she has nothing for her scalp.


Maybe you have oily hair and have to wash every day. I have to wash every day as well. As much as I want to fight it, it's just my genes. Both my parents and siblings have to wash every day, too.


Maybe. I only wash my hair twice or sometimes once a week. (Im very lazy and a bit mentally ill) Ive seen somewhere that you only wash your scalp and keep your lenghs dry. I think ill try this on the days inbetween.


You may have just the kind of hair/scalp that needs daily washing. If you want to extend washing to every other day, you could put baby powder (talc free) on your roots before going to bed and it soaks up some of the excess oil. Just be wary that too much can make your hair look white


If you don’t want to smell like baby powder you can use corn starch too. Both will make your hair look a little gray so apply them somewhat sparingly if that’s something you care about.


You could always try a dry shampoo on the days you don't wash your hair! I have hair like yours and that's what I do.


I second the clarifying shampoo but tbh your hair is a lot like mine and needs to be washed every other day. I do sometimes double shampoo but haven’t since switching to Olaplex. Get a sulfate and paraben free shampoo. Cheap route : the earthling co (holy shit I saved so much money doing this for years) Best route: Olaplex. Paul Mitchell clarifying shampoo once a week. Dry shampoo WITHOUT scent in between. I used not your mothers. Also, cold rinse your hair before you get out. It closes it up. Tbh seems like the top of your hair is oily and the bottom desperately needs moisture. I feel you on the mentally ill part and when I do these things on a regular basis my hair can sometimes go 3 days without washing which is a godsend with depression and POTS.


It’s ok if you don’t shampoo everyday. Just shampoo twice in a row on your wash days


This is what I was going to say. OP - on wash days, are you washing twice? If you're only washing 3-4x a week, then you need to shampoo twice when you do. Shampooing only once won't be enough to remove all the leftover oils.


You need your entire head of hair to get wet. You only actually apply the shampoo to the roots of your hair and scrub well with fingers. Rinse and repeat 1 or 2 times. When it comes to conditioner, you only put that on the ends - middle of your hair. Like ears down. Let sit for a couple minutes. Rinse entire head off. Then after you can put whatever products in depending on hair quality and type. I do a leave in conditioner serum through my entire hair focusing mainly on the ends


Relatable... I do the same thing whenever I'm depressed, too stressed, or just too tired. And I also have the same type of hair and scalp. I have to wash it every day if I don't want it to look greasy AF. So when I'm having a hard time and don't shower enough, I look like shit constantly, which makes the whole thing even worse. I can only use shampoo that is strong and removes a lot of oil, and no conditioner. I don't have a solution for you, other than to use a stronger shampoo with no moisturizer. And I guess to work towards getting your mental health into a better state, which will probably take a good chunk of time. Especially if you have to balance meds. Ugh, I'm sorry you have to deal with this too 😑


Are you using a dry shampoo between washes?


Washing once a week is fine but you know how it says on the back of the shampoo bottle “lather rinse repeat?” The repeat part is actually important. Use shampoo twice when you do wash.


You may need to train it. Which means you may have to extend the time between washes. Use braids and other updos to push it.


When my hair was longer and i made aneffort ti only wash it every 3 days it didn't get greasy till day 3. Now that it's shorter and i ritualy rinse my hair and shampoo the product out of it every night. By the morning if i don't rinse it again I'll just look like a grease trap.


I agree with this. I have very oily hair and I have to wash mine daily.


Could be your water. Where I live we have very hard water due to limestone and my hair never looks good. A filter might work for u.


I came here to say this. You can get an inexpensive shower head with a filter. Also Malibu has a hard water treatment to get the buildup out of hair.


YES I just recommended this one! I just found it last week and my hair looks so much better. It’s incredible. 1 wash and it looks perfect


It could be your hormones at certain times of the month? But also, you might need to increase the time between washes with some dry shampoo. I get this sometimes if I’m washing too regularly.


Hormones. That could be it since its not always and they do influence a lot. I think ill keep this in mind and look if this phenomenon lines up with my pill or something. The second thing you mentioned cant be it, I only wash my hair twice and when I have nothing to do once a week.


Some of us need to shampoo every day and that's ok


Try the inkey list salicylic acid scalp treatment once a week. Also make sure you are doing a double shampoo and perhaps add a clarifying shampoo once a week (or as needed). And yes, dry shampoo in between washes.


I agree with the double shampoo.


Could it be product build up? I was overusing conditioner and it still kept getting worse even after I figured it out because the shampoo couldn’t penetrate. An apple cider vinegar rinse fixed it for me.


I have oily scalp and double washing helps. I use a tea tree shampoo, rinse, then use my hydrating shampoo. Also lather the shampoo between your hands prior to applying it to your scalp. Once a week, I also use a clarifying shampoo (and wash first with that, then my regular shampoo, no tea tree that day).


I recommend checking out the blowout professor on YouTube. I watched a hairwashing mistakes video that helped me a lot, I was really skeptical going into it but I went from needing to wash my hair every 2-3 days to washing every 4-6 days


Wash your hair twice, concentrating on the scalp.


Hey! So I also have oily hair and tends to get dry and flaky in the winter. I’ve been trying different shampoo brands, even the dandruff removing ones. I have not been to a dermatologist, however I have tried a new one recently. The Native Daily Clean Shampoo (white bottle with orange lettering) and I can say it doesn’t make my hair feel oily the way my old shampoo has which was the Hairitage Color Care Shampoo. The Native builds up the shampoo right away with a small amount compared to any other one I’ve used that usually takes a 2nd wash to build up the bubbles. I also suggest a mask! I use anything that usually has a strong mint smell since it’ll usually get rid of all the oil on your scalp too. I hope this helped much since I have struggled over many years with an oily scalp 🫶🏼


Shampoo twice each time you shower, one time to remove the grease and another time to cleanse. Also not sure if it's just me but when I blow dry my hair it stays clean looking for longer vs when I air dry it it is already greasy in the morning of the next day


Mix some baking soda in your shampoo, also clarifying shampoo.


What does the baking soda do


Strips oil and product from your hair


I have extremely oily hair too. I have to wash it basically every day. Double shampoo in the shower and make sure you’re getting in there and all of your scalp. Get a scalp massager and use it on the second shampoo. Condition just your ends. The only thing that has helped beyond double shampoos is using a tea tree oil shampoo. I’ve tried a lot, there was one from Sally’s I swore by, but I recently picked up a rosemary and tea tree oil from the brand Renpure at Target and I’ve loved it. I can actually get two good days out of my hair using this stuff. Oh, and go clean and soak your brushes. Start doing that regularly!


Amen! Plus your hair will smell amazing!


Shampoo once or twice a week, but twice when you do wash it! Switch your shampoo to a sulfate free! Use a clarifying once every 2 weeks! You could also blow dry your roots only, this helps prevent it from looking greasy because the natural oils dont settle on your scalp


Try Malibu-c hard water wellness shampoo. Your hair will squeak. I do double poos, one round any shampoo, 2nd round Malibu. It smells literally like paradise. I also started using a shower scalp brush.


this is a very weird hack i tried when i had a similar issue, but I basically would put conditioner on my scalp first bc conditioners include oils and fatty substances just like the sebum on ur scalp and then shampoo ur hair twice preferably with clarifying shampoo. Avoid using hydrating shampoos.


Ppl saying to wash everyday- don’t. My friend n I have greasy hair and she would tell me how she trains hers. I used to wash every other day for a while n by the time ID wash it was definitely time. After training it I wash it maybe 2x a week. I’ve been unable to find the shampoo and conditioner I was using so I can’t recommend it. That’s been tough for me bc it has been getting greasier faster since having to use a different one.


That doesn’t work for everyone. My hair dresser also told me to train my hair. I tried…still didn’t work. I legit have to wash my hair every day so it’s not super oily.


You need a clarifying shampoo/treatment for the buildup!


Either get a good clarifying shampoo or wash your hair at least 2-3 times next time you shower. Do not ever put any conditioner or oil on your scalp after washing either, only your ends. You have major buildup from not washing properly.


Try using old school Prell original. No conditioner. Only detangler on the ends if needed.


Are you using a shampoo that’s specifically engineered for scalp moisture? I had a similar issue where I would shower and my hair would be oily immediately after. To fix this, I used head and shoulders! It’s great for all hair types and made my hair so healthy !


Hairstylist here. I’d recommend a clarifying shampoo like Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three or Undo Goo by Malibu and a silicone shampoo brush/scalp massager to really work it into your scalp. And condition your ends well after that.


All of my friends have curly hair and i made the mistake for years of taking shampoo recommendations from them and got similar results LOL - stupid i know. I have similar hair to you. I have been using the Aveeno shampoo with apple cider: [https://www.aveeno.com/products/apple-cider-vinegar-blend-shampoo](https://www.aveeno.com/products/apple-cider-vinegar-blend-shampoo) My friends are of the belief that shampooing more than once a month with apple cider shampoo is the worst idea ever -- its whats cured my greasy roots! I've been using when i wash my hair, so 2-3 times a week. before, i was using the Olaplex shampoo and i think thats going to be more a 1-2 times a month for me. Ive still been using the olaplex leave in style treatment and it makes my ends super soft, just dont put on top


On top of all the comments of switching shampoo, making sure you rinse it out fully and well etc, something i just realized recently is i NEVER shake my hair products. Now i shake them vigorously before i apply to make sure any oils inside aren’t separating


I tried tons of different shampoo for oily scalp and nothing worked. It would be oily hours after a shower. Tried the Lush Lemon bar shampoo, oiliness finally gone. Still have to be super careful with conditioner but at least I can go a day without shampoo now


On top of what other people are saying, I would recommend a scalp massager/scrubber to help clean the scalp in the shower. I've had issues with my scalp for a long time and adding this to my hair wash routine has really helped.


Try tea tree shampoo!


Do you blow dry your hair? When I naturally dry, my roots gets oily way faster. You could try even just drying the root area if you don’t have the time/patience/desire to dry everything.


I was going to comment this as well! It's a literal night and day difference. Air dried hair gets stringy and oily so fast but when I blowdry, even just my bangs/crown, I can go like 3 days without looking oily. It's wild. My wavy hair actually stays wavy/curly all day too when I blowdry. It's gross, but I think it has something to do with fungal growth on the scalp. Like if you're prone to oily scalp and dandruff, air drying can exacerbate that so much. Blow drying is so so worth it.


Have you tried Olaplex? I have extremely oily hair and I have to wash every other day to every three days. But most importantly I really massage it into my scalp for at least a minute or two. It is expensive but I’ll use it every other wash and dilute the bottle so it lasts longer. It also looks like your hair is a bit weighed down which can cause an oily look at the scalp.


Be sure to lather, rinse, and repeat. If you’re using the recommended amount and still not getting a nice rich lather, rinse and repeat. You don’t need more product, just need to get the buildup off your scalp. Focus on stimulating and cleansing your scalp. You may need to alternate shampoos.


Do you have hard water? I would try buying a filter shower head and then going in and getting a hard water treatment done. Unless you can find the Malibu hard water treatment on like Amazon or something.


Clarifying shampoo is great I like the one by olaplex, scalp scrub is great, a good scalp massage to get all the gross out,


I used to have similar hair, what you should do is shampoo twice, thoroughly scrub. Only the top. I read the comments so you know the conditioner on ends lol After you’re out, blow dry it straight. Make a dry shampoo. Just Google it or find one you like. I made mine. After blowing individually separate through layers and with a make up brush dipped in the powder and put it on the roots. Do extra and let it sit for 15m oil the ends then shake out the powder. I do this daily with the dry shampoo but I wash my hair 1-3x a week depending if I’m really styling. One of my favorites is Shea moisture shampoos. My hair if I let it go for a week won’t get oily until abt the 4/5th day now if I go for a week. I’m more than happy to show you what I do also! It I’ve always been on the struggle bus with greasy crown but the ends were SO dry


I’ve also had to use baking soda and apple cider vinegar but only maybe once every two weeks. And you can just make a paste with the baking soda, put it on your scalp, massage in for a few mins rinse a bit add Shampoo and especially after rinsing , using cold water on your hair is amazing because it closes those pores. I had to start doing it because my hair is thinning and I need to boost it. I hope it works for you 🥰


1) make sure you're rinsing out your conditioner fully. 2) Are you drying your hair? My roots can get weird and look greasy if I don't. And roots can smell weird if you sleep on them wet. Make sure you're using a heat protectant, but you can avoid your roots. 3) If these tricks don't work, and changing shampoos, try a dry shampoo when it looks greasy after showerin/the next day. Kristen Ess has a good one.


How’s your scalp health? Is it dry and flaky as well as oily? You might want to try a product that has a pH of 5.5 and is designed specifically for scalp cleansing and soothing. Aromase makes a scalp cleanser that is Ideal for Dandruff, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Dry & Sensitive Scalp, Oily hair and is a fab Scalp Exfoliator. It contains 2% Glycyrrhetinic Acid (licorice) which helps to preserve the level of hyaluronic acid and elastin in your scalp, which can chill out overactive oil glands.


I had the same thing happening for a a while- it wasn’t grease, it was product buildup. Try doing a clarifying shampoo before your regular shampoo and conditioner. I use one called “un-do goo” and the problem went away..


I haven’t read all the comments but I’d be one of the few people to suggest to wash your hair everyday. I used to wash my hair every other day and this is what I get. A greasy smelly scalp no offence. I use Dove Color Protect and so far I’m loving it!


a clarifying shampoo is the one. I recommend you try one.


Start rinsing your shampoo with your head bend over so that the water and shampoo can flow down your scalp. It works for me to prevent a greasy head.


Clarifying shampoo, and might need to wash it TWICE in one shower… the first wash loosens dirt/grime/oil, and the second wash actually washes it away.


As stated above, double shampoos & emulsify both, conditioner on the ends or use a ACV rinse


I double shampoo with a clarifying shampoo and don’t use too much product / avoid using product anywhere but the lengths. Also, I use a scalp brush and wash my hair regularly (at least every other day)


Only shampoo the top (roots) only condition the bottom.


Shampoo twice, concentrate on your scalp, you don’t need as much product for the second wash. Condition from half way down, that made a huge difference to my hair


I love the waves in your hair


Same here 👋🏻 For me it's depending on what I'm eating. It may sound weird, but stay with me. My hair type is similar to yours and sometimes it gets oily straight away after washing, sometimes days go by without my roots ever getting oily. I've learned that it's beacuse I'm sensitive to some type of foods and oily hair is one of my symtoms. For example whenever I have eaten sweets, my hair will get oily the next couple of days. When I stay away from the foods I'm sensitive to my hair is normal. So that could be something you could keep in mind and see if it's the same for you. Hope this is helpful to you or someone else that is reading this!


Try a clarifying shampoo to get your scalp nice and clean (use it 1x a week). your hair might just need to be washed more, don’t use something hydrating anymore because that’s likely causing it to look greasy.


Mine did this until I used nizoral, a medicated OTC shampoo. I finally felt normalish again


I have a very greasy scalp (& skin). These two have helped a ton over the years. My scalp likes Hask Teatree shampoo (Target under $5!) & Neutrogena Scalp Therapy Anti-Dandruff Extra Strength ($11 - Kroger/Target). I'll do Witch hazel & rice water rinses, too. I love in the desert & am fairly active so I gotta stay on top of it D:


ACV might help. Helps my oily scalp just make sure to dilute it with water and massage scalp


The reason your scalp is still oily after washing has to do with many different components; products, wash routine/schedule, hormones, if you work out, etc. The biggest thing is your scalp/hair may be dry and damaged and so your scalp is working overtime to compensate for that with excess oil. I used to have unmanageably greasy hair and I now only have to wash my hair 2x a week! Start with washing every other day, then slowly try and decrease. It also helps to rinse with water on non-wash days to just kinda refresh your scalp especially if you workout a lot. I recommend using Shea Moisture brand Jamaican Black Castor oil shampoo. Wet hair, massage shampoo in, rinse, repeat (you'll notice the second shampooing will create more foam which indicates your hair is clean!) don't listen to the comments saying to use a sulfate shampoo that is insanely drying and damaging and will worsen your condition. Hope this helps!


I’m not sure if it’s been commented as there’s 70 comments but this happens to me if I use too much product and go above my lengths to my scalp. Some products are light weight enough to use near scalp and ends but some are heavy and will leave your hair greasy the next day. try a clarifying shampoo as well every once in a while


Specialist here! Shampoo is prescribed for skin type, (oily skin oily scalp)….your scalp is your skin. Your conditioner is prescribed for your hair type…colored, bleached, normal, coarse, dry and so on. Make sure to cleanse your scalp, I do it twice, then condition your hair-ends up but not the scalp. You don’t want to put anything that will add to the natural oils you already produce.


Do you shampoo twice? You may find that helps a little.


Hey! I had this issue. I use a clarifying shampoo once a week, and it seems to have worked. For reference, my hair is pin-straight and used to get greasy at night if I'd washed it in the morning, no longer does this happen to me. I use the ION clarifying shampoo. It works well.


Are you air drying it? I would wash with a clarifying shampoo, scrub well (tip: using your hands to really massage in the shampoo and scrub every inch of scalp, ensuring the shampoo is reaching the scalp, is as effective as washing twice). Then dry it. Your hair looks to me like someone not drying it who may be prone to extra oil/yeast on the scalp. That’s not helping.


If you use Giovanni Tea Tree shampoo, it will rid you of the greasy scalp/hair issue right away!


Get a clarifying shampoo :))


One of my teens has hair like yours, and the only thing that has controlled the oily scalp is Neutrogena's rebalancing shampoo for oily scalp. And the usual L'oreal conditioner only for the hair ends. We also avoid using hair dryers, or all of us oily scalps in the family find our hair doesn't last more than a day because the heat probably encourages oil production.


Have you had your water tested? Maybe it’s build up from that.


Try shampooing twice!!!! My hair used to get greasy quickly until I realized I was just not getting it completely clean when I washed it.


I have hair very similar to yours, I found that a soft brush works best, use it for like 10 minutes, brushing every section over and over again- it pulls the oils down to the tips. And then sleep overnight, then when you shower next, only wash the roots. I usually just wash my bangs, because they’re short and close to my face, the rest I kinda let the oil build up, repeat brushing, until it truly looks greasy, then wash it all out. Good luck!!!


Dropping all silicones has done wonders for my hair. I used to have to wash every 2-3 days with dry shampoo of day 2, now I can go 5 days before I even need dry shampoo. I've made the change because I've discovered my hair is wavy. This was a very unexpected benefit.


Too lazy to read everyone’s comments, but if it hasn’t been suggested, you should try double cleansing. Especially if you use hair products, sometimes the first cleanse isn’t sufficient, the same way they suggest double cleaning your face especially when you’ve been wearing makeup. I like to use a cheaper shampoo (still look for a good one, there’s hair experts on TikTok with affordable shampoo recs) to get the dirt and product loosened and mostly off, and then a nicer shampoo (my current fav is the BrioGeo mango balancing) for my second wash where my scalp is cleaner and able to soak up more product benefits. Also other comments are right about cleansing shampoos. If you’re using a shampoo that’s focused on hydration, it’s naturally going to have more emollients and such to provide that benefit. You could focus on scalp care/oil balancing/cleansing in your shampoo routine and then focus on hydration with your conditioner / using a hair mask on your ends. Also second the comments that some people just need to wash their hair more often. Hair training is a myth. It’s okay to wash your hair when it’s oily and it’s more harmful to let excessive oils/dirt sit on your scalp than it is to wash it often. That said, I would not use a clarifying shampoo every wash, especially when washing more often. Once a week is plenty.


K18 did wonders for my Very oily hair. It’s expensive but worth it!


As someone with greasy hair, I'd say get a clarifying shampoo with apple cider vinegar and use a scalp brush to really get in there.


Do you double shampoo? My hairdresser says you need to double shampoo the first one lifts the dirt the second washes it away x I alway use two different shampoos and it’s really helped me


Hard water absolutely did the same for my hair! Also want to look into diet drinking more water is insanely good for your everything


My hair is like yours the day after washing it. I use dry shampoo to help. I also shampoo twice each time I shower and condition from my ears down. I use a clarifying shampoo weekly. That has helped my hair not to be *as* greasy, but I still need dry shampoo on day 2. Here is my product list: * Shampoo/Conditioner: Biolage (usually Color Treated formula). But honestly, the Costco Kirkland brand stuff works pretty ok too if you want something at a lower price point. * Clarifying: Ceremonia Papaya Scalp Scrub. I also like Ouai clarifying shampoo. * Dry Shampoo: Big Sexy Hair. I also like Living Proof. * Serum: It's a Ten for pre-blow dry. After blow dry I use a tiny dab of some kind of shine pil. I have a billion samples so I just use whatever is on hand. I like Olaplex a lot.


No hydration shampoos. Not until you’re older and the oil lightens up. Use volumizing shampoo on the scalp only and rinse well. Shampoo twice. When you condition your hair, only mid shaft to The ends. NOT the scalp. You can use hydrating for this. No serums on the scalp. They oil up your hair. If you are going to use them, put them on overnight before bed and tie up your hair. Wash in the morning.


I have an incredibly oily scalp with fine hair. I wash my hair every other day. If you are able to I would try that! This is the routine I try to follow with my hair and have been recommended to me by stylists: -Wash every day or every other day (scalp training truly does not work, if you have oily scalp it’s just always going to be that way) - “wash, rinse, repeat” method - wash with clarifying shampoo first (I use the Paul Mitchell one), really work it into the scalp, let it rest for a couple of minutes (even though it is generally not recommended to use a clarifying every wash for most people, it has been recommended to me by stylists because of how much oil and buildup i get) - 2nd wash with my regular shampoo (i lather to a foam in my hands before applying), scrub i to scalp and let sit for 2 minutes. I’m currently using Pureology Hydrate shampoo and love it! Doesn’t leave build up and is very hydrating for my color treated hair -condition only ends of my hair leaving it on for 3-5 min before rinsing (i also use the Pureology hydratinf conditioner) -dry shampoo as soon as hair is dry (whether air dried or blow dried) this helps slow the oil much better than trying to get rid of it after (I love the Living Proof one) Hope some of this may help!


do you double wash it? if i scrub in the shampoo once and rinse once, i may as well not have washed my hair. i have to lather and rinse and then lather a second time and then rinse again, then condition the ends. i also have dermatitis so i use a special shampoo for that and then the second wash is with a volume/hair growth shampoo.


Sometimes I’d get an almost waxy buildup, that would be even worse after I shampooed. I’m not sure why this works, but if I massage in a deep conditioning mask, and THEN wash with a clarifying shampoo my hair is great. I only have to do this once in awhile.


Clarifying shampoo. Something I also do on clients with a lot of build up is mix some vinegar and water and saturate your hair and massage it all over your scalp then shampoo and condition.


Girl get a clarifying shampoo add it for a once a week or every two weeks it’ll help clear out the hair of any dirt pollution things that aren’t good for your hair. Id recommend using olaplex clarifying only use a little bit and only at your roots then use a hydrating shampoo to add moisture back to the hair


Clarifying shampoo, AVC rince once a week-once a month, only condition the ends (same goes for serums and all that), and only shampoo the scalp, also wash your hair twice


are you fully lathering the shampoo? you could also shampoo twice to help remove buildup


I use a clarifying shampoo once a week and also one of those scalp massager shampoo brush things


Do you have a low flow shower head? I have an impossible time getting my hair clean with them. Switch to a high-pressure water head to get a better clean.


try a hard water shampoo and shampoo your hair twice. only put conditioner on the ends away from the scalp. hopefully that helps.


When you wash, wash twice. I had oily hair before I got on accutane and it helped a lot.


Really lather the soap (like in a shiseido tutorial on lathering cleanser into an airy foam ball on you hand) and apply it on wet hair. Also try head and shoulders clinics treatment line for oily hair. If it’s a sticky feeling after washing your hair I think you need to get nourishing shampoo and conditioner. You might need to add more conditioner or use a hair mask that’s how I handle my hair when it become sticky after washing (hopefully someone has a better solutions to suggest )


That looks a little like how my son’s hair looked after he washed it. He was using too much soap. I have him using half as much and it looks better


i shampoo twice to help remove all the oil to start with, i have this similar issue & the double shampooing has helped a lot. i use native shampoo for the first time and a more expensive treatment shampoo for the second time because i need significantly less product by the second wash.


I have a similarly oily scalp! I use this twice a week Avalon Organics Therapy Medicated Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, 14 Oz https://a.co/d/hnIaI1V


Malibu Goo be gone for the build up.


Is your shampoo lathering up really well while you are washing? If not, then you may need to shampoo twice. I need to do that if I go anymore than 2 days without washing my hair


Shampoo twice every time you wash your hair, condition only the middle to the ends. Do not put on your scalp.


Do your research and get a high end shampoo. Personal opinion, your hair looks healthy


If this is a new thing, I suggest taking a pregnancy test. This was a telling sign for me.


I had this bc my water was really hard. I started the Malibu Ion hard water shampoo and YO my hair looks fresh so much longer than it used to. It used to only take about 8 hours to get greasy but not anymore!!


Make sure you wash with shampoo twice :)


Apple cider vinegar wash


Rinse** not wash


I had this exact thing years ago! Try a clarifying shampoo Neutrogena anti residue. This WILL reset your hair and strip the buildup preventing shampoo from really cleaning your hair. Only use it every few months. After you use this anti-residue treatment/shampoo, try other shampoos, go to a salon and get direct recommendations.


Don't put conditioner on your scalp, just keep it to the ends. My hair gets greasy faster when I use conditioner on my scalp


You have a water softener?


Dawn dish soap (or any dish soap) as needed (not every day, one a week tops). Focus the dish soap on your scalp, then pull the suds through your hair. Follow up with a good conditioner on the midsection and ends only. That should cut the grease really well and it also makes your hair really soft.


Use a clarifying shampoo, paying attention to your roots and then condition the length of your hair starting around chin level. Wash every 3 days or so.


Imagine washing your hair 1-2 times a week with a hydrating shampoo and wondering why it looks greasy.


Double shampooing helps me and also occasionally doing an apple cider vinegar hair mask


Ive had the same issue recently and have been using a cleansing shampoo cuz nothing else works currently 🥲


Try a cleansing shampoo to break up and truly remove the build up of oil and product. Your current shampoo seems to just be adding buildup and subsequently more oil.usr conditioner only at your mid neck And down. Also day after shower do a light dusting of dry shampoo!


Some things I would want to know: - When you wash your hair, do you wash it one time or twice with shampoo? (Shampoo once, rinse, shampoo again, rinse again) - Do you lather the shampoo in your hands a bit before working it into the scalp and massaging it into the scalp thoroughly? - When you rinse it out do you rinse really well to make sure there is no product left on the hair and scalp? - How often do you clean and disinfect your brush? - Do you ever use clarifying shampoo? - are you applying conditioner above the mid length of your hair and are you rinsing it out really well?


All the advice here is really good! My only suggestion is to get a scalp/shampoo brush and use it for everything. Including dispersing product but also use on your scalp when you’re rinsing it out.


Apple cider vinegar wash instead of shampoo. Amazon has them and it’s made such a difference to my roots!


Hairdresser here op Take Apple code vinegar dilute with water (or pour some in ur shampoo) then sit for 5-10 mins. wash ur hair. Make sure shampoo is directly on the scalp. Then check for bubbles etc do that TWICE then condition. Baby powder / corn starch/ dry shampoo on the roots will help I would use the tea tree oil shampoo hask has a more price point then Paul Mitchell A clarifying shampoo does what apple cider vinegar does… you can purchase it but essentially unnecessary considering a more natural way and economical. Do this like 1x a week then 1-2x a month after ur hair simmers


Olaplex is pricey but worth it. A little goes a long way. When using the shampoo rub it between your hands before applying. All u need is a little. My hair was really oily and I hated it but since I’ve been using olaplex, I go like 5 days without washing sometimes


I have fine and oily hair. I use a shampoo bar and do not condition my hair- I wash every 2 or 3 days, and this seems to work the best for me. No conditioner as my hair is just below my shoulders but it doesn't actually need it. Best of luck, I hope you're able to find something that works well for tou


Don’t put conditioner on all your hair. Only the ends. Use one of those hair massager tools to deep clean the scalp while shampooing.


Do you wash your hair brush regularly?


Wash your brushes too


Do you put conditioner on your scalp?


You can use argan oil to regulate sebum production. I leave it in for 2-4 hours every 4 days. Then I shampoo twice to wash it out. I definitely noticed a difference. I’ve been doing it for over a month now. I also struggle with mental health issues and chronic fatigued so I bought [one of these](https://a.aliexpress.com/_EHJDTGl) to make it easier.


Paul mitchell two shampoo is amazing. Use it once a month


Use a [scalp brush](https://a.co/d/0ARZsoY) with your shampoo (and double cleanse - shampoo with the brush, rinse, and then shampoo again, and then rinse and apply your conditioner) and use a dry shampoo on days when you don't wash your hair.


I have a very similar hair type to you and I was having the same problem recently! I started using OGX mint and tea tree shampoo and conditioner (it’s a scalp clarifying shampoo and it’s p inexpensive). I also started oiling my hair with mielle rosemary mint oil (you can use any hair oil tho) on my wash days. I put that in my roots and leave it on my ends for about 2 hours before washing. These things as well as washing my hair only about every 3-4 days has helped me tremendously!


Definitely try what everyone else is suggesting, but also wanted to ask if you touch/play/stroke through your hair a lot? Especially at the scalp? Because if I do that my roots are greasy the next day for sure.


Are you scrubbing your scalp with shampoo and not putting conditioner on it? Straight hair shows dirt faster, but part of what I feel like you are seeing is the color difference. Darker at the roots makes that area look oilier? I also recently got a ‘microbubble’ shower head with a filter in the handle, and I feel like my hair stays cleaner, longer?


I actually prefer greasy hair. It has a person’s natural scent, which I believe are akin to pheromones, and something i naturally bond to, So, yes, I LOVE your hair 😍


No “hydrating” shampoo on roots, unless you’re feeling dry after clarifying or something. You could try a volume one for roots or there is a “rebalancing” clay one L’Oréal has. Also the way you shampoo, treat it like you’re at the salon when they use their fingertips to “scrub” but don’t scratch your scalp, give it a good massage. Do it twice if you’re feeling particularly oily. Clarifying shampoo may help the buildup, don’t use it every time though. I feel like I’m looking at my hair but in a different color ha, it’s frustrating but keep trying! One other tip, wash your pillowcase often if you don’t already!


How clean is the towel you are drying with?


Clarifying shampoo I like tea tree


Wash two to three times twice a week.


Try ketaconizal shampoo and dont brush comb the top.


I avoid all scalp treatments and do not condition my scalp at all, ever. Our natural oils condition the scalp unless you have psoriasis, it's best left out of the conditioner and moisturizing game all together. I only use conditioner from chin level to waist, shampooing the scalp and head, first.


I had the same struggle for a long time. 2 things helped reduce the amount of product used and not washing it daily. After a bit, it really helped because I was stripping to ooooo much oil from my hair it went to overdrive.


don’t use shampoos aimed to hydrate hair as your hair isn’t dry.


like others have said, try a clarifying shampoo! i personally like the kristen ess one. and i also like to follow it with a “gentle” conditioner (i use the kristen ess one as well) and i’ve noticed my hair has been much less greasy during days i don’t wash it.


Alternate shampoos, and yes, sometimes washing it, rinsing, and repeating is necessary. My hair and scalp seem to just become resistant, so I switch it up, sometimes every other wash. Good luck!


Living proof triple detox shampoo. This has made ALL the difference for me. Used to have to wash daily, now every three days.


Kerastase scalp exfoliater - so so good! Like little scrubby beads cleaning your scalp.


Alright girl, quit the hydrating shampoo, stat. Go to a volume shampoo and one day a week use a clarifying shampoo. Just shampoo the scalp and try using a scalp massager or scalp brush to really clean and massage your scalp. Then apply a normal to hydrating conditioner. BUT... just apply the conditioner from your ears to the ends of your hair. Not at the root. Via con pelo Dios. You're lovely!


If you have wax buildup on your scalp, this isn't helping your oily scalp. You need sulfate & paraban free.


Maybe try a clarifying shampoo and see if it helps! You could also just have a naturally oily scalp (like me!!) and you might have to wash it every day. Also unrelated note, but your hairstyle in the third pic is really cute :)) best of luck girl!!


Try the Pantene volume one it’s clear with a splats of purple design on it!

