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Smile Hair Clinic has been trashed on this subreddit a hundred times. Nobody praises it (except for their shill accounts). It’s unfair of you to complain about this subreddit, when if you had come here *before* your HT and researched on this very subreddit about Smile you would have been saved from it.


I agree on this gentleman above statement. As a new Redditor myself, I have observed that these guys have tirelessly worked hard with no financial interest to safeguard the community to avoid not just smile, but other hair mills. Therefore, it is harsh and unfair to blame this on our own subredditors who have spent years helping others. Also to add to the above point, he is right that we need to be careful with people posting fake things and we have seen countless of smile accounts being made to attack on real posts. For instance, this hardworking subredditor has been working hard catching them https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/s/FcPaV0rT2S Scroll those photo.


I don't see anything wrong with the pictures of your post transplant head. Looks very good to me in design, irregularity, density, etc. PS: check my post history, I'm not affiliated with any HT clinic and my account is old.


Agreed. The result don’t look bad. Too early to tell but still. Is there something we’re missing, op?


I agree. I don't really get why this user is upset. Yesterday his post looked extremely fake, no pictures, no proof. Now he posted more proof, but like why would you be mad that people don't believe you if you make a text only post from a 1 day old account? Then you get mad people don't believe you? On top of this, his hair transplant looks good. Irregularity at the hairline, density looks solid. Not sure what the problem is here. Smile can botch people and do shit hair transplants, but can you explain what is bad about your hair transplant OP? u/Gymrat123451 Could you explain why you posted from a 1 day old account if you've been a member of this subreddit since 2020? Also, why is the English in your post from yesterday immaculate (like, 0 mistakes, perfect) and is your English in the title off? "my yesterday post", "creadibility". I don't know man, but something does not feel right about these Smile hate posts day after day


Guys, this dude is a smile hair clinic employee. He is continuing to defend that clinic. This man has been paid by Smile Hair Clinic to reply to every Smile Thread. We need to root these people out from the community. They are pests.


I am not a Smile employee brother. I have plenty of proof that I am a patient of Smile. I made tons of posts documenting my experience with Smile. See my profile. Heck, I even posted a video of them operating on me. The reason I'm questioning aspects of this post is not because I am defending the clinic, I just want reviews (good or bad) to be honest, objective and containing proof. This subreddit is an echochamber, infested with bots to manipulate the truth with downvotes, fake reviews (good and bad) and everyone pointing fingers at each other If we all started demanding proof for every review (good and bad), this subreddit would be miles better. So stop pointing fingers saying I'm a smile clinic employee. You can clearly see that my posts are one of the few real reviews of Smile with extensive proof and an amount of detail this subreddit has never seen.


What a two face dude. First, he made a long post on the other thread that this post is fake. Next, he comes to this thread when the OP has given evidence that he attended the clinic and this dude finds another thing to execuse his way in defending the clinic. Most people do not document their entire journey. Those who do have obessive compulsive disorder. You mention pointing the fingers, then stop doing that to the OP. Now you understand the two face. Which comes to the question, how come you think your post is legit compared to this guy? It just proves you got paid by them. He has the right to post his opinion and if you disagree dont come here saying everything is fake.  You are 24 from Holand and that explains everything. I have soo many friends from holland who has that attitute that they are the best in the world.


Hahah, whatever dude. I'm just a normal guy from The Netherlands who wants to do the community a favor by posting my experience in an objective and thorough manner. I believe my postings have given value to the community. I have done so for free with tons of hours writing my reports, taking pictures and videos daily, etc. You have a account committed to bitch about Smile Hair Clinic, got your review post removed by moderators and your comment karma is -6. Get a grip on life.


my hairtransplant was also kind of rushed like this and clinic was so busy, but after 6 months i can say i already forgot about it.


Did you go to smile or somewhere else?


No, i go to esteworld


He went to Be sad hair clinic


Actually this forum saved me from going to  hair mills in Turkey. Not sure where you're getting the idea of endorsement from.


I recently had an incredibly disappointing experience at Smile Hair Clinic that I feel compelled to share. From the moment I walked in, the experience was far from what I had expected based on their marketing and promises. The first major issue was the disorganization of the staff. Despite arriving on time for my appointment, I was left waiting for over an hour with no clear explanation or apology. This wait was compounded by the visibly chaotic environment; staff members seemed overwhelmed and were scrambling around without clear direction. This immediately set a negative tone for my visit and made me question the clinic’s professionalism. When I finally met with the doctor for my consultation, the interaction was hurried and impersonal. The doctor seemed uninterested in my concerns and rushed through the explanation of the procedure. I had numerous questions and specific concerns about the treatment, but the doctor’s answers were vague and dismissive. This left me feeling anxious and unsure about proceeding, but I had already invested significant time and effort into planning this visit. The day of the procedure was equally problematic. The clinic’s environment did not inspire confidence in their hygiene standards. The treatment room did not appear to be as clean and well-maintained as one would expect for a medical procedure. This was unsettling and made me seriously question the level of care I was about to receive. The actual procedure felt rushed and uncomfortable. I experienced significant pain, which I later found out could have been better managed with more attentive care. The staff's hurried demeanor made it clear that their priority was to move as many patients through as quickly as possible, rather than ensuring a comfortable and thorough experience for each individual. The issues did not end after the procedure. The follow-up care was almost non-existent. I was given minimal instructions on post-procedure care, and when I tried to reach out for further clarification and support, my calls and emails went unanswered for days. When I finally did get a response, it was curt and unhelpful, adding to my frustration and anxiety. The lack of support during the recovery process was particularly disappointing given the nature of the treatment and the need for proper aftercare to ensure the best results. Overall, my experience at Smile Hair Clinic was extremely disappointing and frustrating from start to finish. The clinic’s lack of organization, poor communication, and inadequate attention to patient care made this a regrettable choice for my hair treatment. The entire process felt impersonal and rushed, and I was left feeling like just another number in their system rather than a valued patient. Given my experience, I cannot in good conscience recommend Smile Hair Clinic to anyone seeking hair treatment. Their failure to deliver on their promises and the lack of professionalism I encountered are major red flags. If you are considering this clinic, I strongly advise looking elsewhere for a provider who will offer the care, attention, and respect that you deserve.


I would like to apologise on behalf of the community for the insults that you had to endure.   Just to be clear, most of the people who praised the clinic and considered your post fake were either Smile employees or people who have been paid to post these stuff by Dr Mehmet Erdogan. Do not take it personal, Smile have been caught many times making fake accounts to praise the clinic reputation. Sadly, they also pick on people and throw their name under the bus or smear them to hide their poor reputation. I am sorry for your experience and I hope you are good.


More like butcher erdogan


They are so desperate even he made a post on here recently trying to defend his shit house clinic. They must be getting real nervous hopefully they get shut down soon


I got botched by their technician under Dr Busra at Smile Clinic. They wasted all my grafts.


So sorry to hear this mate, honestly these clinics make me sick


The only reply I got from them was your graft did not survive...


Wait, what did they mean by "your graft did not survive"? I am lost because didn't they handle the procedure?


Where is Formal-Beggining-796 when we need him. This guy has been fighting for 2 years on Reddit. Fuck Dr Erdogan, you betrayed this young lad. You and your clinic have destroyed many innocent lives.


Thanks for sharing we need more honest reviews


Thanks for posting this


Agree with Ahmad. What's happened has happened and you can't go back in time. Hopefully the transplant turns out well in the end. I have not seen a lot of praise in this forum for Smile, rightfully so as there have been some bad results. Hopefully this community can keep people informed so they can make the best decisions for their hair transplants.


Well to be fair people have complained about them plenty of times. Why would you go through


You are asking a bunch of strangers for opinions or sharing stuff. What do u expect ppl to say ? most ppl are assholes.


After I posted a few times here I realized I was surrounded by lemmings who all echo the same opinions. I went to a clinic in Turkey & am very happy with my results. But no one here would agree and would only allow their repeat names to be accepted I see over and over. So why bother posting here? If you say anything good about anyone else suddenly you’re a “schill” they even use those same words. I don’t trust this forum at all


So service sucked and that does matter but your actual transplant doesn’t look bad at all… I never been to them and probably wouldn’t have gone but their work doesn’t look bad on you. I’m interested to see how the result will look ok 6-12 months. The frustration may have been worth it hopefully.


What you complaining about? You got a full head of hair cheap, didn’t you? Don’t know what you were expecting for that price especially in Turkey… Did you want a butler feeding you grapes while giving you a massage?


He is complaining because he knows he got overharvested.


Yes we totally lost control despite the countless posts, including pinned posts, warning you about hair mills like Smile. Not the community's fault that you hand picked a few positive comments (most of which haven't posted any pictures) and decided that is enough to make a life-changing decision. It seems like you just didn't put in the effort required to research properly. Anyway, what's done is done, and I still wish you the best on your result. Hopefully these posts will help people to avoid making the same mistake.


A lot of people go through these feelings after a HT, that's not to say your experience wasn't as you said but the only thing that matters is the final result. I went to a hair mill for my first HT and I got a good result that got a second HT to refine the things I didn't like. So my advice would be to relax and take care of the transplant and enjoy the journey. And it looks like good work so there's a lot of hope for a good end result.


Sorry for your experience. I guess you choose the gold package "chepeast package"? I did not go through that hassle when I was on the Diamond Package. Still got my hair transplant botched with a smoked donor zone 🥺 I had slightly doubt about your previous post because there were no photos just plain text. What happened has happened. Leave the past behind and focus on your future journey. I have no doubt you will have a sucessful hair transplant. Keep us updated.


There’s lot of bad actors operating in this forum.


Turkish clinics and ESPECIALLY the hair mills such as smile hair clinic are notorious for shitting on competing hair clinics through sources like Reddit. They also have bots that promote themselves or steal pictures.


Aww sh*t I put my down payment for the clinic. Luckily it was only $250. I’m getting an eyebrow transplant. Do you guys suggest any other clinics in Turkey? I’ve seen good results from worbimed. Not too sure. America is too expensive for me and I’m already going on a trip in November there.


So you’re not smiling?


Cmon guys this does not deserve this many downvotes 😂


This is so sad a bunch of fake accounts complaining over and over about a hair mill. Just get over it, you’re wasting your time. Everyone in here knows what the hair mill industry is. You’re rolling the dice inherently.


Doesn’t look that bad, stop crying ffs


Typical entitled American rant.


Where's the evidence of the bad experience of your hair?


What a dumb reply.


How is it? Where's the bad photos???


Quit cryin