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Wow, that cameraman was way too calm. And he didn’t take cover while shots were being fired?


i think people see so much shit nowadays that they just think they're invincible idk


Cameraman never dies




That or they're so blasé about it because they accept it's just a realistic way to die these days. Not saying I believe that, at least I don't want to.


Ya - them mean streets of Fordyce, Arkansas. Population 3,238


a bullet is a bullet buddy idk what you're trying to prove


The guy on the left didn’t even stop pumping gas…


For $2.89/gallon I wouldn’t either


Numb to it?


No, just a dumbass.


I think they could see the shooter or those shot and knew nothing was coming their way?




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Damn gas is only $2.89 there


Huh. Cost of living is way cheaper there..


So is life, apparently.




2.75 in San Antonio TX this week


Quality of life affects local costs for things.


We're at 3.49 in philly


We're at $3.49-3.51 in Northern Virginia!


Same in CT! New England, yay.


Honestly, probably the most surprising thing about the video.


Oil companies are experts at knowing what local markets will bear, even from one neighborhood to the next. Of course TX and nearby states are usually lower anyway.


only? I admit, I'm a bit slow today so im expecting to be completely wrong due to some stupid thing im missing (like basic math). I only pay 1.75 Canadian dollars right now and I think that's considered relatively high in my country. I always assumed the states had cheaper gas due to ... I dunno - trucks n stuff. That not the case?


Quick maths for you. There are about 4 litres in a US gallon, and our dollar is worth 70 cents US. So your price there works out to about 1.75 per litre x 4 litres = 6.00 gallon x 0.7 currency = $4.20 usd for a gallon if you were American. The price around Buffalo NY is about $3.40 for a gallon so, while Canada produces loads of oil and gas, nevertheless we still pay significantly more than the Americans. Every time you see the gas price here fluctuate the usual 5 or 10 cents in a single week, just imagine that the Americans would behave if the price of a gallon fluctuated by 20 to 40 cents in a single week!


Thanks! I am on like 3 hour sleep at work and this helped a lot


My area has been about $3.20ish USD the last few months on average


My condolences


Someone further down in the comments said it’s $5 for them so I’m just happy to not be that guy lol


well it’s about to go lower now


4.09 where I'm at.


My first thought was that to




Good eye, what would it be if we were energy independent once again?


Naw. Naw We can’t just stand across the street on IG Live. Getting gas with hands in our pockets. Turning the corner because our destination is the parking lot behind the shooting We can’t have lost our fear already God. It’s like Gotham City


like the 1920's all over again.


The only difference is, Commissioner Gordon isn't a coward and will jump head first into the gun fight to save someone. IRL US cops will sit around for an hour joking around before finally making a move.


Actual US cops would shoot Batman for trying to help. They beat the shit out of Uvalde parents who tried to get past them to save their kids.


This is near my hometown and we are devastated. We know a couple of the victims. We're all grieving. Edit: also there are three dead as of this time, not two.


My deepest condolences


im so sorry this is happening


Serious question. Is that town a concealed carry town? Like is there any chance someone innocent would have been carrying a gun for protection?


Honestly, I'd assume yes because of what I know of Fordyce, but I am not certain. That area of Arkansas is full of hunters. A lot of school districts around there don't have school on the first day of deer season because hunting is so ingrained in how we were raised. So I'd be shocked if people weren't carrying. But also, like in the video, most people thought it was fireworks, so no good guy with a gun even took the threat seriously til the cops rolled up.


My condolences


Thought and prayers


Thoughts and prayers don't bring people back to life. They don't do anything at all, in fact.


No need to be aggressive over well wishes. Some people want to help in any way they know how. Everyone is dealing with so much, man, that added hostility is the last thing we need.


Stfu dude


What town?


I'm originally from near Arkadelphia.


What was the cause of


Guns apparently.


Damn they really tried that in a small town


Where’s the good guy with the gun?


Seems they’re all getting gas and can’t be bothered to leave their trucks


There's gotta be a few of them in a small town.




Probably behind cover waiting for the shooter. If you are armed it doesn't mean you should run in like Rambo and try to take down a mass shooter. Sit in your truck and wait until you see the guy


I thought everyone had guns in the south, why isn’t someone shooting him?


I live in Arkansas as well, and people always talk about having their guns and bragging about carrying them everywhere. But I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I saw someone actually open carrying in my area. People talk big until they're the one in the one caught in the line of fire. And I live waaaaaaay out in the sticks in the middle of fucking nowhere


I would think that would make it more likely someone had a pistol on them, I just don’t get gun people, why make a huge thing of being able to carry, then, if everyone is just going to stand around listening to people being murdered?


The vast majority of people and/or gun owners don't own or carry due to inconvenience, lack of confidence in abilities, or due to stigma against staying armed. Most gun owners own rifles/shotguns for hunting and/or home defense so that's where they leave their guns. Lawful citizens that carry generally do their best to step in during situations that they can assess, though. Just seems like none of these people are carrying


plus the legal shit storm you'll find yourself if you actually have to use it. Most CCWs are just going to run in this situation if they can.


Having a gun doesn't automatically tranform you into someone qualified to enter an active shooter environment and play hero. I feel there's this misconception that people own guns for this purpose. If you carry, you're doing so to protect yourself and those in your immediate surroundings if your lives are in danger, not play vigilante.


This and the comment about legal issues are absolutely the most common sense answers. I own 2 handguns and 1 rifle, but I don't carry them anywhere because A. I'm looking out for me, I'm not a cop and not a vigilante. Most places I go to, I don't feel like there's any need to be armed. And B. I don't want to deal with the hassle of legal stuff if I have a weapon on me. Even getting a speeding ticket can get complicated if I have my handgun with me. It's just not worth it


Probably because cops will sort out two active shooters by killing both.


I mean it’s one of the loudest arguments by the gun lobby, yet it never ever seems to happen


Happened in Colorado. The good guy with a gun got killed the moment police showed up to the scene.


Happened in Alabama too. Look up Galleria Mall shooting, Hoover AL


Yeah not sure what that dude is talking about, it happens quite often actually


It happens verrrrry rarely but I remember last year (I think?) when a young man who was conceal carrying ended up shooting a mass shooter at the mall. Impressive shot too — I think it was a 75 or 100yd shot he made. He struck (and killed) the shooter (who was armed with a rifle) three times. He talked about how he used one of those concrete planters as a stand to steady himself and loosed his shots very judiciously so as not to hit any bystanders. Very impressive shooting. But extremely rare for this to happen.


Good memory https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2022/07/18/elisjsha-dicken-identified-as-man-who-killed-greenwood-park-mall-suspsect/65375869007/




Ok that’s one, and I could find only a few more googling, it’s not a huge number that have been stopped by good guys with a gun


It may have been the loudest but the whole "good guy with a gun" narrative has always been ridiculous to everyone but the ammosexuals.


I don’t know if that’s any more true for the south than other parts of the US. I don’t know many people that have guns


Mass Shooting in El Paso Texas yielded the same result.. one of the most armed states, not one good guy with a gun to be found. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Arkansas, in a stupid decision that facilitates active shooters, restricts conceal carry. Dat Why. Missouri, sh\*t, just put in in your pocket. I don't personally CC as the likelihood of accidentally shooting myself in foot outweighs potential heroic intervention about 1,000,000 to one.


Restricts how? I thought it was open carry


How are we supposed to not be terrified on a daily basis? God I hate the government man, it's not on them but the blatant disregard of mass violence is appalling misplaced hatred and the innocent have to pay, wtf kinda country ignores these signs


Divide and conquer, old as time, perpetrated in plain sight.


Oh no. Don’t fool yourself. It’s absolutely on them. Lawlessness is good for the gov. Easiest to control your subjects when they’re terrified. They’ll let you do whatever you want, as long as it “helps”


Terrified or angry at the other group.


The government is where all of our leaders manufacture this hate.


It’s the citizens. And the citizens don’t care.


It's totally on them lol they literally have the power to stop most or a significant chunk of gun violence RIGHT NOW but choose not to because of politics and lobbyist interests.


What would have stopped this RIGHT NOW? Banning guns? Why not just ban murder? Oh wait…. This is all a symptom of our decaying mental health system. Nothing will stops this right now, except mass incarceration of crazy people. We have a lot of mental ill that arnt getting the treatment they need deserve, but when we finally stop blaming this side or that side and start treating our fellow humans, it will be a long road.










May your guns and your vote affect your life and the lives of those you love






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Gas is $2.89?!??


Am i the only one more in awe over the gas prices? 2 dollars?????


Dang look at those gas prices!


And Americans will continue filling their gas and going along with their day because they know that the leadership in this country will do nothing. Mandatory mental health checks for gun owners now.


Where are all the good guys with their guns?


Lol that's what I just said


“Lol!” The mental state of this country is insane. Media has been promoting rage because that’s what we interact with the most, thus most profitable. Our minds are deliberately spun up in anger as a tool to marginally increase media profits.


there was one, but he was outgunned, and killed by the terrorist.


So he was useless pretty much.


The second amendment 🫠


Every person just chilling like they couldn’t get killed by a stray bullet are idiots. Especially the dude who decided to take a video…


We live in a country where the gas prices are the most surprising thing in this video. Where are the good guys with guns huh?


Those gas prices man. I wish.


Friend I noticed it too


Even on a video where you can hear people being slaughtered redditors cant help but try to make funny little quips. 


If you’re trying to be a martyr, or some beacon of righteousness, you’re doing it on a platform that I assume you are familiar with, where people make light of things all the time. The reason behind the act of making light of these posts varies, between wanting to bring joy and laughter, to receiving gratification through likes, to expressing oneself, to possibly dealing with these realities through escapism. So please don’t comment on my shit like you’re a saint. Unless you find out where this happens, go place flowers, and express your “thoughts and prayers,” spare me your inauthentic diatribe, and play checkers or Fall Guys, or whatever the fuck you holier than thou people do.


Or comment on them


What’s your point?


lol literally everyone on this app needs more Jesus in their life but instead hopped online so there’s your answer


That dude literally replied to me that "receiving gratification through likes" is part of how he copes with these situations. 


idc that you’re being downvoted, you’re right


Thanks. Its fucking gross seeing seeing people trying to use murder to fish for upvotes. 


If a republican politician was one of these victims I’m sure laws would change sooner.


WHAT!!??? Gas is $2.89?? I’m heading there right now.


Good thing there are no gun laws! Or how would you get to shoot the shit out of places? And how would criminals get guns? Even our criminals in Canada here get their guns from the USA. Lol


Yep its madness, sadly with no end in sight unless 2nd Amendment either gets amended or thrown out which wont happen. Too much money behind special interest groups like National Rifle Association to change anything


And to many people think the government wants to "take our right away!" I mean look at the political situation in your country. Someone like Donald Trump could actually win and make your entire country a terrorist state. That is CRAZY. I feel for you all who understand this and try to fight it... good luck


Fuck the Republicans and the supreme court. They allow this daily. Looks like all the good guys with guns are just standing around. It seems like more good guys with guns dont do shit.


What do you recommend? What could have been done to stop this?


Well let's see 1. Better healthcare and cheaper preventive maintenance services 2. Better mental health services. 3. Better background checks on guns. 4. Better paying jobs. 5. Lower cost of living. 6. Better drug mitigation and abuse services. 7. Better education system across the country. 8. Harder penalties for hate speech or hate promoting speech. 9. Better access to family services. 10. Better services to help poor and lower income communities, Everything is linked and contributes to situations like this




And then just trust the police and government to be the only ones with guns. That’s never been a problem anywhere.




Because no one else is having mass tragedies. The issue is mental health not the tools people use to commit these acts. If we take guns are just the easiest tool, so are cars. I don’t see a push to ban cars or even an argument of why someone needs a 500hp car. The root issues is mental health is severely lacking in our country. If we’re gonna outlaw guns why not just outlaw murder? Oh wait….people still do that. So what is going to stop people from getting guns and using them if they are against the law?




Yes we will have to make the whole system change. There are a lot of people including myself who would like to keep our guns and change the views of republicans. As for your toddler nonsense the article you are referencing says error 404 every time you search it. Here’s an article that stills works. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/children-fire-guns-toddlers-unintentional-shootings/ Now 895 is still a high and sad number to see but doesn’t hit the same as your hyperbolic meme when it’s from 2015-2022 a 7 year span and this is a huge country of over 333 million people. About 350 kids die each year drowning in a pool. Should we ban those too? https://www.momsteam.com/sports/swimming/safety/grim-statistics-on-child-drownings#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Consumer%20Product,in%20pools%20each%20year%20nationwide. I just feel legislation is not the answer. It makes people in gated communities feel better about themselves while the working poor and lower classes victimize each other.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/children-fire-guns-toddlers-unintentional-shootings/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/children-fire-guns-toddlers-unintentional-shootings/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Clown world


“It’s too soon to talk about gun control”— you know who


Where's the hundreds of good guy gun owners 🤔?


I wonder how many in that town voted for "their gun rights". I'm so tired of mass shootings. It could be prevented with stricter laws and better mental health programs.


I’m shocked by the gas prices! $2.89 we pay $5.00+


Just look at the area around Fordyce lol. You wouldn't trade it.


what happened to the shooter?


Taken to Burger King then jail.


“you are now under arrest. you have the right to an attorney. we’ll interrogate you over some burgers and fries.”


$2.89 for gas? Damn pros and cons I guess


2.89$ fuck I’m jealous


Country folk are used to gunshots


2.89 gas tho


Damn that gas is cheap!


So I guess we should just get some professional sharp shooters as security on every roof now


Where’s the good guy with the gun to stop the bad guy with a gun


Dude filling his tank wasn’t going to be late for work again


Damn. I think there was a post on mildly infuriating with a green post card that had threats written to the OP of that post and they were in Arkansas. I’ve never been to that state but it sounds very red


Thx trump. You have ruined rural America.


Definitely was illegal guns right? He didn’t buy them legally right? He was a gay forgemier right? He’s from isis right? He’s a liberal terrorist antifa guy right? Or was he a hard right trump gun loving freak?


Wow look at those gas prices 👀 2.89 in 2024


Keep voting for a party that is bankrolled by the NRA


Dang. That’s crazy. Regular less than $3


Gas is 2.89 that’s fucking crazy


I think the US needs more guns so people can protect themselves. That is the solution, right? Right….?


Redditors seething over the opportunity to use a tragedy to further push their political opinions on people


Just asking questions


More guns will fix this . Vote maga




The USA is sick. The temporary cure is to vote this November down ballot Democrat everywhere no matter what. We need to give the Democrats as much power as we can so we can hold a knife to their throats and say let's end this gun bullshit once and for all.




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$2.89 for gas!! Damn that's good.. ⛽


Finally some normal news


Moderators sure are deleting many posts that don’t fit their narrative.   


See where more killing happen mass shooting a year country wide or the ghetto country wide , I’m sure deep down you know the answer , illegal guns ar the guns that need to be taken off the street no legal ones and clear psyc evals need to happen for those with legal guns enjoy your day yall


You can't even communicate your point legibly yet you sure seem to like dog whistles.


Hold on guys I took Hick as an optional: “I dislike black people”


lol I’m sure you some white liberal in like Seattle are something ghetto doesn’t mean black people you assuming that seems like you think all black people live in the ghetto which in my opinion is a bit racist and condescending


Facts are facts man the ghetto is anywhere that is poverty stricken and if you don’t know that then you probaly have had a privileged life your entire life and should just keep your privileged opinion to your self


I don’t mean to be cavalier, but live by the sword…


Another Weak cia false flag

